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698 adventures found
Cover of A Shadow over Waterdeep
A Shadow over Waterdeep
5th Edition
Levels 12–15
18 pages

A terrible and unnatural fear has come over the people of Waterdeep. In a matter of weeks, dozens of people are missing, and more disappear each night. Rumors tell of curses, phantasms, demons, and possession. In truth, these are the victims of tiny parasitic brain maggots unleashed by the illithid dragon called Brainstealer. The fate of its victims fall on your shoulders, as you discover his lair and prepare to raid it.

Cover of Escape From Riedra
Escape From Riedra
5th Edition
Level 7
71 pages

A Riedran deserter has come to the adventurers with a simple request—save her lost love from the control of the Inspired and bring her safely back to Khorvaire. Player characters must navigate the sinister surveillance state, do battle with powerful psionic foes, and resist the creeping threat of psychic assimilation. Far more than an adventure module, Escape from Riedra provides DMs and players with a bounty of tools to bring any Sarlonan adventure to life, including: * An introduction to the empire of Riedra and how it integrates psionics into daily life. * A new system for tracking the nefarious and ubiquitous psionic influence of the Inspired. * An extensive bestiary with thirteen new monsters for use in any campaign. * Racial traits for Chosen and eneko player characters.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune (Hell's Vengeance 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune (Hell's Vengeance 2 of 6)
Level 4
92 pages

The knightly order known as the Glorious Reclamation continues its crusade against diabolic Cheliax, conquering the town of Kantaria, where the goddess Iomedae once ruled as a mortal. The villainous adventurers, now official agents of House Thrune, must retake the town, depriving the knights of a valuable holy site. Can the evil characters earn greater infamy and prestige by dealing the Glorious Reclamation a serious defeat in their most substantial territorial gain so far, or will the knights' rebellion continue unchecked across Cheliax?

Cover of Night on Devil's Peak
Night on Devil's Peak
5th Edition
Level 6
25 pages

On the night of the rare Witch Moon, a binding spell placed over the mighty devil Tchernabog finally breaks. Will the characters be able to survive the night of boiling hellfire, furious undead, and diabolical mayhem Tchernabog orchestrates from atop Devil's Peak? Night on Devil's Peak is an apocalyptic, events-based survival adventure for 6th-level characters. It takes about 5-6 hours to complete and includes: -The awakening of a CR 24 devil, mighty Tchernabog! -A powerful holy relic the characters can wield in battle -Two diabolical new monsters: Tchernabog and giant flaming skeletons -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Gorgeous digital maps (with and without grid) for virtual table tops

Cover of Artifices of Quartztoil Tower
Artifices of Quartztoil Tower
5th Edition
Level 1
66 pages

It begins in the marketplace or main square of a town when the calm, peaceful day is interrupted by a hulking golem trouncing through town, smashing objects, and attacking townsfolk. The party witnessing this should intervene and stop the rampaging golem with combat or by luring it into a nearby warehouse to trap it so it can be damaged and, eventually, destroyed by the town guards. When the party examines the golem’s remains, they find bones encased in the metal armor and the name 'Quartztoil' written in gnomish script. The town guard explain that this is the eighth construct they have encountered in the area in the past six months. The party can then go on to investigate the name 'Quartztoil', leading them to learn of an old, gnomish, aspiring artificer, Penaral Quartztoil, who had a lab and workshop in a tower in the nearby mountains, but who has not been heard from for close to a century. Published by Nord Games

Cover of The Slithering Brood
The Slithering Brood
5th Edition
Level 1
52 pages

When the PCs turn up in the village of Ditch Nettle, they are tasked with solving the mystery of various disappearances. Will they be able to uncover the culprit, a worshiper of the long-dead cult of Morloski, goddess of the Slithering Brood. Or will they get stymied by local politics?

Cover of Knight of the Scarlet Sword
Knight of the Scarlet Sword
Levels 4–6
16 pages

The best of intentions. Pay your taxes or go to jail - and don't even thing about using magic. Pgs. 8-23

Cover of Sewers Under Sandwall
Sewers Under Sandwall
5th Edition
Medium Level
60 pages

Trouble festers in the old sewers beneath the fishing village of Sandwall. A bandit king extends his slimy grasp, mutated goblins prowl the winding tunnels, and aquatic abominations lurk within the polluted waterways. It’ll take a particularly foolhardy band of adventurers to deal with these labyrinthine sewers ... are you up to the task? Published by Absolute Tabletop

Cover of Blinsky is No Fun!
Blinsky is No Fun!
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
40 pages

Gadof Blinsky is a famed toymaker known for bringing joy to children throughout the bleak country of Barovia. Or at least, he used to be. That all changed after Blinsky and his wife welcomed their first child. The toymaker fell into a deep fit of anxiety and depression from which he never recovered. In this mini-adventure, you will investigate Blinsky's toy shop and battle a strange toy that seems to have taken on a life of its own, eventually uncovering what happened to Blinsky’s family and unraveling the secret of what the toymaker is hiding in his attic. Blinsky is No Fun! is a one or two session side adventure, for characters of levels 4-5, for use in the Curse of Strahd campaign setting.

Cover of GC17 - Infiltration of Taco Del Toro
GC17 - Infiltration of Taco Del Toro
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
34 pages

His holiness has summoned you to the great temple and asks a favor of you. He has explained that national spies have tracked down the notorious pirate/criminal, Molon Labe, has pulled into the port of Taco Del Toro. As an enemy of the state, the religious leader demands that he be taken alive. He has obtained a privateer to take you to the city known to be frequented by pirates and their ilk in order to catch the individual. He warns you that nothing good survives in the island city and to watch your back as you make your way through the mean streets!

Cover of FT - Antioch - Kingdom of Nirack
FT - Antioch - Kingdom of Nirack
Levels 1–7
16 pages

Welcome to the Port City of Antioch! This sprawling community is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Nirack and has more than a few sights to see! This setting was created for a desert (fore coming) series and was used as a base of operations for the adventurers. Many strange sights await those wishing to visit the area. Note in the player testing version there was a language barrier until a Dwarven slave was located to translate for the party! This is of course optional. Welcome to the exotic world on the southern shores of the Newmack Sea!

Cover of CCC-TRI-23 Sub Rosa
CCC-TRI-23 Sub Rosa
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
31 pages

Hot on the trail of Selise Teshwave and Baron Rajiram, the adventurers must enter newly exposed mountain excavations in the Galena mountains. Swift action must be taken to prevent the Baron from obtaining a powerful weapon from this ruin. Meanwhile, the mysterious Teshwave siblings, Abigail and Char, are hot on the trail of their older sister. This is Adventurer's League legal adventure set near the Galena Mountains. This module first premiered at Carnagecon 2018. Part Two of the Storm Series.

Cover of Fifth Edition Funnel
Fifth Edition Funnel
5th Edition
Level 0
20 pages

Ever wanted to face the cold, dark, and dangerous unknown without the advantages of a fantasy hero? This is your chance! Fifth Edition Funnel puts a spin on character creation. In the Funnel, each participating player quickly generates several 0-level characters blessed with the abilities and low survivability of your average commoner. Those that survive will be promoted to 1st-level heroines and heroes. The Funnel bonds characters over common challenges they meet and (hopefully) overcome. The surviving 1st-level characters share a common origin as adventurers. Instead of merely rolling dice, there is a trial by fire where average people succeed against the odds to do something heroic (or hide under a table in a tavern).

Cover of Dusk Tower
Dusk Tower
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
19 pages

A mystery scenario involving exploration of a drow archmage's tower while trying to solve the mystery of his involvement to the latest rumors of kidnapings in the nearby town. Benevolent academic or vile predator? The good people of Fern do not seem to agree these days about the nature of the owner of the iconic Dusk Tower. With a supporting cast that includes an innkeeping druid, a scorned sculptor, a belittled apprentice, an invisible butler, and a mysterious tower basement the heroes are sure to have their hands full. Can they uncover the secrets of Dusk Tower before it is too late?

Cover of The Pied Piper of Hillthorpe
The Pied Piper of Hillthorpe
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
4 pages

The village of Hillthorpe has been under the "protection" of a rough sleeping stranger. The extortion began with demands for a bushel of wheat or a basket of apples, accompanied by threats of rats and mice being sent to ravage the sick and sleeping, and to ruin the stores. Over time, the demands escalated, reaching the point where the village could no longer afford to pay without starving to death over winter (3 sacks of grain, a barrel of ale, and all the ripe cheese you have each week!). As a result, the village is seeking outside help.

Cover of Grimmsgate
Levels 1–3
23 pages

Deep in the wooded wilderness, the village of Grimmsgate is an outpost town on a seldom-traveled trail, right at the edge of nowhere. The village’s half-ruined temple of Law, dilapidated inn, drunken blacksmith, exiled trader and a few fur-trappers are enough to keep the bloody-minded denizens of the dark forest at bay, but nobody really expects the village to still be there in another ten years. The woods have become too dangerous for the trappers who once caught animals for fur, and merchants no longer travel the poorly-maintained road. What great evil and what fabulous treasures are to be found in these lands? A brave band of adventurers might make their fortunes here. Or perhaps they might never return… Grimmsgate is an introductory adventure for the Swords & Wizardry tabletop roleplaying game. The Swords & Wizardry rules are needed to play this adventure.

Cover of Against the Cult of the Bat God
Against the Cult of the Bat God
Level 5
68 pages

The Lonely Coast’s most remote village, Oakhurst broods under the dark boughs of the Tangled Woods. Rumours of incest, murder and vile rites during the black of night surround its insular citizens. It is a place most wise people avoid as the very air seems inhospitable to strangers. Yet in the rumours is a grain of truth, for something dark does indeed stir in the shadow haunted trees and hunched homes of Oakhurst. An ancient evil, hungry with the thirst for blood, awakens from its eons long sleep. As disappearances mount and the Lonely Coast can no longer turn a blind eye to the blight that is Oakhurst, heroes are called upon to investigate the foul rumours and mysteries that plague the village. As the search for the truth intensifies, they may find themselves the next victims of a rising, bloodthirsty evil. Can they survive Against the Cult of the Bat God? Although designed for The Lonely Coast, a free mini-campaign setting available from Raging Swan Press, Against the Cult of the Bat God is simple to insert into almost any GM's home campaign.

Cover of Lamordia: The Hardest of Hearts
Lamordia: The Hardest of Hearts
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
42 pages

The Hardest of Hearts is a gothic horror adventure for 4-5 characters of 5-6th level. It can be played over the course of 6-8 hours and should roughly take one playing session if the party is quick, or two if the party is progressing slowly. This is the first part of the Carnival of Lost Souls campaign. It can also be played as a standalone adventure. The Hardest of Hearts features: - Exciting journey through the cold wilderness of Lamordia, which features a special travel system and survival rules - Exploration of the old mansion which has been taken over by the vicious local gang - the Corpse Collectors - Several custom diseases to challenge your players - Moral dilemma at the end of the adventure which the characters will have to solve - New custom monsters to make combat encounters truly memorable and exciting - High-quality maps, also available in universal vtt format Look out for the next adventures in the Carnival of Lost Souls series: Dementlieu: Dance with the Devil, Kalakeri: The Forbidden Temple and Valachan: Hunter’s Moon! They will be released over the course of the next two months. Once all four adventures are out, we will also release a special Campaign Guide, which will explain in detail how to best set up and play the campaign. However, if you want to start your campaign right now, don’t worry - we have included a short appendix at the end of each adventure which will explain the basics!

Cover of Dungeon Short- Perfect Corruption
Dungeon Short- Perfect Corruption
5th Edition
Levels 3–12
20 pages

In this small 25 page Gothic Horror adventure module, find the secret of the small village of Vaukelberg, where disappearances have led to a mysteriously empty town. Something is buzzing in the wheat fields, and the adventurers may not be hardy enough to survive the horrible Vander Cainse's idea of Perfect Corruption. Perfect Corruption- a 5e SRD adventure for levels 3, 7 or 12. In James Grammaticus' Dungeon Short series, James explores fantasy worlds and settings in short bite-sized one shot adventures that be used on their own, can spring off into a larger campaign, or can be used as a side-adventure in a campaign. Featuring 6 original statblocks, find out what horrible creatures lay in hiding in this horrifying Dungeon Short.

Cover of RA1 Feast of Goblyns
RA1 Feast of Goblyns
Levels 4–7
96 pages

In Feast of Goblyns, a party of adventurers is mysteriously transported from the lands they know to a dark and dangerous demiplane known as Ravenloft. Trapped in this realm of terror, they must use all their skills to escape the manipulations of one of Ravenloft's most powerful lords as they attempt to seek out the accursed Crown of Soldiers. If all goes well, they just might live long enough to escape this dread land and return to their homes. Also of note: As the first published adventure, is bundled with a DM screen for running games in Ravenloft. TSR 9298