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3288 adventures found
Cover of FVC12 - Trollhaven Manor
FVC12 - Trollhaven Manor
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
22 pages

FVC12 – Trollhaven Manor begins with the party finishing up a retrieval mission and finding themselves enjoying the safety of Shadyhaven city. During their stay they are approached by a wandering cleric with an intoxicating personality. He presents the party with a strange item that he is willing to part with…for a price. The padre also offers to show the party where he got it only a few days away. Will the PCs trust this stranger to risk more wealth and fame? Will Trollhaven Manor provide more mystery than answers? Will the PCs pick up some of their famous grapes while they are there?

Dry Spell
3.5 Edition
Level 3
7 pages

An unusually severe drought in a remote area recently worsened dramatically when three lakes dried up almost simultaneously. The locals suspect foul play, and the foulest player they know is a bugbear named Relgore -- the leader of a highly successful group of humanoid bandits. Could he be seeking revenge for the militia attacks that recently dispersed his band?

Cover of Fam3 - Opair Keep
Fam3 - Opair Keep
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

The small village of Angst in western Famore has a humanoid problem. A missive on the message totem is calling for help to dispatch these pesky raiders. It is believed that they are working out of the abandoned Opair Keep. Locals gasp in amazement as the locale is well known to be cursed!

Cover of DSR4 Valley of Dust and Fire
DSR4 Valley of Dust and Fire
96 pages

For thousands of years a great and terrible secret has lain hidden in the depths of the Sea of Silt. In the heart of this vast dust basin, an endless storm of ash and shrieking wind guards the deadliest concentration of evil and power found on the dying world of Athas - The Valley of Dust and Fire Valley of Dust and Fire more than doubles the known portions of the world of Athas. Intrepid explorers will discover new wonders and perils within the deadly Sea of Silt, from the beautiful island of Shault to the savage Mountains of the Sun. New rules for traveling the dust basin and surviving its many dangers are included. With luck and determination, a skillful and well-prepared party just might pass through the Great Ash Storm and enter the Valley of Silt and Fire. But this realm of shattered badlands and awful monsters is so deadly that only one man has ever reached the valley and returned to tell the tale. TSR 2413

Cover of Waterdeep: The Plowing And Running
Waterdeep: The Plowing And Running
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
17 pages

Spring in the city of Waterdeep is a spectacular time of year. The crowds are gathering for the annual races celebrating the Plowing and Running festival. Behind the scenes, an unknown conspirator works to disrupt the day's festivities. One of the racers has disappeared under mysterious circumstances and threatens to turn the joyous occasion into a scene of chaos. Those organizing the event are looking for brave and discreet volunteers to locate the missing racer and find out who is behind the plot to disrupt the event. Can the adventurers solve the mystery before it's too late? This adventure includes: * A kidnapping mystery with several clues leading to different ways for the characters to solve it. * Mechanics for players to participate in a race at the holiday event. * Two optional bonus objectives, including one that has the players exploring the city of Waterdeep and another that allows characters and players to explore their creative sides.

Cover of Artifacts of Adventure
Artifacts of Adventure
Levels 1–5
128 pages

'I walk between two worlds, the way of the gun and the way of the sorcerer, but now amid the falling starts of civilization and the swirling currents of time I make a stand. There are those who believe you live but one life, but I know that is not the case. In the multiverse there are infinite lifetimes to be had amid the swells of ware, peace, and the whims of fate...' Within the pages of this tome you will find eight incredible adventures that cover time periods from the 'powder and magic' Gun Kingdoms to the more traditional dungeons of standard fantasy. Three adventures follow the exploits of a post magical apocalypse crew as they look for lost magic and gold amid the ruins, while five other adventures staying within the confines of true fantasy. Delve into a frozen dungeon, sail on magical currents between planetary spheres, and fight against the undead and dark Templars of a dread temple. These are just a few of the adventures awaiting your characters in Artifacts of Adventure, a compiled work of six Folio: Digital Quarterly adventures and the True Level Adventures trilogy by Art of the Genre. Includes: DQ1: The Adventure Begins for levels 1-3 DQ2: The Druid Child for levels 3-5 DQ3: UN1 Frost Lords of the Frozen Hall for levels 3-5 DQ4: UN2 The Delve into the Stellar Mine for levels 3-5 DQ5: UN3 Dungeons and GK3 Descendants for levels 3-5 True Level Adventure 1 Stone and Silver for level 1 True Level Adventure 2 Gate of Web and War for level 2 Ture Level Adventure 3 Monastery of the Lost for level 3 New monsters, maps and backgrounds These adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #17: Perils of the Pirate Pact
Pathfinder Society Scenario #17: Perils of the Pirate Pact
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–7
20 pages

When the Black Marquis lost all of the men he could trust on a failed treasure hunt, he did the only thing he could: turned to the Pathfinder Society for help. Offering an ancient lost text in return for assistance, the Black Marquis of Deadbridge sends you deep into the spider-haunted Echo Wood of the River Kingdoms to track down his missing pirates and recover an ancient treasure for the Society. You'll face brigands, pirates, spiders and more—but will you survive the perils of the Pirate Pact?

Cover of The Book With No End
The Book With No End
Levels 8–12
24 pages

A vanished tome, a faded legend, and the end of the world. Out of the eons, the deadliest artifact. At least one magic-user is required, and fighters and thieves would be very helpful. Magic-users may have a special interest in this quest due to the nature of the item for which they search. Traps and puzzles are a dominant theme, and problem solving is necessary. Pgs. 41-64

Cover of Light of Lost Souls
Light of Lost Souls
Levels 2–4
4 pages

What the living forget, the dead remember forever. For some, duty and revenge are stronger than death. Pgs. 4-7

Cover of The Midnight Revelry
The Midnight Revelry
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
19 pages

The village of Farleigh's Well is the target of a vindicative fey noble. The villagers have been seen parading through the Misty Forest, leaving their crops to rot in the field. The characters must contend with powerful fey creatures on their home plane in this action-packed adventure. What's Inside: A highly adaptable single session adventure. Two original NPCs with full stat blocks. Two original magic items. Detailed combat tactics and roleplaying hints for novice and experienced DMs alike. Two brilliant maps to help you bring the adventure to life. Choose from either the Full version with art and page design or the Lite version for easy printing.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #108: Hell Comes to Westcrown (Hell's Vengeance 6 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #108: Hell Comes to Westcrown (Hell's Vengeance 6 of 6)
Level 15
96 pages

Cheliax's largest city, Westcrown, has fallen to the Glorious Reclamation, and the evil adventurers are sent to reclaim the metropolis in the name of House Thrune. Armed with the legendary weapon they created from a gold dragon's head, the nefarious characters confront the Glorious Reclamation's forces and break its siege of a nearby Hellknight citadel. Once the army is defeated, the villains enter Westcrown, where they must undermine the chivalrous knights' rule of the city. Finally, they face the founder and Lord Marshal of the Glorious Reclamation to end the rebellion and restore the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune's rule over the empire of Cheliax.

Cover of The Bonegarden
The Bonegarden
3.5 Edition
Levels 12–14
128 pages

Ages of Buried Evil The Bonegarden is a small nation ruled by the dead, a circular cemetery 1 mile in diameter, surrounded by a magical containment field that keeps its denizens from spilling into the innocent world beyond. Within the gate lies one of the true blights of the Domain of Hawkmoon, an immense graveyard that serves as the prison for the doomed spirits of thousands of history's most awful criminals. Those inside are determined to escape, and one of them may have found a way... An Endless Forum of Adventure The cemetery is a self-contained battlefield that abounds with undead of types the heroes have never seen, each with its own special plan for escaping its eternal confinement. The Bonegarden contains dozens of new spells, feats, monsters, and magic items. All the action takes place inside a mile-wide arena where the dead are the majority and the living are hunted like wild game. The heroes have come to the cemetery in search of adventure. The only question is... can they get out?

Cover of A Hitch in Time
A Hitch in Time
Levels 7–10
11 pages

A trap that perhaps works too well. No matter how much loot you take, you never took anything at all. Confused? Wait until you try this dungeon. The players are hired to investigate and clear a tomb of a time wizard. This tomb is heavily guarded both by creatures and traps, and some sages are concerned that the defenses are lasting longer than they were supposed to. Unknown to the sages, the wizard, Sur-in Am, bound a time elemental to guard the treasures of the tomb. This guardian's duty is to frustrate robbers by returning stolen items to their original place and also reset traps in the tomb. Pgs. 26-36

Cover of A Deadly Pact at Gloomhaze Lamptower
A Deadly Pact at Gloomhaze Lamptower
5th Edition
Level 3
37 pages

The shipping lanes south of Candlekeep have been disrupted. Unknown to anyone, an incredible alliance between a terran and a waterfolk tribe has caused the lamp at Gloomhaze Point lamptower to be extinguished. Merchant ships are being wrecked and plundered. The story unfolds in the nation of Amn. Adventurers will face a formidable kobold tribe that knows how to maximize its tactics, its smaller-than-human size tunnels, and an abundance of unique traps. The bloodthirsty sahaugin won’t be defeated without the adventurers taking a dive.

Cover of FC8 - Epistle to the Pasha of Poncetalla
FC8 - Epistle to the Pasha of Poncetalla
Levels 5–7
20 pages

The newly ordained Bishop Martin has called upon your group to deliver a message across the sea. While somewhat beneath your status, the new bishop was a former adventurer of some renown. Along the way to the southern reaches the party will find themselves dropped off at the wrong port and unable to speak to the locals…and that’s just the beginning! The party will need to find the pasha, get valuable information from him to assist the new bishop, and finally get back home. This adventure goes with FT – Antioch – Kingdom of Nirack.

Unwelcome Spirits
5th Edition
Level 1
14 pages

An elder warlock from the goblinoid swamp village of Urzin has been kidnapped by soldiers of the Dwendallion Empire. Now the machinations of an evil imperial inquisitor might unleash an evil that could threaten the garrison at Fort Venture and the goblinoids of Urzin alike.

Cover of Sanctuary of Belches
Sanctuary of Belches
5th Edition
Level 5
21 pages

The trouble began several weeks ago when a duergar excavation team went to work in a long-abandoned temple. Drawn to the temple by stories of riches and artifacts, the duergar hired several giants as laborers before cracking the temple’s sealed doors. The largest of the giants, a loathsome Thursir mutant named Huppo, used his acidic vomit to expedite tunneling into the temple’s collapsed hall of worship. Then, Huppo found the horn—an unusual instrument made from a single piece of stone, with a mouthpiece so intricate only a master carver could have made it. The horn became the giant’s obsession. Seeing only the horn’s potential sale value, the dwarves demanded Huppo turn it over to them, but Huppo refused. To force compliance, the dwarves stopped feeding the gluttonous brute, but Huppo had already found his own source of food; in deep areas of the temple, worms were chewing out of the rocks, and Huppo ate them by the fistful. He also played the horn. Then, after several days of blowing the horn and devouring the strange worms, Huppo released a belch so noxious the dwarves had no choice but to lock him in a sealed chamber and carefully consider their next move. The horn’s call, however, had caught the attention of passing nomadic orcs. They set up camp outside the temple entrance in the hope of finding the horn and its player. That’s the current situation at the temple: the giant refuses to stop blowing the horn and belching out deadly clouds of stomach gas; the dwarves are frightened and edgy while their leader is obsessed with malevolent whispers; orcs are threatening to overrun the place; and the population of worms grows steadily as something awakens deep in the stone beneath the sanctuary of belches.

Cover of Things That Go Bump in the Night
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Levels 3–6
22 pages

Giants and ghost trees and foul undead beasties... What happens when elves, giants, and a mysterious witch all decide only you can settle their troubles. Strange new tree species! A hobgoblin fort! Unexplained noises during the day and different noises at night! Investigate and explore the Bretonwood to get to the bottom of its problems. The adventure provides an overland open-world style map of the Bretonwood which the players are encouraged to explore. Many set and random encounters are provided. There are opportunities for combat in this area, but players should be ready to handle some problems out of combat to get the most satisfying experience. Pgs. 22-43

Cover of Bloody Mad
Bloody Mad
5th Edition
Level 5
30 pages

The sleepy little town of Scharokhova has gone from dreary to depressing and dangerous. Shortly after a strange man in a hooded cloak came to town one evening, visiting the posh manor home of the local noble family, the Petrovas, a fog descended upon the valley where the town lies. What’s more, all manners of beasts, from rats to bats to wolves, are attacking the townsfolk, or destroying their supplies. And that fog! Anyone that tries to leave escape the town through the fog finds their mind too addled to make it through. And those that made it the furthest were set upon by beasts, beasts that seemed to try to keep the villagers from leaving town. Now, the townsfolk’s only hope rests with a group of outsiders who made it to the village through the mist, and now find themselves stuck in town, just like the residents have been. Eliminate the beasts threatening the townsfolk! Explore Petrova Manor and discover the secret that has caused this curse to descend upon Scharokhova! Finally, free the town from the grip of evil, and perhaps even bring Gorak, the last of the Petrova line, back from darkness into the light!

Cover of War-Lock
5th Edition
Level 5
48 pages

Devilish sorcery and ancient steel merge in the form of a reborn menace rising in the wild hills on civilization's verge. As the badlands burn with wildfire, an arcane warlord gathers his monstrous troops under his tattered banner. He is rumored to be immortal, and it will take tremendous bravery, immense cunning, and more than a little luck for stalwart adventurers to end his campaign of malice. Can your mighty heroes locate the War-lock's one weakness before his forces drown the realm in blood and fire?