A community for lazy dungeon masters
3288 adventures found
Cover of Dragon's Breath Tavern
Dragon's Breath Tavern
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
21 pages

It’s been a long few days of travel and the adventurers are tired of eating rations and sleeping on the ground. The road opens to a small town with an inviting tavern. The smells of grilling meat and ale fill their nostrils and the sounds of laughter and music float out the tavern’s door. Unlucky for the adventurers, they’ve stumbled upon Dragon’s Breath Tavern. What starts out as a pleasant evening of food, drink, and entertainment soon evolves into an adventure that takes the party into and under Dragon’s Breath Tavern. The adventure includes roleplay, exploration, combat, and a dice game called Demon Dice. Although written in a non-specific location, this adventure could be run as a one-shot during the WoTC official campaign – Curse of Strahd. The adventure includes an isometric map and a top-down map of Dragon’s Breath Tavern. Available as PDF or for Fantasy Grounds.

Cover of Thirteen Cages
Thirteen Cages
3.5 Edition
Levels 16–18
18 pages

This adventure is the ninth part of the Shackled City Adventure Path that began with "Life's Bazaar" (Dungeon #97) Wherein a group of diverse and talented allies learns the folly of not working together against a common foe.

Cover of Going Once... Going Twice
Going Once... Going Twice
Any Level
5 pages

Auction fever can empty anyone's pouch of coins. An Arch-Mage is retiring and selling his possessions - and you're at the auction! Pgs. 19-23

Cover of Blood Money
Blood Money
4th Edition
Levels 7–9
25 pages

The party's objective is to steal the gold that a tyrant would use to pay the mercenaries he has hired to take over the town of Elderwood. The adventure plays out as a caper over three in-game days.

Cover of PS2 - Highway to Upton
PS2 - Highway to Upton
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
14 pages

In PS1 - Barrow of the Culder, your newfound companions were offered a paying job as adventurers. With your victory complete it is now time to get paid. The only problem is that your benefactors are not in Merrydale, they are in Upton. With a payday in sight you head out on the Highway to Upton. As an ancient sage once said “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” In this case the journey is going to be the adventure!

Cover of Don't Leave the Path
Don't Leave the Path
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
13 pages

The companions find adventure outside Lake-town and are given the chance to discover why even the hardiest of adventurers shun the forest of Mirkwood and its depths. In the process, they go and see Elves, meet a crazed hermit, and stumble into a wood of ancient and angry trees. Published by Cubicle7

Cover of FD1 - Death of the Jabin Sagna
FD1 - Death of the Jabin Sagna
Levels 1–3
16 pages

As a pair of fresh faced adventurers yearning to show the world what you have you can almost taste the action, but you haven’t found any yet. While on the road a local farmer tells you that the Thorp of Templeton is looking for someone to find their missing ferryman. While the farmer doesn’t have many details the thorp in question is less than half a day’s walk from where you are. As you wander down the road with your friend you both revel in a job as easy as finding a drunken boat captain!

Cover of Gate of the Lens Wizards
Gate of the Lens Wizards
5th Edition
Level 15
28 pages

A world unseen lies beyond a twisted, metal gate in a remote field of the Dhalpurna Mountains. Will the characters brave the alien monstrosities, technologies, and magic inside to learn the secrets that have been brooding in this strange place for millennia? Gate of the Lens Wizard is a science-fantasy exploration adventure and includes: -A gate that leads to the tunnels beneath a distant jungle moon -Intelligent spiders at war with glass-skulled astronomy wizards -An unfathomable artifact that can rewrite time itself -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of Guardians of Dragonfall
Guardians of Dragonfall
3.5 Edition
Level 11
32 pages

"Auranorex, the greatest gold dragon in the world, is dead and his kin are looking for answers. To uncover the mystery of his demise, the heroes must travel to the one place forbidden to all mortals: the dragon graveyard. Guardians of Dragonfall is a mid-level adventure written by Anson Caralya that has the players investigating the untimely death of a dragon. Violating the dragon graveyard is a death sentence and the heroes must risk their very life if they are to uncover the secret behind Auranorex’s fate."

Cover of ALQ5 Ruined Kingdoms
ALQ5 Ruined Kingdoms
Levels 3–12
104 pages

Unveil the forbidden secrets of Nog and Kadar! The Nogaro River has seen the rise and gall of countless empires, unequaled in their evil and terror. Buried but not destroyed, their legacy lives on, shrouded by the tangled jungle and by time itself. With Ruined Kingdoms, bold explorers can at last lift the veil of oblivion and unravel the mysteries of a dark and sinister past. Inside you'll discover: A 32-page campaign booklet describing the Ruined Kingdoms and their many secrets. A 64-page book packed with adventures-nine plots of intrigue and danger that transport player characters from Dihliz to Afyal and into the heat of the ruin-choked jungle. Adventurers face yak-men, genies, and giants, and unearth artifacts of awesome magical power. An 8-page booklet filled with villainous women and deadly reptilian monsters. Six cardstock sheets featuring detailed maps and player aids. A stunning poster map of eastern Zakhara, depicting the twisting valleys and ancient capitals of the Ruined Kingdoms. Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook. TSR 9440

Cover of FS8 - Ransom of the Thane's Daughter
FS8 - Ransom of the Thane's Daughter
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Thane Tinewiner’s daughter has been kidnapped just before her betrothal and her love slain! Who will avenge this mockery? Can the girl be brought back alive? Is your PC brave enough to face this challenge alone? Surely a handsome reward will be at stake but more so the fame of saving a damsel in distress and the honor to go with it. Few clues are available and most of the Thane’s military are on the hunt for the woman so you’ll need a little bit of luck if you are to grab the honors and save the day.

Cover of Into the Belly of the Beast
Into the Belly of the Beast
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
25 pages

Take the adventuring party on a journey through a nasty, smelly swamp as they follow an exotic map which (they hope) leads to a grand treasure. Unknown hazards, NPCs, adventure, and creatures stand between them and the X that 'marks the spot' on the map. This adventure includes: •Custom art •8 hand-drawn maps (color and black & white included) •3 new creatures •1 new magic item •Includes a printer-friendly version of the adventure. Into the Belly of the Beast runs smoothly as-is, but an additional 8 encounters are included. These encounters can be used to lengthen the adventure, or they could used separately and added to your own campaign.

Cover of Blood of Dragonscar
Blood of Dragonscar
3.5 Edition
Level 15
32 pages

"In rural Dalaston, a quiet wedding festival is ruined when a rampaging dragon descends from its mountain aerie to rain fire and destruction on the peaceful celebration. In desperation, the town’s leader turns to a mysterious stranger who promises protection from the dragon—in exchange for a few sacrifices. Now the children of Dalaston rise from the dead as ghastly abominations to enforce martial law and kidnap people for their mysterious master... including the blushing bride herself. With time quickly slipping away, can the PCs break the undead curse on the town and stop the dragon from destroying what remains? Blood of Dragonscar is a dragon-slaying city adventure for 15th level characters, compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game. Within you’ll find information on the mining and brewing town of Dalaston, new monsters, a draconic lair deep inside an active volcano, and the fire-breathing dragon itself. This adventure takes place in the decadent nation of Taldor in the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting, but can easily be adapted for any game world."

Cover of DDEX03-09 The Waydown
DDEX03-09 The Waydown
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
36 pages

The recent discovery of an entrance to the Underdark has set local leaders on edge. In a display of initiative, the First Lord of Hillsfar has ordered the construction of defensive structures surrounding what locals have begun to call "The Waydown." You have been charged with escorting an emissary back to his home in the Underdark without alerting the Red Plumes.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #6: The Shroud of Olindor
1 on 1 Adventures #6: The Shroud of Olindor
Levels 7–9
24 pages

Lord Dragle was set to auction off his most recent discovery, the Shroud of Olindor. The elven relic was certain to make Dragle a wealthy man. Such a pity he had to die. But the plot surrounding Dragle’s death is far more layered than it appears. It is up to the player character to discover the hidden motives and ultimately recover the Shroud of Olindor. Part 2 of the Olindor Trilogy.

Cover of The Trial of Heroes
The Trial of Heroes
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
6 pages

Players must prove their worth in this series of trials. Face the minotaur in his own maze, resist the allure of a crafty nymph, put on a show for the crowd as you face down an incubus / succubus duo in the arena, crawl through the muck and sneak past the demons that lie in wait, and finally use all of your creativity to navigate a glass golem through a gauntlet of traps. Another exciting blend of combat and puzzle-solving.

Cover of DDEX03-03 The Occupation of Szith Morcane
DDEX03-03 The Occupation of Szith Morcane
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
35 pages

Agents of the fire giants of Maerimydra, a city in the Underdark, have overtaken the drow outpost of Szith Morcane. The factions seek out adventurers to free the outpost’s leaders for questioning on the giants’ activities. Can you extricate them before it’s too late?

Cover of CCC-PDXAGE-02-01 The Dark Hunt
CCC-PDXAGE-02-01 The Dark Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

The village near Oreclasp Keep has been reporting brutal owlbear attacks that have left people missing or dismembered. Lord Oreclasp has placed a bounty for every owlbear beak brought to Oreclasp Keep. The villagers don’t suspect the deeper problems brewing in the land.

Cover of Lake Marione
Lake Marione
5th Edition
Level 3
5 pages

Not so deep in Lake Marione an amulet sinks. This adventure is set in the town of Marione where PCs will be asked to retrieve a lost amulet. I hope you enjoy the adventure! A D&D 5e One-Shot Adventure

Cover of Goblin Fever
Goblin Fever
Levels 3–5
21 pages

A plague has struck Waen Fawr, leaving hundreds dead, the city lawless and in crisis. The plague seems to drive those affected to violent, manic behaviour and the city militia have their hands full. Smoke shrouds the city as buildings burn, bandits and looters roam the streets amid the chaos. This adventure comes with tiles to create a city map as the players explore. Tables of rumours and random encounters are provided, as well as detailed location-based encounters. Pgs. 28-48