A community for lazy dungeon masters
498 adventures found
Cover of In the Black Hours part 2
In the Black Hours part 2
Levels 6–9
8 pages

After successfully protecting the crown in Part 1, the city council asks you to find and stop the demonic force infecting the thieves guild. Continuation from part 1 found in Polyhedron #22 Pgs. 13-20

Cover of FD7 - Needle of Patti
FD7 - Needle of Patti
Levels 2–4
20 pages

While doing due diligence going over some dusty tomes you have discovered a scrap giving you a clue about some magical items in a strange obelisk somewhere in the vicinity. The adventure takes the PCs across the Torgoth’s Causeway into the frontier. A few coins to a local sage and you will have a better idea on where to go…or so it would seem.

Cover of Jerimond's Orb
Jerimond's Orb
3rd Edition
Levels 2–4
9 pages

Ten days ride north of the great city, there is a small town named Treefall. Up until recently, this town was well known for its rich harvests, happy villagers, and prosperous weather. These days, however, the once-proud details from Treefall have turned darker. Instead of tales of unending prosperity, you hear hushed whispers of a great curse that has struck the once-happy village. Word has it that, where once roamed contented cattle, now strange beasts hunt by the moon's cold light and terrorize the hapless region. You have scoffed with the others at these stories. Despite the things you've seen in you adventures with your friends, the thought that such ill might befall such a sleepy town strikes you as terribly unlikely. There is plenty of evil in the world, true, but there are also much bigger and better targets. But, tonight despite the firmness of your disbelief, the stories come to find you. You have been traveling north along the roads on your own business, enjoying the rich fall colors and warm afternoons. Your camp os small and secure, with a roaring fire and meat cooking over the flame. It's one of those crisp autumn days that makes you long for a warm hearth after a long ride in the cool air. Still, the fire is good enough for now and you and your friends have a wonderful meal, talking and singing and laughing, anticipating a restful sleep beneath the blanket of stars. Until the beast attacks.

Cover of AS4 - Simian's Gate
AS4 - Simian's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
22 pages

This high level adventure returns the PCs to Helvana. A recent adventure has netted the party some Adamant, a rare ore in Filbar that is excellent for constructing weapons of amazing quality. As you arrive in Vorshmorgan to locate a smith you quickly discover there are problems in town. The scenario was designed to give upper level players a challenge and pits them against one of the most feared creatures in the land!

Cover of The Laureate Trials
The Laureate Trials
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
22 pages

The player characters have been invited to compete in the infamous Laureate Trials. The Laureates are a well-known adventuring guild. Once a year, they allow a select group of known adventurers to take part in the Laureate Trials. The prize is becoming an official member of the Laureates, with all the perks and responsibilities that awards. Rumour has it that new initiates will be awarded a coveted Laureate Pin, with special powers of communication. This adventure is a starting module, designed for new players and Game Masters. It should take 1 - 2 hours with a standard group of 4 players. Everything you need to know is contained inside or in the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules. It is ideal for helping a beginning group of heroes get started and giving them a motivation for further adventures. Inside, there are Trials to test Agility, Wits and Combat, plus a special encounter at the end which will determine the fate of a forgotten individual.

Cover of The Ice Tyrant
The Ice Tyrant
Levels 5–7
24 pages

The Ice Tyrant is a Dragonlance Firth Age adventure set in Southern Ergoth, the domain of Gellidus the white dragon. This scenario takes the heroes from a coldswept refuge of the Silvanesti elves to the citadel of Anghanor, left untouched since the Knights of Takhisis' withdrawal in 383 A.C. (just before the Second Catalcysm). The once-familiar locales of Ergoth have changed since the War of the Lance. Now, in the Age of Mortals, most of Southern Ergoth is covered by a great glacier, and the capital city of Daltigoth has fallen to ogres loyal to the brutal dragon overlord Gellidus (known to humans as Frost). The adventure begins when the heroes join a band of Silvanesti renegades who have successfully evaded Gellidus' clutches. The elves plan to strike back at the cruel Ice Tyrant by uncovering his "secret" in Anghanor. --from the adventure. NOTE: this module uses the Fifth Age rules based on the Saga card system. It is supplemented by AD&D rule text boxes. As such, there is no recommended level although Tier 2 play seems appropriate. Includes an overland map and a map of the tower and keep. Pgs. 26-49

Cover of FT - Lord Morningstar's Keep
FT - Lord Morningstar's Keep
Levels 1–5
16 pages

Sometimes when wandering in the wilderness you just need to find a refuge. Welcome to Lord Morningstar’s Keep, a place of safety and security while in between adventures. The newly promoted Marquis Morningstar is a personable man who spent years on the trail fighting evil. His wilderness outpost suits his personality and his men love him for it. While not officially a “town”, this outpost can be utilized as a safe haven and a location where level training can be achieved.

Cover of FS6 - Keep of Baron Sancrist
FS6 - Keep of Baron Sancrist
Levels 1–3
18 pages

While at times cliché there are few adventures better than an old fashioned trek into the ruins of a deserted castle. This adventure pits a new adventurer against the decades old remains of a hilltop castle that is “haunted”. The old keep was the site of a mighty battle years before that swayed the power in the area but now it is the crumbling remains of the once powerful Baron Sancrist. While the old fortress is supposed to be deserted the area farmers and villagers swear they have seen the dead walk the parapets in the moonlight. Well you wanted adventure….here it comes!

Cover of OP2 - Cupid's Arrows
OP2 - Cupid's Arrows
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

Today's offering is a one-page adventure built for a solo 3rd level character. While in between normal adventures you have been tracking an escapee known as Johan Cupid and believe to have picked up a lead in Jakestown. With the bandit hiding out in an old manor house you see a payday coming. Not a traditional "Valentine's" theme this adventure reminds you that sometimes Cupid's arrows sting!

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #34: Blood for Blood (Kingmaker 4 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #34: Blood for Blood (Kingmaker 4 of 6)
Level 10
96 pages

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters, this volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path is part 4 of 6 of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, in which the heroes win and defend a small kingdom from threats foreign and domestic. PCs should advance to 13th level by the end of this adventure. “Blood for Blood” begins with the PCs having returned home from solving the mystery of the Varnhold Vanishing. Shortly after their arrival, they learn that new problems have developed during their absence—there are rumors of an army marching toward their nation!The PCs race to the village of Tatzlford, where they help defend the village from an attack by a small but earnest force of bandits, barbarians, and several lumbering trolls after being warned in advance by a troubled woman who has fled from Fort Drelev to the west. Following the skirmish, she pleads with the PCs to save her father and sister from peril.From there, the PCs strike out into the swamplands of the Slough to the west, exploring new lands and finding opportunities to make new allies and eliminate long-term threats to the region. Their initial goal, though, should be infiltrating Fort Drelev, where they’ll have a chance to confront the traitor Drelev with his crimes and rescue the Fort’s beleaguered settlers. During this time, the PCs learn where Armag’s tribe has been holding the daughters of Drelev’s senior officers hostage. Arriving at the ancient site, the PCs attack Armag’s barbarian encampment and overcome the sinister powers of the Black Sisters to free the girls. Then, entering the tomb, they face deadly traps, ancient undead horrors from a war-torn age, and the trials of the tomb’s immortal, divine guardian. In the final chamber, the PCs encounter Armag himself, armed with the ancient sword of his namesake.

Cover of APS01 Watchtower on the Hill
APS01 Watchtower on the Hill
Levels 1–3
28 pages

An Early-Level Adventure Game Module Suitable For The Osric Rpg System Or Any Other 1e Compatible System. A Shaft Has Been Discovered Below The Old Watchtower Outside Of Town. Worse Yet, A Boy Has Fallen Into It! Your Party Must Race Against Time To Save The Boy And Sift Through The Remains Of The Watchtower On The Hill!

Cover of Confrontation at Candlekeep
Confrontation at Candlekeep
5th Edition
Level 2
27 pages

Candlekeep is under siege, and it needs adventurers to help protect it! Heed the call to defend the legendary monastery and stand against the tide of evil. Confrontation at Candlekeep was used as a D&D Next playtest for D&D 5E. It was released to organized play Dungeon Masters in August 2013, and ran at Gen Con, PAX, and other major conventions. The adventure includes rules for running multiple tables, but can also be run for just one table. The attack on Candlekeep by forces of Asmodeus is tied to the events in Ed Greenwood's novel about the Sundering, "The Herald."

Cover of The Heist At Nimressa
The Heist At Nimressa
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
16 pages

While travelling the open road, the party encounters two good-hearted thieves with a potentially lucrative proposition: The despotic baroness Ytrix hoards a large treasure nearby, locked within her army’s fort. Wouldn’t it be exactly what she deserves to have that treasure stolen and given to the needy that she’s so long ignored and oppressed? That’s what the party’s new companions think anyway, and they certainly have no ulterior motive for the job... The treasure is protected by high walls, a legion of soldiers, a fanatical wizard, and plenty of other surprises to keep would-be thieves on their toes. The party will choose how to approach the fort, case the joint, make their plan, and execute their heist. When they're done—and if they're successful—they'll leave with a small fortune and even a few unique magic items. A 6-8 hour adventure for 3rd or 4th level characters.

Cover of UK4 When a Star Falls
UK4 When a Star Falls
Levels 3–5
32 pages

The power of prophecy is given to few. Wise are they who guard this gift well, for those who thirst after such knowledge are not always men of principle. Bastion of destiny, the Tower of the Heavens stands silhouetted against the star-studded night sky. From within his darkened observatory, perched like an eyrie on the highest turret, a figure in white charts the course of a shooting-star as it disappears behind the snow-capped peaks of the Tegefed mountains. The old man smiles grimly to himself; the event foretold has come to pass! Power, glory, riches - it takes years to acquire them. The uncanny accuracy of their predictions has brought all these and more to the sages of the Tower of the Heavens. But what is hard to win is often easier to lose, and the future of the tower now hangs in the balance. For it is written that the day of reckoning draws nearer when a star falls.... TSR 9120

Cover of Whims of the Heart
Whims of the Heart
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
18 pages

A Beholder Love Story A dwarven mineshaft has become the new home of the heartbroken beholder Sindryl. Discover who could be wicked enough to separate Sindryl from his love Prix'am, put a stop to their plot, and restore Prix'am's missing heart. A 3-6 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for Tier 2 characters. This adventure includes: 2 New Monsters (including 1 New Beholder!), 3 New Magic Items, New NPCs, a Minecart Skill Challenge, Romantic Random Encounters for the Underdark!

Cover of Prison Adventure: The Last Point
Prison Adventure: The Last Point
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
15 pages

The Last Point is a prison and outpost of the Corrive Empire, a realm ruled by a cruel green dragon named Lady Corrive. The Corrivians are well known for their hatred of magic users, and their extensive slave trade industry. A forest realm with coasts on three sides and mountains running through the center, Corrive is rich with a variety of resources. However, the rocky northern coast is out of the way of their navy and relies heavily on hired ships to help transport various goods including prisoners and slaves to isolated outposts, training centers, and slave colonies. The northwest coast of Corrive is rocky and many parts of it are elevated, making it isolated from much of the mainland. The Last Point is a recycling center where captives meant for death row who are either deemed “not important enough” to execute publicly or “too disgraceful” to execute publicly are sent to be tortured and then killed. The place seems to operate on sort of a “well, we have too many so some have to go now” policy. The Last Point has no official deadlines for killing.

Cover of City of the Spider Queen
City of the Spider Queen
3rd Edition
Level 10
186 pages

The Fate of Faerûn Lies in Shadowy Darkness! Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can.

Cover of BSOLO Ghost of Lion Castle
BSOLO Ghost of Lion Castle
Levels 1–3
32 pages

"A great cat sits upon the northern grasslands, my friend, waiting to pounce on adventurers just like you." As you part the tall grass with your sword, the words of the tavernkeeper echo in your head. "He was the mightiest wizard we'd ever known, and that Lion Castle was his home." Your friends' voices mingle with the tavernkeeper's. "He's but a ghost now, haunting those halls, and waiting for an heir." The ground rises slightly. A strong wind rushes through the field. Suddenly, the grasses part, and Lion Castle rises majestically before you! "Magical riches await those who enter!" "Beware of man-beasts!" Voices flood your head again. Will you brave the haunted castle? Can you afford not to? It's all up to you in this D&D Solo Adventure. Ghost of Lion Castle is for one player only, but that one player makes all of the choices and enjoys all of the rewards. An entire castle and courtyard await your exploration. The adventure also includes a complete solo combat system. TSR 9097

Cover of The Dark Night Before Christmas
The Dark Night Before Christmas
5th Edition
Level 10
8 pages

With the approaching winter, cold winds and long nights, the people of North get excited about its centuries-long tradition: the visit of Mage Nicholai Klaus Noah, the bearer of good fortunes and gift-giver. However, for the first time in over century, Nicholai is late! At first, the people didn't bother, but as days and nights passed, rumors increased until it finally evolved to a complete despair as numerous children started disappearing from all over the place! The council has decided to find those children and learn what happened to the beloved Mage. And they are willing to pay a considerable reward for that.

Cover of Melody
Levels 6–8
6 pages

While traveling a mountainous road, the party hears a "song, echoing faintly through the hills around you--a single, achingly beautiful feminine voice that burns its sorrow straight into your gut. The words are Elvish, but you don't have to speak that language to understand the sense of loss and heartache that fills every note." --from the adventure. Includes map of the tower.