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956 adventures found
Cover of Dragon's Delve
Dragon's Delve
Levels 3–6
24 pages

Chip off the old block. The dwarves of Underduin and Thunderdelve have made some new friends … and enemies. A stronghold of dwarfs has been takin hostage and its up to the part to save them and return the stronghold to its former glory. XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain may act as a prequel. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of Caveat Emptor
Caveat Emptor
Levels 3–6
13 pages

Let the buyer be-were! Sometimes you should be afraid to visit the dentist. A small coastal town is plagued with a curse and it is up to the PCs to find out what is causing the inhabitants of the town to transform into mad seawolfs. This adventure is set in the busy seaport of Rocky Harbor, which is located on a sheltered island dep in an extensive archipelago. Rocky Harbor is another location in the Volkrad campaign setting, as previously published in Dungeon Adventures issue #41, Old Man Katan and the Incredible, Edible, Dancing Mushroom Band. Pgs. 8-20

Cover of Fraternity of Ash
Fraternity of Ash
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
45 pages

The village of Strangelight is on the border of the fey lands, and so its eccentric inhabitants are well-accustomed to magical danger. But now, a fiendish warlock and her devils are terrorizing the village, and only a hardy band of heroes can stop them... The focus is on exploration and social interaction, but it features an epic boss battle! This adventure has been thoroughly playtested, requires minimal preparation to run, and can be easily used with any Fifth Edition campaign!

Cover of The Draining Caverns of the Winged Beast
The Draining Caverns of the Winged Beast
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
11 pages

Something is plaguing the farmland around the village of Oxdale, out in the middle of nowhere. The beast visits regularly and carries off an animal, disappearing into the hill country north of the village. Word is that it is also buzzing around the new goblin camp to the northwest. It wasn't too big of a deal until it tried to carry off a village youngling; now the mayor and the citizens want it dealt with immediately. (Spoiler - the beast was sent by a gentleman vampire who doesn't like hunting for himself. Find him in his cave or encounter him once he ventures to the village to find out what happened to his machine, should it go missing.) The Draining Caverns of the Winged Beast is a one-shot 5e adventure for a party of four 5th or 6th level characters. This adventure can be slotted into most 5e adventures (maybe with some reflavoring if it's a frozen setting), or stand alone as its own adventure. This adventure includes: The adventure PDF, with several combat encounters, and opportunities for exploration and roleplaying encounters Four maps - one region, one village, and two battlemaps, both in the adventure and as separate JPEGs Random encounter table for trekking through the hill country One magic dagger held by the vampire.

Cover of DDAL07-11 A Lesson in Love
DDAL07-11 A Lesson in Love
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
31 pages

An old elf has wandered into the city from the jungle--prattling on about his long-lost daughter to anyone whose ear he can bend. Though most in Port Nyanzaru dismiss him as mad, he speaks the truth. Can you find and save his daughter?

Cover of A Paladin in Hell
A Paladin in Hell
Levels 15–20
67 pages

Eternally does the Lord of Nessus scheme, and his designs are for all eternity; In the pit of Hell do the devils teem round his throne, and his reign is unchallenged; By the eight Dark Ones is he held supreme, and his name (speak it not!) is Asmodeus. - From "The Canticle of Thumis," 142:15 To some, justice is more important than glory, duty is more important than desire, and goodness is more important than life. The great paladin Klysandral was such a man. But even the sleep of death, at the end of a long lifetime spent battling evil, did not bring peace to Klysandral. During his funeral, the entire Temple of Neheod was dragged by terrible magic into the Nine Hells, along with the soul of Klysandral and scores of living mourners! What unearthly motive could be behind this tragedy? Only the bravest, strongest, and most resolute heroes will have the mettle to find the answer. Along the way, they will meet the enigmatic wizard Emirikil the Chaotic, sail aboard the fiendish ship Demonwing, and finally face the horrific minions and overwhelming terrors of Hell itself. Only the path of light can lead the bravest of the brave into perdition and safely out again. Step wisely, and walk in justice.

Cover of DDEX02-01 City of Danger
DDEX02-01 City of Danger
5th Edition
Level 1
41 pages

On the southern shores of the Moonsea, the residents of Mulmaster have eked out a living where others would likely have given up long ago—in a bleak city where corruption is rampant and the Church of Bane holds sway. In these five short, introductory adventures, you will travel the breadth of the City of Danger, meet its people, see its sights, and witness firsthand how the city truly has earned its ominous moniker. An introductory adventure for 1st-2nd level characters. City of Danger is broken into five mini-adventures, each designed for one to two hours of play. Therefore if you are attempting to run all five missions in one session you need a minimum of five hours to do so (and probably more). If running this adventure as part of an event that cycles players through quickly, the DM should be familiar with the mini-adventures that he or she is going to run. At public events, time is often the most important factor. Get the players into the mini adventure as quickly as possible, keep an eye on the clock, and take whatever shortcuts are necessary to stay on schedule. If time is not an issue, let the characters spend more time interacting with the non player characters within the mini-adventures. It is not required that the mission be played in order.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #72: Beyond the Black Gate
Dungeon Crawl Classics #72: Beyond the Black Gate
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 5
24 pages

Summoned by a coven of foul witches, the adventurers are bid through the Black Gate and across the multiverse, in pursuit of the crown of the fallen Horned King. There, in the icebound gloom of Thrice-Tenth Kingdom, they must pit their wits and brawn against his dread servants. His sullen citadel looms above the darksome woods and elfin ice caves, ruling over the mystic kingdom. Do you dare to ascend the throne of bones and declare yourself master of the Wild Hunt? Whatever your answer, the land beyond the Black Gate is sure to present a grim challenge for the even the hardiest of adventurers!

Cover of Chaos Reaver
Chaos Reaver
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–7
40 pages

In the dark days of the Chaos War, a band of heroes sets forth to recover the famed Chaos Reaver - a sword said to possess the power to banish creatures of Chaos from the land. Converted to 3.5e from the original SAGA version published in Polyhedron UK #7 (1999).

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore
1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore
Level 7
32 pages

The adventure that is, quite frankly, too strong for the mere hobbyist gamer! A desert caravan ambushed! An incognito Queen elfnapped and taken to some sandy hideaway! A hero of epic proportions! Within these covers is the greatest adventure ever told. Will the dangerous renegade B'thuvian Demon Whore Alayshia have her way with our hero or will he have her to his way? Which way will the having be? Only you, playing the role of Krunk barbarian of the frozen wastes, will ever know...

Cover of WGR6 City of Skulls
WGR6 City of Skulls
Levels 9–12
68 pages

The dreadful jails below the appalling City of Skulls, Iuz's nightmare capital, contain many wretched and desperate captives. Among them is Earl Holmer, Knight Commander of the Shield Lands. A brave spy in Dorakaa has shown the ay to find and free Holmer—is your party up to the job of freeing him? King Belvor IV of Furyondy believes so. In the way stand fearsome priests and mages of the Lord of Pain; ogres, giants, fiends, and worse hinder the struggle to defeat the traps and guardians of Iuz. Plucking Holmer from his grasp will bring great renown, knighthood, and treasure—for those who survive. None has ever escaped Iuz's jails. Who will you be the first to use stealth or storm to breach them? TSR 9405

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #85: Fires of Creation (Iron Gods 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #85: Fires of Creation (Iron Gods 1 of 6)
Level 1
96 pages

The Iron Gods Adventure Path begins with "Fires of Creation," an exciting new adventure set in Numeria, land of barbarians and super-science! In the town of Torch, the settlement's unignorable tower of violet flame has gone out. The only clue to its disappearance is a newly discovered cave dug nearby. Are the heroes bold enough to unearth the otherworldly secrets that sleep beneath the city and reignite the fires of Torch? Or will their first foray into Numeria's ancient mysteries be their last?

Cover of DDEX03-13 Writhing in the Dark
DDEX03-13 Writhing in the Dark
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

An unexpected envoy arrives in Sporedome and offers to give aid against the fire giants of Maerimydra, if you are willing to help his people with a small problem. A two-hour adventure for 5th through 10th level characters. Optimized for five 8th level characters.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #19: Skeleton Moon
Pathfinder Society Scenario #19: Skeleton Moon
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–7
18 pages

When Pathfinder alchemist Andrax d'Aponte contracted a mysterious wasting sickness, he set his mind to feverishly researching the disease and its cures. With the rare skeleton moon hanging in the sky above Absalom, the Decemvirate sends you to an ancient siege castle outside the city to recover d'Aponte's research notes and inquire about his involvement in recent Pathfinder deaths in Osirion. What you find, however, is a man changed by madness and paralyzed by paranoia and fear. Will you survive the night of the skeleton moon?

Cover of Trouble in Wealdham
Trouble in Wealdham
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
24 pages

Save an unwitting hamlet from an undead threat! Wealdham is a sleepy, quiet town located in the Westwood. Nothing ever happens in Wealdham, until Waterdeep necromancer Faurius Besk decides to test his latest invention near the town... Trouble in Wealdham is a 4 hour adventure for Tier 1 Characters (optimized for APL 3). It can be run as a one-shot, as part of an existing campaign, or even to launch a new campaign to defeat Faurius. Chapter 5 includes a section on how to weave this adventure into a new or existing campaign. In addition to the full-color 24-page adventure you will also receive: * A printer-friendly version * High-Res Wealdham town map * High-Res Dungeon map * A PDF with pre-generated characters that fit perfectly into the adventure

Cover of The Dreams of Ruin
The Dreams of Ruin
Levels 12–18
260 pages

Designed to remedy the lack of "end game" content for Old School-style gaming, The Dreams of Ruin is a setting-neutral adventure supplement aimed at characters of level 12 to 16. The material can be used with groups from level 8 to max level (and beyond, if the system supports ascent to divinity for high-level character). Capable of challenging even the most experienced players and most powerful characters, The Dreams of Ruin are an unforgettable addition to any high-level campaign. But beware! The dreams are mighty and can overwhelm even fearsome warlords and powerful wizard-kings. One touch of them, and your campaign world will never be the same.

Cover of The Liberation of Prince Thorgrim
The Liberation of Prince Thorgrim
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–19
10 pages

Prince Thorgrim rots in jail, wrongly accused by the corrupt sheriff and his cruel gaoler. Whispered rumors speak that those in his keep are tortured and sometimes murdered. Only the truly brave or fantastically foolish would try to storm the jail and free the prince. A Compleat Encounter, scalable to any level, featuring the shackled dwarven prince, the elven sheriff, and his foul gaoler. CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE FROM THE PUBLISHER!

Cover of FA7 - North Sordack Valley
FA7 - North Sordack Valley
Levels 4–7
29 pages

North Sordack Valley is set northeast of Commerstance and was originally slated for the Filbar Dual series but the players didn’t go in that direction. This area is filled with individual challenges synonymous with the Filbar Area series. This ‘sandbox’ style adventure has multiple different encounters can be used in a variety of ways. The general setting allows you to customize it for your own campaign! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Dual Campaign for various level groups of adventurers. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for several one shot adventures or a continuing campaign setting! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for extra information.

Cover of Lost Mine of Phandelver
Lost Mine of Phandelver
5th Edition
Level 1
63 pages
19  0

"More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver’s Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin (pronounced fan-duh-lin) prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path. A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked wave echo cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost. For centuries, rumours of buried riches have attracted treasure seekers and opportunists to the area around Phandalin, but no one has ever succeeded in locating the lost mine. In recent years, people have resettled the area. Phandalin is now a rough-and-tumble frontier town. More important, the Rockseeker brothers - a trio of dwarves - have discovered the entrance to Wave Echo Cave, and they intend to reopen the mines. Unfortunately for the Rockseekers, they are not the only ones interested in Wave Echo Cave. A mysterious villain known as the Black Spider controls a network of bandit gangs and goblin tribes in the area, and his agents have followed the Rockseekers to their prize. Now the Black Spider wants Wave Echo Cave for himself, and he is taking steps to make sure no one else knows where it is." Extra Info from AL.com users: by @marcellarius. "There are a variety of locations in this adventure: the town of Phandalin, a gang hideout, a ruined keep in the forest, a destroyed village, and Wave Echo Cave (a dungeon crawl). The adventure is written in a sandbox style and relies on the players to choose their path. Phandalin offers several side-quests which could serve as hooks for continuing adventures. The premade characters have ties in their backgrounds to NPCs and locations. If you're not using these you'll need to consider other ways to introduce key NPCs."

Cover of The Sylvan Harp
The Sylvan Harp
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
34 pages

The Thorn Hag, an ancient evil thought vanquished by the Elf Queen and her heroic companions many years ago, has arisen from the dead. A fey harp, created from the heart of the treant that perished in the battle, has gone missing from Satyrs' Glen and the Thorn Hag seems to be behind it. The PCs must track the missing harp through a warped and eerie wood and into an unseelie area of the Feywild to stop the Thorn Hag wreaking revenge upon the Elf Queen before it's too late - the clock is ticking. The Sylvan Harp is a D&D 5e adventure for 4-5 PCs of the 1st tier (Levels 1-4). The adventure has been designed with suitable alternatives to run the adventure for 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th-level characters, including advice for adapting creature numbers and/or powers to suit the level of your party. The adventure is estimated to take 8-12 hours to run. A timeline of events, and guidelines on how the actions of the PCs can affect those events, is included. The adventure includes nine new creatures: gwerthin, satyr bard, ash guardian, light guardian, treant spirit, pixie rot zombie, green dragon skeleton, thorn hag and thorn hag's hut. It also includes two new magical items: a powerful magical harp with a dark hidden secret and a crystal ball of clairvoyance. Also includes a player handout of the rhyming riddle of the fey, and maps of the area and a darkling tomb. Requires Volo's Guide to Monsters.