Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is an award-winning 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. Fano. Things here haven't always been so grim. Time and chance have conspired to transform this once magnificent city upon the lake into a run-down sanctum for the destitute and depraved alike. Those who would see Fano renewed seek a lost druid who brings with him the hope to restore the city to its former glory and awaken the ancient technology hidden deep within its constructs. Could Fano's awakening usher in a new era of peace and prosperity, or will it unearth a conspiracy lurking in the shadows? Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is a 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. A uniquely immersive RPG experience, The Lost Druid employs a myriad of digital content that can be experienced using the Alchemy RPG platform. Enjoy a cinematic storytelling structure, breaking chapters into scenes supplemented by expansive soundscapes, dynamic musical scores, voice-acted flavor text, and environmental motion graphics. 2023 IPPY Awards Winner: GOLD in Reference Product Contents: Over 250 Pages Over 2 hours of Audio Content 5 Premade Player Characters 6 Side Quests 7 Tavern Mini Games 35 New NPCs and Monsters Maps: 8 area, 1 city, and 1 region New Backgrounds, Spells, and Magic Items Over 60 NPC Profile Blocks AI Combat Tactics for Every Encounter Published by HITPOINT Press
After a string of successful adventures, you find yourselves reequipping gear in the small community of Tarten. After an unusual currency exchange in the mercantile, the party learns that a group of adventurers had encountered some Goblins possessing old currency belonging to the Co-Tai people. Well, it ain’t grave robbin’ if someone else did for you!
On the shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars, in a small and xenophobic coastal town, there is a mystery that must be unraveled. People have started disappearing during the past months, as a direct result of the criminal activities going on in town, under cloak and dagger. The players must examine clues, talk with witnesses, and investigate further, to help the people of Saltwater restore peace and order. The smuggling mastermind and his lackeys, including a vicious shapeshifter, will stop at nothing to stop the players from achieving their objective. This is a starting adventure for players and DM’s alike, which may also be used as a starting point of your campaign and easily adapted to any small coastal town in your game world. It involves a great deal of roleplaying and some degree of battle, depending on the player’s decisions. A cloak and dagger investigative adventure, for nerves hard as steel and fists tough as nails.
The Heartland Scouts – brave defenders of the Coast Way – have been captured! What their captors haven’t counted on is the adventurers’ feisty animal companions. Left behind, they are nevertheless bound to spell trouble! In this entirely unique adventure, players take on the roles of trusty animal companions and familiars on a quest to rescue their adventurer masters. Surely leaving behind a druid’s harmless badger friend is no threat to one of the great evil powers of the world – or is it? Rescue: A Familiar Tale features a story and challenges designed especially for the animal companions. Players choose and customize their animal companion from over 20 options, with illustrated character sheets included for each one. This adventure does not require existing player characters and can be enjoyed by players of any experience level with the game. While it makes for a perfect “something different” one shot, Rescue can also serve as a session zero for any new campaign and includes guidelines for a fun and surprising way to create inspired new characters at the adventure’s end!
The king has hired adventurers to investigate the sudden rash of giant attacks and strange phenomena around the town of Bywater. Meanwhile the townsfolk believe an evil witch is directing the attacks and only the magic sword of the town's founder can defeat her.
A sequel to the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure for 5th and 6th level characters. An ancient forgotten evil threatens the Sword Coast once again! Our party of intrepid adventurers returns to Phandalin and Wave Echo Cave for what is at first glance a rescue and exploration mission. Prospectors for the Rockseeker mining concern have disappeared deep inside the flooded caverns that give the cave its name. The peril extends much deeper than mere lost explorers though, as the party stumbles upon an ancient, long-forgotten struggle between good and evil. Inexplicable cultists hide in ambush at every turn. A risky raft ride through treacherous underground waterways leads to an ominous discovery. Ancient ruins tell a story of the terrors of the night and a noble alliance sworn to fight them. A search for a powerful weapon of light leads the party on a mind-blowing, sky-high ascent into the unknown. Then, a whirlwind of danger: A rumbling volcano. Legions of undead. A desperate battle for the survival of the region. This adventure was designed as part of “The Next Adventure” Design Jam at the DMs Guild. It works best for a party that has just completed the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure, but it can easily be inserted into any campaign. It is designed for a party of four to six 5th or 6th level characters and, based on playtesting, will take an average of about 3 sessions to complete.
Near the Southern end of the Border Hills between Gortelburg and Havendale is an area rumored to be the home of a Minotaur. Recent reports have begun to surface in Havendale of the surrounding farms and villages that a huge Minotaur has begun to disrupt life in the area. The governing board of Havendale has offered a bounty on the beast to anyone who can track it, kill it, and return proof of its demise. Quite a few parties of adventurers have taken up the task but none have returned for the reward.
A perfect side-quest adventure for a party based in Phandalin or after completion of Lost Mines of Phandelver. Unravel the malevolent mysteries of Knacker’s Knothole! A party of four to six 5th level characters meet Knacker, the ancient awakened grandfather oak, who was introduced in Volo’s Vetted Vendors. He has a request: one of his cherished death’s heads is missing and he implores the party to find out what happened to it. Although Knacker suspects the people of Phandalin, the party’s investigations ultimately reveal a much more sinister threat. The party must investigate the disappearance while an unseen foe attempts to thwart their efforts with ambushes and misdirection. It is not long before there are more disappearances, and the party must use its ingenuity to prevent open hostilities. This adventure is part of a new series based on Volo’s Vetted Vendors and Elminsters Excellent Establishments. It can be played as the final part in this series, and it is also ideally suited to a party that has just completed Lost Mines of Phandelver. This is a 5-7 hour adventure that will advance the party to 6th level. This full-color 60-page adventure includes: * 29 pages of adventure content. * 2 pages of convenient NPC summaries. * 8 beautiful maps suitable for use with any VTT (separate files are included for all maps, including both high- and low-resolution versions). * Many random tables including adventure hooks, customers at Knacker’s Knothole, rumors, random encounters, chase complications and battle events. These tables can provide inspiration for other adventures and campaigns as well! * 20 pages of monster and NPC stat blocks.
The party is enlisted to assist the Righteous Host, an army formed as a last resort to defend the world against the monsters of Elemental Evil. The host is greatly outnumbered. Its leaders send the party on a series of missions, each of which will give the Righteous Host an edge in the great battle to come. This epic adventure ends with the final push against the forces of Elemental Evil in the Meadows, and the outcome is informed by how effective the party is in their missions... and whether they are willing to risk putting themselves in the front lines. If the Righteous Host loses, players may decide to travel to Hommlet or other nearby towns to defend them. Whether the host is successful or not, players can decide to follow many different plot threads: exploring the Temple of Elemental Evil, finding the lich Kell the Eldest's lair and destroying his phylactory, or following the will of Bitbaern's Shield and discovering historical sites that were previously lost. Pgs. 44-69
The Tranquil foothills of the Sword Mountains are quickly plunged into chaos, as a series of earthquakes spread their way through the region. Adding to this danger, bands of vicious, flesh-eating monstrosities have clawed out of the shattered earth, attacking travellers and local residents. Rumours of wealth and riches have drawn the adventurers to the area; little do they know that it is not gold and jewels these monsters protect, but a volatile portal into the Underdark with a disturbing secret.
"It was already a freezing morning when you set out for the legendary Castle of Madness – the mysterious castle that is said to emerge from blizzards once every seven winters. " In this short treasure hunt for one 2nd level player, you'll brave an frigid mountain, an icy cave, and a haunted castle to bring home a pile of loot. Written as a digital gamebook, you will keep track of your character's hit points, spells, and inventory on your character sheet, and keep track of enemies using your own scratch paper. The game will play GM and all enemies.
Settling down as the sky turns black with rest, you gather by the heated campfire and swap stories to pass the night. You hear tales of wonder and worry, descriptions of distant lands, plants, and beasts. Exchanged this night are stories of thieving travellers, worried giants, and godly squabbles. Ever wanted small stories to make travel more interesting than random encounters? Ever just wanted to run shorter games? Maybe you’re just low on prep time for your next session. In this volume of campfire tales you’ll find eight half-a-session length adventures that help with all these classic DM worries. Also included is an in-depth appendix of fauna, flora, locations, and more to help boost your game.
Watch your step. Out-of-this-world adventure. An odd box falls by a watch tower and its up to the party to discover what it is and why its here. Pgs. 22-29
This material was originally published as three separate adventures: G1 (STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF), G2 (THE GLACIAL RIFT OF THE FROST GIANT JARL), and G3 (HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING). Contained herein are referee notes, background information, maps, and exploration keys for three complete adventures using the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules. This module can be used alone or as the first in a series of adventures that includes Dungeon Modules D1-2 (DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH), D3 (VAULT OF THE DROW), and Q1 (QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB PITS). TSR 9058
Something is plaguing the farmland around the village of Oxdale, out in the middle of nowhere. The beast visits regularly and carries off an animal, disappearing into the hill country north of the village. Word is that it is also buzzing around the new goblin camp to the northwest. It wasn't too big of a deal until it tried to carry off a village youngling; now the mayor and the citizens want it dealt with immediately. (Spoiler - the beast was sent by a gentleman vampire who doesn't like hunting for himself. Find him in his cave or encounter him once he ventures to the village to find out what happened to his machine, should it go missing.) The Draining Caverns of the Winged Beast is a one-shot 5e adventure for a party of four 5th or 6th level characters. This adventure can be slotted into most 5e adventures (maybe with some reflavoring if it's a frozen setting), or stand alone as its own adventure. This adventure includes: The adventure PDF, with several combat encounters, and opportunities for exploration and roleplaying encounters Four maps - one region, one village, and two battlemaps, both in the adventure and as separate JPEGs Random encounter table for trekking through the hill country One magic dagger held by the vampire.
This adventure has it all for an upper level group of players. With the rumor of a lost wizards staff on an island, the chase is on to find this powerful piece of magic. Arrival on the island leads off in over three directions and each path has a different set of challenges and rewards. Can your party locate the staff?
Coming off the Plains of Dorack, you enter the Glockenspiel Mountains, where the remote village of Fargone is located. A merchant caravan you encountered a few days ago mentioned that Fargone residents have discovered a pass through the mountains to the sea; and a new trade route is opening up. This sounds like a nice place to stop before venturing to the sea! As you approach the area where Fargone is said to be, large billowing smoke clouds can be seen….this could be problematic…..
Crops wilt, leaves wither on the trees, and animals must leave the once-fertile Downs valley or die. All who dwell there must abandon their homes or perish-- unless your party can lift the curse TSR 9084
A strange journey through a living cavern. A request for help to rescue a mining crew leads a group of adventurers into a cave that has seemingly come to life, gripped by a melancholy wave of sadness and memory. In dark caverns where mushrooms walk, vines dance, walls watch, and stones speak, will your band of adventurers become heroes? Or will they be lost within the Mines of Memory? Mines of Memory is a short, 2-3 hour adventure for characters of levels 1-3. It is a delve into a cavern system that has become a Psychic Resonance environment, awakening the caves themselves. PCs will enter to rescue the miners, find the source of the mine’s awakening, and bring peace to a noble creature trapped in its own nightmare.
Long ago, when the Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia thrived, the flying citadel Ustraternes was undone by tiefling magic. Now, a dragonborn zealot with dreams of renewing the lost glory of his ancestors explores the ruins—and unleashes a plague of rampaging drakes on the terrified locals. The story offers PC's the chance to tame a Warwing Drake, disperse a mob, parley with undead, and battle within an alpine meadow that defies gravity.