A community for lazy dungeon masters
3303 adventures found
Cover of Dark Sun: Fury of the Wastewalker
Dark Sun: Fury of the Wastewalker
4th Edition
Level 1
82 pages

On a trade road to the city-state of Tyr, a caravan is assaulted by a deadly obsidian shardstorm, forcing the survivors to band together and navigate the wastes to safety. But the force of nature that destroyed the caravan is under the malevolent control of the being known as the Wastewalker, who will stop at nothing to see the end of those that escaped his initial wrath. Can the heroes reach the Ringing Mountains before it’s too late?

Cover of Granite Mountain Prison
Granite Mountain Prison
Levels 4–6
14 pages

Abandon hope early and avoid the rush. A rebel leader is locked in a prison from which there is no escape. That's why the rebels called for you. The players are recruited to help rescue a prisoner of the Theocracy. The prison is very unique in that the cells are situated in a wheel formation. The prisoners are forced to push against their cell walls every day until after 1 full year (1 full rotation of the wheel), an opening appears in their cell and they are free to leave. There are many paths to success in this adventure, and it can play out more like a heist rather than a dungeon crawl. Pgs. 24-37

Cover of Bane of the Shadowborn
Bane of the Shadowborn
Levels 6–9
21 pages

A good deed never goes unpunished in Ravenloft. Evil feeds upon itself - but it also feeds upon the good. Pgs. 54-74

Cover of The Laureate Trials
The Laureate Trials
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
22 pages

The player characters have been invited to compete in the infamous Laureate Trials. The Laureates are a well-known adventuring guild. Once a year, they allow a select group of known adventurers to take part in the Laureate Trials. The prize is becoming an official member of the Laureates, with all the perks and responsibilities that awards. Rumour has it that new initiates will be awarded a coveted Laureate Pin, with special powers of communication. This adventure is a starting module, designed for new players and Game Masters. It should take 1 - 2 hours with a standard group of 4 players. Everything you need to know is contained inside or in the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules. It is ideal for helping a beginning group of heroes get started and giving them a motivation for further adventures. Inside, there are Trials to test Agility, Wits and Combat, plus a special encounter at the end which will determine the fate of a forgotten individual.

Cover of Trollkin Hunt
Trollkin Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
4 pages

A venom maw hydra lair suitable for four or five 10th-level characters. The Red Craw Marsh, so called because of the delicious and plentiful red crayfish that live in the area, is a boon to the nearby village. More than a few intrepid souls brave the swamp each season to collect the crayfish. They either sell the crayfish to local establishments or ship them to nearby cities, where they earn a good price as the crayfish is a delicacy among the wealthy. The villagers have established a tentative peace with a clan of trollkin that inhabit the swamp. The crayfish collectors pay a small fee to the trollkin, who allow them to ply their trade in the marsh without (much) interference. It is a tense but profitable relationship for all involved. A powerful creature has moved into the marsh, however, threatening the delicate balance. When a venom maw hydra decided to move to the area of the marsh between the human and trollkin villages, it brought along a number of creatures that worship and serve it. This hydra and its allies have killed some of the crayfish hunters and some of the trollkin. Each side, unfortunately, believes that the other has broken the truce, thus stirring up animosity and putting both groups on the verge of war.

Cover of The Accursed Tower
The Accursed Tower
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The PCs begin in the port city of Luskan, where they're hired on by a caravaning merchant to perform guard duty for the long, dangerous journey over the Spine of the World Mountains. If the heroes do well, they reach the small town of Targos, where they hear rumors of a dead mage's lost tower out on the tundra. In order to find it, the PCs must overcome numerous obstacles but may find allies in the peoples of the Ten-Towns region, including a barbarian prince, a sly halfling, and a unique ranger. Not all is as it seems, though, nor can all smiling faces be trusted. Can the PCs separate the truth from the lies, locate the Accursed Tower, determine all its secrets, and survive?

Cover of Con18 - 1 Moroni Mirror
Con18 - 1 Moroni Mirror
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
32 pages

After a successful mission for Earl Phenwick you return to receive your accolades. Upon your arrival it is discovered that the earl's child is missing. His daughter was last seen around a mirror of unknown power and an advisor believes that she may have made her way into a different world via the magical portal. Time to put on your hero hats!

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills
1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills
Levels 5–7
24 pages

Starvation looms for the people of the Wolf tribe! The elk have all but disappeared and the risky move of the tribe near the Bear clan territory has proved fruitless. An emergency council of the elders has declared that a single hearty warrior must make the dangerous journey deeper into Bear territory to find a source of food. The council has chosen you for this mission of great importance. It is your task to find out where the elk have gone and bring back food for the winter or at least enact Wolf people retribution against the source of the oncoming famine! Into The Forbidden Hills you must travel, heart full of hope and anger…

Cover of FVS4 - Penchant for Adventure 1
FVS4 - Penchant for Adventure 1
5th Edition
Level 1
14 pages

This series of singular adventures center around the small town of Penchant. The area in question is home to a variety of challenges depending on the level of the PC. This adventure begins with the new PCs mentor sending them to a religious coronation that they cannot attend. The PC is to travel, via burro, to the Bu-San Monastery and extend salutations to the new head of the order. In this case the journey IS the adventure!

Cover of A Boy and His Dog
A Boy and His Dog
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

An exceptionally smart ogre and its pet dire wolf have figured out the easy life. Why loot and pillage, when with a few words of common, you can threaten and intimidate your way to comforts?

Cover of The Ghost Knight
The Ghost Knight
Level 8
3 pages

The adventure begins one moonlit night, when PCs are walking in the vast moors south of the city. The Darker the Knight, the more ghosts will walk...

Cover of A Frigid Demise
A Frigid Demise
3rd Edition
Level 13
6 pages

Charasta, an old white dragon, has not reached her age by being unprepared or foolish she is, in fact, much more intelligent than most white dragons. Her lair is well defended and tailor-made to help her defend herself. Not only that, but when she leaves the caves to hunt she’s taken to using change self to disguise her exact color. This wily white makes a perfect foe for your party adventuring in the North of Faerûn or in almost any other campaign setting as well.

Cover of Tale of the Comet
Tale of the Comet
160 pages

Strange lights in the sky, prophecies of doom, and a threat unlike any other draw the heroes to Aston Point. In this small frontier town, the fate of the world will be decided. If the heroes and their strange new allies defeat the invaders, they must then pass through a portal to another battleground, a metal city on a far-distant world, where aliens fight desperately against death machines that threaten to overwhelm all organic life. So trade in your sword for a blaster rifle, your sling stones for a few high-explosive grenades, and see what happens when you mix magic with high technology. This box contains A 32-page book, The Cast and Props, describing new, high-tech equipment, detailing the battleground of the Rael-Overseer war, and explaining how to mix fantasy and science under the AD&D game system. Two 64-page books, The Tale Begins and Crossing Over, presenting the grand adventure that is the Tale of the Comet. Eight sheets of charts, maps, art, and statistics for the players and the DM. Two posters, one a double-sided map of the regions where the action takes place and the other an illustration of all the technological terrors the heroes will have to face in the course of the adventure. TSR 1143, From 1997

Cover of The Leystone of the Indigo Star
The Leystone of the Indigo Star
5th Edition
Level 7
8 pages

The interrogation of the rogue wizard, Askalan, by the magocracy of Bemmea exposed his creation of unstable magical artifacts built in a ruined ley-line conduit. This Leystone, built by the mages of Vael Turog, had been dormant for centuries until Askalan discovered a way to power it. Now, after his untimely death, the Leystone's unstable power continues to grow at the edge of the Western Wastes. The magocracy hires the characters to find the awakened Leystone, uncover the mystery of this growing power, and return the source of the power to Bemmea for study.

Cover of Serpent Isle Part 3: The Viper's Pit
Serpent Isle Part 3: The Viper's Pit
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
12 pages

The Cost of Beauty Deep in the snake infested jungle of Serpent Isle stands an ancient temple. Rumour has it that something still lurks in that place. Something evil from a lost era of devils and darkness. Now fishing boats are going missing off the island’s coast and dark shapes can be seen moving through the undergrowth. Could something have remained on that cursed isle?

Cover of DDAL00-05 Winter's Splendor
DDAL00-05 Winter's Splendor
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
26 pages

The players are invited to a Winter Gala in Waterdeep. After a guest is killed, investigations ensue to the fiendish nature of the home that the gala took place in. There are shopping opportunities on the way in.

Cover of The Roadway of Wrath
The Roadway of Wrath
5th Edition
Levels 3–10
12 pages

This one-shot takes place in a post-apocalyptic, steam-punk style of world. Steam powered vehicles of bronze, iron, and steel are used by most civilizations and competition over areas containing water is heated and frequent in the middle of this expansive desert. In this adventure, the party finds themselves involved in the plot of a woman named Therra to kill off the oppressive overlord of one of these desert villages. The party must steal a group of these vehicles - choosing to split themselves between the massive fourteen-wheeled Ravager, the flamethrowing Firestarter, the spike-covered Skewer, and the two-wheeled vehicle known as the Sidewinder, as they flee across the wastelands. They will fight off goblin, kobold, and orc vehicles as the overlord gives chase and eventually faces off against them in a final battle of steel and steam. There will likely be a great deal of chaos - people leaping onto vehicles, being rolled under them, or performing risky but entertaining maneuvers . . . make sure to embrace these and turn them amazing scenes. It is more about having a great time than it is about following the rules, especially in this particular one shot.

Cover of FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
Levels 2–4
24 pages

With your first set of adventures firmly under your belt you are relaxing and basking in the glory of a job well done. While at the local tavern imbibing in some well-earned spirits, a commotion can be heard outside. As you step outside the villagers are pampering two children who apparently just rode into town on a very sweaty and tired pony. An arrow is sticking out of the mount’s flank. As the animal is removed the townspeople pepper the children with questions as both are obviously afraid. It would appear the drinks will have to wait.

Cover of The Cursed Chateau (Expanded Edition)
The Cursed Chateau (Expanded Edition)
88 pages

The dead are all mad in this place. Jaume made the most unfortunate mistake of seducing Ysabel and taking her virginity — a sacrilege for which the sentence was death. Enraged upon finding this out, Joudain cleaved Jaume’s head in two with an axe and then raised him from the dead to continue his duties. Not long afterward, Joudain decided that, because the twin footmen no longer “matched,” he had no choice but to inflict the same fate on Miqèl — who now looks exactly like his older brother. Join them. This heavily revised and greatly expanded deluxe edition of The Cursed Chateau is an adventure for use with Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Role-Playing and other traditional role-playing games. Death is just the beginning.

Cover of Guardians of Dragonfall
Guardians of Dragonfall
3.5 Edition
Level 11
32 pages

"Auranorex, the greatest gold dragon in the world, is dead and his kin are looking for answers. To uncover the mystery of his demise, the heroes must travel to the one place forbidden to all mortals: the dragon graveyard. Guardians of Dragonfall is a mid-level adventure written by Anson Caralya that has the players investigating the untimely death of a dragon. Violating the dragon graveyard is a death sentence and the heroes must risk their very life if they are to uncover the secret behind Auranorex’s fate."