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3288 adventures found
Cover of A Titan's Dream
A Titan's Dream
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
28 pages

A Titan’s Dream is a D&D 5e adventure that invites your party to a conflict between three mountain tribes that are competing for a dreaming Titan’s power. Through the adventure, a party of four or five level 3 characters gain two levels. It takes 4 to 6 four-hour sessions to finish the adventure. The adventure is structured into three acts: 1. The party meets the Visig tribe and learns their customs. They join a ritual run that takes them across the region and discover a necrotic affliction. The act culminates with a battle against a warlock of the Undying tribe and undead beasts. 2. The party seeks out a sage to learn about the trials of strength. They explore the harsh mountains, face fabled beasts, and the Fastus and Undying tribes as they complete the three trials. 3. With the trials complete, the party enters a Titan’s resting place and their dreams. They explore memories from a bygone world and return for a final confrontation between the three tribes.

Cover of OA2 Night of the Seven Swords
OA2 Night of the Seven Swords
Levels 4–6
48 pages

While Maeshi province revels in the festival spirit, clouds gather over the political scene. Two warlords are vying for control of this otherwise peaceful place, and you are guests of one of them. Sun Temple officials have offered complete support to the faction which successfully travels to Ito-jo Castle (said to hold relics of great importance to the Sun Temple), brings them back safely, and returns them to the Inn of the Globefish. The plan is laid before you. You are to leave immediately under secrecy for the castle of the Ito clan, also known as the Seven Swords clan. Find the relics, and return them to the renowned inn Doi no Fugu. Extreme caution is needed here, for your warlord's rival must not hear of this! Is the castle really haunted? What lies in the caverns beneath it? Will Korimori's troops discover your plan and try to wrest the relics from you, should you even get that far? What will you find at the Inn of the Globefish? Come, honorable stranger - the Seven Swords await! This module contains an extended adventure in four parts: Ito-Jo, The Ghost Castle Beneath The Ghost Castle A Day In The Country Yakuza's Honor TSR 9186

Cover of A Gnome's Affair
A Gnome's Affair
3rd Edition
Levels 1–6
19 pages

As an aspiring hero of Highfolk and the Flanaess, you are asked to come to a feast of small proportions to celebrate your deeds. A home-cooked meal, a warm cozy fire, a hearty tale from an old gnome, a journey deep in the Vesve again, where n one can hear you scream. This is an RPGA competition scenario. Four hours is allocated for its completion.

Princes of the Apocalypse
5th Edition
Levels 1–15
258 pages

Called by the Elder Elemental Eye to serve, four corrupt prophets have risen from the depths of anonymity to claim mighty weapons with direct links to the power of the elemental princes. Each of these prophets has assembled a cadre of cultists and creatures to serve them in the construction of four elemental temples of lethal design. It is up to adventurers from heroic factions such as the Emerald Enclave and the Order of the Gauntlet to discover where the true power of each prophet lay, and dismantle it before it comes boiling up to obliterate the Realms.

Cover of Rescue Down Under (CCC-UCON-02-02)
Rescue Down Under (CCC-UCON-02-02)
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
30 pages

While in the peculiar village of Basht, a town full of strange customs and superstitions, an elderly woman asks you to check in on her grandson, a Gondite tinkerer testing out his latest invention in a nearby cavern. Sounds easy enough, right? A Two-Four Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters This adventure originally debuted as custom content for the 2019 U-Con convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Visit them at https://www.ucon-gaming.org/

Cover of Rescue at Rivenroar
Rescue at Rivenroar
4th Edition
Level 1
42 pages

In “Rescue at Rivenroar,” the player characters must brave the depths of ancient catacombs in search of prisoners taken from the town of Brindol in a midnight raid. The hobgoblins, bandits that style themselves after an invading horde from long ago, have taken refuge in a dungeon under a ruined mountain fortress, and the PCs must clear them out to find the captive townsfolk and the treasures taken from Brindol. “Rescue at Rivenroar” also marks the first step in a great journey - the Scales of War Adventure Path, which spans 30 levels and put the PCs at the crux of events that shapes the world for centuries to come. While the scope of this adventure isn’t as grand, it represents the seed from which an epic tale will surely grow. Pgs. 4-45

Cover of Sanctuary of Belches
Sanctuary of Belches
5th Edition
Level 5
21 pages

The trouble began several weeks ago when a duergar excavation team went to work in a long-abandoned temple. Drawn to the temple by stories of riches and artifacts, the duergar hired several giants as laborers before cracking the temple’s sealed doors. The largest of the giants, a loathsome Thursir mutant named Huppo, used his acidic vomit to expedite tunneling into the temple’s collapsed hall of worship. Then, Huppo found the horn—an unusual instrument made from a single piece of stone, with a mouthpiece so intricate only a master carver could have made it. The horn became the giant’s obsession. Seeing only the horn’s potential sale value, the dwarves demanded Huppo turn it over to them, but Huppo refused. To force compliance, the dwarves stopped feeding the gluttonous brute, but Huppo had already found his own source of food; in deep areas of the temple, worms were chewing out of the rocks, and Huppo ate them by the fistful. He also played the horn. Then, after several days of blowing the horn and devouring the strange worms, Huppo released a belch so noxious the dwarves had no choice but to lock him in a sealed chamber and carefully consider their next move. The horn’s call, however, had caught the attention of passing nomadic orcs. They set up camp outside the temple entrance in the hope of finding the horn and its player. That’s the current situation at the temple: the giant refuses to stop blowing the horn and belching out deadly clouds of stomach gas; the dwarves are frightened and edgy while their leader is obsessed with malevolent whispers; orcs are threatening to overrun the place; and the population of worms grows steadily as something awakens deep in the stone beneath the sanctuary of belches.

Cover of M2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur
M2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur
Levels 1–10
32 pages

For a long time you have heard legends about the Island of Vacros; when you were only a child, the stories about evil minotaurs were used to scare you into behaving. Now you are grown, and you no longer believe children's stories. But King Trueon of Cathos is worried: his daughter Princess Lydora has been kidnapped, and he has found clues that she has been taken to the ancient and evil island of Vacros. You have heard rumors that a large and dangerous mazework lies beneath the surface of the island - a mazework that is guarded by minotaurs. Of course many rumors are false, but then again... The Maze of the Riddling Minotaur is the second in a series of invisible ink modules: using the invisible ink pen included in this module, you may play the adventure by yourself. After you have played the solo version, you have not used up the module: instructions are provided as to how you may change the solo version into an exciting group adventure! TSR 9060

Cover of The Premature Burial
The Premature Burial
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
41 pages

The Premature Burial is the first in a series of four interconnected stories that recall the themes and atmosphere of Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror. Baldur's Gate, year 1492 DR, a dark and terrifying sect works secretly in the slums with the aim of punishing all those who have long oppressed, marginalized and killed the city's poorest and weakest citizens. The patriars, unaware of anything, are the cult's main targets, and a magical plague is about to fall on them that can cause a veritable slaughter. The characters will find themselves caught up in these dangerous events and will be drawn into a spiral of horror, blood and madness that will strain their bodies and souls. The Prior who leads the mysterious cult has "a special plan" in mind for them and will do anything to achieve his goal. Players will be forced more than once to question their morals and make difficult choices in a scenario of complex social conflicts, personal revenge stories and tremendous machinations. What repercussions would the cult's plan have if it were carried out? And what would happen instead if it were averted and the patriars continued to run the city as they always have? Shadows as black as night once again loom over Baldur's Gate, and this time they may change its face forever. - Adventure: story lasting 4 to 8 hours for characters ranging in level from 4 to 6 - Setting: adventure set in the famous city of Baldur's Gate but easily adaptable to any setting - Narrative: detailed descriptions and an emphasis on story immersiveness - Roleplay: in-depth characterization of NPCs with biographies, descriptions of their personalities and their physical appearance - Bestiary: 3 new customizable opponents with the mechanics "Affixes," which can add an extra degree of complexity to confrontations, and " Weak spots," which grant a strategic advantage to characters who manage to discover them - Magic: obscure and unknown spells used by cultists to carry out their plans - Layout: designed to make it easier for DMs to browse information, featuring special attention to color coding and visual immediacy of text boxes - Maps: 3 maps available in high resolution, VTT and printer-friendly versions - PDF: available in high-quality, interactive, printer-friendly print versions - Playlist: a collection of songs selected by the authors to create the right atmosphere during game sessions

Cover of The Crucible of Freya
The Crucible of Freya
3rd Edition
Levels 1–2
48 pages

The trees part before you, revealing the crumbling walls of the ruined keep. Only hours ago, you set off after the marauding orc band responsible for the destruction of the temple of Freya and the theft of its sacred crucible. But something else waits for you within the ruined walls. Something darker and far more sinister. Something that has hidden from the light for ages.

Cover of Forget Me Not
Forget Me Not
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
12 pages

Who ever heard of a civilized gnoll? Stories of a secluded valley full of peaceful gnolls have been swirling for years, the occasional nonviolent encounters dismissed as tall tales or unique oddities. Now you are about to discover these gnolls for yourself. The rumors are true...but the full truth is a secret more terrible than anyone knew. A sect of the tribe maintain the magical peace by a terrible ritual sacrifice--not of blood, but of memory. The gnolls who undergo it become Forgotten, losing their identity and becoming a stranger to the clan who once knew and loved them. What is the truth behind the valley's protection? Will the gnolls be allowed to continue living in peace? Or will their only hope become Forgotten?

Cover of The Tooth of No-Ombrulsk
The Tooth of No-Ombrulsk
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 3
? pages

This adventure is intended for 2 to 3 3rd-level PCs originally from Lankhmar, but can easily be adjusted to accommodate adventurers from other locales. Guidelines are also provided for scaling the adventure for up to six PCs. The events of this adventure lure the party from their home in the City of the Black Toga to an abandoned watch tower on the coast of the Inner Sea, not far from Ool Hrusp. After completing this scenario, they may find reason to further adventure in the Forest Land.

Cover of Maid In Waterdeep
Maid In Waterdeep
5th Edition
Level 1
7 pages

Characters are ready to make their mark as adventurers and travel to the City of Splendors to begin their careers. Their first job in Waterdeep promises to be a memorable one: a mermaid has hired them to rescue a kidnapped bard and bring justice to the witch who stole her voice.

Cover of The Creature of Rhyl
The Creature of Rhyl
Levels 1–3
9 pages

The country of Rhyl has been beset nearly every night for many years by a large, terrible creature that flies out from the mountains near the city of Asereht. Nearly a year ago the creature broke through the wall of King Namreh’s castle and carried off the king’s son, Prince Laechim, along with a large amount of the royal treasure. After the creature’s raid on the castle, King Namreh ordered his army to search the mountains and discover Astylis’ complex. The soldiers made two forays into the mountain wilderness, but each time were harassed and eventually driven back by goblin raiders. Since the failure of the second assault, the king has taken to commissioning small parties of mercenaries and adventurers, sending them into the mountains with promises of great reward upon the completion of the rescue mission. For reasons which the king has never found out, none of these rescue parties has ever returned to Asereht. Your party is now attempting to be the first. Pgs. 37-44

Cover of DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
9 pages

The sudden appearance of the undead within Port Nyanzaru doesn’t appear to be the only thing on the horizon. A vast horde of skeletons and zombies is moving towards the city and while those of means are safe within the city’s walls, those in the Old City and Malar’s Throat are forced to contend with the problem. Where did they come from? More importantly, what are you going to do to find out? Part Two of The Rot from Within Trilogy.

Cover of Vault of the Dracolich
Vault of the Dracolich
5th Edition
Level 4
39 pages

*THIS IS A D&D NEXT/5E PLAYTEST ADVENTURE* Imani, a Turmishan wizard and former adventurer, seeks the aid of heroes to infiltrate Dretchroyaster’s lair and recover the Diamond Staff of Chomylla—the key to powerful magic and wisdom locked away for thousands of years. In addition to his own sagely interest in the lore of lost Uvaeren, Imani recognizes the dangers of such powerful magic falling into evil hands. The dracolich has secured the staff in his lair’s cen- tral chamber, using ancient wards of protection that can be bypassed only by four artifact-idols once belong- ing to a cult of Bhaal. Each group of adventurers enters the dungeon through a different section of the dun- geon—a forgotten temple of Bhaal, a vast underground lake, a troglodyte village, or Dretchroyaster’s vaults. Dretchroyaster’s lair is no simple set of caverns and ancient ruins. It sits atop a source of great power and energy, which the dracolich and his Cult of the Dragon allies hope to use to unlock the secrets of the staff. Only by undertaking a unified assault against Dretchroyas- ter’s lair can the adventurers hope to recover the Diamond Staff and survive the dracolich’s fury. The adventurers must make their way through the lair and recover the Bhaalite idols that will help unlock the Diamond Staff, all the while dealing with the lair’s creatures and avoiding the dracolich as he pur- sues intruders. Entering the Chamber of the Diamond Staff, the heroes must overcome its magical wards and claim the staff before being slain by the dracolich and his servants.

Cover of The Tale of Two Sphinxes
The Tale of Two Sphinxes
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
7 pages

In the beginning, a pair of sphinxes — one male and one female — guarded a desert temple in relative peace. They watched over a vault that held a magical ring that could change the world. The androsphinx — Bazymoros — succumbed to corruption; he denounced the trickster god who created him. Bazymoros forged a pact with the demon god, Baphomet, becoming violent and sought to claim the item in the name of his patron. In an effort to save the world, the gynosphinx Asmuzi defeated him. She locked Bazymoros away, never again to see the light of day. The androsphinx remained as an example of what not to become. It has been so long since this battle that much of the knowledge of Bazymoros has disappeared from the collective memory of the races that inhabit the world. All that remains is the knowledge of the dangerous gynosphinx made from the flesh of human and creature. . . and the treasure she keeps.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Cursed Soul of the Scorpion Samurai
Mists of Akuma: Cursed Soul of the Scorpion Samurai
5th Edition
Level 7
44 pages

A scourge has recently fallen upon the house of Lord Gabiru Fuson as his family’s servants began disappearing, one slain in the street by a fallen hero known as the Scorpion Samurai in a widely-talked of murder that has sparked a wave of public dissent and ridicule. The dishonored adopted son of Lord Gabiru has evaded authorities for years but the tide of blood his sword washes onto Soburin is growing ever higher—the adventurers are called upon by the Fuson bengoshi Yukari Nishioka in secret, brought into service to strike down the murderous brigand in an ambush she has set on Shjiki Island. As they lay in wait however a local outcast brings information to light that reveals there may be other bait in the village of Shinjitsu… This exciting adventure (set in the Mists of Akuma campaign setting) begins in the snowy hideaway village of Yukinokyu where the PCs are approached with a curious message—orders delivered by a local Kizuato bengoshi's servant, hiding the authority of a Fuson Herbal Master's directives! The adventurers must sneak into the prefecture to the north, traveling through Hidaretei Pass where three dangerous ogres dwell. After reaching the town of Kakasu they are bid to meet the state functionary in a distant grove and are waylaid by an oni and its adeddo-oni retinue before clandestinely infiltrating the island-village of Shinjitsu. Once there they must bait and capture the Scorpion Samurai, stopping him and the dark ritual he has planned before the evil he unlocks transforms the fallen hero into an unstoppable monster! What you'll find in this fully-illustrated 33 page module: The story of Hinjuku Nagaro, dishonored orphan son and bloodsoaked warrior known as the Scorpion Samurai! A compelling and action-filled adventure in 3 acts that take the PCs across the continent of Soburin before upending a plan that might save one of the world's most powerful nobles from certain doom! Rules for the supernatural haze and two new attributes integral to Mists of Akuma: Dignity and Haitoku. More than a half dozen NPCs and monsters ranging from adeddo-oni to the deadly Scorpion Samurai and his duplicitous ally, a penanggalen! Five maps for every major encounter in Hidaretei Pass, Kakasu, the Fuson Forest, Shinjitsu, and Ikatteiru Cave!

Cover of The Dawn Chasers
The Dawn Chasers
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
21 pages

Ahoy, mateys! Join Captain Moonlight and her crew aboard the Dawn Chaser for swashbuckling adventures on the high seas. You'll fight pirates, tangle with storms, explore a ship wreck and confront an ancient power on a lost island! This easy-to-run adventure is designed for 3rd-4th level characters, and can be completed in 4-6 hours of play. This adventure was co-created with critically acclaimed DMs Guild author, Anthony Lesink. It includes several original maps by Daniel F. Walthall.

Cover of The Wounded Worm
The Wounded Worm
Levels 4–8
11 pages

Crippled, wingless, old and a thousand times more dangerous. Surely, a crippled dragon is less dangerous than a healthy one. Pgs. 35-45