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155 adventures found
Cover of S5 The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga
S5 The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga
Levels 7–20
65 pages

Beware of Baba Yaga and her infamous hut! Baba Yaga is an ancient crone who is said to have power over day and night itself. Many seek her out for her wisdom, which she has gleaned from centuries of travel through numerous worlds. Others, bolder and more foolish, search out the hut to plunder its treasures, which Baba Yaga has gathered from every corner of the multiverse. None, thief or scholar, who enter the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga leave unscathed. How will you fare now that the great Baba Yaga is in your neighbourhood? TSR 9471

Cover of Into the Witchwood
Into the Witchwood
5th Edition
Level 1
11 pages

Many of the local lords had gathered for a peace moot. A perfect opportunity for the demon-possessed Aeldrith Forkbeard to murder them all in cold blood. The PCs, attending the moot, must now flee for their lives. Harried by a Northlander warband, the party is forced to flee into the dreaded Witchwood. To reach the safety of the Kingdom of Marshes they must traverse the depths of the forest, avoiding Northlander raiders and the strange creatures of the Witchwood. The adventure also takes the PCs into the Feywild, where time runs strangely and memories are fragile. Finally, they must face the chilling Gatekeeper guarding the Feywild portal that allows the PCs to return to the Material Plane. Into the Witchwood is a generic adventure suitable for use in the Moonshae Isles. The adventure includes a map of the area, three new creatures and a new legendary magic item, the Circle of the Forest God.

Cover of The Room with Five Corners
The Room with Five Corners
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
2 pages

This is an adventure for four 6th to 7th level PC's that may be completed in a single session. The Untamed are a street gang in a busy city. A recent change in leadership has transformed the members from pickpockets and second-story thieves into kidnappers for an inter-dimensional aberration named Xlrieh'oc. Their hideout is now a strange and wicked factory, capable of extracting the firm essence from a person; the process leaves the victim partly ethereal and their form no longer casts a shadow. Although most victims die during the procedure, those who survive are conscripted into the gang. The extracted essence is crated and shipped to the aberration's home plane through a breach between worlds in the hideout's backroom.

Cover of Escape the Labyrinth
Escape the Labyrinth
5th Edition
Level 20
8 pages

The heroes’ journey is finally at its climax. The evil god Tunkorl has just been freed from his prison and only the strongest and bravest mortals of the realm can defeat him before he regains full strength and throws the world in another dark age. However, the ultimate final fight will not be as straightforward as it seems when the party becomes trapped in a time dilated cross section of Carceri, struggling to get back to the real world and finish the job. Escape the Labyrinth is D&D 5e mini adventure for 3-7 characters of 20th level. This adventure is designed for a single 3-hour session which can be part of a special event, the end, or beginning of a campaign. The heroes go between fighting the big bad evil god (round by round) and trying to escape the mutliple layers of the Labyrinth of Futility a space-time dilated cross section of Carceri.

Cover of Deicide
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
296 pages

Deicide is a campaign designed to begin with a party of four to six 1st-level characters, who should advance to 20th level by its conclusion. The Gods have abandoned Faerûn. Bringing loved ones back from the dead hasn’t been done in centuries, and communion with the deities is a spiritual exercise only. Holy warriors and messengers have lost their powers and have all but completely disappeared. In this bleak world, wars are frequent, crime runs rampant, and hope has faded. Rumours are abound of a mysterious crime lord taking control of the underworld. Monsters roam the lands and every road is increasingly more dangerous. Without guidance, the many civilizations of this world are plagued by greed and corruption. The only way forward is to bring the Gods back, or to take their place in the heavens. Deicide takes place across two islands, Aurora and Limdorkal. These landmasses are the westernmost islands of the Moonshae Isles, an archipelago located roughly 400 miles west of the region of Amn and to the southwest of the Sword Coast. Surrounding the Sea of Moonshae, these islands feature a wide array of cities, civilizations, climates, terrains, and monsters. Limdorkal is famously a harsher environment, home to exotic races, whereas Aurora is almost entirely dominated by the human kingdom. Elminster Aumar, the famous Old Mage of Faerûn, once visited these islands and claimed it surprising how such diverse environmental systems erupted here, and how varied were the people inhabiting them. While the Sword Coast is part of Faerûn, a continent of Toril in the Forgotten Realms, feel free to adapt these islands to any setting of your choice, such as Ravenloft, Eberron, Ravnica, or even on your homebrew world. The story told here happens some hundreds of years after the beginning of 5th Edition, and the Overgod Ao is trapped inside an artifact, which limits the workings of gods around Toril. The characters will be able to learn more about the missing Gods, about a mythical folklore artifact known as the Wand of Wonders, which carries the powers of the Gods, and about the crime lord Kaiser Soze. Through their adventures, they will be able to visit other realms, planes, and dimensions, as well as come into contact with different races and civilizations. In the end, it is up to them whether to ally with the Crime Lord, and whether to release the Gods or keep their power for themselves. This campaign can work as a loose set of modular adventures, which can be easily picked separately and played as one-shots of different levels. Even their locations on the map might be moved, and events happening in particular towns can happen on others. The adventures include dungeon crawls, murder mysteries, sandbox urban quests, exploration on land and in the seas, inter-planar travelling, among others.

Cover of Factions of Sigil - Sensation of Mirrors
Factions of Sigil - Sensation of Mirrors
5th Edition
Level 10
6 pages

We get it. Factions are an integral part of D&D, but it's not always clear how to use them in your campaigns. Luckily, Factions of Sigil has you covered for each of the twelve main factions found across Sigil and the Outlands! This supplement goes over the various rules and lore around the primary factions found in Sigil and the Outlands, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate the factions more into the core stories being told, and making them feel more useful for the players that choose to join. Rumors of a means to access the Plane of Mirrors has spurred the Society of Sensations to request the characters enter the demi-plane and record the sensations and experiences within.

Cover of Return to the Tomb of Horrors
Return to the Tomb of Horrors
Levels 13–16
240 pages

An expansion on the original Tomb of Horrors with plot and explanation. Contains a facsimile of the original adventure. The Dark Intrusion is causing the dead to rise from their graves. This is linked to a being known as the Devourer. Following the trail of Desatysso, a wizard who followed a similar quest, the players must enter the Tomb, and beyond that, the cursed City that Waits and the Fortress of Conclusion.

Cover of Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum
Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum
Levels 1–4
12 pages

It's like a 'Legend of Zelda' puzzle dungeon, but instead of Link, you play as a group of grubby grave robbers. Also, there's way more eyeball stuff. Puzzle Dungeon: The Seers Sanctum is a system neutral adventure for characters of level 1 to 4. It will work with any old school games like Old School Essentials or B/X or the most recent version of the world's most popular roleplaying game. What's in it: * 10 room dungeon crawl where each location has its own mysteries to poke and experiment with * Cohesive puzzles that build on each other * Lets players to discover their own solutions in true OSR fashion * Magic items and equipment that change how the players interact with their environment and previously explored areas * Use as a 4-6 hour one-shot or the start to a planar hopping campaign for wherever you'd like to go

Cover of A Miner Problem
A Miner Problem
5th Edition
Level 2
? pages

You are hired by a mine operator to retrieve the mine's gnomish engineer who has barricaded himself in the mine's lower reaches. But there's more going on than just a crazy gnome and his robots sabotaging the mine. You'll need to explore the forest, build alliances, and brave a rollercoaster ride on a mine cart to get to the bottom of this adventure (pun intended). This is a gamebook-style solo adventure that you can play in your browser. You make a 2nd level character sheet, roll your own dice, keep up with your inventory, spells, and HP, and are on your honor to be honest. It's all text-based with some public domain illustrations, and you click on options as you make decisions and roll the dice.

Cover of IM3 The Best of Intentions
IM3 The Best of Intentions
Immortal Level
48 pages

Prime Plane Immortals are dying like flies: nasty, violent deaths. The Hierarchs suspect Entropy, as usual, especially with all the rumors of demons' involvement. To top it all off, one of the Hierarchs is missing - Mazikeen. Your Mission as novice Temporals, should you choose to accept it, it to find Mazikeen, uncover his kidnaper, and bring him or her to a court of Immortal Justice. This entails much more than mere detective job - it also means taking part in the Immortal Olympics and going plane-hopping with the best (or worst?) of them. Should you not accept this mission, the fate of all Prime Plane Imoortals rests on your heads. (Well, it rests there anyway, but this is meant to make you more than a little guilty about not accepting - after all, you're supposed to be duty-bound and all that kind of thin, and I you don't do this, then who will? Huh? Did you ever think about that, Bucko?) TSR 9207

Cover of The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge
The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge
4th Edition
Level 4
50 pages

“The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge” is a sequel to “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch” and the third part of the Scales of War Adventure Path. In “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch,” the PCs discovered that dark creepers had sold arms and tactical intelligence to the orc war chief Tusk, aiding him in his attack against the folk of the Stonehome Mountains. In this adventure, the PCs investigate the link between the orcs and the dark ones, stumbling into an armsrunning operation that takes them to the Shadowfell in order to finally confront the charismatic figure behind it. Pgs. 4-53

Cover of Encounters in the Savage Underdark
Encounters in the Savage Underdark
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
150 pages

Encounters in the Savage Underdark is a 150-page supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, locations, and magic items,from eighteen of the DMsGuild's best authors.This incredible 150 page supplement features 24 amazing new Underdark adventures. Visit Annarei's Garden Encounter an insane aboleth Interact with traveling merchants Attend the Fire Fest Perform an Underdark heist and so much more....

Cover of The Mazes
The Mazes
Levels 2–4
8 pages

In which the Many seek the One, and the Heroes must retrieve a Sword lost amid myriad Threats to the Flesh. Chapter II of the "Well of Worlds" adventure anthology.

Cover of Elves in Pink
Elves in Pink
5th Edition
Levels 11–14
37 pages

We’re a rumor, recognizable only as déjà vu, and dismissed just as quickly. We don’t exist. We were never even born. Anonymity is our name. Silence, our native tongue. We are no longer part of the system. We are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. We’re “them.” We’re “they.” We are the Elves in Pink. The EiP headquarters has been compromised. Can your intrepid band of adventurers determine what happened and take back the facility before it's too late? A 6-10 hour adventure for 11th-14th level characters

Cover of My Own Personal Paradise
My Own Personal Paradise
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
21 pages

When the players get teleported to the plane of the Beastlands, they meet with an intelligent petitioner in the form of a Dog named Reith. Eventually Reith will lead the players to a human; an eagle winged boy by the name of Addler. Addler already knows a way out of the Beastlands, but doesn’t want the players to know because the key is his body and if the petitioners knew he could leave, they wouldn’t like him anymore. Not being the best at planning, he’ll be coerced into giving the players a map to the petitioner that helped him find the portal (A snake named Siy). After passing through some small adventures in the beastlands, the players will meet with Siy and learn about Addlers portal. From here, the players will travel back to Addler and confront him.

Cover of P3 Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress
P3 Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress
4th Edition
Levels 17–20
94 pages

In this adventure, the PCs discover that not all souls rest easy, particularly those spirited away to Nightwyrm Fortress. To learn the truth, players must pierce death's veil itself and enter the Shadowfell, where sinister echoes of life wing through eternal gloom. This adventure can be run as a stand-alone adventure or as Part Three of a three-part series of adventures (starting with P1 King of the Trollhaunt Warrens(TM) and P2 Demon Queen's Enclave(TM)) that spans 10 levels of gameplay.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #74: Blades Against Death
Dungeon Crawl Classics #74: Blades Against Death
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Levels 4–5
24 pages

Punjar: wide-eyed madmen stalk the streets pronouncing the end of days, mail-clad priests crush the skulls of heathens underfoot, and timorous virgins are offered up in sacrifice within sooty temples. But even the greatest of shining temples and the strangest of mystery cults don’t dare to challenge the terrifying finality of Death. Until now. In Blades Against Death, the adventurers cross between the realms of the living and the dead, and wager their souls in a desperate bid to steal a soul from Death’s hoary grasp. To win over the God of Dooms, you must be the most daring, stalwart and cunning and – when all else fails – willing to test your blades against Death! A mid-level adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, Blades against Death offers characters a once in a lifetime escapade. Those that return from the Realms of the Dead will have earned the true title of adventurer, while those that fail will spend eternity in Death’s service.

Cover of Factions of Sigil - Abbey of the Iron Star
Factions of Sigil - Abbey of the Iron Star
5th Edition
Level 10
8 pages

We get it. Factions are an integral part of D&D, but it's not always clear how to use them in your campaigns. Luckily, Factions of Sigil has you covered for each of the twelve main factions found across Sigil and the Outlands! This supplement goes over the various rules and lore around the primary factions found in Sigil and the Outlands, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate the factions more into the core stories being told, and making them feel more useful for the players that choose to join. This adventure sees the characters ally with the Athar of Sigil to raid the Abbey of the Iron Star and destroy the devils within who are attempting to bring Asmodeus to Sigil.

Cover of Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers
5th Edition
Level 20
61 pages

How many times have you started a campaign and it dissolved before you reached the top tier? How many builds have you made, all of them assuming reaching level 20, but you have never managed to try them out? Put your regular campaign on hold and see what happens when PCs reach level 20! “Finders Keepers” is an epic Dungeons and Dragons adventure, set in Forgotten Realms and beyond. The stakes are high: the location of one of the legendary Books of Keeping has been discovered, and now various powers of the universe vie for control over that power… Devils, demons and fallen angels; the mighty shall fall and who is going to be left smelling the ashes? The adventure starts with a fight with an ancient red dragon. Then things escalate and your players will have their 20th level spells, powers, and skills tested! Battle the game's most powerful beings, visit distant planes and make world-shaping decisions! The fate of Toril is in their hands…

Cover of M3 Twilight Calling
M3 Twilight Calling
Levels 30–35
32 pages

Through seven gates lie seven realms. In seven realms stand seven guardians. With seven guardians lie seven symbols. From seven symbols comes one key. Alpahaks the Dark desires that key, by which he plans to release death and chaos into the realms of man. Your party may be all that stands between life and death. Will you heed the lunatic ravings of a dying madman? Travel to the top of Guardian Mesa, and enter the Septahenge. Gather the mystic symbols, create they key, and defeat the Carnifex, before it's too late... TSR 9174