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329 adventures found
Cover of Deicide
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
296 pages

Deicide is a campaign designed to begin with a party of four to six 1st-level characters, who should advance to 20th level by its conclusion. The Gods have abandoned Faerûn. Bringing loved ones back from the dead hasn’t been done in centuries, and communion with the deities is a spiritual exercise only. Holy warriors and messengers have lost their powers and have all but completely disappeared. In this bleak world, wars are frequent, crime runs rampant, and hope has faded. Rumours are abound of a mysterious crime lord taking control of the underworld. Monsters roam the lands and every road is increasingly more dangerous. Without guidance, the many civilizations of this world are plagued by greed and corruption. The only way forward is to bring the Gods back, or to take their place in the heavens. Deicide takes place across two islands, Aurora and Limdorkal. These landmasses are the westernmost islands of the Moonshae Isles, an archipelago located roughly 400 miles west of the region of Amn and to the southwest of the Sword Coast. Surrounding the Sea of Moonshae, these islands feature a wide array of cities, civilizations, climates, terrains, and monsters. Limdorkal is famously a harsher environment, home to exotic races, whereas Aurora is almost entirely dominated by the human kingdom. Elminster Aumar, the famous Old Mage of Faerûn, once visited these islands and claimed it surprising how such diverse environmental systems erupted here, and how varied were the people inhabiting them. While the Sword Coast is part of Faerûn, a continent of Toril in the Forgotten Realms, feel free to adapt these islands to any setting of your choice, such as Ravenloft, Eberron, Ravnica, or even on your homebrew world. The story told here happens some hundreds of years after the beginning of 5th Edition, and the Overgod Ao is trapped inside an artifact, which limits the workings of gods around Toril. The characters will be able to learn more about the missing Gods, about a mythical folklore artifact known as the Wand of Wonders, which carries the powers of the Gods, and about the crime lord Kaiser Soze. Through their adventures, they will be able to visit other realms, planes, and dimensions, as well as come into contact with different races and civilizations. In the end, it is up to them whether to ally with the Crime Lord, and whether to release the Gods or keep their power for themselves. This campaign can work as a loose set of modular adventures, which can be easily picked separately and played as one-shots of different levels. Even their locations on the map might be moved, and events happening in particular towns can happen on others. The adventures include dungeon crawls, murder mysteries, sandbox urban quests, exploration on land and in the seas, inter-planar travelling, among others.

Cover of PL2 - Issue in the Canyon
PL2 - Issue in the Canyon
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

Adventuring in the Principality of Lockerbie continues with Issue in the Canyon. Your party has enjoyed the advantages of being considered a hero but as the days’ progress, it is back to normal in Gormell. After having a bit of ale at the local tavern you notice a wagon caravan has arrived in town and the people are abuzz over their arrival. Noticing that some of employees are a little beat up, you find yourself in the sheriff’s office being told of a brazen, humanoid attack on the merchants. Looks like you just found a job opportunity!

Cover of Storm King's Thunder
Storm King's Thunder
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
256 pages

Giants have emerged from their strongholds to threaten civilization as never before. Hill giants are stealing all the grain and livestock they can, while stone giants have been scouring settlements that have been around forever. Fire giants are press-ganging the small folk into the desert, while frost giant longships have been pillaging along the Sword Coast. Even the elusive cloud giants have been witnessed, their wondrous floating cities appearing above Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate. Where is the storm giant King Hekaton, who is tasked with keeping order among the giants? The humans, dwarves, elves, and other small folk of the Sword Coast will be crushed underfoot from the onslaught of these giant foes. The only chance at survival is for the small folk to work together to investigate this invasion and harness the power of rune magic, the giants’ weapon against their ancient enemy the dragons. The only way the people of Faerun can restore order is to use the giants’ own power against them.

Cover of FP10 - Church of Scakla
FP10 - Church of Scakla
Levels 5–8
13 pages

The Holdfist Mountain range hosted many battles during the Troll Wars and during the dark years many villages, shrines, and castles were destroyed. When the fighting was over the villages were rebuilt so that farmers could resupply the duchy and the former strongholds were lost to the sands of time. One of these forgotten areas is the Church of Scakla and is said to be home to lost magical items...

5th Edition
Levels 5–7
306 pages

Dragonbowl is a setting and pulp action adventure in one. It plunges a party into a rich festival scenario that revolves around a deadly gladiatorial contest, where the dangers they face in the arena are almost secondary to those they encounter in the murky criminal underworld they find themselves in: a world that stinks of corruption, human trafficking, illegal dinosaur-trading, necromancy, blood sacrifice and unnatural arcane experiments. The action takes place in a vast cavern in Mount Waterdeep, known as the Underbelly, where not only Dragonbowl Arena, but also an entire festival grounds – consisting of temples, bars, casinos, funfairs and markets - has been constructed to host this grand sporting extravaganza. With Xanathar, Jarlaxle, Davil, Volo and the Black Viper all in attendance, and scores of 'entanglements' (faction missions) to keep players busy, Dragonbowl can be played as a sequel to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, or as a first step towards the Undermountain and the Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Equally, it can be played as a stand alone adventure, or easily transported into other settings. The adventure is written for a party of four 6th level adventurers, and easily customisable for three to five players, of any mid-tier level (the adventure contains maps and handouts adapted for both 4 and 5 player tables). The adventure is designed to last around ten to fifteen 4-hour sessions, but can very easily be shortened or lengthened according to the DM's desire. The adventure features all three pillars of play: combat (in and out of the arena), social interaction (a succession of parties and parades, where players can get entangled in NPC business) and exploration (30+ locations in the festival grounds alone).

Cover of DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
Levels 10–14
64 pages

On every side the storm clouds gather. To south and east, the Great Empire of Thonia plots to end Blackmoor's independence and reclaim its lost province. To the west, the implacable Afridhi are on the move. To the north, the evil Egg of Coot prepares to cross the thundering sea and once again bring fire and sword into the heart of the small kingdom. Beyond the realm of the Egg, the hated Skandaharian Raiders are building longships and preparing to fall upon Blackmoor's unprotected coast while its tiny army turns to meet these other threats. Into this time of black despair, there steps a band of adventurers who clutch strange swords and wear the most curious armor?and who claim that Blackmoor sank beneath the ice 3,000 years ago! TSR 9172

Cover of The Question of the Sphinx
The Question of the Sphinx
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
30 pages

Match wits and mettle with a sphinx in this new adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. A wild forest edging closer to chaos, a small village threatened by something strange, and a quest to discover the truth from a legend known for her riddles. Locals speak of a mountaintop reliquary filled with powerful artifacts — artifacts which could make all the difference in the climactic battle for the fate of the village. You might even meet a baby sphinx cub along the way. The Question of the Sphinx is a 10 to 12 hour adventure for 6th through 8th level characters. This adventure easily fits within the Forgotten Realms, Theros, or other 5e settings. Solve any of the 20 original riddles Choose from 14 unique magic items Learn a never-before-known spell Brave any of the 6 random monster scenarios, set in 6 random dynamic locations Contend with 3 new monster variations

Cover of FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
Medium Level
16 pages

This setting was used in the F series and was used as an area for multiple adventure opportunities as a separate crossing of the Border Mountains. This mountain area has several travel sections to get from the civilized area to the frontier. With a multitude of side adventures this area helps mid-level adventurers increase their experience point base. In the Filbar campaign it was commonly used to get from Havendale to Arcanum College and Cordicstown.

Cover of A Raw Reprisal
A Raw Reprisal
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
9 pages

The party visits the village of Bellmare, where a hag has recently been slain, and which has since been plagued with deadly wintery weather during the Summer Solstice. The party meets the head of the village, who asks them to find the cause. When the party reaches a small hut in the mountains, they encounter a hag. Rather than attack them, she offers them information to help stop her sister from enacting revenge upon Bellmare. Pgs. 109-117

Cover of Madness of the Valkyries
Madness of the Valkyries
5th Edition
Level 12
7 pages

Hundreds of years have passed since the great war of Valhalla, but the repercussions are known throughout the lands. The Valkyries were once Odin’s greatest warriors who ferried the dead to the eternal resting place of Valhalla. Odin tells it that their duties asked too much of them and their minds were corrupted. In fits of uncontrollable rage and anguish, they began to slaughter the warriors they once protected. Only four Valkyries survived the war; in their cowardice, they fled to Midgard and hid amongst the mortals. You have been tasked with finding the last Valkyrie and destroying her, once and for all ending the Madness of the Valkyries. But there may be more to learn in the once-great halls.

Cover of Threshold of Evil
Threshold of Evil
Levels 14–18
22 pages

On a storm-blasted mountain lives an immortal Arch-Mage with a foul temper. The townspeople want you to talk to him - and kill him, if necessary. Is immortality worth the price? An Arch-Mage's magics threaten a small village. To protect it the party must brave a dangerous climb, and survive the Mage's warded lair.

Cover of Strike Back
Strike Back
5th Edition
Level 4
24 pages

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚. An orcish emissary is travelling the lands south of the dwarven stronghold of Nirzumbil, attempting to keep the tribes in line and focused upon harassing the dwarves. If the PCs can defeat the emissary before he can complete his rounds, they might be able to splinter a part of the orcish alliance. A sandbox-style adventure for a party of 4th level player characters. Includes 5th edition writeups of the giant stag beetle and the krenshar.

Cover of Rudwilla's Stew
Rudwilla's Stew
Levels 1–2
15 pages

In Mulcrow, food - not music - soothes the savage beast. The adventure begins in the town of Griffondale whre the PCs encounter Jelmark, an emissary of the Duke of Mulcrow. Jelmark hires the party to help the witch Rudwilla prepare a special stew for a cantankerous bugbear chief who lives in the Rockforge Mountains. Bruggh the bugbear demans the stew once a year on his birthday.-- from the adventure. Pgs. 34-48

Cover of Upon the Icebound Terrace
Upon the Icebound Terrace
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
1 pages

This adventure is suitable for four 6th to 7th level PC's and may be completed in a single session. Oithois the exceptional ice mephit and his foul underlings have uncovered a powerful relic at the entry to ancient ruins. The monstrous mephits seek to crack a hole between the material plane and their icy home world. Oithois plots to lead an army of elemental lackeys and conquer the civilized outposts of the north. This ice mephit has studied the machine and is confident he can open a gateway to the elemental plane of ice. PCs are approached by a frostbitten traveler, who pleads with them to assault the terrace. The adventurers must mount an attack against the mephits, contend with an unintentionally summoned young white dragon, and defeat Oithois upon the icebound terrace.

Cover of The Cycle of Cerberus
The Cycle of Cerberus
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
50 pages

Inspired by the 12 Labors of Hercules in Greek mythology, this adaptation incorporates the classic quests, monsters, and motifs of ancient myth while injecting our interpretation of the personality and flavour of the world's greatest roleplaying game. As a result, though those familiar with the original myth may recognize key similarities in this adventure, it has been designed with the goal of re-formatting and reframing these heroic tasks in a new light, suitable for an entire mini-campaign fit for a whole group of brave and heroic adventurers. Use the Village of Kalogeros to incorporate each labor into a long running quest, or take bits and pieces and re-flavor them as necessary to fit your game. The choice is yours. Either way, we hope you enjoy.

Cover of The Spectre of Sanguine Isle
The Spectre of Sanguine Isle
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
57 pages

"The Spectre of Sanguine Isle" is an adventure included in the product "Calpurnia's Guide to Practical Traps". It's an adventure that features traps from the document. The isolated town of Cupidinum has been shaken by a senseless murder. The culprit has fled to Sanguine Isle, and it's up to the heroes to find him and bring him to justice. But the fugitive doesn't want to be caught, and he knows a thing or two about guerilla warfare. Can the heroes catch their elusive prey? And was his crime quite as straight-forward as it was made out to be?

Cover of God of Ore
God of Ore
5th Edition
Level 3
38 pages

God of Ore is a 3rd-level adventure that takes the characters from the quiet, mountainside town of Miners’ Refuge into the heart of the Stoneheart Mountains in pursuit of a failed pilgrimage to discover a phony religious relic deep inside legendary Mithral Mountain. The dark, twisting tunnels that bore into the fabled mountain soon reveal that some mysteries are not what they first appear to be.

Cover of Remains of the Empire
Remains of the Empire
4th Edition
Levels 3–4
26 pages

Long ago, when the Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia thrived, the flying citadel Ustraternes was undone by tiefling magic. Now, a dragonborn zealot with dreams of renewing the lost glory of his ancestors explores the ruins—and unleashes a plague of rampaging drakes on the terrified locals. The story offers PC's the chance to tame a Warwing Drake, disperse a mob, parley with undead, and battle within an alpine meadow that defies gravity.

Cover of Encounters in Icewind Dale
Encounters in Icewind Dale
5th Edition
Levels 1–7
52 pages

Encounters in Icewind Dale is a 5e supplement that consists of 24 encounters ranging from short to long one, some even could be considered micro-adventures! The supplement is meant to enrich your game, whether it passes in Icewind Dale or in any other arctic setting! The encounters are based on exploration, social interaction and combat!

Cover of SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
16 pages

As you begin your path to adventuring fame, fate brings you a gift. The military is attacking a humanoid army not too far away but their powerful force has splintered the insurgents. Different groups of aggressive humanoids are now off on their own and the military is overwhelmed trying to track them down. Word has it that one such group is headed to the revered Oracle at Nyo! Your time has come and fame is within reach!