A community for lazy dungeon masters
586 adventures found
Cover of DNH1 - The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil
DNH1 - The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
36 pages

The small town of Boldon, and its surrounding villages are afraid. Dozens of people are missing, some speculate lost to some nefarious purpose. A broken drunkard tells fantastic tales of an evil temple and the horrible things within. The rare few who know the legends and history of the region are beginning to think the dark times have returned; not seen since the fall of the first age of man. People are beginning to feel the icy fingers of fear closing in. The party becomes aware of these events, and is inspired to investigate. This leads them to a broken man who tells them a story of a lost temple. Has it been rediscovered by men seduced by its forgotten evil? The drunkard’s tale leads to others who might help the party discover more before they face The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil. Published by Fat Goblin Games

Cover of The Test of the White Stag
The Test of the White Stag
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
17 pages

The hunt for the white hind is the stuff of myth – according to legend, those who can keep up with the mystical stag will discover treasures lost to time. In truth, the heroes in these stories are being tested, but not for anything as simple as stamina. During the hunt heroes face hard fights, questions of morality and opportunities to show their skills.

Cover of FVC1 - Marooned!
FVC1 - Marooned!
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
18 pages

At the borderlands between the Noteflame Coast and the Duchy of Starryshade is the small town of Bluffton. You and your party heard of strange lights in the sky there while visiting the capital city of Vandosia. Further research shows that merchants that passed through the area two days ago and saw the strange lights at night and it appeared to be powerful magic at work. Vandosia was becoming stale anyway so a quick trip to a cartographer and you can be on your way to adventure!

Cover of Martin's Fortune
Martin's Fortune
5th Edition
Low Level
11 pages

Martin's Fortune is a short classic horror quest that can be easily put in any (low) fantasy setting. This adventure scenario features a dark and trilling backstory and several handouts for your players. The quest is very much in the horror element and there are advices on how to approach the horror scenes. Adventure Synopsis: Martin Wesley, decedent of a faithful servant of Lord Amren Stieber recruits the players to pillage the Lord's lost tomb. Searching for the tomb reveals that forgotten history leaves its traces to this very day. The forest around Amren's resting place is cursed and veiled in darkness. When the party finally arrives to the Lord's tomb, they discover that it is something more - a jailhouse. Their prize will have to be earned in blood. Even when they vanquish the undead fiend, they can't be too safe, for the Lord's madness has become immortal.

Cover of Campfire Tales: In-Between Encounters
Campfire Tales: In-Between Encounters
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
44 pages

Settling down as the sky turns black with rest, you gather by the heated campfire and swap stories to pass the night. You hear tales of wonder and worry, descriptions of distant lands, plants, and beasts. Exchanged this night are stories of thieving travellers, worried giants, and godly squabbles. Ever wanted small stories to make travel more interesting than random encounters? Ever just wanted to run shorter games? Maybe you’re just low on prep time for your next session. In this volume of campfire tales you’ll find eight half-a-session length adventures that help with all these classic DM worries. Also included is an in-depth appendix of fauna, flora, locations, and more to help boost your game.

Cover of Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow
Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow
Level 1
80 pages

A new, expanded, OSR-ised, prettified edition of Joseph R. Lewis’ Ragged Hollow Nightmare which was rated among The Best by Tenfootpole. Joseph Lewis hit a perfect balance between the classics of dungeonverse fantasy and the whimsy of the folk tales we love so much (as testified by our Folklore Bestiary. we released last year), adding a dash of dreamworld strangeness and a pinch of body horror to spice up his brew. We did our best to respect his recipe when adding our extra material (about 30 pages of it). We worked with Joe and Li-An (the perfect artist to give life to spooky Ragged Hollow and its strange surroundings) to make the best module we could: a solid introduction to old-school gaming for both players and gamemasters. And for the veterans among us, it also makes an excellent, full-fledged campaign starter. Nightmare over Ragged Hollow is a sandbox adventure centred around a quaint town at the edge of the kingdom. But however quiet life in Ragged Hollow is, the town lies between places where you shouldn’t be traveling alone. Places like Gloam Wood (“A witch or two lurk there!”), the Bleak Mountains (“I’m told there are bugbears…”) and their infamous Mount Mourn (“Home, they say, to cursed Dwarven ruins”), not to forget the Wailing Hills (“Bandits on every road!”). There’s even a haunted house by the river (“That mad inventor riddled it with traps!”). But only when an impenetrable dome of golden light materialises around the Temple of Halcyon (“Hey, my kids go to school there!”) do things really get out of hand. Some selfless heroes (or, failing that, a bunch of greedy ne’er-do-wells) should really get involved. One town with three adventure mini-sites Three small dungeons One 50-room dungeon Three hexes with 16 detailed locations Two groups of potential allies or rivals Sixteen pre-generated characters One deadly countdown! Written for the Old-School Essentials (OSE) rule system

Cover of Dark Times in Sherwood
Dark Times in Sherwood
3rd Edition
Level 3
26 pages

Where's Robin Hood When You Need Him? The Sheriff of Nottingham and the outlaws of Sherwood Forest share a common enemy. Will an unlikely alliance end this newest threat to the land? Pgs. 42-67

Cover of Summer's End
Summer's End
4th Edition
Level 18
6 pages

Jelendra, a tulani of summer, has gathered a small following of dark fey creatures to help her get revenge against the Highridge Arcane eladrin elders. When they had the nerve to question her interest (they called it “obsession”) in the destructive power of the Wild Hunt, Jelendra flew into a rage and stormed out of the Highridge Arcane. Now, she controls a fane to an ancient spirit of the Wild Hunt. Not knowing what became of her, the elders ask the adventurers to find Jelendra. “Let her know that she is missed, and we want her to return home,” one elder says. Pgs. 114-119

Cover of Jungle Treks
Jungle Treks
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
36 pages

Six short adventures to supplement your exploration of the jungles of Chult! These six fun adventures feature interesting challenges highlighting the dangers of the jungle. Each scenario is easy to drop into Tomb of Annihilation or any wilderness campaign. Includes the following adventures: Tavern Trouble - With a mysterious curse upon your guide, escaping lizards, and foes who have come to settle debts, your jungle trek gets interesting before you even leave the tavern! If Looks Could Kill - Crossing paths with a merchant prince's expedition can be very lucrative. The expedition members' agendas present interesting choices, as do the dangerous denizens of the swamp. Ambush from Above - Grung acrobats? With a team mascot? What is going on here? Mystic River - Traveling downriver suddenly comes alive with dangerous white water, carnivorous plants, a brontosaurus' tail... and an unusual spectator! Mudslide - It's been raining for days, and that rumble isn't a dinosaur! Run for your lives, and watch the creatures in the mud! Beautiful Plumage - Ancient ruins are now home to beautiful but dangerous singers. A batiri queen demands revenge and her tribe's totem awakens! Perfect for DMs running Tomb of Annihilation: Each adventure fully supports levels 1-10 Ready to run fun, with maps, art, and complete monster statistics Is traveling through the jungle getting dull? Drop in one of these innovative encounters providing interesting roleplay and combat experiences! Party unsure of where to head next? Each scenario provides links both to other Jungle Trek adventures and to Tomb of Annihilation plot points. Provides hours of play!

Cover of Forest of Doom
Forest of Doom
Levels 4–7
16 pages

For as far back in time as the tales of history stretch, the area bordering what is now the Lands of Launewt has been a foreboding, practically impenetrable forest. When the lords who ruled the various borderlands united to form the Council of Launewt a century ago, the forest was in the same physical condition as it is now: thick, dark, and expansive, said to be so dense at the center that sunlight pervaded the foliage only on the brightest days. Pgs. 41-56

Cover of APS02 Warrens of the Great Goblin Chief
APS02 Warrens of the Great Goblin Chief
Levels 1–3
45 pages

Goblins have returned to the area of Westgate, seeking an ancient magical item constructed for their foul kind. In their search, the goblins attack an imperial convoy secretly disguised as a merchant’s wagon. The knowledge that goblins are near must be kept quiet from the public, thus a small band of adventurers is required to seek out the creatures and the stolen magic item, deep inside the warrens of the great goblin chief! But the adventure does not end there...

Cover of Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest
Level 1
8 pages

An adventure for starting characters When vicious bandits waylay a caravan bound for an outpost on the edge of civilization, the player characters are the only survivors, trapped and lost in a hostile wilderness. If they would live to see another day, they must learn to work together and discover the people they might one day become. This adventure is designed for a group of starting characters and is especially suited to new players. Published by Schwalb Entertainment.

Cover of In the Heart of the Forest
In the Heart of the Forest
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
18 pages

An atmospheric one-shot adventure set in a dark forest for one-on-one or parties of level 5 or 6. There are two new sidekick classes, NPCs, and leveling tables included with handouts for your player! In this adventure, the characters gather information in the small village of Redvale on the outskirts of the Blackwoods Forest. They go into the forest in search of Adelle, a druid whose other eleven Circle members have disappeared within the last year. Inside the forest, they discover several undead beings, including a wood woad, who guides them to Adelle. She and her Circle learned a year before of a sorceress’s plan to extend her power beyond the forest, a death sentence for the village of Redvale and the lands beyond. Adelle is the last one left. Adelle is suspicious of the party at first, but she might help them get to the center of the forest to investigate the dark sorceress and try to put a stop to her destructive plans. This adventure sets a mysterious woodland ambiance that lends itself to an immersive one-shot experience! This Adventure Includes: -Full one-shot adventure for levels 5 or 6 -Two sidekick characters (or DMPCs) with handouts for your player -Two new sidekick classes and unique leveling tables: the archer and the Circle of the Phoenix druid -Mechanics for running a sidekick -Beautiful art -Well-rounded NPCs -Two custom NPC stat blocks -A new custom creature and -Two custom magical items

Cover of The Toxic Wood
The Toxic Wood
Low, Medium Level
32 pages

The Toxic Wood is a deadly wilderness adventure for Old School Essentials This hexcrawl adventure focuses on game-able content and being easy to use at the table. It is graphic and art heavy and utilizes a lot of random tables to make it easier for GMs to run with minimal prep. "You have been hired by a secretive council of wizards, who refuse to meet in person with you, to rescue the survivors of Mugwort - a town which was thought to have been destroyed and lies deep within The Toxic Wood. The Wood is corrosive and the air is not safe to breath there, so the wizards have given you a magical orb which will create a safe dome of air around you. The orb must be fed with fuel containing life force to continue operating properly. They have also gifted each of you a less effective necklace which will create a temporary small bubble of clean air around your head as an emergency measure. The Wood became noxious a couple of years ago after a dragon known as Ion moved in. You will have to navigate to Mugwort without Ion noticing if you are to conduct a successful evacuation." The toxic wood is home to many strange entities; spiteful mutated horrors, ancient insectoid witch sisters, bloodthirsty redcaps, a mushroom witch and a corrosive dragon cult. Noxious gases produced by alien plants slowly coil through the air creating an endless red haze. Anything that is not part of the woods lethal eco-system is rapidly corroded, with all evidence of its existence erased within days. Details: 32 pages Single column text 8.5 x 5.5 aspect Black & White Bookmarks Hyperlinks Random tables Hooks and rumors for your players Rules for surviving in the toxic wood using the orb and other means 16 keyed hex locations Backgrounds for characters to aid roleplay New monsters Key NPCs A timeline of events for the DM to structure their sessions around Flora of the wood Random treasure tables Prompts and resolutions for what happens if players take different actions Cursed Items and Powerful Artifacts: Scattered throughout the wood, offering potent abilities but often with dangerous drawbacks.

Cover of Purewater
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
14 pages

Ehor Stravensky sells the most marvellous potions, and the secret ingredient is purewater - water from the elemental plane itself! A small hole between the planes sits in the heart of a nearby forest, but recently the path has grown dark and corrupted. Ehor wants you to clear a path and secure more purewater for his business, and he'll pay handsomely. This first-level adventure is perfect for first-time DMs and players alike. Delve into the forest of Airedale and fight a skittering spider host, meet a dryad, and face off against a classic D&D monster! Included in this adventure: A quest to delve into a corrupted forest Bloodhawk hatching rules 7 encounters and 5 battlemaps Approx. 4 hours of fun An awesome adventure for 1st-level parties

Cover of Amarune's Adventures: The Nightmare Web of Adhe Wood
Amarune's Adventures: The Nightmare Web of Adhe Wood
5th Edition
Levels 10–15
17 pages

Located in The Vast north of the Sea of Fallen Stars, Adhe Wood is a small but deadly place. Legends swirl of a mysterious temple in Adhe Wood where statues of snakes hold massive emeralds. But the citizens of Sevenecho, the town nearest to Adhe Wood, seem to know nothing of this legend and refuse to speak of it. Travelers into Adhe Wood rarely return, devoured by the mutated spiders that lurk in the trees.

Cover of Tower of the Star Watcher
Tower of the Star Watcher
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
18 pages

A mysterious tower beckons. Recently a strange tower hidden in the forest was rediscovered, but only one scout returned to tell the tale, but a strange tale of cults, bandits and ghosts it was. Dare our heroes explore this forgotten place? Originally from the Danish convention Fastaval as part of the living campaign, Hinterlandet. Now presented here for the first time in English. It is an adventure with emphasis on exploration and meeting the unknown.

Cover of The Midnight Revelry
The Midnight Revelry
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
19 pages

The village of Farleigh's Well is the target of a vindicative fey noble. The villagers have been seen parading through the Misty Forest, leaving their crops to rot in the field. The characters must contend with powerful fey creatures on their home plane in this action-packed adventure. What's Inside: A highly adaptable single session adventure. Two original NPCs with full stat blocks. Two original magic items. Detailed combat tactics and roleplaying hints for novice and experienced DMs alike. Two brilliant maps to help you bring the adventure to life. Choose from either the Full version with art and page design or the Lite version for easy printing.

Cover of To Hell and Back Again
To Hell and Back Again
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
81 pages

To Hell and Back Again is the perfect adventure for new players and veterans looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It's written as a solo adventure, where choices have gigantic consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master as well! This 80 page adventure features: - A heart-pounding origins story that fits perfectly as either a prequel to Descent Into Avernus, a stand-alone adventure, or into your ongoing fantasy campaign. - Beloved characters like Lulu the hollyphant, Mad Maggie and her redcap gang, the archdevil Zariel, and many others brand new to this adventure. - Infernal War Machines, and exciting encounters with unique stat blocks. - Innovative Destiny and Traits mechanics that make your choices really matter. - A ton of possible outcomes that will fuel your character's many adventures to come! - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story if you'd like. - A community survey when you finish so that you can see how your outcomes and choices compared to other players!

Cover of The Coveted Gemstone
The Coveted Gemstone
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
6 pages

This adventure is designed as a side quest that can be inserted into an ongoing adventure or campaign. It involves a series of three linking scenes (and an optional fourth research scene between the others) that can be placed in between the action of whatever other event the party is undertaking. Ideally the scenes of this side adventure should be spread out and inserted into the game over several sessions of play.