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3288 adventures found
Cover of The Spectre of Sanguine Isle
The Spectre of Sanguine Isle
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
57 pages

"The Spectre of Sanguine Isle" is an adventure included in the product "Calpurnia's Guide to Practical Traps". It's an adventure that features traps from the document. The isolated town of Cupidinum has been shaken by a senseless murder. The culprit has fled to Sanguine Isle, and it's up to the heroes to find him and bring him to justice. But the fugitive doesn't want to be caught, and he knows a thing or two about guerilla warfare. Can the heroes catch their elusive prey? And was his crime quite as straight-forward as it was made out to be?

Cover of One on One Adventures Compendium
One on One Adventures Compendium
244 pages

This collection of eleven 1 on 1 Adventures is now available in 1 tome-now powered by Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! 1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest 1 on 1 Adventures #2: The Star of Olindor 1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills 1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier 1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher 1 on 1 Adventures #6: The Shroud of Olindor 1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: The Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore 1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon 1 on 1 Adventures #8: Blood Brothers 1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness 1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor

Cover of CCC-BMG-MOON13-1 Lure of the Reefs
CCC-BMG-MOON13-1 Lure of the Reefs
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
35 pages

Ships have disappeared amongst the Norheim Islands, almost all of them carrying refugees from Norland. An expedition, sent to find the cause, has similarly vanished without a trace. Most blame lack of experience with the treacherous local waters, but a few whisper of a more sinister cause, something that lures the desperate to their doom. Initiates of the Flame are looking for powerful adventurers to help since the authorities have more pressing trouble.

Cover of Factions of Sigil - Skaldon's Dome
Factions of Sigil - Skaldon's Dome
5th Edition
Level 10
9 pages

We get it. Factions are an integral part of D&D, but it's not always clear how to use them in your campaigns. Luckily, Factions of Sigil has you covered for each of the twelve main factions found across Sigil and the Outlands! This supplement goes over the various rules and lore around the primary factions found in Sigil and the Outlands, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate the factions more into the core stories being told, and making them feel more useful for the players that choose to join. In this adventure, the Mind's Eye of Sigil requests the characters travel to a secretive dome created by former member Skaldon, and follow his path to enlightenment.

Cover of Grakhirt's Lair
Grakhirt's Lair
Levels 1–3
10 pages

A tribe of evil norkers led by a human illusionist threaten the town of Nolivari. The heroes must brave the wilderness, find Grakhirt's lair, and defeat him to ensure the safety of the local villagers. A straightforward dungeon crawl against lots of norkers! When do you get to see those guys in an adventure? Lots of monsters from the AD&D Monster Manual II as well. This adventure features a little bait-and-switch; the titular bad guy Grakhirt is assumed to be a norker, or gnoll, or some other monstrous humanoid, but is in fact a human illusionist/assassin! Note: The adventure doesn't feature caves AND a dungeon, but since the caves are treated like a dungeon with doors and numbered rooms, this is listed as a dungeon adventure as well. Pgs. 28-37

Cover of The Bark Witch of Carcass County
The Bark Witch of Carcass County
Low Level
14 pages

The Bark Witch of Carcass Country is a procedural pointcrawl for FRONTIER SCUM. It consists of tables encompassing: Adventure hooks to lure scum to the swamp Antagonist motivation to add depth and guide the story Locations that provide (un)safe spaces for PCs Exploration via an overloaded, exploding encounter table that escalates the plot Mundane and strange creatures with full stat blocks Signs of the Bark Witch to sow dread and chaos The module can be run purely randomly, as a pick-and-choose toolkit, or anywhere in between. Depending on the rolls and approach, it works as a one-shot or a multi-session adventure. The Bark Witch of Carcass Country is an independent production by Walton Wood and is not affiliated with Den of Druids. It is published under the FRONTIER SCUM Third-Party License. FRONTIER SCUM is copyright Den of Druids

Cover of Into the Underdark - The Shadowed Hollows Gazetteer
Into the Underdark - The Shadowed Hollows Gazetteer
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
37 pages

How’d you get here? Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Rescued a retired hero's hapless nephew from goblins at some ruins on a hill Found out that there aren’t any goblins, but spider creatures called chitine instead Uncovered a chitine plot to start a war between the surface world and the drow Got convinced to try to stop that war Got trapped in the caves under the ruins Chased the chitine’s leader, a choldrith, further down into the cave system Nearly got crushed in a cave-in Fought your way through an undead infested mine Nearly got eaten by a colony of chitinous reptiles Picked up the choldrith’s trail and followed it deeper into the earth And now you stand at the entrance to a massive cavern filled with all manner of aggresive creatures. Yep, that about sums it up! And now, here you are, in this giant cavern thousands of feet beneath the surface. All you have to do is pick up that choldrith’s trail again, and manage to navigate the many factions vying for control of this little section of the Underdark. Good luck! And have fun storming the Hollows! This Gazetteer contains: Descriptions of the factions that live in The Shadowed Hollows, a massive cave complex far below the surface The underground city of Naakrasad and the important NPCs that live there Three quests leading to brief adventures within the Hollows for characters of level 4 to 6 7 custom maps of the Shadowed Hollows, Naakrasad, and the quest destinations All necessary monster stat blocks Everything needed to set the scene for the upcoming second chapter of the Into the Underdark Adventure Series

Cover of Return to the Glory
Return to the Glory
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
38 pages

Your people once dominated everything south of the mountains; you had the greatest, most advanced underground stronghold ever known to orc-kind. Then the cataclysm happened. Centuries have passed, and only a few tribes have survived and assembled under the banner of one cause. Reclaim what was once yours! This adventure is designed for four to six orc characters, levels 6 to 8.

Cover of Storming the Clouds
Storming the Clouds
4th Edition
Level 27
6 pages

Every fifty years, a pair of storm titans met to pray in an isolated and well guarded cloud temple. This time, they have obtained a copy of the fabled Ritual of the Primordial Gate and are exploring its secrets in hopes of bringing a lost primordial to the world. Divine messengers are sent to the PCs to enlist their aid in disrupting the storm titans’ efforts.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #78: Fate's Fell Hand
Dungeon Crawl Classics #78: Fate's Fell Hand
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 2
36 pages

Awash in a sea of phlogiston, three wizards battle for mastery of reality! But with each new day all gains are lost and the game begins anew. It is up to the adventurers to upset this ancient balance, winning free of the shrinking demi-plane before all is reduced to the roiling stuff of raw Chaos! Will you strike a bargain, swearing fealty to one of the fell masters? Or will you attempt to master your own fate, pitting your luck and skill against arcane foes? Whatever you decide, you must act quickly, for gray worms press in from all sides and time grows short! An exploration-based adventure for 2nd level PCs, Fate's Fell Hand challenges new and old players alike. Only the most cunning of PCs can hope to thwart the machinations of three dire wizards and escape Fate's Fell Hand!

Cover of Caravan Guards
Caravan Guards
Levels 6–8
7 pages

The heroes get to kick some bhut. Beware of cheerful--and long-fanged--employers! While traveling along a lesser road, the PC's encounter a small merchant caravan traveling in the same direction. The merchant leader wants begs the PC's to travel with them, if only for companionship. The creatures, called Bhuts, are found in Creature Catalogue (AC9) published in 1986 by TSR. Pgs. 30-36

Cover of The Void Walker
The Void Walker
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
3 pages

A great threat lopes toward a small city at the edge of a wasteland. One of the leviathans of the wasteland, a gigantic malevolent creature known locally as a “walker,” appears to be on a course directly through the city. The PCs are called to heroism by the city’s council, who have learned that the walker is being directed by a foul darakhul who has gained control of the creature and directs it from atop its shoulders! Scouts have discovered a portal used by the ghoul to teleport atop the walker. With a hastily scrawled map, the party must navigate the wild hills to locate the magical doorway. In this epic and deadly adventure, the party must navigate wild hills, locate a teleportation portal, and slay the Darakhul and his minions on teetering platforms built atop the shoulders of the walker.

Cover of FVC7 - Horn of Delmar
FVC7 - Horn of Delmar
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

This week’s Filbar offering is an introductory level adventure pitting fresh adventurers against a variety of opponents. As they head out to make a name for themselves the young group will first need to pass by the Horn of Delmar. This mountain landmark was once home to a mighty fortress felled centuries before hand. While many have adventured to the top they have returned ravaged with injuries and reports of strange and foul creatures. This adventure features an old tower, bandits, undead, and an old dungeon complex for those who search hard enough.

Cover of Wards of Witching Ways
Wards of Witching Ways
Levels 3–5
19 pages

Surviving the shipwreck is easy; living through the wizardly bet afterward is not. Their game could mean your lives. A storm caused the PCs' vessel to sink and is now forcing them to seek shelter in the keep on the remote isle. Their goal is to locate a boat or some other means of transportation to return to the mainland after the storm has passed. But first, they must survive the tests and traps the island's inhabitants have set for them. Pgs. 45-64

Cover of House of Reeds and Whispers
House of Reeds and Whispers
5th Edition
Level 8
4 pages

"House of Reeds and Whispers" is the lair of a pair of red hags, suitable for four characters of 8th level. This adventure can be completed in one session. Two red hag sisters recently exsanguinated an eccentric collector named Nahl Fry and took up residence in his swamp-side home. Liori and Ijith were seeking an artifact from the ancient city of Talitheos, the sunken stronghold of the red hags. They found the artifact, a pair of knitting needles made from blood-infused coral. in Nahl Fry's collection. The sisters yearn to understand how the artifact works, and so they are testing its dark powers against a nearby hamlet. They have knitted rapidly growing crimson reeds that funnel the blood of fauna and farm animals back to the house. The hamlet's leader, Galnas, hires the PC's to investigate. The party must press through the reeds, defeat the sisters' guardians, face the hags, and end the reedy infestation.

Cover of WGM1 Border Watch
WGM1 Border Watch
Levels 1–3
38 pages

Greatwall is in peril - not from military forces of Iuz, but from lack of goods and supplies. Caravans from Willip have ceased thanks to increased dangers on the Willip Critwall Grabford Trail. As the key fort positioned to contain the Iuzian flood, Greatwall is a strategic necessity. Its failure would mean a major incursion along the border. Your characters are hired to escort a caravan from Greatwall to Willip; if its merchants are afraid to come to the fort, the fort will go to them. This should be simple, cut and dried guard job. Right? Of course not. There are many surprises in store for your little caravan, and your characters will need to keep their wits about them day and night in order to make it to the other end. Secret plans are afoot, conspiracies are brewing, and nothing is as it seems while on the Border Watch. This module uses information presented in the From the Ashes boxed set and the Iuz the Evil accessories. However, ownership of these two products is not necessary to play this module. TSR 9406

Cover of The House of Long Knives
The House of Long Knives
Level 10
9 pages

Characters strike a blow against evil when they take on orcs and assassins in these scenarios. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of The Nightshine Mausoleum
The Nightshine Mausoleum
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
11 pages

Attacks by the undead are on the rise in and near the swamp. Rumr has it that the swamp was once an elvish settlement, lost long ago to ruin and sunken into the marsh. But one structure, at least, has yet to be consumed by the swamp. And a long dead cultist of Orcus, buried in that forgotten mausoleum, has returned from the dead. Includes A short adventure for 4-5 characters of 3rd to 4th level A map of the Nightshine Mausoleum Stat blocks for all monsters Unnumbered map suitable for use in your favorite VTT.

Cover of MM1 The Modron Maze
MM1 The Modron Maze
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
25 pages

In a distant dimension of existence, a collective of Modrons run experimental tests to find the answer to one question: What draws adventurers to places known as "Dungeons"? Hijacking the travel of adventuring parties, these Modrons subject them to a series of tests in their artificially created dungeon. Deadly combat, logic puzzles, "moral" challenges, and a plot about a kidnapped "Maiden" Modron by an "Evil Wizard Construct" can be found within. But not all is as it seems... Leading the experiment is a rogue Modron officer named the Creative Director, who has gone mad and morphed the tests into an elaborate death trap for adventurers. Seeking revenge against those it considers responsible for its “imprisonment”, it pits the adventurers against ever escalating challenges. Who will defeat the Creative Director and put an end the mad tests?

Cover of Their Master's Voice
Their Master's Voice
Levels 2–4
3 pages

Everybody's a fool for a lost kid. He wanted power but settled for scraps - for now. The outcast wizard Lertol has adopted two leucrotta, and their team is ambushing passing travelers and robbing them with no-one the wiser. The players first fall into this trap when the leucrottas mimic a lost child and a search party in the middle of a night at camp. If the players leave to investigate the voices, the wizard loots the camp while they are gone. The players can then follow the wizard back to his lair and get their treasure back. Pgs. 48-49 & 28