"A mutual friend has praised your skills highly. If you seek rich reward and the opportunity to delve into mysteries ancient and lost, bring this bottle forthwith to my demesne in the village of Volkumburgh. Together we may seek to bring mankind the lost wonder of the awtawmatawn." A mysterious note, a disappearing 5-foot-long religious relic, and the ruins of two magical schools. What do these things have in common? How deeply are your party members involved in all this? "The Shattered Statue" is the first dual-game-system module of its kind. Players of both the AD&D game system and DRAGONQUEST game system can use this adventure. It is suitable for use with FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting. TSR 9221
As you begin your travels to fame and glory you have discovered the road is actually paved mostly with dirt and boredom. You have heard of the caravan attacks at Feastelburg and have begun to make your way to fame and fortune. As light begins to fade from the sky you have come upon a sign welcoming you to the small lake community of Crystal Shores. What appears to be a smoldering funeral pyre is near the lake’s edge and a small group of children play near the road. Your journey to the caravan raiders is halfway there. A few more days and you will begin your life as adventurers!
Decades ago a group of adventurers saved the town of Logan’s Bluff from a humanoid incursion. While the battle ended in a victory, the cost was high when the party lost a valued member of their group. In his honor his comrades and grateful citizens built a tomb over his final resting spot. In the decades since the battle peace has reigned but has recently waned with the advent of more humanoid sightings. Some have wondered if Forstal’s tomb is drawing the humanoids back for revenge.
A bizarre journey into the realm of sleep. A casual visit to a living, nightmare theater. The King sends the party to speak to the Oracle, a Titan named Andromicus and ask about the fate of the kingdom. But the titan is asleep and sleeping he draws the heroes into his dream! This very weird adventure imagines the titan is dreaming three different five act plays whose stories intertwine and intermix randomly. The heroes find themselves in a random act of a random play and must "solve" the central tension of the act to put the Titan's mind at ease and move on to the next Act. Once they solved five different acts (which may happen out of order and each be from different stories) they exit the dream and the Titan wakes, allowing the players to ask the Titan Oracle a question. Some acts are short roleplaying encounters, some are full on combat scenarios. While the players can earn experience, and might get some cash, any magic items they find are illusory! A unique adventure with a lot of promise for an open-minded DM. Seems very like a classic Star Trek episode and in fact follows many of the same rules about Gods and Dreams. Pgs. 5-15
Ratmen of the Dead Oak is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio #8 (DF1 The Patina Court). It contains the information needed to run a side advenute during the events of The Hidden Valoria Campaign. You haven't truly been inducted into the culture of Valoria unless you've had dealings ith the mysterious Ratmen. Now, a problme has emerged from an infamous tree in the Patina and only the characters have the unique skills required to deal with it both diplomatically and martially. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
A Place and Time for Death is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio Digital Quarterly #1, (GK1 The Adventure Begins). Far out in the uncharted territories, the Enlightened still cling to life, but the ever encroaching presence of the xenophobic Samaya threatens the last of their hidden enclaves. Now, a bounty hunter has been dispatched to deal with the supposed Enlightened sympathizers in the border town of Hogan's Hooch, but there is more to the story than meets the eye. Unbeknownst to the citizens of the town and old relic of the Final War is the price the bounty hunter seeks. Can the party find a way to thwart the bounty hunter and deal with the relic before it falls into the hands of Samaya willing to use it to sway the balance of power in the world? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
Are long journeys through Wildspace getting you down? Too much time on your hands? Sick of catching the same old Scavvers? Why not pay a visit to Starfish Bay! Break out one of the five new lures and see what bites! With 25 new fish to catch you'll be busy for weeks! But watch out, not all of them are so easy to hold onto! This small sidequest has 8 new monster stat blocks along with 1 encounter with some 'hungry' Hadozee!
While traveling along the Trade Way, the characters see a small hut on the side of the road, and a spiked barricade erected in the middle of the road. Two men with cudgels in their hands stand on either side of the road. These two brigands proclaim to be members of the Waterdeep City Watch, but any Waterdhavian with half a brain knows this to be a lie. The truth is that these are common highwaymen trying to fleece travelers and merchants with a phony road toll. In this simple encounter, the characters can employ whatever inventive tactics they want to pass the brigands. They may simply pay the toll, they may try to intimidate the bandits or appeal to their better nature by making a Charisma check, or they might resort to violence. Or, they may attempt something else entirely! Encourage creativity.
The sudden appearance of the undead within Port Nyanzaru doesn’t appear to be the only thing on the horizon. A vast horde of skeletons and zombies is moving towards the city and while those of means are safe within the city’s walls, those in the Old City and Malar’s Throat are forced to contend with the problem. Where did they come from? More importantly, what are you going to do to find out? Part Two of The Rot from Within Trilogy.
When the magic runs out, so does your luck. The wildspace monster is deadly, but its lair is the real killer. The Spelljammer ship, Sky Ranger, is lost in wildspace and the players are hired to find it. When investigating the Pirtel system where the ship was last seen, the players have a chance for exploration and roleplay in a city called Skyport. The adventure is mostly exploration of Pirtelspace and investigation to find the final resting place of the Sky Ranger. The adventure is full of random and planned encounters for this area. The story culminates in an encounter with an insane radiant dragon named Blacklight. Pgs. 40-69
Off the coast of the Newmack Sea and to the east of Gortelburg sits the walled town of Cordicstown. Within the fortified tows in the infamous Arcanum College where young mages of wealth or talent come to learn the craft from the masters. For young adventuring mages this place offers the opportunity to improve upon their spell books and even apprentice with the masters of the mystic arts!
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen... A carnival of laughs, thrills - and terror. "Sometimes an adventure comes along that tackles a particular idea or theme so well that it pretty much closes the door on other submissions of its kind. Such is the case with 'The Jingling Mordo Circus.' Owner and ringleader Max Mordo, an evil wizard, uses the circus as a front for his kidnapping schemes and his magic to turn his victims into sideshow monsters. It’s the first and only circus Dungeon has published." - Christopher Perkins Pgs. 48-63
Side-Trek adventure When your PCs gain access to the teleport spell, their whole world changes. That simple spell opens up instantaneous, long-distance travel. No more long overland journeys or dangerous retreats through hostile territory. All it takes is clasped hands and a word from the wizard, and poof! The PCs are where they want to go. Except that it isn’t that simple, because teleport isn’t foolproof. The off-target teleports are a matter of scattering your PCs someplace else on the map and forcing them to get their bearings and make the long overland journey anyway. But this Side Trek focuses on the really intriguing column on the teleport chart: “similar area.”
While many monuments exist to the defunct Adurite culture has been raided, this graveyard has remained undisturbed as it has been in the wilderness for several centuries. Recently a sage came to the area with information pertaining to the resting spot of the famous general and explorer fever has gripped the region. One group of adventurers did discover the resting spot a months ago but also located the trapped gate of the cemetery. Can you two brave adventurers do better?
Welcome to the Port City of Antioch! This sprawling community is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Nirack and has more than a few sights to see! This setting was created for a desert (fore coming) series and was used as a base of operations for the adventurers. Many strange sights await those wishing to visit the area. Note in the player testing version there was a language barrier until a Dwarven slave was located to translate for the party! This is of course optional. Welcome to the exotic world on the southern shores of the Newmack Sea!
Have you ever considered how hard it would be to fight a tractor with a sword or greataxe? Your players deserve to find out! This adventure traps the player characters in a small pocket plane set up by nefarious forces. They must explore a small modern farm and deal with its hazards to end the curse placed on the farmer. There are, of course, a few complications to deal with, like animated farm equipment trying to kill them, and the innumerable horde of ghoulish chickens penned up in one of the chicken houses... The adventure is balanced for the way 5e is structured, meaning Long Resting is very risky, so they will have to conserve resources, and was designed and tested for 4 Level 6 players. It should take 3-6 hours to complete. It includes map images scaled for Roll20 and Fantasygrounds.
Can an ancient, smashed relic be put back together? Your employer thinks it can and sends you to find some of the fragments. A colorful town, detective work, interesting NPCs, a new race, and a challenging trip to the dump await you. The surrounding region inspires additional adventures.
They sure don't make lawful allies like they used to. A question of morality versus ethics - made lethal. Pgs. 17-34
On the border of Colorado and Kansas lies the infamous stretch of old Route 385 known as The Co-Kan Run. Few are foolhardy enough to brave that gauntlet of roving gangs, walking dead, and Combine forces, but now a girl in need and an old friend force your hand. Signing up with a wasteland convoy, you'll drop the hammer and head eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin, and you're about to do what they say can' be done. This is a Savage Worlds, Deadlands: Hell on Earth adventure module for Seasoned Characters. Product includes removable cover, 3D maps, 2D blue maps, and two interior booklets (Field Guide & Adventure). Official Savage Worlds Licensed Product.
Rising from the surface of a massive lake, an ancient ziggurat travels through time for purposes unknown. It’s up to the characters to enter this strange relic and discover what dark threat the structure poses. The Ziggurat Beyond Time contains advice for customizing the adventure for your own campaign. It also contains an artifact, the Deluvian Hourglass, that has time-related properties and wishes to witness the end of the world. Pgs. 23-55