Venzor Trench is set for a group of characters hired to deliver a magical item between two warring countries. The sea voyage becomes tumultuous and the ship goes down. With the mission unfilled the players utilize the magic item to survive on the bottom of the sea floor and continue to trek their way towards completing their misson through the legendary Venzor Trench!
The ship makes its way into the Corsair Mists, a region of the Halo Ocean said to devour ships and drive sailors mad. Somewhere in the oppressive fog, the White Ship awaits, but before the Adventurers can make it to their final desination, they must overcome the challenges of the mist. The fell necromancer Molo of the Thirteen Wives is still out there, still seeking to find his key to immortality and power that could jeopardize the entire Nameless Realms, and only the fearless crew can stop him. Join a sea elven ritual to hunt megalodon sharks, explore a long-cursed alchemist's tower made of blue crystal, and journey to the forge of Hyperion, Titan of Fire, himself. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
Greetings! I've created a sea-themed supplement that you might find uuseful: Encounters on the Savage Seas is a 100-page supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, new ships, locations, and magic items. In all, the writers have produced 19 unique encounters, NPCs, and locations for you to add to any nautical campaign. We’ve even included scaling suggestions so they can be used with different party levels. •Visit the township of Badu - the village riding on the back of a gigantic dragon turtle •Encounter space pirates •Interact with goblin pirates commanding strange water vehicles •Roleplay with Loan Sharks •Endure the Fog of Horrors •and so much more.... You can view the 30-page preview by clicking this link: Also, go grab my FREE playable race: Otterfolk: I hope you enjoy the content if you pick it up!
Een gevallen ster inspireert moed! Samen met de jonge priesteres Volana zullen helden een spannende tocht ondergaan waarin kracht, kennis en geloof een hoofdrol spelen. Onderweg krijgen ze te maken met sluwe vijanden, unieke bondgenoten en een duistere macht welke de vonk der goddelijkheid maar moeilijk kan weerstaan. Word een groter deel van het avontuur dankzij deze mogelijkheden: - Begin jouw legende: drie nieuwe subclasses voor fighter, cleric en druid - Aspectgeborene: een nieuw speelbaar ras met een elementaire connectie - Maanzeiler en Zandklauw: twee aan Padkust unieke backgrounds voor spelers - De stad Padkust: gedetailleerde informatie over de stad en zijn leiders - Magische voorwerpen: bekende maar ook unieke schatten om te verkrijgen
A recent earthquake has brought forth ancient evil from beneath the waves, to terrorize a sleepy coastal town. People are disappearing. The heroes will sail to an ancient, steam-powered temple in the ocean. They'll encounter mad fishmen, deadly traps, and ancient horrors that slumbered until now.
The Godless Depths For the first time in eons, ancient aberrations are emerging from the deep ocean. Driven by some otherworldly fervour, they encroach upon the local villages, searching with beady eyes for anyone linked to the Gods. Even now you hear rumours of kidnap, men and women dragged kicking and screaming into the depths.
So you want to be a Mage of High Sorcery? To join the esteemed organization, you must travel to the Tower of Wayreth and undertake the most important event in your life—the harrowing Test of High Sorcery! If you can survive where so many aspiring mages have failed, you will forever bind your soul to the Gods of Magic and gain access to untold arcane secrets. The Test of High Sorcery is the perfect adventure for new and veteran players looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It is a solo adventure, where your choices have meaningful consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master. This 154-page tome features: - A sprawling adventure that fits perfectly as an expansion to any Dragonlance campaign, Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, or as a stand-alone replayable experience - A tale full of sorcerous intrigue, featuring many new characters alongside iconic favorites like Fistandantilus, Takhisis, Fizban the Fabulous, and the Gods of Magic - Innovative Destiny and Trait mechanics make your choices really matter—and ensure every mage’s Test of High Sorcery is a unique experience - Over 60 possible outcomes to determine which Order of High Sorcery you join and provide compelling new plot hooks for your character during future adventures - Dozens of unique locations with rich stories and sorcerous challenges that Dungeon Masters can use to create their own version of the Test of High Sorcery - New magic items and stat blocks, with mechanics that support clever use of enemies’ weaknesses and the environment against them - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story - A detailed primer on the history of Krynn and how it relates to the Mages of High Sorcery - A community survey when you finish to let you see how you compare to other mages taking their Tests of High Sorcery
Note: This is a sequel to Out of Body, Out of Mind. The legend of the realm of Tirna'cel is well known. Once remembered for its power-mongering warlords, homunculi-wielding sorcerers, and archfiends from the deepest pits of the Abyss, Tirna'cel has become a powerful and welcoming land over the last 600 years, due in no small part to the efforts of the warlord Tirna'gael, a member of the land's founding nobility. But your party knows the truth. You ventured into the tomb of Tirna'gael some six months ago, and therein discovered that the fallen warlord was actually little more than his brethren: a petty, avaricious power-monger. Possessed by a rival force which also desired the kingdom - a rare incorporeal demon called a nescent, which inhabited his body and augmented his already incredible power to unforeseen levels - Tirna'gael sought to overthrow the ancient warlords only to replace them. Through Tirna'gael's augmented body, the nescent overwhelmed and eliminated the other warlords, eventually dominating the realm along. But before it could consolidate its rule and throw Tirna'cel into an even darker age, the secret of its power was discovered by the paladins of Garadon, a virtuous cell of justice and light. The paladins lured Tirna'gael into the center of his own fortress and trapped him there within a powerful anti magic field. His body withered and died but the nescent remained dormant, waiting for its chance for revenge. During your visit to Tirna'gael's fortress-tomb six months ago, you accidentally released the nescent from its prison. That enemy has since been vanquished - at least for the time being - but the memory of your pitched battle against it still lingers as you approach the original chapter house of the Order of Garadon. You have been summoned.
"Yea I knows of a job for the likes of you" the bartender says as he wipes off the table. "This wizard who lives near the shore about two or three days ride lost somethin' he was expected on the ship The Intrepid. I hear he wants the cargo back and is willing to pay good coin for it to any who'd chance going into the Lake of Chaos." A grizzled old man in the corner gasps and says “any would want to go into that sea gots to be crazy. Aye, that wizard is lookin' for some crazy people. That waters haunted by dead sailors". "Oh come on” Telkall the bartender continues "you know that’s just an old story to keep kids away from the water. I'm sure it’s going to be an easy job for the likes you. You all appear to be quite able to take care of yourself. Go down the coast road for about two days if yer on horses and you'll see a stone tower. Ask for Kresellus ... he's the one you'll be lookin' for. Oh, and tell him Wolfgar sent ya ... if you could." Well things were getting boring at the Dead Orc Inn anyway.
A museum of the Mad Archmage, it contains curiosities and treasures from all over the multiverse, and the challenges of the Watery Caves, which are a series of living caves connected by an underground river. This adventure can be used as an expansion to the Castle of the Mad Archmage mega-dungeon adventure, or as a stand-alone adventure. Published by BRW Games
When the water source of the city-state of Guerino is poisoned and its citizens enchanted, a group of adventurers must follow the treacherous path deep into Mistfall Mountain and restore balance to the kingdom. Pgs. 91-97
Greger’s Grotto is a community of pirates and other criminals, hidden away on a desolate coastline. The players are slaves sold to the Grotto’s owning family and used for manual labour and bloodsport in the arena. In this adventure, the players will need to: * survive harsh prison conditions, including the rivalry between prisoner factions: human, orc, goblin and hobgoblin * fight in arena battles against prisoners and beasts, often with strange twists to entertain the crowd * explore small mini-dungeons attached to the prisoners’ caverns * ultimately escape; whether by force, alliance with fellow prisoners, stealth, cunning or any combination of these Features of this adventure: * Pay-what-you-want (even nothing). * Illustrated with art by Setvasai. * Designed to fit into most campaign worlds. * Simulationist or story-driven: includes information for both. Use random rolls to determine what happens when, or take inspiration from various story hooks. (Or do both.) * 11 unique NPCs, including members of the Grotto’s owning family and leader of the prisoner factions. * Full maps of the Grotto, its arena and prisoner caverns, totalling over 40 rooms.
Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is an award-winning 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. Fano. Things here haven't always been so grim. Time and chance have conspired to transform this once magnificent city upon the lake into a run-down sanctum for the destitute and depraved alike. Those who would see Fano renewed seek a lost druid who brings with him the hope to restore the city to its former glory and awaken the ancient technology hidden deep within its constructs. Could Fano's awakening usher in a new era of peace and prosperity, or will it unearth a conspiracy lurking in the shadows? Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is a 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. A uniquely immersive RPG experience, The Lost Druid employs a myriad of digital content that can be experienced using the Alchemy RPG platform. Enjoy a cinematic storytelling structure, breaking chapters into scenes supplemented by expansive soundscapes, dynamic musical scores, voice-acted flavor text, and environmental motion graphics. 2023 IPPY Awards Winner: GOLD in Reference Product Contents: Over 250 Pages Over 2 hours of Audio Content 5 Premade Player Characters 6 Side Quests 7 Tavern Mini Games 35 New NPCs and Monsters Maps: 8 area, 1 city, and 1 region New Backgrounds, Spells, and Magic Items Over 60 NPC Profile Blocks AI Combat Tactics for Every Encounter Published by HITPOINT Press
Just off the northern coast of Chult churns the waters of the Cauldron, a single volcano with a terrible history. Legends from the jungle lands say that it vomits forth lava, stone, and monsters if the peninsula is threatened - and yet the recent events did not set if off. So why is it threatening to explode now? Part Three of the Broken Chains Series.
The tritons have arrested the keeper of Skyhorn Lighthouse for unleashing vile, bug-like abominations into the sea. When a lone triton comes to the characters and asks their help in exonerating the keeper, will the heroes rise to the challenge and confront the dangers lurking in the deep? The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse is a 5-7 hour adventure for 8th-level characters. You can run The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse as a standalone adventure or as a follow-up to The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse, a free 5th-level adventure downloaded over 100,000 times with 350+ five-star reviews! Inside the The Corruption of Skyhorn Lighthouse, you'll find: -Three new monsters that prowl the ocean depths -A goblin submarine, a darkmantle sea captain, and a marid with a pet starfish grove -The Arcane Library's signature format to make running the adventure effortless -Combat cards for monsters, PCs, and special treasure -Gorgeous maps designed for easy use with Virtual Table Tops
Off the Coast of Clover Island and less than a league away from Corsair Bay is the wreck of the Golden Rose a ship of fame. The Tome Lord from Corsair Bay is looking for a few brave adventurers to go out, find the ship or what remains of it and locate a specific item for him. While the mysterious sage won’t explain what the item is he will tell you that it is protected by mighty magical glyphs of protection so simply obtain the box and bring it to him for the reward. Rumor has it the ship was laden with a great deal of treasure which is free for the party’s taking but the Tome Lord wants the box. Is your party up for a little underwater jaunt?
A sunken ruin deep beneath the bay of Mulmaster holds the key to unraveling the Cult of Glaugrax’s nefarious plans. Dare you brave danger and duplicity to plumb its depths? Part 2 of The Neverdusk Trilogy. A Two-to-Four Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8. The Sequel to Ooze There?, an ENnie Awards 2019 nominee in the Best Organized Play category! This adventure is Part 2 of "The Neverdusk Trilogy", and continues the tale of Fenaria Neverdusk, Sovad Klim, and the mysterious Cult of Glaugrax! Ooze Next? debuted at Lion City Conclave 2019 - a charity convention by the D&D AL Singapore Community. The v1.02 package includes: - Full color cover art by digital artist Lau Shang Hui (NezArt), with additional art inserts for key scenes - A high quality digital map pack for key encounter locations - A two (2) page cheat sheet with Jason's personal tips for running Ooze Next?
In a cavern lying beneath the surface of the ocean is a series of trials awaiting any heroes who think they are worthy. Come meet the ancient tortoise who wants nothing other than to try out his riddles, partake in the bullywug tournament with such exciting events as Wig-Wag-Woe, and face down the wrath of a mindflayer. Contains multiple uniques puzzles and riddles to give your players a challenge beyond combat.
Bastion Bay has become a bustling trade hub under the guidance of the cunning Capa Meriosa - but all is not well in the former pirate town. A monstrous undead shark stalks the seas, sinking any ship that gets too close; the newly built light house has gone mysteriously dark; and rumours swirl of twisted witches and other horrid things stalking the night. The port has been shut with no ships allowed to leave and tensions are running high. Bastion Bay is on a knife edge, and a new ship is just pulling into port... The Beast of Bastion Bay is an adventure for the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons! It is designed for 3-5 5th level characters, and assumes a wide range of skills and abilities. It is designed to be played across multiple sessions and should take between 5 and 10 hours to complete. The adventure centres on the port town of Bastion Bay but can easily be transferred to any small or medium port town as long there are nearby islands and caves. This adventure was designed to have an equal balance of combat, exploration, and role-playing encounters.
The exciting artifact series concludes with AS3 – Peregrination. With a pair of control rods in hand you are guided to an ultimate prize, a Gnomish flying vessel! The rods have directed you to a crashed ship buried in the sandy beach. A check of the debris sheds light on the mystery of the artifact and a description of how to repair the intricate machine. Apparently finding the vessel is just the start!