How dangerous is a wounded dragon? A black dragon has seized Ravenglade Keep, though not without resistance! Badly wounded in the fight, the Warriors of Sehanine have fled their home and now turn to the outside world for help. There’s no time to lose! Can you arrive at Ravenglade Keep in time and discern allies from foes on the way? Warriors of Sehanine is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure module for a party of four to five characters from 3rd to 5th level. • Experience the Wood of Sharp Teeth on the way to Ravenglade Keep in a 12 to 16 hour adventure of 38 pages, written by Mithral Best Selling creators Florian Emmerich, JVC Parry and DMsGuild Adept Ashley Warren • Rock the (virtual) table with four breathtaking maps by Dean Spencer & Erin Harvey that come with player and DM versions • Bring the adventure to life with stunning artwork and player handouts by Raluca Marinescu,Henrik Rosenborg & Nathalie Lehnert • Show the NPCs with selected exclusive Trash Mob Minis
"An army on the move, an ancient artifact, its purpose long forgotten, and the sinister plans of an unknown foe: When these elements combine, it's bad news for the good-aligned cities of the Blood Plateau. A massive band of orcs is marching on the Monastery of the Yellow Lotus, intent upon taking the "Flower That Does Not Bloom." The heroes must trek through goblin-infested tunnels and monster-filled woods ahead of the orcish horde, in a deadly Race to the Yellow Lotus." This adventure is the second in the "Tales from the Blood Plateau" series, but works well as a standalone or an intro to another campaign. Though the party does not actually engage the Death Knight/Blackguard antagonist, he is the primary driving force behind the events of the adventure. Published by MonkeyGod Enterprises and Highmoon Press
A horror themed investigation of an abandoned village in the Moonshae Isles. Little more than an outpost, Dynnegall is the life-blood of resources that flow from Caer Moray, supporting Ffolk townships across the archipelago. But the supply boat is overdue by almost a tenday and hope is difficult to find. With the recent attacks repelled an opportunity exists to send aid, but who dares to venture outside the walls? Players will investigate an empty village haunted by skulks, who are invisible unless viewed through a mirror. The boss is a sorcerer trying to free the souls of the transformed villagers, but he fails and transforms into an Allip. In the end, the adventurers may attempt to finish his work. Along the way they encounter his mother, an elven warrior who may join them, and fight a few lycanthropes.
At last year's CafCon we put together this little gem. After locating strange golden scrolls on your previous adventure, you have gotten word that the sage has been able to transcribe them. Much to your amazement, you learn that the sheets lead you to the lost scriptorium! What magic & spells will you discover within the ancient temple of learning?
A quest to aid the Knights of the North, who have been overrun by a tribe of orcs, results in a group of 1st level characters learning everything there is to know about the basics of Dungeons and Dragons. This low-level adventure will use EVERY saving throw, ability score check and skill check, and goes over conditions, environments and different actions a player can make in combat.
Player characters attacking the lair of monsters that have been menacing the local village is a common D&D trope. This adventure turns the trope on its head. In Goblin Defense, the players create goblin PCs, and have to fight off repeated attacks by adventurers who are stronger and better equipped than they are. Starting at level 1 and running until level 7, this module encompasses 16 battles against unique and typically themed groups of adventurers built using player character classes and rules. The module is designed for 3 players, each of whom takes on an individual role within the tribe, granting unique bonuses or options for actions outside of combat. Goblin Defense can also be played with 4 players, but is not recommended for 5 or more players without substantial revision. The players aren't alone. Each commands a squad of goblin minions who can help in combat... but goblins are fragile, and adventurers hit hard. Life as a goblin is often brief and violent. Many will die, but as long as some survive, the tribe will carry on. A simple ruleset is provided for managing actions during the downtime between each attack. During this time, players can work to train their minions to use better gear, hunt for food for their tribe, recruit replacement warriors, brew potions, and - most importantly - improve their lair and its defenses by adding walls, traps, tunnels, doors, alarms, and anything else their creative minds can come up with. As the exact layout and placement of defensive features is critical, this is designed to be played on a grid. A PDF is included with the map scaled to print on 24"x36" (Arch D) size paper, available at most print shops. DMs may enjoy the chance to briefly try out many different character class and subclass combinations as they attack and eventually fall to the goblin pests they're trying to eliminate. Page count: Information for the DM only 6 Information for the players 4 Adventurer statblocks 37
The party has received word from the citizens (or in NQ2) of a troublesome cult hidden in Meglos Peaks. Apparently a stronghold exists near the mouth of the Tora River. Putting an end to this group of religious fanatics would certainly put another feather in your fledgling career caps!
This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Harpers in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. The adventure sees the characters on a mission to Iniarv's Tower, sent to search for the artifact, Bowgentle's Spellbook, and rescue the fellow Harper member, Brodven.
The village near Oreclasp Keep has been reporting brutal owlbear attacks that have left people missing or dismembered. Lord Oreclasp has placed a bounty for every owlbear beak brought to Oreclasp Keep. The villagers don’t suspect the deeper problems brewing in the land.
In the dark days of the Chaos War, a band of heroes sets forth to recover the famed Chaos Reaver - a sword said to possess the power to banish creatures of Chaos from the land. Converted to 3.5e from the original SAGA version published in Polyhedron UK #7 (1999).
After the first expedition to locate an ancient tomb was prematurely ended by monsters, the Search and Locate Treasure Consortium is doubling down. Camp established, they are looking for adventurers to make their dreams come true, but the leader of the Consortium is hiding something. Will the characters be able to avoid the Man Slayer tribe that destroyed the first expedition, help Larazmu settle his internal struggles, and locate the tomb that they have been searching for without getting into Moor Trouble?
In the village of Elventree, near the oppressive city of Hillsfar, a recent string of strange occurrences has the locals on edge. The factions have gathered here on the borders of the forest of Cormanthor to determine what’s happening. Are these the machinations of Hillsfar, or something more?
On every side the storm clouds gather. To south and east, the Great Empire of Thonia plots to end Blackmoor's independence and reclaim its lost province. To the west, the implacable Afridhi are on the move. To the north, the evil Egg of Coot prepares to cross the thundering sea and once again bring fire and sword into the heart of the small kingdom. Beyond the realm of the Egg, the hated Skandaharian Raiders are building longships and preparing to fall upon Blackmoor's unprotected coast while its tiny army turns to meet these other threats. Into this time of black despair, there steps a band of adventurers who clutch strange swords and wear the most curious armor?and who claim that Blackmoor sank beneath the ice 3,000 years ago! TSR 9172
The long-forgotten monastery to the Lord of Winds hides a secret of immense evil. The PCs are tasked with delving into the abandoned ruins and discover if two Houses are related in some way. Scales from level 4 to level 10, but originally designed for characters of 7th level. Pgs. 17-39
After arriving at a seemingly abandoned trading post, the heroes discover to their horror that all the inhabitants have been transformed into black trees! Upon further investigation, they find clues that lead them to the hidden lair of Nockmort, a treant gone bad. Nockmort has been transformed by the strange radiation of a meteorite he discovered, and now he is a terrible force of evil. The characters must enter his sunless garden to save the town. And along the way they just might discover fabulous treasure...
An injured young fisherman stumbles into Elventree with a brightly colored egg in his arms. He claims it fell from the sky and broke his rowboat. When he swam to the shore an elf with skin of ash attacked him and tried to take the egg. Will you help him keep it safe, Adventurers? The Module This module is 35 pages of adventurer's league fun centered around a mysterious egg that has fallen from the sky, a journey into the Feywild, and a meeting with an Archfey. It rewards exploration, social bravery, and the combats are well tuned for the tier with interesting enemies. Also Included! There are 15 map files included with this document that cover Dungeon Master, Player, gridded, gridless (for use with your Virtual Tabletop of choice!), and greyscale! In addition, there's a high resolution artwork of the Archfey present in the module.
The Lost Tombs, Volume 1 Derro swarm in the Abbor-Alz. The Doomgrinder windmill's blades approach their zenith. Strange sightings in Hardby and rumors of a bandit empire in the mountains have commoners and nobles concerned. The Circle of Eight hopes that the key to averting this disaster can be found in the mysteries of a group of five ancient crypts, the Star Cairns. But first someone has to find the fifth cairn.... Five separate adventure sites playable individually or linked together, The Star Cairns can provide a diversion for treasure-hungry adventurers - or can be used as the seeds for an extensive campaign. Although the adventures are designed for four to eight characters of levels 5-8, each section can be adjusted for weaker or stronger groups. TSR 9579
The Giants are on the March! The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path continues! Driven to battle by a maniacal warlord, the once-peaceful stone giants of the Storval Plateau threaten to destroy the sleepy town of Sandpoint. Will fast action and quick wits be enough to save the defenseless community? Yet, even if the giants' initial raid can be repelled, only by striking at the heart of their titanic war machine—the black-towered fortress of Jorgenfist—can the menace be quelled. But who knows what mysterious bloodlust spurs the usually peaceful giants to war, or what mysteries lie beneath their ancient fortress?
Awash in a sea of phlogiston, three wizards battle for mastery of reality! But with each new day all gains are lost and the game begins anew. It is up to the adventurers to upset this ancient balance, winning free of the shrinking demi-plane before all is reduced to the roiling stuff of raw Chaos! Will you strike a bargain, swearing fealty to one of the fell masters? Or will you attempt to master your own fate, pitting your luck and skill against arcane foes? Whatever you decide, you must act quickly, for gray worms press in from all sides and time grows short! An exploration-based adventure for 2nd level PCs, Fate's Fell Hand challenges new and old players alike. Only the most cunning of PCs can hope to thwart the machinations of three dire wizards and escape Fate's Fell Hand!
A cloud of dust forms over the horizon as a titanic army of evil threatens the entire civilized world! The Master of the Desert Nomads and his legions are back, and they form the greatest threat that you have ever faced. You must persuade powerful rulers to join you cause, stave off threats to the alliance, and lead your armies to victory! This adventure contains a full-color map of the D&D Expert Set game world, 200 counters, and a special expansion of the War Machine mass combat rules that allows you to fight the entire war as a strategic wargame! Major battles and engagements can be fought using the BATTLESYSTEM Fantasy Combat Supplement for incredible tabletop action. Never-before-published information on all the nations of the Expert Set game world provides background and detail that will enrich your campaign. This adventure includes large-scale battles and uses an expansion of Douglas Niles and Gary Spiegel's warfare system, "The War Machine", developed as part of the D&D Companion Set (BECMI Ed.) from 1984. "Red Arrow, Black Shield" is more than just a follow-up to X4/X5; it's a lynchpin for the entire B/X/CM adventure sequence. The players travel through many lands that were home to past adventures, and their past interactions with those places could affect diplomacy in this new adventure. TSR 9160