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663 adventures found
Cover of I9 Day of Al'Akbar
I9 Day of Al'Akbar
Levels 8–10
40 pages

The land of Arir - a once peaceful desert country, dotted with oases, teeming with caravans - fell into the hand of infidels. The ruler, the dearly loved Sultan Amhara, was killed in the battle for the capital city of Khaibar. He left behind one of the greatest treasure stores ever amassed - jewels and coins, more than anyone had ever seen before or since - and in addition, the Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar. A deadly plague sweeps your land. The holy men say that if only they had the Talisman, they could create cures for this dread disease. Many adventurers have tries and failed to find the Cup and Talisman. Now it is your turn. Find these treasures, and save your people! The journey is exciting, but treacherous. Do not be distracted by exotic sights and sounds, the strange foods. You must avoid being discovered by Al'Farzikh and his brigands, as you infiltrate the palace. Be wary - what is most beautiful may be most deadly, and what seems useless may be priceless. TSR 9178

Cover of FS8 - Ransom of the Thane's Daughter
FS8 - Ransom of the Thane's Daughter
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Thane Tinewiner’s daughter has been kidnapped just before her betrothal and her love slain! Who will avenge this mockery? Can the girl be brought back alive? Is your PC brave enough to face this challenge alone? Surely a handsome reward will be at stake but more so the fame of saving a damsel in distress and the honor to go with it. Few clues are available and most of the Thane’s military are on the hunt for the woman so you’ll need a little bit of luck if you are to grab the honors and save the day.

Cover of The Ice Tyrant
The Ice Tyrant
Levels 5–7
24 pages

The Ice Tyrant is a Dragonlance Firth Age adventure set in Southern Ergoth, the domain of Gellidus the white dragon. This scenario takes the heroes from a coldswept refuge of the Silvanesti elves to the citadel of Anghanor, left untouched since the Knights of Takhisis' withdrawal in 383 A.C. (just before the Second Catalcysm). The once-familiar locales of Ergoth have changed since the War of the Lance. Now, in the Age of Mortals, most of Southern Ergoth is covered by a great glacier, and the capital city of Daltigoth has fallen to ogres loyal to the brutal dragon overlord Gellidus (known to humans as Frost). The adventure begins when the heroes join a band of Silvanesti renegades who have successfully evaded Gellidus' clutches. The elves plan to strike back at the cruel Ice Tyrant by uncovering his "secret" in Anghanor. --from the adventure. NOTE: this module uses the Fifth Age rules based on the Saga card system. It is supplemented by AD&D rule text boxes. As such, there is no recommended level although Tier 2 play seems appropriate. Includes an overland map and a map of the tower and keep. Pgs. 26-49

Cover of WS2.5 The Ruins of Alaxar
WS2.5 The Ruins of Alaxar
Levels 3–5
8 pages

The Ruins of Alaxar is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio #15 (WS2 The Forgotten Plateau). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters in their exploration of the Sacred Plateau. Smoke still rises from the ruinds of the once mighty citadel of the Corsairs of Uthoria. Now, amid the ruins, the characters find that a deadly force still lurks, and they must end it if they are to find the new location of their quest's last hurdle, the Necrotic Pearl! This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of Things That Go Bump in the Night
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Levels 3–6
22 pages

Giants and ghost trees and foul undead beasties... What happens when elves, giants, and a mysterious witch all decide only you can settle their troubles. Strange new tree species! A hobgoblin fort! Unexplained noises during the day and different noises at night! Investigate and explore the Bretonwood to get to the bottom of its problems. The adventure provides an overland open-world style map of the Bretonwood which the players are encouraged to explore. Many set and random encounters are provided. There are opportunities for combat in this area, but players should be ready to handle some problems out of combat to get the most satisfying experience. Pgs. 22-43

Cover of FQ2 - Poisoning of the Elba River
FQ2 - Poisoning of the Elba River
Levels 2–4
29 pages

Your group of adventurers has come together from a successful adventure in the old ruins seeking more fame and glory. As they travel they come upon the small community of Kamortha. Recently a problem occurred when the Witch of Margrove Swamp cursed the community as she left. Now the people have developed some strange facial malady and they want a cure. Can your party of adventurers discover the secret of the plague and resolve it for the fine people of Kamortha?

Cover of A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity
A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity
Levels 4–7
24 pages

It is time to put a stop to the marauders! For years the coastal towns have been burned and looted by the forces of evil. You and your fellow adventurers have been recruited to root out and destroy the source of these raids. But beware, hundreds of good men and women have been taken by the slavers and have never been seen or heard from again! First part of Scourge of the Slave Lords (A1–4) TSR 9039

Cover of The Cities of Sorcery
The Cities of Sorcery
Levels 1–7
124 pages

"Nights on the streets, especially those where walls whisper or ratmen lurk beneath, and never a place for those without purpose. Tonight, amid the gathering shadow, creeping fog, and guttering lamps a lone figure walks with cool intent. Footfalls echoing on the cobbles and a single flare of a pipe, or was that magic, lighting a face that has seen more than its fair share of death..." These are the Cities of Sorcery, Valoria and Taux. Two incredible swords and sorcery settings from the minds of masterful storytellers with a vision born from the works of great masters like Leiber, Howard, and Burroughs. Dare to enter these mean streets where gangs rule, mighty trade houses foster endless vendettas, and dark magic lurks behind the brightest of smiles. Join the adventure in two epic trilogies, a half dozen secondary adventures, and various gazetteers, as you blaze a path to glory and riches among some of the most fabled realms in fantasy. With both 2D & 3D maps, Iconic Characters handouts, campaign characters sheets, and more, this isn't something to miss out on if you are a true hard core gamer. Contains: DF1 The Patina Court DF1.5 Ratmen of the Dead Oak DF2 The Lost Apprentice DF2.5 Gang War! DF3 Forgotten Temple of Tefnu DF3.5 The Creche of Set AT1 The Subtle Revenant AT1.5 Storm Seasons AT2 The King and the Serpent AT2.5 The Part We Must Play AT3 Playing Down the Dawn AT3.5 A Wall beyond Fury The Patina Court Places, 1E and 5E blank Character Sheets, Iconic Characters These adventures are formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of FN4 - Recovery of the Intrepid
FN4 - Recovery of the Intrepid
Levels 3–6
24 pages

"Yea I knows of a job for the likes of you" the bartender says as he wipes off the table. "This wizard who lives near the shore about two or three days ride lost somethin' he was expected on the ship The Intrepid. I hear he wants the cargo back and is willing to pay good coin for it to any who'd chance going into the Lake of Chaos." A grizzled old man in the corner gasps and says “any would want to go into that sea gots to be crazy. Aye, that wizard is lookin' for some crazy people. That waters haunted by dead sailors". "Oh come on” Telkall the bartender continues "you know that’s just an old story to keep kids away from the water. I'm sure it’s going to be an easy job for the likes you. You all appear to be quite able to take care of yourself. Go down the coast road for about two days if yer on horses and you'll see a stone tower. Ask for Kresellus ... he's the one you'll be lookin' for. Oh, and tell him Wolfgar sent ya ... if you could." Well things were getting boring at the Dead Orc Inn anyway.

Cover of The Loathsome Deep
The Loathsome Deep
Level 4
18 pages

In this adventure, the heroes dreamwalk into the nightmares plaguing Sylus Andropov, captain of the doomed sailing ship Wayfarer. It starts with the heroes arriving in Egertus, searching for the Clinic for the Mentally Distressed. Unfortunately, the members of the Nightmare Court don't want help to reach Dr. Illhousen. They throw a dangerous obstacle in the path of the heroes - a killer who terrorized Nova Vaasa a few years ago as the Kantora Strangler. Adventure III: The Loathsome Deep from Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands TSR 1124

Cover of F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Near the Southern end of the Border Hills between Gortelburg and Havendale is an area rumored to be the home of a Minotaur. Recent reports have begun to surface in Havendale of the surrounding farms and villages that a huge Minotaur has begun to disrupt life in the area. The governing board of Havendale has offered a bounty on the beast to anyone who can track it, kill it, and return proof of its demise. Quite a few parties of adventurers have taken up the task but none have returned for the reward.

Cover of Huzza's Goblin O'war
Huzza's Goblin O'war
Levels 4–7
4 pages

Look who's dropping in. A short encounter with a most unusual boarding party. A ruthlus pirate has been terrorizing a local port and it is up to the party to hunt him down and capture his ship. Pgs. 30-33

Cover of Ailamere's Lair
Ailamere's Lair
Levels 6–9
19 pages

A search for the ghostly dragon of the Deadwaters. The sage's deal is simple: The more you learn about the dragon, the richer you get. In this adventure, the bard Rondelle offers players rewards for learning all they can about a mysterious dragon that has been sighted in the area. Pgs. 22-38

Cover of AT1.5 Storm Seasons
AT1.5 Storm Seasons
Levels 5–7
3 pages

Everyone comes to Taux for a reason, and yet they come. A few will brave the Ebon Swamp, but most come via ship, which is the method the party now employs. Unbeknownst to them, however, a strom is brewing, one with untold magical energy that can bend the very fabric of space and time. If they are lucky they will have a story to be told beyond imagination. If they aren't, they will become the fodder of sea-faring legend, just another lost ship that never made it into the sheltered bay of Taux. This mini-adventure sets up the events of Folio #11 (AT1 The Subtle Revenant) This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
Levels 5–10
32 pages

A combination wilderness/dungeon module, first searching for then exploring the temple of Tharizdun. Tharizdun is long gone from the place, so there's no epic final fight. Rather, a mysterious Black Cyst waits at the bottom of the dungeon. The encounter with it is almost scripted, having no hazard except for careless/foolish players. Contains several monsters from the Fiend Folio. Loosely follows Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. TSR 9065

Cover of ROS2 The Tremors in the Machine
ROS2 The Tremors in the Machine
Levels 3–5
40 pages

A series of small earthquakes have brought a sense of disquiet to the town of Daern Kelton and Roslof Keep. Against these strange earthly portents, the members of the Ivory Scimitar have claimed their place as a true Mithel Company, but even greater danger now awaits them in the second level of the Dungeon of the Black Fey Mithelvarn. What lost secrets will be revealed as they journey below? What new threats and adventures can be had in Daern Kelton? The town opens its doors to the brave new heroes of the Company of the Ivory Scimitar. Here continues the Roslof Keep Campaign in the pages of ROS2, The Tremors in the Machine. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of ALQ4 Secrets of the Lamp
ALQ4 Secrets of the Lamp
Levels 2–7
96 pages

Revealed within are the greatest secrets of the genies: their magics, their rulers, and their homelands. From the Citadel of Ice and Steel to the Great Dismal Delve, the works of geniekind are as wondrous as they are magnificent. Tour the City of Brass, from its golden towers to its brazen streets, foil the evil yak men and their dao servants, travel on the desert whirlwinds of the jann. Learn the legends and secret history of the genies, their cities, their foibles, and their feuds. Secrets of the Lamp includes a 64-page sourcebook about genies, a 32-page booklet of adventures set in Zakhara and the City of Brass, a full-color poster map, six cards showing details of the City, and four MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM pages that introduce new genies and other elemental creatures. TSR 9433

Cover of Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Levels 1–4
16 pages

The town of Byr is in need of heroes. Residents of the town of Byr have been kidnapped. Some think it was marauding Hobgoblins, but a grizzled and crippled veteran who helped to drive the Chagmat (monstrous spider-people) back many years ago believes that the Chagmat are back. Their forgotten temple is believed to be up on Little Boy Mountain. He argues that the mountain is where answers, and the missing townsfolk, can be found. Pgs. 33-48

Cover of Gnome Droppings
Gnome Droppings
Levels 2–4
8 pages

Watch your step. Out-of-this-world adventure. An odd box falls by a watch tower and its up to the party to discover what it is and why its here. Pgs. 22-29

Cover of WS3.6 The Ogre Magi of Jade Rock
WS3.6 The Ogre Magi of Jade Rock
Levels 7–9
12 pages

The Ogre Magi of Jade Rock is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio#16 (WS3 Distant Turtle City). It contains information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters in their journey through Distant Turtle City. The Ogre Magi of Jade Rock has invited the characters to reclaim his lost home, and in turn collect valuable supplies of magical healing that will certainly be required to win the day against the corrupted forces of the city's fortified castle. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.