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698 adventures found
Cover of Legend of the White Snake
Legend of the White Snake
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
5 pages

The Chinese legend of Lady White Snake, like a serpent shedding its skin, is a tale that’s been renewed many times. At its core, it is a tale of a water snake granted magic and human form when a mortal man drops a god’s gift of immortality into the river. It is a story of friendship in which the white snake saves a green snake’s life and shares her powers. It is a story of jealousy in which a turtle spirit covets their immortality and plots against them. It is a story of selflessness in which the white snake sacrifices all—trapped in a pagoda for eternity—to save, from the turtle spirit, the same mortal man she’s grown to love. But in some retellings, it is a story of evil and good, Lady White Snake, an evil demon, and the turtle, a well-intentioned monk. Or it is a story of treachery, the green snake betraying her closest friend. This adventure embodies the multi-faceted nature of the original legend transformed over centuries. The town’s healer, Lady White, has been captured, and everyone in the village has a different story to tell. It’s up to the characters to decide who they trust, what they believe, and what they’re going to do about it.

Cover of FQ12 - Nest of Nikkal
FQ12 - Nest of Nikkal
Level 8
13 pages

As the party relishes in the accolades of their achievements word of a Dragon nearby reaches their ears! Apparently a similar adventuring party stumbled upon the Wyrm by accident and was nearly wiped out. With the townspeople in fear, it is time again for the PCs to step up and perform heroic deeds! I wonder if there will be any pages from the mysterious Codex of Gamber Dauch will be around. With only one more adventure in the quest series the PCs must be getting close!

Cover of Doom Comes to Dustpawn
Doom Comes to Dustpawn
Level 9
32 pages

When the iron mines that made Dustpawn so prosperous played out not long after the Goblinblood Wars of Isger ended, the city shifted its focus from mining to goat herding with quite a bit of success. Things have, as a result, been quiet and calm in Dustpawn for the past several years, but that quiet is shattered the night a strange falling star roars across the sky above town to crash somewhere in the hills several miles to the south. When several locals eager to find the fallen star and strip it of its ore go missing, it becomes apparent that whatever has fallen from the sky is much more than a mere meteorite. There are those in town who claim the falling star was in fact a ship, and now a strange malady is creeping through the townsfolk.

Cover of Ragged Hollow Nightmare
Ragged Hollow Nightmare
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
47 pages

Yesterday, young Tobias went to investigate an old tomb by himself. Everyone told him it was a bad idea. Everyone was right. Today, you and your companions awaken to a town in chaos. Why is the temple sealed behind a divine shield? Why are children and worshippers trapped within? How do we get inside? What did Tobias do?! Ragged Hollow is a full-service starting town, full of classic creatures and challenges all updated and brought together for newbies and nostalgia-lovers alike. There are goblins and witches in the woods, a house full of traps, a basement of vermin, kobolds in a cave, bandits on the road, riddling ravens, a 50-room temple dungeon, nursery-rhyme monsters, living nightmares, Lovecraftian horrors, and tons of unique items to find. This is a mystery with lots of relevant side-quests around the town. The heroes can investigate the situation, get into the temple, save the innocents, and stop the monsters. And get some loot! ADVENTURE TYPE: Medium Dungeon / Town / Wilderness Adventure DESIGN NOTES This adventure is intended for characters levels 1 to 4. It includes several wilderness areas (forest, hills, mountain), a bustling town, several local mini-dungeons, and one 50-room temple dungeon. Each area contains various encounters and unique items. There are many opportunities for combat, but it is possible for players to explore most areas and complete many interactions without any combat at all, depending on their choices. INCLUDES: Story hooks, dialogue prompts, random encounters, stat blocks, original creatures and treasures, and maps. KEYWORDS: town, village, forest, goblins, goblin market, witches, hags, hills, bandits, ogres, mountain, kobolds, caves, dwarves, temple, clerics, nightmares, demons, riddles, traps, ghosts, fairy tales, Lovecraft, mutant

Cover of The Cult & The Tribe
The Cult & The Tribe
5th Edition
Level 7
29 pages

The Cult & the Tribe Lizards and Goblins and Demons, Oh My! DUNGEON MODULE T1: THE CULT & THE TRIBE Goblins weilding magical blue fire are attacking the peaceful lizardfolk in the swamps near Timbertown. They've come to the humans for help, and Baron Ferrand needs heroes to head into the swamp and find out what's happening. As if that wasn't enough, demons are roaming the countryside, summoned by cultists of the Fraternity of Tharos, one of whom is secretly an important person in the town. Can you help the lizardfolk and keep the town safe?

Cover of Mystery at Cloudhost
Mystery at Cloudhost
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
10 pages

Solve the Mystery! A series of unfortunate events wreak havoc in the small village of Cloudhost. From strange noises at night to temporary madness, from painful nightmares to freak accidents in the local temple, everything is going wrong and the people believe the city is cursed. Who is behind these events? Are they natural or magical? Discover the secret of Cloudhost with your party! A 1st level mystery adventure for 5th edition. After being caught in a fight on the Winter Festival, the party must investigate what is happening at Cloudhost, with a big showdown with evil! Meet reclusive merchants, fierce priests, and undead! Written for the RPG Writer Workshop.

Cover of FVS4 - Penchant for Adventure 1
FVS4 - Penchant for Adventure 1
5th Edition
Level 1
14 pages

This series of singular adventures center around the small town of Penchant. The area in question is home to a variety of challenges depending on the level of the PC. This adventure begins with the new PCs mentor sending them to a religious coronation that they cannot attend. The PC is to travel, via burro, to the Bu-San Monastery and extend salutations to the new head of the order. In this case the journey IS the adventure!

Cover of DQ3 - Demise of the Slavers
DQ3 - Demise of the Slavers
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
30 pages

Retribution and revenge are yours for the taking! Demise of the Slavers pits you against the forces responsible for turning your life upside down and kidnapping your friends and family. The original pair of adventurers have come a long way and with the help of friends, it is time to end the slavers hold on your homeland of Esaq! Don’t miss this exciting conclusion for the DQ series.

Cover of The Mystery at Port Greely
The Mystery at Port Greely
Levels 4–6
36 pages

Until about three years ago, the peculiar town of Port Greely was renowned as a prolific exporter of crustaceans. Then the Greely lobstermen severed all ties with outside partners. Subsequent attempts at renegotiation were shunned. More recently, a small group of Fishmongers’ Guild representatives from the City-State of Khromarium has gone missing in Port Greely, and answers have been less than forthcoming. At present, the Guild seeks answers. It wants to know what became of its representatives, and it wishes to re-establish its lucrative partnership with the Port Greely lobstermen. Your party have been contracted to help resolve The Mystery at Port Greely in this swords and sorcery style adventure!

Cover of Daisho and the Ninja
Daisho and the Ninja
3rd Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

The ancestral swords of a powerful lord have been stolen! In the dark of night, on the eve of battle, a shadowy figure crept into Lord Kunemura's chamber and made off with the most potent symbols of his power and lineage. Worse, Lord Kunemura had declared war on his old enemy, Lord Shotokami. The imminent battle will be decisive, and the future of Lord Kunemura's lands and family hang in the balance.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge
Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
38 pages

A city of burgeoning technology beset upon by intrigue and insurrection, Samon has been a thorn in Emperor Hitoshi's side since suffering in the rebellion against the Kengen Occupation, its wounds still fresh on the minds of its citizens. It is not beneath the notice of Hakaisuru Bengoshi however, and the adventurers are ordered by one such official to make certain that the Tazuki Rail company's doings are not curtailed by its increasingly aggressive laborers and their shadowy union, the Fangs. Little do they know that the bite of the fangs carries a far deadlier poison than any worker's ire! What you’ll find in Mists of Akuma: Fangs of Revenge: A complex cast of 20 NPCs beautifully illustrated by Nathanael Batchelor interwoven in an impressive tale of deceit, false trails, intrigue, and lethal adversaries The city of Samon, a settlement in the northern prefecture of Hakaisuru and home to Soburin’s most prosperous railroad company Four maps by cartographer Mike Myler: an isometric view of Samon, an isometric map of the Tazuki Rail Offices, a combat map of the Chujiang Gardens, and a combat map of the Tazuki Rail Basement The dangerous Mists of Akuma and the new misted condition The hengeyokai race and kitsune, nezumi, usagi, and (new!) hebi (snake) subraces The adeddo-oni and true hebi templates as well as a coterie of statblocks: adeddo-oni hunchling, adeddo-oni mage, adeddo-oni ninja, adeddo-oni samurai, factory worker, nuwa the brute (a true hebi), wajdet the charlatan (a true hebi), the many-faceted hengeyokai ninja, and the hebikontorora snake woman

Cover of Blinsky is No Fun!
Blinsky is No Fun!
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
40 pages

Gadof Blinsky is a famed toymaker known for bringing joy to children throughout the bleak country of Barovia. Or at least, he used to be. That all changed after Blinsky and his wife welcomed their first child. The toymaker fell into a deep fit of anxiety and depression from which he never recovered. In this mini-adventure, you will investigate Blinsky's toy shop and battle a strange toy that seems to have taken on a life of its own, eventually uncovering what happened to Blinsky’s family and unraveling the secret of what the toymaker is hiding in his attic. Blinsky is No Fun! is a one or two session side adventure, for characters of levels 4-5, for use in the Curse of Strahd campaign setting.

Cover of FT - Village of Xer
FT - Village of Xer
Levels 1–4
13 pages

East of the great city of Filbar is the Village of Xer. This large village is the gateway to the Eastern lands and the humanoid tribes. Xer was originally the army base for the Bloodrayne Conflict of 715. After the battle the wounded returned to the serene woods and some remained after that. Since then it has been a comfortable caravan stop for many weary travelers.

Cover of The Barber of Silverymoon
The Barber of Silverymoon
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
13 pages

"People have been disappearing at night in the city of Silverymoon. Some vanish entirely, leaving behind whispered rumors of fiends or other evil creatures having spirited them away. Others return strangely altered, with their memories of having been kidnapped wiped clean and their minds strangely dulled — and always with remarkable haircuts."

Cover of Adventures by FishPirate - Supplement II: Creatures and Adventures Near Phandalin
Adventures by FishPirate - Supplement II: Creatures and Adventures Near Phandalin
5th Edition
Levels 1–30
22 pages

Phandalin is a great location from which PCs can adventure. The information in this supplement can be used in conjunction with Lost Mine of Phandelver, After Lost Mine, other adventures set in and around Phandalin, or used to add more flavor to any town. This supplement has information specific to the local varieties of the creatures that inhabit the plains and hills in the area of Phandalin and provides new NPCs, backgrounds, feats, organizations, and adventure seeds that DMs can use.

Cover of Cult of the Ebon Destroyers
Cult of the Ebon Destroyers
Level 8
32 pages

A malignant cult has taken root in the mystical and magical realm of Jalmeray. Known and feared throughout distant Vudra, the cult of Dhalavei has expertly destroyed organizations and societies from within for millennia. Now a new sect of the sinister Cult of the Ebon Destroyers has its sights set on Thakur Kharswan of Jalmeray, and the magistrates and bureaucrats behind the throne must hunt down and eliminate the cult before the unthinkable happens. If only there were someone they could trust to behead Dhalavei's cult before the assassins do the same to their beloved ruler…

Cover of The Slumbering Tsar Saga
The Slumbering Tsar Saga
Levels 7–20
951 pages

The Sleeper Awakes! At last, after languishing in its crypt for an age, the secrets of the slumbering city of Tsar burst forth in all their macabre glory. Poured forth from the eldritch furnaces and crucibles of the Necromancer and Orcus himself comes Frog God Games bringing you at long last The Slumbering Tsar Saga™. Something Stirs in the City of Evil Over the distant northern hills, beyond The Camp, and past the Desolation stand the pitted walls of Tsar. A hundred armies have crushed themselves against this bulwark in futile attempts to breach the city. Even the combined might of the Heavens and Earth were unable to break through in the final battle of Tsar. So why was the city suddenly abandoned on the verge of victory, and what waits for those foolish enough to enter the Temple-City of Orcus? The Black Gates Await Only the bravest and most powerful of heroes dare the depths of the Desolation and live to tell of it. But what happens when they penetrate that blasted landscape and look upon the gates of the very center of evil on the earth. Can even heroes of such renown breach the Walls of Death and live?

Cover of Call of the Crystal Chasm
Call of the Crystal Chasm
5th Edition
Levels 9–11
25 pages

The humble hamlet of Brackinstone is home to a small community of halflings dedicated to the goddess Yondalla. When a raiding force of bullywugs threatens the isolated settlement, the player characters are asked to intervene on Brackinstone's behalf. However, it soon becomes apparent that something sinister is at work in the otherwise innocuous hamlet. What's included: 1 uncanny adventure divided into single-page sections for easy running 3 extra encounters that can be added in to add tension or increase the difficulty 2 fully-colored maps with unlabled versions for players (made with assets from 2-minute Tabletop) 9 custom NPCs with clickable links for quick access to statblocks 4 story hooks to continue the adventure afterwards (depending on the characters' actions) Content Warnings: Violence, death, abduction, psychological manipulation, body horror

Cover of DDEX03-01 Harried in Hillsfar
DDEX03-01 Harried in Hillsfar
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
45 pages

In the village of Elventree, near the oppressive city of Hillsfar, a recent string of strange occurrences has the locals on edge. The factions have gathered here on the borders of the forest of Cormanthor to determine what’s happening. Are these the machinations of Hillsfar, or something more?

Cover of DDA3 Eye of Traldar
DDA3 Eye of Traldar
Levels 1–2
32 pages

Powerful Magics are Loose in Karameikos! You and your companions are starting on your first adventure and you've been swept into the intrigues surrounding the infamous Black Eagle Barony. To prevent the evil Baron von Hendricks from gaining more power, you and your cmpanions must retrieve the magical Eye of Traldar from the wizard's tower at Fort Doom. Can you escapes the clutches of the armed garrison? Will the Baron gain the powerful artifact and use it for evil? You and your friends make the choices and affect the entire Grand Duchy of Karameikos. This module is particularly recommended for novice Dungon Masters and players who want to try their hand at overland adventuring. Recommended for four to six characters, levels 1-2 Handouts and pregenerated characters provided Suitable for use with the Dungeons & Dragons Game box and conventional D&D Game rules Features simple rules on outdoors travelling for exclusive players of the D&D Game box Adventure in the monster-filled caverns and dungeons beneath Fort Doom. TSR 9271