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3316 adventures found
Cover of Par7 - Siege of Parmatu
Par7 - Siege of Parmatu
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
19 pages

With Pardor in the middle of a heated civil war, your PCs have their own futures to ponder. Pulling into the fortified town of Parmatu, the group quickly discovers that they are not the only strangers in town. The plot thickens quickly as the adventurers discover that the other strangers are none other than a member of the royal family. Can the PCs help defend the rightful heir against a group of marauders hell bent on catching the young lord?

Cover of Assault on Hellmaw Island
Assault on Hellmaw Island
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
21 pages

Hellmaw Island is a place of legend, a hidden fortress protecting the greatest treasures in the world. Rumour says it is guarded by wicked traps, bizarre and terrifying monsters, and maddening enchantments. Our heroes have been tasked with penetrating this mysterious stronghold, and they will find it to be stranger and more dangerous than anything they have encountered before. Assault on Hellmaw Island is a 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 5-10. It will take 4-8 hours to complete.

Cover of The Benton Night
The Benton Night
5th Edition
Level 5
22 pages

A plug in adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier II characters. A village needs aid, as their small village is under a curse that they have been able to keep hidden from the villagers, but now that clock has run out and the piper demands to be paid. Can they find what is the cause of the curse and finally eliminate it.

Cover of The Temple Between
The Temple Between
4th Edition
Level 9
68 pages

“The Temple Between” is an adventure for 9th level characters, and it is challenging enough to take them to 11th level by the time all is said and done. Although intended as the final chapter of the heroic tier portion of the Scales of War Adventure Path, it can be run as a standalone adventure, or as an adventure in a campaign of your own making, with a small degree of modification. It contains elements of urban investigation, dungeon delving, and even wartime conflict, making it a suitable adventure to players of many tastes and preferences. The western end of Elsir Vale has been greatly troubled in recent days. The threat of the orc hordes from beyond the Stonehome Mountains, though turned back at Bordrin’s Watch, still lingers in the people’s minds. Peculiar and hostile creatures of shadow lurk in the caverns and caves below. Political squabbling grows among the city’s powerful dwarf clans. All this makes the city particularly vulnerable to an enemy nobody saw coming - that nobody even imagined. This enemy has goals and objectives far beyond the ultimately unimportant Elsir Vale, but the first step is the utter subjugation of Overlook. An enemy who, at least in part, is already here. In this adventure the player characters start by investigating the strange behavior of the city's clergy. They swiftly discover hints of a conspiracy worming its way through the city hierarchy - some members are possessed while others have been replaced by dopplegangers. After trailing this conspiracy to its source they discover a portal that leads to an ancient temple in the mountains. Using the portal, the PCs go to the abandoned ancient temple where they must confront both a cadre of fey and a band of mercenaries, from whom they learn there is a plot for a full-scale invasion of the region! The PCs must them rush back to Overlook and cement their place as heroes as they face off against the invading forces. Pgs. 4-71

The Ettin's Riddle
3.5 Edition
Levels 2–3
16 pages

An ettin has begun terrorizing the hamlet of Newkeep, stealing cattle and smashing homes—and flattening anyone who tries to stop him. Meanwhile, a mysterious riddle has appeared on the walls of the local shrine—a riddle which may hold the key to vanquishing the ettin.

Cover of Lake Marione
Lake Marione
5th Edition
Level 3
5 pages

Not so deep in Lake Marione an amulet sinks. This adventure is set in the town of Marione where PCs will be asked to retrieve a lost amulet. I hope you enjoy the adventure! A D&D 5e One-Shot Adventure

Cover of FO7 - Tomb of Delekin the Fallen
FO7 - Tomb of Delekin the Fallen
Levels 7–9
18 pages

Half a century ago the legendary mage Delekin reached his zenith but began a fall of monumental disaster. After being betrayed by his party the mage changed alignment and began a cruel tirade against the residents. He was finally taken down by the Lords of Evil and imprisoned in a tomb created to lure good adventurers to their death. Many have entered the unholy locale and none have returned. Whatever evil is present in the tomb is powerful, and most likely very wealthy. This adventure is one of the Original series i.e. an early work!

Cover of Two Aromantics Spend an Entire Day Doing Everything Except Experiencing Romantic Attraction
Two Aromantics Spend an Entire Day Doing Everything Except Experiencing Romantic Attraction
5th Edition
Level 4
103 pages

You are aromantic, and your best friend is aromantic. There’s only one thing to do: go and fight a dragon. Two Aromantics Spend an Entire Day Doing Everything Except Experiencing Romantic Attraction is an unapologetically no-romo single-player adventure for a level 4 character. It should run for approximately 3-5 hours. This adventure requires at least some knowledge as to what it means to be aromantic. There are many useful resources available online for those unfamiliar with this term.

Cover of Lost Temple of Demogorgon
Lost Temple of Demogorgon
3.5 Edition
Level 14
20 pages

His name has inspired fear in legions of heroes, and his cult has lurked in the dismal reaches of the world for countless ages. His minions are savage and feral, his worshipers vile and wretched. He is Demogorgon, and his temples are nightmare realms haunted by primeval menaces and hateful legacies from a time when the world was savage. And now, a vengeful death knight has discovered one of these lost temples—will the PCs aid him in his dark quest for revenge, or will they fall before the awakened host of the Prince of Demons? Pgs. 64-83

Cover of Giants Rapture
Giants Rapture
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
34 pages

Eurich Gunshoff IV, Count of Kleaves, is beset by powerful enemies. The King to the north has laid waste his holdings beyond the Tot River and even now threatens the river castles. Only the coming winter holds him at bay, giving the Count time, if only a little, to muster his strength. Long have the people of Kleaves worshiped the gods of the south, and it is to these people that he turns, striking a bargain with the powerful King of Kaymor. In exchange for a precious gift the Kayomarese promise to aid Eurich and his people, but it is Eurich’s charge to deliver the prize. He can spare few troops, and with spies all about he cannot be too careful. The prize he sets in a wagon in a caravan and as escort he calls upon those who dwell upon the fringes of society, adventurers who seek fame, gold and glory. They are charged to cross the wilderness and deliver the wagons safely. But the road is fraught with danger. Walls of stone block the road and winter upon the open plains carries dangers beyond the biting cold. But more than stone and frost, the end promises fire without comfort. Designed in 3 parts Giant’s Rapture offers overland travel, dungeon, and intrigue and pits the character’s wits against the open road and one another.

Cover of A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4
A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4
5th Edition
Level 10
? pages

Incandium’s youth was fairly typical, at least for a half-dragon raised amongst dragons, filled with years of endless physical and mental abuse. It was always clear he was different than his clutch-mates, though his mother only claimed it was because he was ‘special’, never explaining what latent power his elemental blood held. And so, after studying magic and drawing on untold power, he slew his mother and claimed control over the volcano he called home, which he has ruled with an iron fist ever since. Now, however, he sees the PCs as a threat to his plans, and he calls them to the field of battle! Even if he is defeated, can the party stop his machinations to unleash a wave of dragons on Klavek’s western border? Also included in “Incandium’s Erruption”: A new magic item, the  bracer of shields Two new alchemical solutions, azure powder and engraving solution A new spell,  redirect teleport A new deity, Hado, the god of summer and judgement Details on Elemental Princes, and the blessings and curses they can bestow on characters Details on the Serpins Sanguis cult, including their origins and goals Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble

Cover of The Palace of Plenty
The Palace of Plenty
3.5 Edition
Levels 8–12
25 pages

The fair Yayosei were the children of an ancient tribe of benign river spirits, until they tried to preserve their paradise by trapping the power of the Void Dragon. Their home was indeed preserved, but at a terrible cost. Today, the descendants of the Yayosei have degenerated into beasts, but what remains trapped within the Palace of Plenty is much worse. An Oriental Adventures scenario for 10th-level characters.

Cover of Bleak House
Bleak House
Levels 5–8
206 pages

Old soldiers never die... For more than three decades, Dr. Rudolph van Richten stood against the forces of darkness, and hunted their servants in the far corners of the land of Mists. Now he had thought his long battle over, had thought he could spend his declining years in quiet enjoyment with old friends. But for some, a tragic end is inevitable. Dark forces have been gathering in the Mists. Their objective is to see Ravenloft's foremost expert on the supernatural destroyed, shattered in spirit as well as in body. From the crumbling edifice of Van Richten's childhood home, an enemy long thought vanquished spins a web of powerful evils and lost souls, drawing Van Richten to his doom. And then a group of heroes gets trapped in the web as well. . . . Witness the final stand of Rudolph van Richten! Inside this box is a grand-scale Ravenloft adventure that pushes heroes to the brink of madness, and draws them into the terrifying scheme to annihilate Rudolph van Richten. TSR 1141

Dzeebagd: Under Dark and Misty Ground
Levels 2–4
34 pages

Characters track the kidnapped Evanna to a goblin outpost with a dungeon underneath. They must successfully infiltrate the stronghold to rescue her and get out, before the goblins can mount a counter offensive against them.

Cover of Deep Horizon
Deep Horizon
3rd Edition
Level 13
32 pages

The Underdark holds many secrets. A series of earthquakes and eruptions have rocked a normally placid land. Strange creatures sighted in the dark of night raise fears across the already disturbed countryside. As tales of a lost race that once warred with the drow begin to surface, only the boldest adventurers dare to descend into the shadowy darkness.

Cover of Winter Yonderland
Winter Yonderland
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
12 pages

Beasts in the Blizzard After offending that wizard last night, you awake feeling a strange chill in your bones. Perhaps it’s just a figment of your imagination, a physical manifestation of paranoia. As you rise from your bed and look out the window, you think perhaps not.

Cover of Sewer Losers
Sewer Losers
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
9 pages

Arnyn, a merfolk mercenary, has been hired to clean out the sewers below a thriving port city. Unfortunately, she jumped at the payday before truly understanding what she was being asked to do. Now she's looking for someone to take over her contract.

Cover of The Bane of Elfswood
The Bane of Elfswood
Levels 15–18
14 pages

"It shines in the night. Ogres run in terror of it. It kills by sight and by touch. It never stops hunting - and it's hunting for you." Vengeance denied in life is reborn in death. Druida Glanadyl, a female elf adventurer, seeks aid from the PCs in avenging the mysterious deaths of her family members. The horror that haunts Elfswood can be attributed to a spirit (odic) of a vengeful cleric, Irkthorn Balin. Pgs. 16-28 & 64

Cover of Tales from Undermountain: The Plagued Apprentice
Tales from Undermountain: The Plagued Apprentice
5th Edition
Levels 8–10
42 pages

She ran. Where to or for how long, she really couldn't say. The little flame of her oil lamp sputtered and went out a few times. She'd snap her fingers and make the wick flare to life, but she may as well have ran blind. The hallways were pitch black with soot and choked with smoke, every turn was a guess and every corridor a gamble. Unnatural screams echoed from every direction. Left, right, left again, was this the south or north end of the labyrinth? She had no idea. The next turn brought her face to face with a doorway completely consumed in blue fire. The room beyond was so bright she had to look through her fingers at it. A shadow covered her, a shape in the doorway: a hulking creature with a wolf-shaped muzzle and enormous pincers for hands, wreathed in the same blue flames. The screams were getting closer behind her, too. They had her cornered, again. The demon slammed its shoulders through the narrow opening, splintering the wood and stone. She dropped the lantern and let the wand in her sleeve fall into her waiting hand. With a word of power and a gesture, she appeared in the familiar bedroom: stuffy and reeking of wood smoke. She'd have to try again tomorrow, if she could remember. During an exploration on the sixth level of Undermountain, a strange invisible creature leads to a series of collapsed chambers that hide a forgotten secret and one of the most devastating forces known to the multiverse. Marambra Nyghtsteel, the forgotten apprentice of Halaster Blackcloak, has been locked away for an age deep within Undermountain. What point and purpose her forced seclusion has, only Blackcloak may know. When a spell consuming blue fire, known as The Spellplague is trapped within the chambers, a series of events have left Marambra, lost in her madness, struggling to survive.

Cover of War of the Wielded
War of the Wielded
3.5 Edition
Level 5
14 pages

Centuries ago, two rival thieves' guilds crafted a number of intelligent weapons to aid them in their conflicts. Although the guilds are now long dead, their weapons remain, and have begun to recruit new soldiers from the people of Sasserine. Can your PCs put an end to this deathless war?