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956 adventures found
Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #53: Sellswords of Punjar
Dungeon Crawl Classics #53: Sellswords of Punjar
4th Edition
Level 1
32 pages

Deep within the heart of the slums, in the rat-ridden city of Punjar, the Beggar-King weaves his plots. Unearthing rites best left forgotten and offering up sacrifices to the loathsome Lords of Shade, the Beggar-King’s ambitions threaten to unleash a horde of shadow-horrors upon Punjar’s huddled masses. You and your fellow companions must bring the reign of the Beggar-King to an end. Your quest will take you from the rooftops of Punjar to its filthiest alleys, and beneath the streets of Punjar to the fetid heart of the city, where even the bravest of sellswords will tremble before the fell secrets of the Beggar-King of Punjar. An introductory adventure designed specifically for first level characters, Sellswords of Punjar is an urban Dungeon Crawl Classic unlike any other. It includes a full-color double-sided battle map to allow your characters to fully experience the perils of Punjar! This stand-alone adventure can also be used to launch a campaign in the epic fantasy world of Áereth.

Cover of SQ7 - The Sable Mace
SQ7 - The Sable Mace
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
15 pages

You and your associates have been contacted by Janko Milosh, fourth Earl of Tambish. Apparently, he has come into possession of a cursed item and he requires it be delivered to someone he trusts to examine it. With no mounts and none for sale, you better hope your boots are in good shape!

Cover of WGR6 City of Skulls
WGR6 City of Skulls
Levels 9–12
68 pages

The dreadful jails below the appalling City of Skulls, Iuz's nightmare capital, contain many wretched and desperate captives. Among them is Earl Holmer, Knight Commander of the Shield Lands. A brave spy in Dorakaa has shown the ay to find and free Holmer—is your party up to the job of freeing him? King Belvor IV of Furyondy believes so. In the way stand fearsome priests and mages of the Lord of Pain; ogres, giants, fiends, and worse hinder the struggle to defeat the traps and guardians of Iuz. Plucking Holmer from his grasp will bring great renown, knighthood, and treasure—for those who survive. None has ever escaped Iuz's jails. Who will you be the first to use stealth or storm to breach them? TSR 9405

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #23: Tide of Morning
Pathfinder Society Scenario #23: Tide of Morning
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–5
17 pages

Venture-Captain Dennel Hamshanks sends you to convince an Andoren druid named Hemzel to allow the Pathfinder Society to study his recently discovered lorestone, a minor magical item that unlocks some of the mysteries of the ancient Andoren druid circles. When you arrive and find Hemzel murdered and the lorestone missing, you must race against time to recover the lorestone and stop Hemzel's murderers from using it against the druids of Andoran.

Cover of Icegate Keep
Icegate Keep
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
32 pages

Jarl Aelfric Whitehand of Jotunspine, one of the Moonshae Isles, is not happy. His ward, Cordin Wainthrower, has disappeared. Clues imply that Cordin has headed for a ruined keep deep in the Giantspine Mountains. The characters are tasked by the jarl to track down Cordin and bring him back to safety – the Giantspines are filled with many dangers including the legendary Winter King, a fey of great power. Will the characters force Cordin to return to the keep or help him in his quest to restore a family heirloom? If they help him, they must face the chilling depths of the crypt of Icegate Keep. Icegate Keep is an adventure for the first tier, levels 1 to 4. The adventure includes full scaling recommendations for each level, as well as four pre-generated PCs at each of the four levels. The adventure is designed to be tough for the pre-gen PCs, who have little magic to brave the icy mountains. It is estimated to take 4-6 hours to play. The adventure has several new monsters including Ice Wights, Ice Zombies, Frostsnakes, and the infamous Winter King. New magic items are also included such as the greatsword Frostreaver, the ancient Snowbane dagger, the Horn of the Howling Wolf, and the Throne of the Winter King. There is a player handout outlining the legend of the Winter King and three battlemaps showing separate levels of the small keep.

Cover of Rescue at Rivenroar
Rescue at Rivenroar
4th Edition
Level 1
42 pages

In “Rescue at Rivenroar,” the player characters must brave the depths of ancient catacombs in search of prisoners taken from the town of Brindol in a midnight raid. The hobgoblins, bandits that style themselves after an invading horde from long ago, have taken refuge in a dungeon under a ruined mountain fortress, and the PCs must clear them out to find the captive townsfolk and the treasures taken from Brindol. “Rescue at Rivenroar” also marks the first step in a great journey - the Scales of War Adventure Path, which spans 30 levels and put the PCs at the crux of events that shapes the world for centuries to come. While the scope of this adventure isn’t as grand, it represents the seed from which an epic tale will surely grow. Pgs. 4-45

Cover of RA2 Ship of Horror
RA2 Ship of Horror
Levels 8–10
63 pages

Horrible hauntings, cruel curses, dark secrets...this is no pleasure cruise! The mists of Ravenloft know no boundaries and observe no rules. One way or another, they always get what they want - this time with some help from a cursed captain and his ship. Player characters boarding an innocent-looking ship will soon find themselves aboard a haunted vessel, destined for an island inhabited by a new form of undead creatures. But that's not the end of the horror - an evil necromancer lies at the root of the evil on the island. The battle isn't over until he's been defeated! Ship of Horror is an adventure set in Ravenloft with two beginnings: one for PCs already in Ravenloft, and one for DMs looking for a way to push his PCs into Ravenloft from other worlds. The adventure includes three new monsters, new spells, and several handouts ready for distribution to players. Ship of Horror is an adventure for four to six players of levels 8-10 looking for grisly chills and thrills! TSR 9321

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #46: Wake of the Watcher (Carrion Crown 4 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #46: Wake of the Watcher (Carrion Crown 4 of 6)
Level 9
96 pages

Part 4 of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path brings the heroes to the small fishing village of Illmarsh. The party is searching for a dark rider of the necromantic Whispering Way cult and will discover the strange practices of the deeply religious inhabitants of Illmarsh. Rumors of madness, strange disappearances and human sacrifices to things best left unnamed lead them to investigate the town church and its history. They'll find a desperate people, caught in a war between beings from beneath the seas and invaders from the darkest corners of the cosmos. Can the heroes save Illmarsh from its tradition of terror? It is worth noting that this story is heavily inspired by The Shadow over Innsmouth by H.P. Lovecraft and the role playing game Call of Cthulhu. If you're planning on going through the whole adventure path of Carrion Crown, the module Carrion Hill could easily be fit between book 3 and 4, as the party will travel directly through the area where this one shot adventure takes place. This book includes: - “Wake of the Watcher,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 9th-level characters, by Greg A. Vaughan - Blasphemous secrets of the foul faiths known collectively as the Old Cults and sanity-shattering gods such as Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, and Cthulhu, by James Jacobs - A giant bestiary filled with eight classic monsters inspired by the writing of H. P. Lovecraft and the tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, by James Jacobs and Greg A. Vaughan - Laurel Cylphra’s discovery that the dead aren’t the only dangers in Ardis in a new entry into the Pathfinder’s Journal, by F. Wesley Schneider.

Cover of The Fall of Cyrog
The Fall of Cyrog
5th Edition
Levels 9–12
14 pages

This adventure is written with the intent that it takes place in the subterranean world called the Underdark in the world of Forgotten Realms, although it may be placed in other settings. Within the Underdark, Cyrog's lair can be placed anywhere though it is stated to be thousands of miles east of Gravenhollow. If you are running Out of the Abyss, you may want to have your players see the vision Cyrog Lives! Hail Orcus! (OOTA, 158). Additionally, it is recommended that this adventure be used for a party of 4 to 6 players, level 9 to 12. While merely hinted at through visions in Out of the Abyss, Orcus is roaming the Underdark unchallenged with an army of mind flayers at his disposal. Cyrog, the elder brain of a mind flayer colony in the Underdark has died. The demon lord Orcus has reanimated and taken control of it. The hive of mind flayers is now bent to Orcus's will through Cyrog as he strives to make all life in the multiverse into a vast undead horde under his control. The adventurers are contacted by a patron who gives them a special item (such as brain worms) to suppress their brain waves and make it possible to infiltrate the Cyrog's Lair without immediate detection. The adventurers must defeat or otherwise subdue mind flayers and a few guards, override the elder brain's mechanical defense system, and slay Cyrog.

Cover of A Night of Masks and Monsters
A Night of Masks and Monsters
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
22 pages

An original one-shot adventure designed for 3-6 level 3 characters. A DMsGuild bestseller! SUMMARY: In the city of Ibrido, locals enjoy a life of splendor and frivolity. Every week, a lavish party is held at the Castel di Maschera, hosted by the Marquis di Maschera, Prospero, who has a reputation for being a generous party-thrower and avid patron of the arts. Receiving an invitation to a Marquis di Maschera party is coveted, and those who enter his social circle never leave it. But the Castel di Maschera holds many secrets. When a strange, hybrid creature — half bird, half man — is found brutally murdered in Ibrido’s city square, tattooed with the Marquis’s signature symbol of two masks, rumors have begun to spread throughout Ibrido that something more sinister may be occurring. Did a Marquis di Maschera party simply get out of hand, or does a real danger threaten the inhabitants of Ibrido? DETAILS: 2-4 hour session for 3-6 players Play-tested material Unique items and mechanics Original maps Printable cards Scalable combat difficulty 22-page campaign guide Enjoy the adventure? Share your experiences with me! Hashtags: #ANOMAM #NightOfMasksAndMonsters

Cover of Plaguebearers
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
16 pages

You are hired by the Greenskull orc clan as merceneries to assist in the eradication of a firblog settlement from the swamp the orcs need to conquer in order to survive. You are first sent in to retrieve the bodies of scouts that never returned, but you soon realize that something wicked is going on in the swamp. Will you escape with your lives, or will you also become a victim of the Druid's Curse?

Cover of DDAL04-01 Suits of the Mists
DDAL04-01 Suits of the Mists
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
44 pages

Strange things are afoot in the Moonsea. The factions have called all those willing and able to investigate strange occurrences in the region surrounding Phlan. Dark whispers and unseen terrors lurk in the misty shadows between this world and someplace much more sinister. Unveil the horrors before it is too late! Part one of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of Death Unchained
Death Unchained
Levels 5–7
64 pages

You have no friends here What can you do when the Mists deposit you in the city of Lekar? The militia is no better than a gang of sadistic bullies, the citizens are more contagious than a fleet of plague ships, and every foot of public space is covered with corpses of criminals who committed no crime greater than struggling to survive in the oppressive domain of Falkovnia. Danger haunts your every move A secret society of assassins, known only as the Ebon Fold, has been hunting down visitors to Lekar and killing them in a most grisly fashion; all that remains of the victims are desiccated husks that crumble to ash when touched... and you are their next targets. There is no escape When everyone who has befriended you is either dead or hunted by the authorities, you have no choice but to fight back. But the Ebon Fold is a numberless horde whose leader holds sway over death. How can you defeat enemies that won't stay in the grave? They strike from the depths of darkness and steal your life... one dagger stroke at a time. This 64-page adventure can be played independently, or as the opening challenge in the Grim Harvest series that continues with Death Ascendant and concludes with Requiem. Inside the package is a poster map that fully details asll 10 levels of the chilling complex known as the Well of Bones. TSR 9523

Cover of The Sunless Citadel 3e
The Sunless Citadel 3e
3rd Edition
Level 1
32 pages

Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer - some whisper that the earth swallowed the fortress whole in an age long past. Four brave adventurers resolved to discover the truth and set off down the Old Road, but they never returned. This adventure is a first level adventure for beginning players set in the dungeon of the fallen fortress.

Cover of FQ10 - Enclave of the Exterminatus
FQ10 - Enclave of the Exterminatus
Levels 5–7
49 pages

While enjoying a nice honey wine in the backwater community of Bench you discover citizens have been kidnapped from the surrounding area. After further investigation the mystery leads to a compound being built by the Exterminatus! With the danger mounting can the party slow the march of the evil cult and maybe pick up a few more pages of the arcane tome? Are they stealthy enough to infiltrate the stronghold? At almost 50 pages this adventure has the Precinct of Bench and the large compound of the Exterminatus each of which can be used in separate campaigns!

Cover of CCC-BMG-16 ELM 1-1 The Sage of Cormanthor
CCC-BMG-16 ELM 1-1 The Sage of Cormanthor
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
16 pages

The grain has rotted in the town of Elmwood, which means people might starve, businesses and banks might fail, and endanger the town’s already- precarious existence. Brave adventurers are needed to travel through the wild forest to seek the advice of the Sage of Cormanthor. Four hour adventure. Also contains information about the town of Elmwood. Part One of the Misaligned Trilogy

Cover of Rescue at Brightwell
Rescue at Brightwell
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
18 pages

With the discovery of an enormous diamond deposit nestled on their borders, the kingdoms of Peldadrin and Belford both claim the repository of indispensable gemstones as their own. After years of negotiations fail to bring a peaceful resolution, the two nations (further incited by sentiments of national pride that have risen over the years of negotiations) determine the diamonds will be claimed only through war. In the early days of the war, Private Geth Heston, a Belford scout with rich Peldadrin ancestry, was dispatched into enemy territory to uncover Peldadrin unit formations, patrol routes, and any other information he could find. It’s been two weeks since Geth sent his latest report, putting Belford command in a state of unease. The information Geth alluded to in his last message could change the course of the war, if proven true.

Cover of DDAL04-10 The Artifact
DDAL04-10 The Artifact
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

An expedition to the Amber Temple reveals another major minion of the enemy and uncovers a secret weapon that may help defeat them. Part Ten of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of Hour of the Knife
Hour of the Knife
Levels 4–6
64 pages

A madman stalks the fog-shrouded streets of Paridon, killing with gruesome precision - and always at midnight. A party of brave adventurers witnesses the most recent of these brutal murders. Now that they've seen the killer's face, they're sure to be his next targets. Who can be trusted in this city where the residents are not what they appear to be? Those who dare to track the killer will find strange allies - and even stranger enemies. The adventurers must investigate the ancient mystery behind the murders that take place when the clock strikes the "Hour of the Knife." This 64-page adventure includes a full-color poster-sized map of Paridon. The adventure is based on the popular RPGA Network tournament by Bruce Nesmith. TSR 9456

Cover of Hail the Heroes
Hail the Heroes
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The PCs answer a call for heroes by the Church of Traladara, asking for help in finding an ancient relic- the Shield of Halav. This is located in a lost temple, and the PCs must locate this temple, and brave its dangers to recover the shield before two competing teams from other churches find it first. Part one involves setting up the adventure, doing research, following clues, and discovering the site of the lost temple. Part two; once the site is known (ruins under a modern town) the heroes must travel there and find the entrance. Part three is braving the lost temple, filled with traps, puzzles, and other dangers, to find the missing shield, and then culminating in a climatic showdown with the completing teams.