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3288 adventures found
Cover of S6 Labyrinth of Madness
S6 Labyrinth of Madness
Levels 15–20
64 pages

Sinister, twisting images...Horrific nightmares lurking at the corners of the mind...These are descriptions used to tell the tales of the Labyrinth of Madness. But these tales of the labyrinth are only legends, really, nothing more than stories used to frighten children at night - until a mysterious scepter is found, bearing within its crystal head a visage of insanity and terror, and also delivering a message: "Disturb not the Labyrinth of Madness again, and live a while longer." Now a powerful temple suffers from a tragic curse that is somehow linked to the labyrinth. Does there exist a group of heroes who can penetrate this dark and terrible place to life the curse...and survive? Labyrinth of Madness is a multiple-level, three- dimensional dungeon adventure, a puzzle within a puzzle, that commemorates 20 years of gaming with TSR. TSR 9503

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #27: Our Lady of Silver
Pathfinder Society Scenario #27: Our Lady of Silver
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
20 pages

You and your fellow Pathfinders are sent to Katheer, the shining capital of Qadira, to witness the wedding of Pathfinder Faireven to the wealthy and beautiful Lady of Silver and bring back a trove of relics given to the Society as part of the wedding dowry. When the wedding is disrupted by unscrupulous thieves, you soon find yourself dodging double-crosses, accusations of grave robbery, and worse. You must find the relics soon, or risk facing the eternal expulsion of the Society from the treasure-filled deserts of Qadira.

Cover of DDAL08-08 Crypt of the Dark Kiss
DDAL08-08 Crypt of the Dark Kiss
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
16 pages

Are there actually vampires in Undermountain? The Baron of Blood demands that you find out! Part Two of the Vampire Hunt trilogy.

Cover of Bridge of Fallen Men
Bridge of Fallen Men
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
52 pages

Nightmares that kill, a mysterious thief that only steals knick-knacks, tales of a huge beast terrorising fisherfolk, an inn with disappearing guests, discoveries of hidden magic portals and rumours of an assassin at large: None of these things are enough to stop the ever-flowing tide of traders and travellers crossing the Bridge of Fallen Men, but its protectors - Cormyr's Purple Dragons - are short on time, and courage... ...will adventurers answer the call?

Cover of The Last Breaths of Ashenport
The Last Breaths of Ashenport
4th Edition
Level 8
36 pages

The seaside town of Ashenport has a troubled past and a dark secret. If you spend a night in Ashenport, you just might not wake up the next morning. "The Last Breaths of Ashenport" is an adventure of survival and alien horrors. The adventure is self-contained and can be placed in any setting. Pgs. 70-105

Cover of G1-2-3 Against The Giants
G1-2-3 Against The Giants
Levels 8–12
32 pages

This material was originally published as three separate adventures: G1 (STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF), G2 (THE GLACIAL RIFT OF THE FROST GIANT JARL), and G3 (HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING). Contained herein are referee notes, background information, maps, and exploration keys for three complete adventures using the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules. This module can be used alone or as the first in a series of adventures that includes Dungeon Modules D1-2 (DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH), D3 (VAULT OF THE DROW), and Q1 (QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB PITS). TSR 9058

Cover of The Rotting Willow
The Rotting Willow
Levels 7–9
7 pages

Tree houses are not just for kids. This roadside stop could well be your very last. These characters may be of any class, race, or alignment, although characters of good alignment have added incentive to rid the world of the evil depicted herein. The characters should possess only a low to moderate amount of magic, as too much will throw off the balance of the scenario. The Dungeon Master should pay particular attention to the viewpoint of the antagonists: three braggarts. This Scenario is designed to be used as the player PCs travel from one adventure to another, along the fringe of a swamp. The players should be given no introduction for the scenario. Treated it as an extended random encounter. The adventure takes place in the village of Rotting Willow and the nearby swamp. The village lies at the intersection of two trade routes. One route follows the edge of the Great Cypress Swamp and is well traveled because it is shorter (although not safer) than larger trade routes. A smaller route runs east and west, ending abruptly where it meets the swamp route. Pgs. 4-10

Cover of X2 Castle Amber (Chateau D'Amberville)
X2 Castle Amber (Chateau D'Amberville)
Levels 3–6
28 pages

Trapped in the mysterious Castle Amber, you find yourselves cut off from the world you know. The castle is fraught with peril. Members of the strange Amber family, some insane, some merely deadly, lurk around every corner. Somewhere in the castle is the key to your escape, but can you survive long enough to find it? TSR 9051

Cover of Love's Sorrow
Love's Sorrow
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
7 pages

The night mist hangs low around von Helter Manor. A man and woman share a tender moment on their balcony after the best night of their lives—a flash of red as they fall. Blood begins pooling around them, staining the earth crimson. A mysterious figure grins in the darkness. The Red Lady has taken her next victim. Pgs. 75-81

Cover of Sparkless
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
26 pages

I am sorry child. The world is unfair. You are not like the rest of them. And you never will be. Sparkless is a 5E adventure set in a world of spirits and filled with exploration, conflict and magic. This adventure is designed for characters of 1st level and should provide enough content for two or three game sessions. In this supplement, you will find everything you need to take your players on a dangerous journey through mist-covered swamps to unearth forgotten knowledge and save a lost child. Content Warning: While no children are harmed in this adventure, it features a kidnapped newborn as a major driving force of the story. Before running this adventure with your friends, consult them and make sure they feel comfortable with exploring this theme in their game. The supplement contains 3 encounter maps and 2 dungeon maps. Each map is available in high resolution for print, and a lower resolution perfect for VTT. You can also download each of the maps without a grid and customize it to your liking! Sparkless contains plenty of new 5E compatible material including: 5 creatures, 3 magic items, 1 spell, and a new playable race: The Reclaimed. A new design that lets you keep some of your old race features and get access to new ones! Published by Beyond the Screen

Cover of CCC-BWM-04-01 Thralls of Zuggtmoy: The Myconic Nidus
CCC-BWM-04-01 Thralls of Zuggtmoy: The Myconic Nidus
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
29 pages

Under the Flooded Forest grows a toxic maze of magical fungi called the Nidus. From this horrid realm a cult has struck a terrible blow against the wood elves struggling to regrow the trees in the forsaken swamp of the Flooded Forest. The elves, on the brink of extinction, need the adventurers to navigate this deadly labyrinth and recover a precious object. But the tunnels here crawl with spore-laden beasts and demons, and the very air itself is poisonous.

Cover of Eateat Go Home? (DC-POA-PND-4)
Eateat Go Home? (DC-POA-PND-4)
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
18 pages

DC-POA-PND-4 Eateat Go Home? (Part 3 of the Strange Case of Erland Forsk) A small girl confides in you that she found a secret friend, and that she needs your help in getting him home. Will you be able to keep him safe while mysterious agents search for him? A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8. Using the DungeonCraft seed The Littlest Squidling ``` You could be happy here; I could take care of you. I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T. —Elliott, Movie E.T. ```

Cover of DE1 - Dark Echoes
DE1 - Dark Echoes
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
92 pages

A centuries old evil has been cultivating an environmental disaster deep under the earth, waiting for the time when it will be unleashed on the world. A new mine has been created above and has broken the seal. The owner of the mine has lost contact with their foreman and shipments have stopped, and it’s up to an inexperienced but eager group of adventurers to investigate. This adventure is designed to present a challenge for a group of four veteran players using first level characters. While there are opportunities for roleplay scattered throughout, this adventure is heavy on the exploration and combat pillars of fifth edition. Death is a real and ever-present threat as they investigate the mine and the dangers below. Success and survival should bring them to the third level, and they may have found some treasure well worth the effort. So much so that they may become targets themselves from unscrupulous and more experienced NPCs. Written to be a seed for a larger campaign in any high fantasy setting, the outcome of this adventure could have world-changing consequences. It introduces a new and growing threat that, given enough encouragement, greed, time and apathy, could consume the world and beyond.

Cover of Rogues in Remballo
Rogues in Remballo
Level 1
26 pages

Rogues in Remballo is a city adventure set in Frog God Games' Lost Lands campaign world. As an introduction to adventuring in the Borderland Provinces, the City of Remballo immediately gets first-level characters embroiled in strange plots, sinister intrigue, and fierce battles. Is the thieves’ guild of Manas encroaching on the territory of the Remballo guild? What is hidden in the sanctuary-courtyard known as the Four Corners? How is the powerful banking house of Borgandy involved with all of it? What starts as a straightforward mission actually involves a host of complications — some of which can be deadly if the characters don’t play their cards right.

Cover of FC11 - Blight of Biel
FC11 - Blight of Biel
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
14 pages

Blight of Biel is a standard “fetch” mission with a twist. After finishing one adventure the PCs head to Biel for some rest. Sadly upon arrival at the thorp they discover the community has “the fever”. Only one person in town has not gotten ill and she needs some ingredients for a cure. This mission will require a quick resolution or the gravedigger will be busy! Oh yea…this game is called Dungeons & Dragons for a reason!

Cover of Gifts for Him
Gifts for Him
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
25 pages

Gifts for Him is a short, challenging, open-ended, gothic-horror, 5E-compatible Christmas adventure for tier 1 characters to be run in about three sessions, but it can be easily adapted as a one-shot. It contains over 25 pages with original artwork, three original battle maps, three unique monsters, stat blocks for five NPCs, three magic items, and a partridge in a pear tree. ----- The village of Bargrave has a secret. Every year, on Christmas Eve, the villagers cower in their homes while a savage beast prowls the streets, wreaking bloody doom on whomever has not left it a suitable gift on their doorstep. But Elias Buhl has had enough. This year, the old farmer won’t be buying the beast a gift, hoping instead to bait it into attacking him at his homestead, where he will trap and kill it once and for all. But he can’t do it alone. Buhl has hired a band of adventures to help him fortify his home, set traps, and slay the creature. They have three days to prepare, gather allies and equipment, and plan their defense. Or… They can dig a little deeper and uncover what Bargrave has been hiding all these years. Will they slay the beast, as agreed? Might they capture it to use it for their own ends? Can it be redeemed? Or will they die — their blood melting the snow — just the latest victims of the creature’s reign of terror? --- Gifts for Him is a complete, playtested, illustrated adventure that is currently pay what you want.

Cover of RA1 Feast of Goblyns
RA1 Feast of Goblyns
Levels 4–7
96 pages

In Feast of Goblyns, a party of adventurers is mysteriously transported from the lands they know to a dark and dangerous demiplane known as Ravenloft. Trapped in this realm of terror, they must use all their skills to escape the manipulations of one of Ravenloft's most powerful lords as they attempt to seek out the accursed Crown of Soldiers. If all goes well, they just might live long enough to escape this dread land and return to their homes. Also of note: As the first published adventure, is bundled with a DM screen for running games in Ravenloft. TSR 9298

Cover of Horror's Harvest
Horror's Harvest
Levels 2–4
21 pages

Never try to catch a falling star. A bad seed has been planted in the dark soil of Ravenloft, and now it's time to harvest the crops. A comet has fallen from the sky outside of the town of Delmunster, and the people of this sleepy little village are changing in ways their families cannot explain. The players are on the clock to find the comet and stop its influence on the town. For every day the players take to solve the mystery, another townsperson falls under the sway of the comet. A story heavy influenced by a certain horror movie about pod people. Pgs. 48-68

Cover of FT - Kelick's Crossing
FT - Kelick's Crossing
Levels 1–7
12 pages

Kelick’s Crossing is a frontier town set on side of the mighty Saint Torgoth’s Causeway. The bridge expanse over the river allows adventurers and traders an easy above water crossing into the frontier. While it has a well-trained guard staff that controls passage across the bridge and protecting the citizens. This setting offers an excellent frontier town where PCs can replenish gear and sell their hard fought loot.

Cover of Vault of the Dracolich
Vault of the Dracolich
5th Edition
Level 4
39 pages

*THIS IS A D&D NEXT/5E PLAYTEST ADVENTURE* Imani, a Turmishan wizard and former adventurer, seeks the aid of heroes to infiltrate Dretchroyaster’s lair and recover the Diamond Staff of Chomylla—the key to powerful magic and wisdom locked away for thousands of years. In addition to his own sagely interest in the lore of lost Uvaeren, Imani recognizes the dangers of such powerful magic falling into evil hands. The dracolich has secured the staff in his lair’s cen- tral chamber, using ancient wards of protection that can be bypassed only by four artifact-idols once belong- ing to a cult of Bhaal. Each group of adventurers enters the dungeon through a different section of the dun- geon—a forgotten temple of Bhaal, a vast underground lake, a troglodyte village, or Dretchroyaster’s vaults. Dretchroyaster’s lair is no simple set of caverns and ancient ruins. It sits atop a source of great power and energy, which the dracolich and his Cult of the Dragon allies hope to use to unlock the secrets of the staff. Only by undertaking a unified assault against Dretchroyas- ter’s lair can the adventurers hope to recover the Diamond Staff and survive the dracolich’s fury. The adventurers must make their way through the lair and recover the Bhaalite idols that will help unlock the Diamond Staff, all the while dealing with the lair’s creatures and avoiding the dracolich as he pur- sues intruders. Entering the Chamber of the Diamond Staff, the heroes must overcome its magical wards and claim the staff before being slain by the dracolich and his servants.