A community for lazy dungeon masters
73 adventures found
Cover of Temple of Blood
Temple of Blood
3.5 Edition
Level 1
16 pages

Over the top low level dungeon takes you through the sewers to stop a blood worshiping madman his Kobold minions.

The Road to Swordfall
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

The road to the remote village of Swordfall is a long and winding one. It takes pilgrims who wish to visit the holy site from the main trade road, through the hills, and into the mountains where once, thousands of years ago, two gods engaged in an epic battle. Now, all that remains of the battlefield is a lone sword, several hundred feet tall, embedded in the ground at the center of a massive crater. Over the years, a large temple to Thuul, god of battle, sprung up around the site. Now, warriors and fighters from across the land travel to Swordfall to pay their respects once in their lifetime. Recently, however, pilgrims have begun going missing. Somewhere between the main road and Swordfall itself, something, or someone, has been waylaying travelers. Unbeknownst to most, a cult to Ghenna has taken over one of the lone inns along the route and has begun using it to capture and sacrifice pilgrims to their own dark god. Unless a group of adventurers can stop them, the sacrifices won't stop.

Cover of DD-01 The Darkness Beneath Dalentown
DD-01 The Darkness Beneath Dalentown
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
39 pages

The adventures in Dalentown continue in The Darkness Beneath Dalentown. Workers in the town’s sewers have stumbled upon the long abandoned halls of the dwarves that once settled beneath this region. What they’ve found is a haunted library. What they’ve woken is something far more sinister! The Darkness Beneath Dalentown features hordes of oozes, undead, and demons festering for years in an ancient dwarven mining stronghold. Now, they are slowly working their way to the surface, and the folk of Dalentown are in dire peril!

Cover of The Soul of the Serpent
The Soul of the Serpent
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–7
36 pages

The search for a missing girl leads PCs to uncover the re-emergence of a dangerous cult of Serpentfolk. This is a low-combat adventure, mostly requiring roleplay and investigation. NOTE: The Tales of Freeport that contains this adventure is NOT one of the versions currently available in the Green Ronin store. Those contain short stories. This is an older item that appears to no longer be available from Green Ronin. It is possible that the adventures within it have been included in other products since then. But I have linked to the original product on DriveThru RPG.

Cover of One Night Amongst the Necromancers
One Night Amongst the Necromancers
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
20 pages

An evil cult gathers for one night of dark acts, and on this night a group of brave adventurers enter their hide out. It is a mission of stealth and subterfuge for the dark forces are powerful, and quick thinking is needed to succeed for one night amongst the necromancers. The adventure introduces several new monsters and magic items. Originally from the Danish convention Fastaval as part of the living campaign, Hinterlandet. Now presented here for the first time in English. It is an adventure with emphasis on exploration and meeting the unknown.

Cover of Circus of the Stars
Circus of the Stars
5th Edition
Levels 9–10
18 pages

A 4-hour adventure for 9th-10th level characters A sleepy lakeside village wreathed in fog, rumors of a lake monster, local disappearances, a band of assassins terrorizing the city, and a travelling circus sideshow that seems to be at the center of it all. “Come one, come all to the greatest show in the world! Step right up, ladies and lords, to see the wonders of the natural and unnatural world! Trained monstrosities from across the globe have been gathered for your amusement and examination! Strongmen, jugglers, acrobats, and sword swallowers join exotic acts and foods from the four corners of the known world and beyond! You, my friend, have the privilege of witnessing the spectacle, the amazement, the wonder of the circus of the stars! Step right up and buy your tickets now before they're all gone! Limited seating is available and no one will be seated once the show has begun!”

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #24: Legend of the Ripper
Dungeon Crawl Classics #24: Legend of the Ripper
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–3
40 pages

The city is gripped in fear! The Ripper has returned after a 125-year absence and is once again carving a trail of blood through the slums of Millers Court. Also returned is the ghost of Mari Kell, his last victim from more than a century ago, and she haunts the streets where she was killed. The city watch is at a loss to solve this supernatural mystery, much less apprehend the Ripper himself. All the clues point back to the hovel where Mari Kell was slain long ago. If the heroes are brave enough to enter, will they find the Ripper himself there?

The Coming Plague
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
6 pages

When a vile and mysterious plague strikes the city of H'vari, the Satrap orders a quarantine until the disease is cured. The PCs become trapped in a city in the throes of an epidemic.The players must venture into seedy tenements, walk among the dead and dying, uncover the unique symptoms and find a cure. Will the players solve the mystery behind the pestilence or will they themselves succumb to the coming plague... "The Coming Plague" is a four-hour adventure for 3-6 players. It is written for characters of 4th-7th level. The PCs are trapped in a plague-ridden city until they discover the source of the disease, a vile Otyugh. This module includes a two hand rendered maps and a new goddess to add to any pantheon. ...the vile Otyugh busts from the water and lashes out with it's disgusting, ropy tentacles! It's howls and bleeps are like nails on a chalkboard. It seems happy that a fresher meal has come along...

Cover of A Kobold Christmas
A Kobold Christmas
5th Edition
Level 3
15 pages

A Kobold Christmas is a festive one-shot perfect for an adventuring group looking for a little bit of chaotic fun this holiday season. Set in the town of Finnick, play as a group of kobolds working their way out of the sewers and into the home of Sanderklauzen the Red in the pursuit of riches and revenge. Perfect for seasoned (pun intended) and new DM's alike, A Kobold Christmas is a level 3 stand alone adventure, suited for a group of 3 - 5 adventurers if you have 4 to 6 hours to play.

Cover of Kraken's Gamble
Kraken's Gamble
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
18 pages

This adventure is designed for the D&D Adventures League Season 5 - Storm King’s Thunder campaign, and is meant to enhance your party’s connection to important events and NPCs. It is intended for use during Chapter 3 and 4, where your party is roaming the Savage Frontier, and has material enough for 1-2 full sessions. It brings your party in contact with the mysterious Kraken Society, and introduce them to the Golden Goose coin, which will make your players more invested in the events of Chapter 11: Caught in the Tentacles.

Cover of Dreams of Solitude: Ravenloft Campaign
Dreams of Solitude: Ravenloft Campaign
5th Edition
Levels 4–13
226 pages

30 Ravenloft adventures inspired by various domains of dread, including Gothic Earth, that can be played as a single campaign! Dreams of Solitude is a collection of thirty exciting adventures that can either be played as a campaign, run as a one-shot, or have pieces taken out to supplement your current home game! You'll meet your match against Atarte, the evil master of dreams, who will task you to defend ancient fortresses from the undead, explore a terrifying maze, fight in the trenches of world war 1 or even a karaoke contest with werewolves! It's SO much fun, and you'll be able to go back for more adventures, again and again! Adventures summary: Demon's Isle: Explore a watery cave and find your way to the Pirate Demon Zekel! Airic's Forest: Survive a forest ruled by werewolves while you try to find the cure for lycanthropy! Fractured City: Enter a glitchy uncompleted illusory town and try to find the "Butcher" that roams the dark alleys. The Heinfroth Heist: Enter Dr. Heinfroth's asylum and steal his journal without becoming his test subject! Tomb of the Hentempet the Red Queen: Face Hentempet the red queen inside her Pharaoh tomb! Graveyard Of invitation: Enter a cursed graveyard and follow the clues to find the reason why the undead have risen! Fey Blood Merchant: Help the Vistani child escape his Rakshasha master before he returns! Horrors in Chateaufaux: Play the role of the Gendarmerie guards and find out who creates chaos in the roads of Dementlieu! On the Run: Explore an ancient tomb and escape the curse that you have unleashed! Vampire Escort Child: Can you help this poor child leave this jail meant for monsters? Defend the Keep!: Command your own military force to defend a keep against waves of undead! Lena's Pets: Explore the heidius laboratory of Frantisek Markov's student and escape before you become body parts for her next experiment! Lava trip: Who would want to be inside an ACTIVE VOLCANO? RUN! Escape Rooms: Find the way to escape before time runs out! How investigative are you? Singing Showdown: Karaoke competition with werewolves??? Labyrinthine Horror: Can you escape the labyrinth before the Vampiric Minotaur catches you? Teety's Hunt for Lulo: Find Teety's elusive love in an enchanted forest of pain! Monster Lab: Create your own Flesh Golem and make sure you are a good parent! Through fire and steel: Run through the No-man's-land while enemy planes and tanks bombard you and assassinate the enemy general! Don't forget to dodge the bullets! Drowning in Filth: Will you manage to escape before you drown in filth? Wilted Roses: Explore the forests of Sithicus and find the Black Rose Effigy! Shyclin’s Circus: An encounter inspired by the Carnival. The joke's on you! Among Us: Can you find shelter in a small cabin found in the woods? The Free Trader, Mist Runner: Avoid the enemy pirate ship at all cost while trying to reach the port with your own ship! The Curious Case of the Man Who Drowned in Air: Solve a detective's case in Victorian era London! Night at the Museum: Protect the museum's artifacts from invisible adversaries! Raid the Shadow: Lay siege on a castle controlled by the undead! Who could be its ruler? Journey to the Center: Control a mechanical worm of Kwalish and drill to the center of the earth to mine mithril! Journey Through Barovia: Visit Barovia's most famous places while trying to solve riddles or die trying! Choose Nothing: Solve a Death Slaad's riddle or get mad! The Final Dream: Tackle Atarte and their illusions in an environment that continiously alters between all of the dream-adventures! Only few can take on a Darklord and live to tell the tale! Published by Mistfactor Press

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #30: The Devil We Know—Part II: Cassomir's Locker
Pathfinder Society Scenario #30: The Devil We Know—Part II: Cassomir's Locker
Levels 1–7
20 pages

Part 2 of the "The Devil We Know" campaign arc. Cassomir's Locker is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7). The Pathfinder Society dispatches you to the catacombs called Cassomir's Locker to find the source of a rat cult breeding monstrous vermin. After clearing Cassomir's dank sewers and delving into the dirty dungeons below, will you find the artifact that powers Cassomir's Locker or bring about the destruction of Taldor's most important port?

Cover of The Rat Trap
The Rat Trap
Levels 6–10
18 pages

Dirty rotten scoundrels. Carn Perrin needs an exterminator. A city is plead with ware rats. Its up to the party to find their lair and kill the rat king. Pgs. 38-55

Cover of CCC-AMER-01 Asleep and Awake
CCC-AMER-01 Asleep and Awake
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

Refugees in Mulmaster have had a fairly tough time, and that was before the disappearances. The few that return have been changed, refusing to believe that they were even missing. You have been asked by Mulmaster’s nobility to find the source of the disappearances and put an end to them. This adventure premiered at AMERICA's Cup 2018 in New Zealand.

Cover of Burial in Baldur's Gate
Burial in Baldur's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
12 pages

Burial in Baldur's Gate is a 6-8 hour Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 1-2, for use as an introduction to Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus or as a standalone module. A simple errand to help a friend reveals a mystery that will lead the characters to a grisly charnel house and the cults of the Dead Three. This is why you never do anybody a favor in Baldur's Gate. The adventure has everything you need to start a new campaign in Baldur's Gate, including: - a new adventure hook for Descent into Avernus - two short introductory dungeon crawls in the Lower City - notes for transitioning into Descent into Avernus - new motivations for characters to continue on to Avernus - four creature and NPC stat blocks, including the carrion crawler larva - a map pack with two maps by Dyson Logos Burial in Baldur's Gate also includes suggestions for combining this adventure with Escape from Elturel if you want to run a mixed party of characters from Baldur's Gate and Elturel.

Cover of Guilds' Town: The Cult War
Guilds' Town: The Cult War
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
20 pages

Guilds Town is in the middle of Dravens, a province of the realm of Shrave. 50 years ago, the neighboring dwarven province of Kiernard rebelled and tried to overthrow the green dragon Shrave who rules the realm. They failed and their province was dissolved. Dwarves who left the province mostly fled to Dravens, and are called Nards as both a racial slur and a stigma of their people’s dishonor. Guilds Town are the ones really in control of the province and are the current opposition of the Dravens nobility. In recent times, corruption and crime in the city have risen to new heights as 4 cults compete for control of the city and their citizens. Published by NaturalCrit

Cover of Sharn II, Council of Roaches
Sharn II, Council of Roaches
5th Edition
Levels 3–7
54 pages

A roach thrall has infiltrated Sharn's highest circle of power, the council, and few have noticed. It's up to our adventurer's, with a little help from a perceptive councilor, to rid Sharn of the growing infestation.

Cover of Adventure One: Trouble in Threshold
Adventure One: Trouble in Threshold
Level 1
14 pages

The Heroes are relaxing in an inn when they hear a scream, rushing outside they find that a local merchant has been kidnapped! The merchant's wife saw the assailants drag him into an alley, where the heroes give chase. Following the villains through a maze of natural fissures, tunnels, and ancient ruins they encounter a number of monsters, traps, and puzzles. Eventually they make their way to the kidnappers hideout, where they confront the kidnappers in a final climatic battle to rescue the merchant and uncover a criminal gang.

Cover of DF2 The Lost Apprentice
DF2 The Lost Apprentice
Levels 3–5
15 pages

Continue the adventure inside the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the second part of this new gaming trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Now entrenched in the tapestry of The Patina Court, the players must begin unraveling an even greater mystery that lies beneath the streets. Taking the adventure to the sewers, get ready to explore some of the locations that have made Valoria so famous among its players over the years This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of The Monsters of Enfri Asylum
The Monsters of Enfri Asylum
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
64 pages

Where have the staff gone? Why do the doors not lead where they should? What dark experiments were performed here? And what has become of the asylum’s enigmatic owner? During a routine train ride, the characters are halted by a powerful force within Enfri Asylum. Haunted by murderous doctors, revolutionary patients, and creatures beyond description, the characters must venture into the old hospital and put an end to the madness to reach their destination. The Monsters of Enfri Asylum is a 8 to 12 hour horror adventure for 1st to 5th-level characters.