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698 adventures found
Cover of FVC12 - Trollhaven Manor
FVC12 - Trollhaven Manor
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
22 pages

FVC12 – Trollhaven Manor begins with the party finishing up a retrieval mission and finding themselves enjoying the safety of Shadyhaven city. During their stay they are approached by a wandering cleric with an intoxicating personality. He presents the party with a strange item that he is willing to part with…for a price. The padre also offers to show the party where he got it only a few days away. Will the PCs trust this stranger to risk more wealth and fame? Will Trollhaven Manor provide more mystery than answers? Will the PCs pick up some of their famous grapes while they are there?

Cover of Aldriv's Revenge
Aldriv's Revenge
3rd Edition
Level 1
48 pages

Duke Aldriv III has been brutally murdered. His brother, Prince Cardor, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Mordeln, the bastard son of the Prince, is under suspicion. But Mordeln claims to be innocent, and fears he will be the assassins' next target. Let your plater characters' personalities come alive as they join forces with Mordeln in his desperate race to find his missing father. Will the players find the Prince before the assassins do? Or will they too fall victim to the mysterious figure manipulating the events from behind the scenes?

How to Scare a Crow
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
5 pages

This adventure sees the party tumbling between two mad goblin inventors. This is the first time the characters will meet Professor Passifou and his inventions. Also available in French

Cover of T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil
T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil
Levels 1–8
128 pages

"...the Ultimate Campaign Adventure..." A sinister force, long thought destroyed, stirs from the black hole that spawned it. Like an ebony darkness it prowls the land and safety is but an illusion, for it watches from every shadow and ponders possibilities. What began years ago with the introduction of the players to the quiet village of Hommlet and the amazing lands of Greyhawk, at last is complete. Here is the long awaited campaign adventure featuring the ruins of the Temple of Elemental Evil! Evil broods and grows beneath those blasted stones. This is your chance to drive it back and scatter its forces again. This product includes the village of Hommlet, the filthy shire of Nulb, and reveals the ruins of the Temple of Elemental Evil and the labyrinths that lie beneath, a warren of darkness. And beyond these ruins, even more is revealed. For the first time this product provides a complete campaign adventure which will take beginning characters from 1st all the way to 8th level and possibly beyond! Hours of adventure await you! TSR 9147

Cover of T1 Village of Hommlet
T1 Village of Hommlet
Levels 1–3
24 pages

The Village of Hommlet has grown up around a crossroads in a woodland. Once far from any important activity, it became embroiled in the struggle between gods and demons when the Temple of Elemental Evil arose but a few leagues away. Luckily of its inhabitants, the Temple and its evil hordes were destroyed a decade ago, but Hommlet still suffers from incursions of bandits and strange monsters. TSR 9026

Cover of The Horror in Darkfall SJ-DC-THID-MB04
The Horror in Darkfall SJ-DC-THID-MB04
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

The remote asteroid town of Darkfall harbors a terrible secret. In this adventure characters will have the opportunity to reveal the mystery behind the strange occurrences that have been plaguing the residents. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. All maps, tokens, and VTT files are included. CONTENT WARNING: Abduction, Sacrifice, Horror This adventure has the three pillars of play, combat, exploration, and social, with suggestions on how to adjust as you need. Matt Brown, a highly talented D&D adventure author, is thrilled to unveil his latest work, "The Horror in Darkfall." A spine-chilling sci-fi adventure designed for 2 hours of play and a Tier 1, perfect for those who love the three pillars of play. With a silver ranking for his D&D adventure, "The Last Resort," Matt has a proven track record of crafting captivating stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. He is a true lover of all things fantastical, and his unique adventure is guaranteed to keep D&D players on the edge of their seats. When he's not weaving tales, Matt can be found enjoying time with his beloved corgi in the Boston area.

Cover of TS1 - Heart of Darkness
TS1 - Heart of Darkness
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
32 pages

With your last adventure complete you head to town to sell off loot, replenish supplies and to find a bard to tell your tale to so that your fame can increase. As the group goes their separate ways you are wandering through the muddy streets when a shriek is heard. You see a man stab a merchant and attempt to escape. With no time to gather your associates you call for your mount (or borrow one) and give pursuit! This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats.

Cover of Curse of Strahd
Curse of Strahd
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
256 pages

Under raging storm clouds, the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich stands silhouetted against the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft. Rumbling thunder pounds the castle spires. The wind’s howling increases as he turns his gaze down toward the village of Barovia. A lightning flash rips through the darkness, but Strahd is gone. Only the howling of the wind fills the midnight air. The master of Castle Ravenloft is having guests for dinner—and you are invited. Spans levels 1-10.

Cover of FS4 - Xavier's Wand
FS4 - Xavier's Wand
Levels 1–3
15 pages

With survival being the hardest thing at low levels it’s important that PCs are careful and find help where they can. Xavier’s Wand offers a fledgling adventurer the opportunity to shine on their own and find a little help on the road as well. This adventure pits your new “hero” up against a bully and other challenges that will bolster a young adventurers experience and pockets! A thorp, humanoids, and potential henchman are some of the encounters in this adventure.

Cover of RC5 - Secrets of Bibliotheca
RC5 - Secrets of Bibliotheca
Level 5
29 pages

In part two of the Rock Con scenario, our group of heroes heads towards Bibliotheca. This urban adventure has a variety of encounters unique to the city setting. Can the group uncover the missing books?

Cover of Moonless Market Festival
Moonless Market Festival
5th Edition
Level 1
10 pages

This guide describes how to run a one-session festival for your players. It combines a black market, costumes, and various activities suitable for different PC skills. The setting is a beach at night near a coastal town or city, but it can be easily adapted for other locations. It is suitable for players with little experience, and characters of any level. It makes a good first session for new players since they can try various skills without risk.

Cover of Bloody Mad
Bloody Mad
5th Edition
Level 5
30 pages

The sleepy little town of Scharokhova has gone from dreary to depressing and dangerous. Shortly after a strange man in a hooded cloak came to town one evening, visiting the posh manor home of the local noble family, the Petrovas, a fog descended upon the valley where the town lies. What’s more, all manners of beasts, from rats to bats to wolves, are attacking the townsfolk, or destroying their supplies. And that fog! Anyone that tries to leave escape the town through the fog finds their mind too addled to make it through. And those that made it the furthest were set upon by beasts, beasts that seemed to try to keep the villagers from leaving town. Now, the townsfolk’s only hope rests with a group of outsiders who made it to the village through the mist, and now find themselves stuck in town, just like the residents have been. Eliminate the beasts threatening the townsfolk! Explore Petrova Manor and discover the secret that has caused this curse to descend upon Scharokhova! Finally, free the town from the grip of evil, and perhaps even bring Gorak, the last of the Petrova line, back from darkness into the light!

Cover of Scourge of the Sword Coast
Scourge of the Sword Coast
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
85 pages

The first part of the Dreams of Red Wizards adventure path originally published for the D&D NEXT Playtest. Following the events Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle, a new set of adventurer's will see some of the repercussions of that adventure. This adventure is intended to be continued in the Dead in Thay adventure (Note that they Dead in Thay 5e adventure featured in Tales from the Yawning Portal is missing a significant portion of interlude that links Scourge of the Sword Coast to the events within the Doomvault). The adventurers arrive when Daggerford is crowded with refugees from outlying lands. Goblins, gnolls, and orcs have been raiding the countryside. Now, food is scarce and tension is high. Blame for a theft has fallen on the refugees, and the Duke of Daggerford has forbidden more of the displaced from coming into town. After overcoming difficulties to enter Daggerford, the characters learn more about the raids. As they fight against the humanoids and delve deeper in the darkness that encircles Daggerford, the characters learn of Bloodgate Keep. After a final fiendish ambush, they’re ready to confront the real threat to the area. DM Note: This adventure points the adventurers strongly towards Bloodgate Keep but that location does not appear until the Dead in Thay adventure; at several points the party may feel drawn to explore that location rather than continue their investigations around Daggerford. However, since Bloodgate Keep is only eluded to as a source of great evil power, it can serve to easily segue to an entirely different adventure path. As a NEXT Playtest adventure, Scourge of the Sword Coast uses milestone leveling and the included stat blocks for creatures do not necessarily match or even appear in the 5e Monster Manual, nor do they have XP values or challenge ratings. In some places it will reference rules used in the Playtest but dropped or changed in the 5e release, these are unlikely to substantially impact gampley with 5e rules.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher
1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher
Levels 9–11
20 pages

Something is amiss in the remote mountain town of Zuria. The head priest has not filed a report in months, and traders following the winding road into the high-altitude valley do not find their way back home. The Church of Palnor, benefactor and watchers of the Tomb of Kings, are greatly concerned. Can the PC discover what has happened in this isolated mountain town before events turn disastrous?

Cover of Dragon Mountain
Dragon Mountain
Levels 10–15
192 pages

The rubble-strewn passageway twists and turns, winding ever deeper into the mountain, lower and lower into the bowels of the ancient, forbidding halls of long-dead dwarves. The torchlight flickers, threatening to succumb to the oppressive darkness. Creeping along one striated granite wall, Arikus the warrior moves cautiously toward the great cavern ahead, its sides and walls disappearing into the gloomy distance. Cocking his head to one side to listen, he holds his hand up for a moment, demanding unconditional quiet from from his companions. Then , his arm relaxing in relief, he waves everyone forward and moves into the open. Before him, scattered to the far walls of the enormous cavern, are piles upon piles of glittering treasure - coins from countless kingdoms, sparkling gems, exquisite jewelry, and items of wondrous power - enough for twenty kings' ransoms. Arikus laughs gleefully, thrusting both hands into the nearest cache of coins to let them runs through his fingers. At that moment, a monstrous shadow looms threateningly over him. Looking up, Arikus blanches and stumbles back in horror before the terrible visage of a Great Red Wyrm. The fearsome dragon opens its razor-filled maw and spews forth a gout of white-hot flame, engulfing the hapless warrior.... The ultimate Dungeon Master Fantasy! This is the most deluxe dungeon. Designed to appeal to discriminating and demanding role-players. Adventurers, beware. This is more than just a dragon hunt. Within the lair of the beast lie cruel and deadly traps, befuddling conundrums and puzzles, and cunning minions that will be the end of overconfident or careless adventurers. Comprised of three 64-page books, for two adventures that link to one super-campaign 12 full-color reference cards 16 special player handouts Eight Monstrous Compendium sheets A Sheet of cardstock standups with 24 plastic bases. Six full-color poster maps, two of which link together to make a giant tactical playing surface for use with miniatures or the included cardstock figures. TSR 1089

Cover of The Village of Lost Children
The Village of Lost Children
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
13 pages

"Men and women walk the streets of Stonefoot, but the laughter of playing children is nowhere to be heard. Over the past year, the village's children have gone missing in the middle of the night. Who will uncover the mystery of these disapearances and stop the curse before it leaves Stonefoot without a future?" From the DMsguild description. The party is tasked with saving the last child in the village and eventually retrieving the kidnapped children. The villains first appear to be goblins, but after a hunt and a fun teleportation maze, they find out a human mage is behind it. The mage has been transmuting the children into human-goblin hybrids.

Cover of DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests
DDAL05-03 Uninvited Guests
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
31 pages

The Shrine of the Axes has been restored and Raggnar Redtooth, who previously conspired with dragon cultists, is trying to restore his reputation in Parnast by sponsoring a feast. There is just one thing he needs, meat for his feast. Game is supposed to be plentiful in the Weathercote Wood, but the townsfolk are all busy with their own work, and the minions of Bad Fruul are still out there causing trouble. What can go wrong on a simple hunt?

Cover of Reunion
Low Level
32 pages

Once, the Tribe of Altair roamed the sands, free as the great eagle on the wind. Now, caged by an evil mage, these desert riders yearn for their lost freedom. But fate takes a hand as a noble djinn seeks to fulfill an ancient wish... In this unusual three-part scenario, players first take the roles of the men of the tribe, who stage a revolt after being enslaved in the Pit of the Laughing Efreeti and then try to battle their way to freedom. In the second part, the PCs are the women of the tribe, who must escape the evil flame mage's harem and use all their wits to win free of a strange city. Finally, the children of the tribe have to slip away from an evil temple before they can be sacrificed, which calls for them to embark on a magic carpet ride that promises to be the adventure of their lifetimes. TSR 9584

Cover of Escape From Riedra
Escape From Riedra
5th Edition
Level 7
71 pages

A Riedran deserter has come to the adventurers with a simple request—save her lost love from the control of the Inspired and bring her safely back to Khorvaire. Player characters must navigate the sinister surveillance state, do battle with powerful psionic foes, and resist the creeping threat of psychic assimilation. Far more than an adventure module, Escape from Riedra provides DMs and players with a bounty of tools to bring any Sarlonan adventure to life, including: * An introduction to the empire of Riedra and how it integrates psionics into daily life. * A new system for tracking the nefarious and ubiquitous psionic influence of the Inspired. * An extensive bestiary with thirteen new monsters for use in any campaign. * Racial traits for Chosen and eneko player characters.

Cover of DD-01 The Darkness Beneath Dalentown for 1st Edition and BX
DD-01 The Darkness Beneath Dalentown for 1st Edition and BX
Levels 8–12
44 pages

The adventures in Dalentown continue in The Darkness Beneath Dalentown. Workers in the town’s sewers have stumbled upon the long abandoned halls of the dwarves that once settled beneath this region. What they’ve found is a haunted library. What they’ve woken is something far more sinister! The Darkness Beneath Dalentown features hordes of oozes, undead, and demons festering for years in an ancient dwarven mining stronghold. Now, they are slowly working their way to the surface, and the folk of Dalentown are in dire peril!