A community for lazy dungeon masters
698 adventures found
Cover of FV1 - Jeopardy Caverns
FV1 - Jeopardy Caverns
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

The first Filbar 5th Edition adventure is titled Jeopardy Caverns. This adventure can be used in the new D&D edition or the earlier editions as each stat block is presented. This introductory adventure pits a group of new adventurers ready to go out into the frontier to make a name for themselves. For the 5th Edition version this adventure can act as a gateway from new to 3rd or even 4th level for advancement and is set in an area of humanoid caves.

Cover of Far2 - Discord at the Docks
Far2 - Discord at the Docks
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Far2 – Discord at the Docks is a short adventure based in the city of Phoenix in Fartook. Similar to Far1, this adventure is for low/novice level players. The adventure begins as your ship docks in Phoenix and you and your group debark. The scenario was designed for five players and gives them a variety of small problems to tackle. The PCs were on a delivery mission but mistook a subject on the dock as the intended recipient. The true owner is not pleased at the foul up and demands the party fix it IMMEDIATELY. Part of the inspiration for GenCon 17’s adventure, this scenario gives a number of “inconsequential” encounters that bring depth to urban adventuring!

Cover of RA2 Ship of Horror
RA2 Ship of Horror
Levels 8–10
63 pages

Horrible hauntings, cruel curses, dark secrets...this is no pleasure cruise! The mists of Ravenloft know no boundaries and observe no rules. One way or another, they always get what they want - this time with some help from a cursed captain and his ship. Player characters boarding an innocent-looking ship will soon find themselves aboard a haunted vessel, destined for an island inhabited by a new form of undead creatures. But that's not the end of the horror - an evil necromancer lies at the root of the evil on the island. The battle isn't over until he's been defeated! Ship of Horror is an adventure set in Ravenloft with two beginnings: one for PCs already in Ravenloft, and one for DMs looking for a way to push his PCs into Ravenloft from other worlds. The adventure includes three new monsters, new spells, and several handouts ready for distribution to players. Ship of Horror is an adventure for four to six players of levels 8-10 looking for grisly chills and thrills! TSR 9321

Cover of Vecna: Eve of Ruin: Phandelver Werewolves vs. Vampires
Vecna: Eve of Ruin: Phandelver Werewolves vs. Vampires
5th Edition
Levels 4–8
23 pages

This is the "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" + "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk" crossover you didn't know you've been waiting for. As dusk settles over the village of Phandalin, a palpable sense of unease grips the villagers. Rumors spread that a hilltop keep has inexplicably materialized on the outskirts of town, and worse yet, the sun fails to rise come morning. Unbeknownst to the townsfolk, a powerful cult of Vecna-worshipping vampires has arrived, and the only hope Phandalin has is a ragtag pack of werewolves and a few brave heroes ready to make their mark on the world. While this adventure can be run as a standalone module, it can also seamlessly serve as a prequel to "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" or as a side quest for "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk." This module can also serve as a sequel to "Phandalin Werewolves: Beasts of Her Moon" which is exclusively available over at the dmsguild. Designed for 4-6 players with an average party level ranging anywhere from 4 to 7, this adventure aims to create a backstory of bad blood between the cult of Vecna and the PCs. It includes a monster folio, tokens, as well as maps from the esteemed Tessa Create Maps, Dyson Logos, and Elven Tower.

Cover of Gallows of Madness
Gallows of Madness
Levels 1–2
64 pages

The Abyss Approaches! Something wicked—and monstrous—stirs around the rugged Isgeri town of Saringallow, where the hated legacy of noble Chelish diabolists runs deep. With the recent disappearance of several apprentices, the nearby menace of particularly grotesque goblins, and the unsettling rumors about the old Sarini Estate, Mayor Sandra Trinelli knows that she needs help, and she needs it fast! The heroes must confront one of these crises, or all three, if they hope to stem the tide of darkness that looms. Before too long, the heroes discover that villains with ties to the Abyss have set their sights on Saringallow, and won't rest until the settlement and all its innocent inhabitants fall victim to their madness-inducing predations! Gallows of Madness is a 64-page, highly versatile collection of three adventures for 1st-level characters. Each adventure also includes scaling information for parties of 2nd-level characters. Written with beginning Game Masters and players in mind while also providing challenging content for veterans, these adventures can be prepared quickly and run separately or in any order. For GMs who wish to run a deeper, more narrative game, this volume also offers an overarching timeline of events and detailed tips for running these adventures as a cohesive whole. Bonus content includes new monstrous foes and a gallery of NPCs to help easily connect the adventures, plus a gorgeous double-sided poster featuring an overview of Saringallow and a miniatures-scale battlemap!

Cover of The Standing Stones of Sundown
The Standing Stones of Sundown
Levels 4–9
13 pages

The door to the Abyss can be opened with good intentions. An act of mercy released a creature of unspeakable evil. Now, only you have a chance to stop it. A vrock has been trapped inside a stone circle outside the village of Sundown. This stone circle remained untouched for thousands of years, until an unwitting mage decided to depetrify one of the standing stones that he mistakenly thought was a helpless farmer. This released the vrock, who killed the mage and has been trying to regain enough power to plane shift back to its home. This module primarily is based on investigation and problem solving, with a final fight with the vrock at the end. Roleplaying should be emphasized. The town of Sundown is fleshed out with NPCs and stores for player exploration. Pgs. 4-16

Cover of The Mystery of Knacker's Hill
The Mystery of Knacker's Hill
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
60 pages

A perfect side-quest adventure for a party based in Phandalin or after completion of Lost Mines of Phandelver. Unravel the malevolent mysteries of Knacker’s Knothole! A party of four to six 5th level characters meet Knacker, the ancient awakened grandfather oak, who was introduced in Volo’s Vetted Vendors. He has a request: one of his cherished death’s heads is missing and he implores the party to find out what happened to it. Although Knacker suspects the people of Phandalin, the party’s investigations ultimately reveal a much more sinister threat. The party must investigate the disappearance while an unseen foe attempts to thwart their efforts with ambushes and misdirection. It is not long before there are more disappearances, and the party must use its ingenuity to prevent open hostilities. This adventure is part of a new series based on Volo’s Vetted Vendors and Elminsters Excellent Establishments. It can be played as the final part in this series, and it is also ideally suited to a party that has just completed Lost Mines of Phandelver. This is a 5-7 hour adventure that will advance the party to 6th level. This full-color 60-page adventure includes: * 29 pages of adventure content. * 2 pages of convenient NPC summaries. * 8 beautiful maps suitable for use with any VTT (separate files are included for all maps, including both high- and low-resolution versions). * Many random tables including adventure hooks, customers at Knacker’s Knothole, rumors, random encounters, chase complications and battle events. These tables can provide inspiration for other adventures and campaigns as well! * 20 pages of monster and NPC stat blocks.

Cover of Rank Amateurs
Rank Amateurs
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Somewhere ogre the rainbow.... You and your fellow humanoids are going to be diplomats! Can you say "disaster?" I knew you could. This module is made for humanoid monster PCs created with GAZ10 (The Orcs of Thar Gazetteer). That module is required to play through this adventure. The players start in the village of Flooshpragh, which acts as the horde center for the Rude Mongrel tribe of goblinoid races. Unknown to the players, the tribe has grown unmanagebly large, and the chief has marked the players as expendable individuals! Many subtle clues exist throughout the module to clue the players into this betrayal. The adventure proceeds through a town with roleplaying opportunities, a tower dungeon, and finishes by the players unknowingly pranking a human wizard. Pgs. 50-64

Cover of Rise of the Drow-5e
Rise of the Drow-5e
5th Edition
Levels 1–16
552 pages

Tonight, a ceremony of light is taking place on the surface. Meanwhile, a world away in the city of spiders, a drow matron solidifies a pact with soul-consuming entities who require great sacrifices in trade for unimaginable power. Drow eyes turn to the surface. This book contains a mega-adventure and setting, taking characters across the surface and into the depths of the world. Adventurers will meet unique denizens, battle horrors of the Underworld, explore epic locations, and fight to stop the rise of the drow.

Cover of Ghost Town
Ghost Town
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

Ghost Town is a one-shot-adventure for 3-5 players of level 1-3. It is set around the small town of Stone Village, but the adventure is easy to adapt into your own world or campaiign. A disease has broken out in the small town of Stone Village. Only a mage who lives deep in the Old Forest can safe the town. But there are heroes needed to get to the mage and bring him the news.

Cover of The Standing Stone
The Standing Stone
3rd Edition
Level 7
32 pages

In The Standing Stone, a tiefling sorcerer named Dyson discovers a circle of standing stones constructed centuries ago by druids to hold their annual rituals; the druid community was later destroyed by the great dragon Ashardalon. Dyson uses the magic of the stones to replace people with animals transformed into humanoid form, loyal to him. Dyson encounters the player characters in the village of Ossington and tries to manipulate them into eliminating the remaining enemies standing in his way.

Cover of Huddle Farm
Huddle Farm
Levels 1–4
15 pages

A family feud - with green cows? A barn is burned, a field is trampled, and halfling tempers flare. Can you prevent a family feud? Pgs. 48-62

Cover of FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
21 pages

Even close knit adventure parties could use a break from each other once in a while. Hiatus from the Party is a set of several different adventures for solo PCs and a DM. The adventures have been divided up into selections depending on classes and are meant for lower level adventurers. This scenario can also be used to introduce players to a game!

Cover of DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege
DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
46 pages

Despite the adventurers’ best efforts, more creatures joined under Bad Fruul’s banner. No longer content to simply attack caravans or isolated homesteads, the hill giant warlord descends upon Parnast at the head of a great force of humanoids. SEER warns the adventurers (directly now) in time to rally the town and prepare defenses, but a heroic effort is required to break the siege.

Cover of TS2 - Doughty Princess
TS2 - Doughty Princess
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
19 pages

After visiting a friend in a nearby town you head to the tavern to get some food. A recent storm has wreaked havoc and the residents are busy making repairs. Despite your offer to help the citizens politely refuse. After sitting down for your meal you quickly learned that some children found a ship that has run aground. The father tells you that the children are prone to exaggerate but you obtain directions to the supposed site anyway. Sure you’re alone, but you’ve got tons of experience already…

Cover of FD8 - Mask of Vexicon
FD8 - Mask of Vexicon
Levels 3–6
20 pages

After checking local pawn shops and the library you have discovered information on an old Adurite noblewoman who possessed a magical mask. The woman had suffered a facial injury and commissioned a magical face shield to hide her wound. Having never heard of the item you believe it is probably in the ruins near Ugus Horrus where she lived. With no other leads at the moment you gear up and decide to embark on the search for this item!

Cover of So, a Cleric and a Vampire Walk into a Tavern
So, a Cleric and a Vampire Walk into a Tavern
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
18 pages

A series of short encounters and story hooks that may cause your party to question the safety of their local tavern… Designed for characters of all levels

Cover of Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood
Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
67 pages

Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood is an intricate, character-driven mystery set against the sins of the past. On a journey to Arythawn Keep at the edge of the Mournland, the adventurers stop for the evening in the Thranish village of Brightdawn where they discover that there are dark secrets hidden in the wilds nearby. . .

Cover of The Little Runners
The Little Runners
5th Edition
Level 7
21 pages

Has a new thieves' guild arisen in town? The signs seem to indicate it. But who are they and where have they set up shop? The PCs have been asked to find the new guild and "persuade" the thieves to direct their attentions away from the Riverine trade coster. It is up to them to decide how. A short urban side adventure for four 7th level player characters. For 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons.

Cover of The Goat Mayor (CCC-UCON-02-01)
The Goat Mayor (CCC-UCON-02-01)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
34 pages

You visit the peculiar village of Basht expecting a pleasant evening filled with good food and drink, and a chance to learn their strange customs and superstitions. Your evening is interrupted when you are asked to rescue their mayor. Their mayor? A goat that lives in the center of town. Why is he so vital, and why is this a job for adventurers? A Two to Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. The Goat Mayor originally debuted at U-Con on November 2019. (https://www.ucon-gaming.org/)