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663 adventures found
Cover of ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
Levels 10–12
32 pages

The final fate of Roslof Keep and the Company of the Ivory Scimitar hangs in the balance. With five levels conquered, the party must finally face the ultimate challenge of the sixth and final floor. Can the stalward adventures overcome the last defense of the Infernal Machine? Will Roslof Keep be freed from the violet corruption? What unforeseen plot twists still await those willing to brave the challenges presented in The Realms of Madness and Despair? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of DS1 Freedom
DS1 Freedom
Level 3
120 pages

Enter the ancient and corrupt city of Tyr, whose tyrannical sorcerer king has ruled for a millennium. As you wander the city, from the wreck of the Elven warrens to the sanguine splendor of the arena, you realize that the citizens of Tyr thirst less for water than they do for freedom. Now, after a century of slave labor, sorcerer king Kalak's great ziggurat nears completion. He has promised the city a grand celebration when the monument is done, complete with the most brutal arena spectacle in Tyr's long history. Rumors abound as to the nature of the spectacle: some believe it will bring with it the longed for manumission of countless slaves: others fear the annihilation of Tyr and her people as a sacrifice to Kalak's hunger for power; and a secret few believe it will be a day of revolution - a day of freedom. The adventure that introduces the Dark Sun setting as well as part of its metaplot. The adventure starts with the PCs being enslaved and forced to work on Tyr's ziggurat, where they make various connections that can affect things both in this adventure and the next in the series (Road to Urik). The finale takes place simultaneously with the finale of the Verdant Passage novel, and has something of a disaster movie feel - major events are happening, and the PCs are trying to survive in their shadow and (hopefully) save some people as well. Like many other Dark Sun modules, this adventure comes with a flip-book full of handouts as well as a few pre-generated starting-level characters. TSR 2401

Cover of WS2.6 Lost Among the Crystals
WS2.6 Lost Among the Crystals
Levels 3–5
8 pages

Lost Among the Crystals is a companion adventure made to go along with the vents unfolding in Folio #15 (WS2 The Forgotten Plateau). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help the characters in their exploration of the Sacred Plateau. The mighty crystal fields of the Sacred Plateau have become a confusing maze amid the now rising vapors of necrotic energy that masks the midlands. Even the keen senses of 'Numphy', the party Triceratops beast of burden, have become dulled. Can the players navigate the crystal maze and find their true goal on the far side? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of Crypt of the Smoke Dragon
Crypt of the Smoke Dragon
16 pages

This self-contained game gives you and your friends the experience of playing the Dungeons & Dragons game in an easy-to-learn format. In this Fast-Play Game, you and your friends take on the imaginary roles in a fantastic tale of mighty heroes, mythical dragons, and powerful magic. This demo version of the game is designed to give you the feel of playing the Dungeons & Dragons game. The full game contains all sorts of options to help you create your own on-going sword and sorcery campaign. We'll tell you more about that at the end of this booklet.

Cover of Iasc
Levels 3–4
10 pages

"Something Fishy" - a Celtic-world campaign. "Iasc" is set in a small Celtic kingdom that can be fit into any medieval/fantasy campaign. The PCs need not be Celts. The likelihood of combat is very high, and the party is recommended to host several warriors.

Cover of FD6 - Ossuary of the Bear
FD6 - Ossuary of the Bear
Levels 2–5
19 pages

Picking up where the adventures left off in Sordack Valley, the PCs gain information on areas with potential treasure. Several ruins are just within reach and at least one may be the burial site known as the Ossuary of the Bear! A magical crozier was said to be buried there and has never been found. Are your players ready to make themselves legends?

Cover of C3 The Lost Island of Castanamir
C3 The Lost Island of Castanamir
Levels 1–4
32 pages

In this scenario, the adventurers pass through magical portals into a series of interlinked chambers. The characters are encouraged by a young scholarly mage to voyage into the Sea of Pastures, to explore a mysterious island connected with a number of recent shipwrecks and disappearances. The island is grassy and windblasted, but eventually the characters discover a stone door leading into a subterranean complex. There, they discover 18 rooms linked by secret passages and magical portals. Most of these rooms have been ransacked by a variety of other survivors, human and monstrous. These survivors are likewise trapped within the labyrinth and are either eking out a miserable existence there or else desperately searching for a means of escape. Also within the building are a number of extraplanar creatures, collectively known as gingwatzim, who can shift between various forms: an energy form (glowing ball of light), an inanimate form (usually a magical weapon), and an animate form (an animal or monster). Eventually the characters may find the exit, and are once again deposited on the dreary islands to await rescue. TSR 9110

Cover of DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
Levels 7–10
121 pages

The palace of the Forest Queen contains treasures unimaginable. To the sons and daughters of Athas's harsher climes, Gulg and the Crescent Forest seem almost perversely lush, a jumble of green and growing things hording precious water for the benefit of the few. But while basking in the glow of Lalali-Puy6's gratitude, your characters have the richness of the forest at your beck and call. Of course, the Oba's sensibilities are easily bruised, and her nature is notoriously unforgiving. Gulg's dank dungeons are only a staging area to a deadly ceremony, where the young nobles of the city chase prisoners through the forest to earn their places as lords of their city - the Red Moon Hunt. Play this as a stand-alone adventure or as the sequel to Freedom, Road to Urik, and Arcane Shadows. TSR 2412

Cover of Barnacus: City in Peril
Barnacus: City in Peril
Levels 1–5
12 pages

In the kingdom of Keystone, at the mouth of the Manyforks River, stands the port city of Barnacus. It was founded two hundred years ago, and its strategic military and commercial location has made it the second most important city in the kingdom. The city is under the rulership of Haermond II, Duke of the province of Elcadan, a half-elf of high esteem who has been in charge for more than a century. His outstanding commercial politics have made the city very prosperous; almost every trade company in this part of the continent has a counting house in the port of Barnacus. Because of this prosperity, the city has suffered many pirate raids, and thieving activity is a fact of life for residents and visitors alike.

Cover of U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Levels 1–3
31 pages

Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist's mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. Mysterious lights and ghostly hauntings have kept away the people of Saltmarsh, despite rumors of a fabulous, forgotten treasure. What is its sinister secret. Made for 5-10 character of levels 1-3, contains maps, handouts and encounter descriptions. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom for beginning adventures with the AD&D rules. TSR 9062

Cover of Bristanam's Cairn
Bristanam's Cairn
Levels 8–12
6 pages

A friendly little cottage and a dreadful secret. As the adventure begins, the PCs are on a journey through temperate, wilderness hills -- perhaps toward a destination of importance in the ongoing campaign, or they might merely be wandering in search of heroic opportunities. Pgs. 20-25

Cover of Harbinger House
Harbinger House
Levels 4–7
64 pages

A succubus with an unquenchable lust for power is turning the Cage into a ripping madhouse. And the Lady of Pain ain't pleased. . . . Something's foul in Sigil, berk. A mad slasher prowls the streets, leaving a trail of bloody clues in his wake. Leatherheads boldly court the Lady of Pain, longing for the sharp touch of her shadow. Even the silent dabus're acting barmy, a sure sign that the Lady herself is uneasy. Are these strange events tied to a madhouse full of spell-touched sods ready to slip the bonds of mortality? A curious body'd better step carefully. After all, the dead-book's full of fools who wished for power?or got in the way of another berk's wish. Harbinger House is a Planescape adventure for four to six characters of 4th to 7th levels. From Sigil to the Outlands and back again, the heroes must piece together a puzzle that could shake the Cage to its foundations. A dark secret of the multiverse wails to be discovered in the lunatic asylum called Harbinger House, and only the player characters can shape its power-for good or ill. TSR 2614

Cover of Death Triumphant
Death Triumphant
Levels 6–10
64 pages

"At midnight everyone will die..." Azalin the lich lord is launching another diabolical plan. He has allied himself with the entity known as Death, and together they plan to raze the domain of Darkon. From the ashes of the once-mighty land will rise a new domain - Necropolis, the land of the dead! For the citizens of Darkon, death has been an everyday companion, and sometimes a yearned-for end to suffering. However, now the cold comfort of the grave is forever denied these good men and women as they find themselves walking the land after their breath has left them. Heroes have always considered the undead to be mere monsters, legions of mindless evil to be slain with no second thought. Now the heroes will learn the agony of actually being one of the living dead. They become monsters, and the entire world becomes their enemy. Death Triumphant: A 64-page adventure that puts the heroes in the middle of Lord Azalin's ultimate scheme to escape from Ravenloft. Death Triumphant can be played as a stand-alone adventure or as the final chapter in the Grim Harvest series. Part of TSR 1146 Requiem - The Grim Harvest

Cover of WG6 - Isle of the Ape
WG6 - Isle of the Ape
Levels 18–20
48 pages

Isle of the Ape is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game World of Greyhawk campaign setting, in which the events occur in a magical demiplane of the same name created by the mad archmage Zagyg Yragerne TSR 9153

Cover of FS8 - Ransom of the Thane's Daughter
FS8 - Ransom of the Thane's Daughter
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Thane Tinewiner’s daughter has been kidnapped just before her betrothal and her love slain! Who will avenge this mockery? Can the girl be brought back alive? Is your PC brave enough to face this challenge alone? Surely a handsome reward will be at stake but more so the fame of saving a damsel in distress and the honor to go with it. Few clues are available and most of the Thane’s military are on the hunt for the woman so you’ll need a little bit of luck if you are to grab the honors and save the day.

Cover of Melancholy Meetings
Melancholy Meetings
Levels 4–6
32 pages

Forlorn is a dreary yet dangerous place, a land of secrets and whispers. Visitors can expect to find no safe rest, no respite from the terrible creatures that plague this land. The skies are perpetually overcast and the land is damp with rain. By night, sheet lightning illuminates the sky in ghastly colors. Even if the intrepid adventurers who come to explore Forlorn know that the lord of this domain is forever trapped within his strange castle, they should take small comfort from it. Servants of Tristen ApBlanc roam freely, and the land itself is horribly twisted. The encounters in this book are designed to offer an introduction to Forlorn and provide clues about both its lord and his home. Melancholy Meetings is intended to be used before the castle adventure book, Eve of Sorrows, but it's not necessary for the PCs to experience all of the encounters in this book before embarking upon the next. Included in Castles Forlorn - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/castles-forlorn TSR 1088, from 1993

Cover of Bride of Mordenheim
Bride of Mordenheim
Levels 2–4
6 pages

This short adventure is set in the Ravenloft domain of Lamordia where the PCs find themselves trying to save a beautiful maiden from the mad scientist, Dr. Victor Mordenheim, who is trying to restore life to his dead wife. TSR 9336

Cover of The Stolen Power
The Stolen Power
Levels 1–3
9 pages

An evil cult with a trick up its sleeve. A missing tome, a trail of clues and an unusual cult. Lawful-good characters, especially paladins are recommended for this adventure. Clerics of Aphrodite, Hanali Celanil, Hera, and lshtar have a special interest in despoiling the cult of Shami-Amourae. [Note: Adventure contains statistics for the Demigod Succubus, Shami-Amourae] Pgs. 19-27

Cover of ROS1 Beneath Roslof Keep
ROS1 Beneath Roslof Keep
Levels 1–3
44 pages

Beneath an ancient castle on the borderlands, reclaimed from the ruins of a lost civilization, there is a dark and deadly tournament being held. Seven stalwart adventuring companies, each representing a wealthy noble house, delve into the depths of the Dungeon of the Black Fey Mithelvarn. Each races to be the first to claim the power of the infernal machine that drives it, and find the Elixir of Immortality it contains. Can your party take up one of the relic banners and face the challenge of the dungeon, as well as the lethal competition from other companies seeking the prize? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of WS4.5 The Final Stand of the Fallen Leaf
WS4.5 The Final Stand of the Fallen Leaf
Levels 7–9
12 pages

The Final Stand of the Fallen Leaf is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio #17 (WS4 Samurai's Fall). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will finish off the Distant Turtle City story line with the final defeat of the Fallen Leaf Ninja Clan. Distant Turtle City is now free, at least in the aspect of the curse, but a dark power still lives near the old city graveyard, and that power will surely continue to rebuild and spread if not expunged once and for all. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.