A community for lazy dungeon masters
586 adventures found
Cover of Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden
Thelanis: The Moonlit Garden
5th Edition
Level 5
15 pages

"The trees bend, twist and rearrange themselves as the sun fades, replaced by a single massive moon hanging high in the sky. You find yourself somewhere altogether different with bigger more gnarled trees, everything more vibrant with color in the bright moonlight. The bold browns, purples and blues around you don't feel real, more like something from a beautiful painting. Yet here you stand..." This is a one-shot adventure through one of the twisted fairy tale baronies of Thelanis. In it, the players find themselves in a strange land seeking an item they know little about. They will encounter a village whose people have been turned to shrubs, be shrunk down to a 20th of their size in a garden of tiny trees, fight a tree which is also a beholder, and come face to face with the Lady in Shadow herself. The adventure is for four level 5 players (though adjusting for 3-6 players would be minimal effort) and is expected to take around five hours. It is a great introduction to the planes of Eberron for DMs and players alike. It includes: * An exciting mystery to unravel * Three vicious new monsters to fight: earth bear, topiary beast, and the treeholder * Simple rules for running a skill challenge * A series of detailed maps for each combat encounter and an image for the puzzle encounter

Cover of A4-Forest for the Trees
A4-Forest for the Trees
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
? pages

The loggers of the West Wood have been logging these lands for over five years without a problem. Now, an eerie entity demands that they cease their logging activities and evacuate the forest immediately. If they refuse, they will die. When the PCs arrive to help they find that things are not so black and white. The decisions which they make will have permanent and lasting implications for the entire region. Will the PCs choose to save the forest and lose the support of the village, or destroy a sacred elder tree in order to win the hearts of the loggers and their families?

Cover of Road to Oblivion
Road to Oblivion
3.5 Edition
Level 11
13 pages

Oblivion is a town like no other. Situated in a hidden valley within a high mountain range and accessible only via air or a secret tunnel through the mountains, it has remained unknown to all except its inhabitants for uncounted centuries. What happens when a natural disaster exposes the town to the world and lets loose an ancient danger at the same time? Will the PCs aid those in need?

Cover of Siege of the Spider Eaters
Siege of the Spider Eaters
3.5 Edition
Level 1
17 pages

The village of Haven-Fara has a problem - it's been overrun with spiders that have been forced out of their nearby lair. Yet could this spider problem be merely a symptom of something worse to come? When the backwater town of Haven-Fara wakens under a thick blanket of webs to find half its populace missing, its up to the PCs to descend into a silk-chambered nest of the arachnid abductors. In a vertical maze of web-lined tunnels, they discover a dying queen, a legendary treasure, and a secret that could change Haven-Fara forever. Pgs. 14-20 & 22-28 & 30, 32 and 34

Cover of SPA3: Crypt of the Elven King
SPA3: Crypt of the Elven King
5th Edition
Level 4
43 pages

Delve into the depths of the tomb of the long forgotten elven king to bring the eternal peace onto its disturbed dwellers. A 4-hour adventure for two 4th level characters. Small Party Adventure: Though the party size of 3–5 characters is considered optimal in D&D, there are times when you can only gather one or two players at most. This adventure is designed exactly for such occasions.

Cover of My First Adventure
My First Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

A quest to aid the Knights of the North, who have been overrun by a tribe of orcs, results in a group of 1st level characters learning everything there is to know about the basics of Dungeons and Dragons. This low-level adventure will use EVERY saving throw, ability score check and skill check, and goes over conditions, environments and different actions a player can make in combat.

Cover of Grammy's Country Apple Pie
Grammy's Country Apple Pie
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

A kid-friendly adventure for heroes of all ages and experience levels! When the ancient wizard Tyndareus develops a craving for a special treat from his childhood, he will stop at nothing to get his hands on the best apple pie in the whole world. He hires a group of adventurers to seek out the bakery that once produced the wonderful dessert – unfortunately for them, the bakery has long since been overrun by goblins. But all is not as it seems at Grammy’s Bakery, and Tyndareus isn’t the only one who’d do anything for those pies.

Cover of The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
The Sorrows of Southsward Keep
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
24 pages

A one-shot adventure of dark fantasy, tragedy, and horror... - 4-6 hour adventure for 3rd - 5th level characters. - 24 pages of an elegant, easy to read PDF. - 4 custom handouts that pair with the adventure. - 2 custom monsters. - 10+ trinkets and magic items for handing out to your players. - 6 gorgeous free battle maps that can be found here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/434359/Map-Pack-01--The-Sorrows-of-Southsward-Keep

Cover of Frozen Whispers
Frozen Whispers
3.5 Edition
Level 3
9 pages

Despite the bitter cold that reigns here nine months of the year, the Timberway Forest has long been a source of prosperity for civilized folk who live nearby. Many trappers and hunters spend the better part of the year within its borders, stockpiling furs and meat to trade in the frontier towns to the south, where they spend their winters. Most feel that the value of these commodities makes braving the Timberway Forest worth the risk. Recently, though, a small group of trappers and hunters has awakened a terrible new menace in the forest. Based in a remote hunter's abode called the Bluerock Lodge, they hunted the animals of the woods more out of a deep-seated desire to be cruel than a need to feed themselves. In particular, they focused their hateful attention on the local Timberway lion population. Timberway lions are rather small (more like leopards), but they are known for being lithe and wary. Still, the trappers had the advantage of intelligence and tools, and before long they had slaughtered the entire pride save for its leader. As the winter worsened and game grew ever more scarce, this last surviving lion began to starve. At that point, the darker forces of nature took notice, and the Timberway Forest gained a predator like no other. Frozen Whispers is a short D&D adventure for four 3rd-level player characters (PCs). The scenario is set mostly in and near a remote hunter’s lodge in a snowy forest. The scenario can be placed in any cold area of your campaign world that features a remote tract of woodland—a copse of trees near the arctic circle, a swath of taiga near the treeline on a high mountainside, or even a normally temperate forest caught in the grip of an unnaturally snowy winter. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of The Bane of Elfswood
The Bane of Elfswood
Levels 15–18
14 pages

"It shines in the night. Ogres run in terror of it. It kills by sight and by touch. It never stops hunting - and it's hunting for you." Vengeance denied in life is reborn in death. Druida Glanadyl, a female elf adventurer, seeks aid from the PCs in avenging the mysterious deaths of her family members. The horror that haunts Elfswood can be attributed to a spirit (odic) of a vengeful cleric, Irkthorn Balin. Pgs. 16-28 & 64

Cover of AS4 - Simian's Gate
AS4 - Simian's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
22 pages

This high level adventure returns the PCs to Helvana. A recent adventure has netted the party some Adamant, a rare ore in Filbar that is excellent for constructing weapons of amazing quality. As you arrive in Vorshmorgan to locate a smith you quickly discover there are problems in town. The scenario was designed to give upper level players a challenge and pits them against one of the most feared creatures in the land!

Cover of The Pumpkin Hag - One Page Dungeon
The Pumpkin Hag - One Page Dungeon
5th Edition
Low Level
5 pages

The Pumpkin Hag is built around halloween themes: plumbing the deapths of a giant pumpkin, fighting scarecrows and "Mum"sters, and a shapeshifting hag. It includes 5 new monster statblocks - Mumsters, Scarecrow, Hag (Ms. Kinny), The Pumpkin Heart, and Young Gibbering Mouther that are suitable for level 2-3 play. Designed to be played in 3-4 hours, with level 2-3 characters this is a great HALLOWEEN one shot or side quest for a longer campaign. Fewer words, more fun! The goal of one page dungeons is to get the important information across fast. Make running simple. There is a map, room descriptions, and reference pages for monster stat blocks. A background and overview are provided. The goal is to give low prep DMs high prep experiences at their table. Included in All One Page Dungeons by Arcane Ink: ◦ A *.jpg or *.png for you to load it in your favorite virtual tabletop ◦ A single page map with markup descriptions of the characters, monsters etc, the party will encounter in each room. ◦ A simple summary of the history / overview of what the adventure is all about. ◦ Reference pages with all needed stat blocks pre-looked up and ready to go ◦ Art to help inspire your imagination ◦ !!!SPECIAL BOUNS!!! 5 new monster statblocks - Mumsters, Scarecrow, Hag (Ms. Kinny), The Pumpkin Heart, and Young Gibbering Mouther One Page Dungeons take minutes to read and absorb and make preparation that much simpler.

Cover of CCC-SFBAY-04-03 The Ashen Scar
CCC-SFBAY-04-03 The Ashen Scar
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
35 pages

The fey hold sway over the forests of Cormanthor. Their presence has kept the goblinoids disorganized and warring amongst themselves. Now, a deadly enemy of the woods has laid claim to a Feywild glade. This foe is slaughtering the forest defenders and rallying goblinoid tribes in the name of vengeance. Can you stop them in time? The Ashen Scar premiered at Kublacon 2018. A D&D Adventurers League two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of Moon over Graymoor
Moon over Graymoor
5th Edition
Level 1
17 pages

Moon over Graymoor is a short adventure written for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, for first level player characters. It is intended to be a good first adventure to run; something for new players, or even a new Dungeon Master to try. The players are turned loose in a hamlet that has suffered a handful of vicious murders, and it’s up to them to investigate. Players will gather clues, canvass the villagers, and if they’re smart, pick up a few things along the way that might just give them enough bite to face off against the beast, and survive.

Cover of Swords of the Moonsea: Five Adventures
Swords of the Moonsea: Five Adventures
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
132 pages

nside this full-color, 132-page anthology you’ll find five best-selling Adventurer’s League quests for level 1-10 characters. Inside are over 20 illustrations, including a half-dozen full-page pieces by the esteemed Andrea Alemanno. Also included are instructions on how to weave these adventures into an ongoing story arc as part of your campaign. Tier 1 (Level 1-4): The Cornflower Hive (SFBAY-04-01): What links an infamous Zhentarim mercenary with a brilliant but tormented artificer? To find out, the adventurers must break the goblinoid siege of the village of Westfir. After the bizarre goblins are defeated, the Cornflower Hive must be destroyed. Ultimately, what secrets are held in the grain mill by the Westfork river? The White Well (PDXAGE-01-01): The Gommurg Clan of hill dwarves rarely deal with outsiders. The dwarf clan’s isolation has gifted them with great skill and wealth. Unfortunately, their pride has made them vulnerable to an ancient power confined centuries ago. An exile has magically foretold the clan’s destruction. This diviner is the only one who knows how to stop the evil threatening the Gommurg. Tier 2 (Level 5-10): The Barrows of Solina (STORM-01): Zhentarim traders. Shadowy figures roaming the fields near Hillsfar. How do these all relate? Everything traces back to the recently unearthed grave-barrows. Rescuing a caravan from undead attackers, the adventurers learn of an ancient danger. The Dark Hunt (PDXAGE-02-01): The village near Oreclasp Keep has been reporting brutal owlbear attacks that have left people missing or dismembered. Lord Oreclasp has placed a bounty for every owlbear beak brought to Oreclasp Keep. The villagers don’t suspect the deeper problems brewing in the land. Under Earth & Stone (SFBAY-04-02): A Mulmaster refugee named Ani Kuleimatt discovered references to a forgotten mine near the Moonsea, a mine rumored to produce an unexpected export. The adventurers are hired to locate the complex and secure its resources for the Mulmaster Diaspora.

Cover of The Silver Knight
The Silver Knight
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

Even bad guys have heroes they look up to. The Silver Knight is a champion among the orcs, a title that is passed from orc to orc. As one falls in battle another rises, and the lineage continues. Forged of an ancient compact between deities of fate and heroism, the secret to the Silver Knight’s immortality lies in the signet ring worn by every Silver Knight. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. The Silver Knight is one of these villains, and their adventure takes up 17 pages (pg 180-197). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of The Shortest Night of the Year
The Shortest Night of the Year
5th Edition
Level 0
7 pages

There is no night for faeries and the fey like Midsummer’s Eve, and the green woods hide many wondrous and magical things on the shortest night of the year. On this night, a group of curious villagers would be adventurers, perhaps wander into the forest and encounter the lonely rusalka, who asks for their help retrieving her lost heart before the night is done. Pgs. 7-14

Cover of Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold
Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
174 pages

Adventures from the Potbellied Kobold provides you with fifteen unique adventures to use as one-shots, additions to your current campaign, or inspiration for a new campaign. We've even included a way to link several of the adventures, allowing you to run a short and quick campaign. The adventures use basic 5E creatures, custom creatures, and several Kobold Press creatures. Each adventure is written for a specific party level, but we've also included suggestions on how to adjust each adventure for a weaker or stronger adventuring party. In addition to fun adventures, you'll also find a few new magic items and NPCs to add to your game.

Cover of A Light in the Belfry
A Light in the Belfry
Levels 6–8
32 pages

A light in the Belfry is the first RAVENLOFT adventure to feature an Interactive Audio CD. As player explore Morgorth's dreadfilled manor, they will actually hear the lamentations of tortured spirits, the clash of swords and thunderous roar of magic. With almost 100 tracks of dialogue, sound effects and mood music, TSR's Interactive Audio CD Adventures add a new dimension to the horror of Ravenloft. TSR 9494

Cover of NC4 - Xantus - The Ice Lord
NC4 - Xantus - The Ice Lord
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
22 pages

Rumor has reached your ears that the legendary Amulet of Rafael is in this region. Further investigation has revealed that a reclusive nobleman in the north called Xantus is currently in possession of the item. While details are sketchy about the item, it is well known that quite powerful in the hands of a mage. You decide that you will go north and locate the “Ice Lord” and see if he is willing to part with the item.