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1073 adventures found
Cover of Barrow of the Elf King
Barrow of the Elf King
Level 1
16 pages

"Barrow of the Elf King" is an evocative and intricate adventure module, specifically tailored for a party of 3-4 level one adventurers using "The Vanilla Game" rule set. This adventure delves into the mystical and eerie depths of an ancient barrow deep within the Old Forest, a place shrouded in darkness and mystery. It offers an experience that combines puzzles, combat, moral choices, and exploration, all set within a hauntingly atmospheric setting. "Deep in the Old Forest, where the trees grow tall and thick, where the sun rarely pierces the canopy, is an earthen mound. No birds sing in this part of the forest, no wind blows. The leaves of the trees seem larger, the canopy thicker. Even at mid-day, it is almost too dark to see" The HTML web version is free.

Cover of Crypt of the Crimson Stars
Crypt of the Crimson Stars
3.5 Edition
Level 7
8 pages

Rumors of an Eberron dragonshard of enormous size and power have reached the city of Sharn. Unfortunately, the shard is concealed winthin a Talenta Plains tomb located below a camp of cruel halfling nomads and their dinosaur pets. For centuries the Crypt of Crimson Stars has lain hidden in the vast expanse of the Talenta Plains. Now it has been found, and its legendary lost treasures draw adventurers from across the continent. Can you navigate deadly traps, fearsome guardians, and vengeful nomadic halflings to claim the prize? "Crypt of the Crimson Stars" is part one of the three-part "Shards of Eberron" Campaign Arc. Pgs. 32-41

Cover of Vile Addiction
Vile Addiction
3.5 Edition
Level 8
16 pages

A horrific drug has seized the population of the strange city of Exag, yet confronting its source only reveals the true extent of a dire new threat. Part one of the Seeds of Sehan campaign arc, this is a D&D adventure for 8th-level characters.

The Forge of Fury 5e
5th Edition
Level 3
27 pages

Two hundred years ago, the great dwarf smith Durgeddin the Black built Khundrukar, a hidden stronghold for his war of vengeance against all orckind. For years Durgeddin labored, until the orcs discovered Khundrukar and stormed the citadel, slaying all within. Legends say that Durgeddin's masterful blades and glittering treasures were never found.

Cover of The Feystone Shards
The Feystone Shards
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
39 pages

The Feystone Shards is an adventure for characters from levels 5-8, optimized for 4-6 player characters. This moderate length campaign should have 20+ hours of gaming, all focused around the Forgotten realms area of Red Larch. The Heroes are tasked to find five fragments of a shattered Orb, once worshipped by a faction of Elves. The search will take the party to a haunted Citadel, as they seek the scattered remnants of the Feystone. From a city of Stone Golems, to an alchemist's underground lair - the players will face obstacles and enemies that will challenge their very resolve. The Heroes will need to discover the secrets of the bauble's fey magic, finding the lost Elvin city where the Orb was once worshiped as a God. Join in the hunt for the Feystone Shards, and see if your characters are ready to transcend common Heroes...and become Legends.

Cover of Kingdom In the Swamp
Kingdom In the Swamp
Levels 6–9
12 pages

Follow a crazy halfling into a vampire’s castle. Kingdom in the Swamp is an AD&D adventure for higher-level characters; 6th to 9th level would be suitable. While it is necessary to have strong combatant characters and at least one cleric, it is more important that the players be ready to find solutions beyond the sword or spell book. Adventure Background A few days ago, Candor Pletten, a halfling thief known more for his urban exploits, returned from a journey to the southern jungles and rain forests (or so he says). Few people have believed him in the past -- usually they have been too busy taking inventory of their possessions to even listen to him — but some are guessing that he may actually be telling the truth (certainly, he’s got a good story). Candor left town a couple of months ago with some other adventurers, but has come back alone. Most tavern patrons are of the opinion that he took his companions’ purses and ran, but why would he come back to town? And why, then, aren’t his former companions hot on his trail? Candor may be a thief, but he’s not a murderer. He even gets nauseated by cockfighting. Maybe the halfling's tale is worth hearing...

Cover of The Tidus Tomb - 5th edition
The Tidus Tomb - 5th edition
Levels 4–5
11 pages

In a small hamlet, things are strangely becoming tidy in the night. Far from being pleased, the citizens are alarmed by these events. A local painter has gone missing, as has a travelling scholar. What is going on here?

Cover of The Crucible of Freya
The Crucible of Freya
3rd Edition
Levels 1–2
48 pages

The trees part before you, revealing the crumbling walls of the ruined keep. Only hours ago, you set off after the marauding orc band responsible for the destruction of the temple of Freya and the theft of its sacred crucible. But something else waits for you within the ruined walls. Something darker and far more sinister. Something that has hidden from the light for ages.

Cover of DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard
DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
36 pages

A famous relic hunter seeks adventurers to help her find caches of treasure hidden by the now-defeated followers of the Cult of the Dragon. Her maps and notes may lead the way to great wealth—or a terrible death. And do other parties have designs on the treasure as well?

Cover of Bolton's Tomb
Bolton's Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
7 pages

A generic tomb usable for one off adventures or unplanned exploration discovery.

Cover of Graveyard of Col Fen
Graveyard of Col Fen
4th Edition
Level 1
8 pages

The rough ground on the outskirts of the village of Col Fen once served as a graveyard for an evil temple destroyed long ago. A recent disturbance released some of the ancient evil buried here, and now the dead in this graveyard are beginning to walk. Several villagers have already vanished and more will die if the undead are not put to rest. Pgs. 56-63

Cover of The Temple of Mysteries: In Media Res
The Temple of Mysteries: In Media Res
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–5
33 pages

A dungeon of tricky puzzles, ancient magical secrets, and more than a few lingering mysteries, designed to be played as a standalone adventure and not incorporated into another campaign. Six adventurers descend into the Temple of Mysteries to find a mystical artifact called the Strand of Tears. Seems straightforward enough, except that some of the party may not be who they say they are. In fact, none of the party may be who they say they are. Not only that, but they might not be who they don't say they are, either! Worst of all, they're trapped in the ruins of an underground temple specifically designed to keep people from proceeding unless they're proficient in puzzle-solving...and there may be doppelgangers on the loose.

Cover of The Clockwork Fortress
The Clockwork Fortress
3.5 Edition
Level 8
20 pages

A mechanical man discovers his ancestral fortress has fallen to a lunatic derro, but something worse than mad derro haunts the Clockwork Fortress' gears. This adventure is a sequel to Dungeon Issue #115's "Raiders of the Black Ice," although you need not have run that adventure to enjoy "The Clockwork Fortress." Pgs. 42-61

Cover of Flight of Madness
Flight of Madness
5th Edition
Level 5
20 pages

"You enter some sort of corridor, but it is a far departure from the airship hallway you expected. The walls and ceiling are rusty chain-link fences and the floor is a corroded mesh of iron slats. Beyond the fence is a void of black, unmoving emptiness which carries the faint scent of ozone and rotten meat..." Inspired by horror franchises such as Silent Hill and Saw, Flight of Madness is a one-shot horror adventure in which the players must venture though an airship which has been warped by the plane of Xoriat--also known as the Realm of Madness! During the adventure the players will attempt to save the crew from unspeakable horrors, uncover the nature of the madness that has afflicted the ship, and face off against the one who appears to be responsible for all of this. But is everything as it seems? The adventure is for four level 5 players and is expected to take around 5 hours to complete. It is a great introduction to the darker side of Eberron for DMs and players alike. • An exciting mystery to unravel, with multiple interpretations and endings • An alternative to the madness mechanics provided in the Dungeon Masters Guide, which is integral to the final encounter of the adventure • Two terrifying new monsters: the winged torso and corrupted captain • Detailed battle maps as well as a map of the ship • Newspaper hand outs for the end of the adventure • Terrifying monster art WARNING: This is a horror adventure aimed at mature audiences and as such includes extreme violence and disturbing scenes. Before running this adventure it is recommended that you confirm that your players are comfortable with the adventure’s contents.

Cover of The Brimstone Bunker
The Brimstone Bunker
5th Edition
Levels 3–6
11 pages

A group of Azer were captured and brought here long ago to create a powerful weapons that ensured a long dead king’s victory in a bloody war. For some time they obeyed, churning out weapons and crafting monuments in the king’s honor, but as time went on, animosity towards the king grew stronger and stronger. The Azer betrayed the king, using the might of their “perfect” weapons to strike his men down before retreating to their forge and closing it off from the rest of the world. They have been locked a away in solitude for some time now. The entrance to this bunker has been uncovered though, and it is up to a brave group of adventurers to travel down into this place and see what they have been up to for all of these years. This dungeon has rules to modify all encounters for a group of players levels 3 through 6 and is intended for a party of four. If you have more players, feel free to adjust the difficulty up one level for each additional player or simply tune the monsters to your needs. This dungeon contains many original enemies, a unique puzzle, and an environment that is meant to inspire awe to the wonders of crafting. They are in a place of flame and metal, so a dwarf should feel at home while elves may be uncomfortable.

Cover of The Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos
The Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos
Levels 1–6
20 pages

Why Go to the Ruinous Palace? 1. Old Gold to be Stolen from Old Places 2. Rumors of Supernatural Fecundity and Ruination. What wizard would not wish to study such? 3. Nearby communities are hemorrhaging Livestock. The Dragon learns to hunt and gather. 4. A forest Unmolested for centuries… could become a fortune in Timber. Ruinous Palace of the Metegorgos is a new adventure from In Search of Games for your standard dungeon fantasy game. It's easily inserted into any campaign, requiring little modification to adapt to any of a number of dungeon fantasy systems (we recommend Lamentations of the Flame Princess). While written for levels 1-3, the adventure works well with parties level 4-6 as well.

Cover of Tomb of the Iron Medusa
Tomb of the Iron Medusa
Level 14
32 pages

Hidden in the remote southern range of the World’s Edge Mountains lies a mysterious necropolis known in legend as the Tomb of the Iron Medusa. When the last heir of the dungeon’s long-dead noble builders hires the PCs to explore the forlorn and deadly site in search of evidence that may clear his family name, the intrepid heroes soon find themselves in over their heads. For the Tomb of the Iron Medusa does not give up its secrets lightly, and the dangerous truths that lie within its ancient, trap-laden crypts may have been hidden for very good reasons indeed.

Cover of A Family Affair
A Family Affair
3.5 Edition
Level 8
98 pages

A Maze of Tragedy and Mystery. While investigating a mysteriously abandoned mansion, the adventurers stumble into a tangled web of kidnapping, theft and murder. From a mansion with a deadly secret to the blood-stained waves of the high seas and an ancient, cursed citadel, the adventurers face a succession of deadlier and deadlier foes, with the rescue of innocents and the recovery of fabulous treasure as their ultimate rewards. A Family Affair includes a fully-developed town setting, numerous unique NPCs and a wide range of challenging opponents.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #18: The Trouble with Secrets
Pathfinder Society Scenario #18: The Trouble with Secrets
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
18 pages

Decades ago, an Osiriani Pathfinder named Bossell locked his transformed lover in the vaults beneath the Sothis Pathfinder Lodge. He then vowed that no one would ever discover his secret shame. The old and senile Bossell now relies on his assistant Fendel for everything, and the hapless assistant has disapeared into the vaults after reading his master's journal. You've been sent beneath the Lodge to destroy whatever it is that Bossell's lover has become—will you survive his secret or find yourself transformed as well?

Cover of Parallel Dungeons
Parallel Dungeons
Levels 3–4
8 pages

Three dungeons in one! The party is given a "dimension shifting device" and sets out to explore a 15-area cave, simultaneously occupied by the DEMON CORSAIRS, the remnants of an ASTEROID MINING OPERATION, and the MONASTERY OF TRANQUILITY & TRANSCENDENCE! The three dungeons are presented in three columns, so when the characters shift from one dimension into another, it's easy to find the corresponding area description. For use with old-school or OSR RPG systems. Recommended for character levels 3-4. Published by Eldritch Fields.