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3303 adventures found
Cover of B2 Keep on the Borderlands
B2 Keep on the Borderlands
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The heroes arrive at the eponymous Keep on the Borderlands, a fortress on the edge of civilization built to stave off the chaos and evil of the wilderness. Using it as a home base, a party can make forays into the surrounding wilderness, encountering monster and marauder alike. The centerpiece of the adventure is certainly the CAVES OF CHAOS, a network of tunnels and caverns found in the walls of a nearby but isolated ravine. It is here that hordes of evil humanoids have made their home. Through combat and negotiation, the players can try to explore and map out these caves, perhaps with the aim of accumulating valuable treasure or even cleansing the land of evil creatures. However, even the Caves are not all they seem. Beyond the goblins and kobolds lurk dark horrors: cults dedicated to fiendish chaos and a Minotaur's enchanted labyrinth await the unprepared adventurer. But for the hero who is brave, clever, and fortunate in equal and sufficient measure, great treasures and glory await in the Caves of Chaos that lie beyond the Keep on the Borderlands! TSR 9034

Cover of Mountain Sanctuary
Mountain Sanctuary
Levels 1–3
6 pages

It's the little things that count. Obnoxious little problems can easily become obnoxious big ones. Although designed as a companion to "Grakhirt's Lari" (which appeared in issue#1), a copy of that module is not required to enjoy this one. Pgs. 3-8

Cover of RM1 Roots of Evil
RM1 Roots of Evil
Levels 8–12
96 pages

Roots of Evil, the conclusion to the adventure begun in From the Shadows, delves into the horrific origins of Strahd von Zarovich, master vampire. This 96-page adventure module features Strahd in his final showdown with Azalin the lich, the two most powerful lords of evil in RAVENLOFT® realm. Player characters return to the popular Castle Ravenloft and discover never before known facts about the vampire's roots and origins. The outcome impacts the RAVENLOFT® realm for years to come! TSR 9413

Cover of DA3 City of the Gods
DA3 City of the Gods
Levels 10–14
48 pages

New Magic? That's what the flying egg has. New magic unlike any ever encountered in Blackmoor. New magic of a type that could give the fledgling kingdom an important edge in the wars that are brewing on its borders. There are only a few minor problems. Like the fact that the magician who piloted the metal egg to one of Blackmoor's sworn enemies, the monks of evil and eccentric Order of the Frog, are also interested in the magic represented by the egg. And, most important, the fact that the egg came from the distant and dangerous City of the Gods. Set amist the blistered salt flats of the Valley or the Ancients, the City of the Gods is a strange and deadly metal metropolis whose powerful guardians do not welcome intruders. Yet it is to this place of deadly menace that Blackmoor's leaders now send a daring expedition? to bargain for aid in the coming wars? or to steal the magic of the gods. TSR 9191

Cover of Gorm the Obliterator
Gorm the Obliterator
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

Revenants are terrifying. They are powerful and undeterred by magical concealment; if they are slain, their tortured spirits merely seek out new bodies to continue the hunt for their killers. Their only weakness is a ticking timer: they have one year to exact their revenge before their spirits fade from this world. But not Gorm. Gorm has no time limit. Gorm will pursue its target to the ends of the earth, taking new bodies as it goes, in pursuit of its ultimate goal: the utter eradication of its killer’s entire bloodline. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. Hex is one of these villains, and his adventure takes up 15 pages (pg 94-109). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of Tourmaline Valley: Tritonia #1
Tourmaline Valley: Tritonia #1
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
25 pages

Get in the carriage, strike a power chord, and cast a fireball. Tritonia is the first of a three-part 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure where first level players assume the role of a touring band in a world controlled by the maligned artificer Lord Spootify. Combat rival bands and nasty monsters alike in this indie-rockified fantasy RPG module. Whether you’re in an actual touring band and looking for a game to play on the road, or just a group of D&D players looking for a fun and novel campaign -- Tritonia riffs on classic D&D adventuring and modern music culture for unique encounters and a sonically inspired quest like no other. It features: A band name generator for crafting the coolest stage moniker A band-building guide with 12 dynamic personalities. Play as unique archetypes like the Talent (the dude who shreds), De Facto Manager (who does all the work behind the scenes), and The Kid (who recently learned how to play the lyre and is just excited to be here) Background on the rich world of Tourmaline Valley. Learn about Lord Spootify, the mysterious Accelerators, and the creation of the Stream Stone 16 Rival Bands including Chaotic Neutral Milk Hotel and A Couple Two Three Directions Memorable NPCs and baddies like Hank & the Hecking Hecklers with engaging backstories and motivations Music inspired magic items including the Strings of Magic Missile Optional rules to enhance the band’s abilities and the game aesthetic Various callouts and references to modern indie music culture, bands, and the rock & roll lifestyle A good ol’ fashioned twist

Cover of Base of Operations
Base of Operations
3rd Edition
Level 5
7 pages

Base of Operations is a short adventure intended for four 5th-level characters. DMs can easily modify the adventure to suit higher- or lower-level adventurers, or larger or smaller parties of adventurers. Simply adding a few monsters to every encounter area makes the adventure more challenging for larger parties, and adding levels to any of the humanoids can make them more of a threat to high-level groups. For low-level adventurers, make the relationship between the two factions within Brightstone Keep more strained, and take away a few monsters from each group. You can remove levels from some of the humanoids in the adventure to make it a lower-level challenge, but it is important that the orc cleric (described in encounter area 8) still have the ability to animate the dead. Still, he can have fewer minions around him when encountered, and that makes him less of a challenge for a lowlevel party.

Cover of FVS2 - Lands of Count Carmos
FVS2 - Lands of Count Carmos
Levels 2–4
14 pages

At times adventuring groups will hit a town after a successful foray and go their separate ways for a short time. This adventure centers on such a scenario with one member opting to chase down a thief that has burgled the merchant’s guild. When checking with their cohorts the adventurer discovers they are the only one interested and, since its only one thief, the challenge should be fairly easy….right?

Cover of FT - Silvantri
FT - Silvantri
Levels 1–6
11 pages

Tucked away in the Springwood Forest is the Elven settlement of Silvantri. The town is filled with those Elves who left their ancestral home in the Treetop Forest. The community is elevated and suspension bridges link the buildings together. This setting will allow those enjoy Elven backgrounds to further their joy.

Cover of FT - Lord Morningstar's Keep
FT - Lord Morningstar's Keep
Levels 1–5
16 pages

Sometimes when wandering in the wilderness you just need to find a refuge. Welcome to Lord Morningstar’s Keep, a place of safety and security while in between adventures. The newly promoted Marquis Morningstar is a personable man who spent years on the trail fighting evil. His wilderness outpost suits his personality and his men love him for it. While not officially a “town”, this outpost can be utilized as a safe haven and a location where level training can be achieved.

Cover of DF1 The Patina Court
DF1 The Patina Court
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Enter the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the first part of this new city and miniatures based trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Discover the world built to provide tabletop with unique miniature opportunities using Dwarven Forge licensed products. Take on the adventure as newly relocated members of the neighborhood of the Patina Court. Battle gangs, undead, and other threats as you try to make a living inside this ancient and mysterious city. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
Levels 6–9
48 pages

Lost Tombs, Volume 2 The lich Lyzandred: a madman, an undead archmage, a survivor of the twin cataclysms that destroyed tow great empires. His name invokes fear in the hears of the smallest children, the bravest warriors, and the wisest sages. Like a malicious cat, the lich toys with all who stumble into his maze, tormenting them with strange puzzles and obscure riddles, monsters and demons, weird traps and dangerous magics. All who enter the crypt of Lyzandred find themselves scarred with his rune, proof of their visit -- and their folly. But there is a method to the madness of Lyzandred, a purpose to his twisted games. If you're lucky, you might even live to learn about it. The Lost Tombs series begins with Star Cairns (Volume 1) and concludes with The Doomgrinder (Volume 3). Each adventure is playable separately, or they can be linked to form an epic-length story. TSR 9580

Cover of Forsaken Arch
Forsaken Arch
3.5 Edition
Medium Level
20 pages

The pearl divers of Shoalbury are in trouble. A band of birdlike kenku and ogres have been ambushing and plundering outgoing shipments of pearls, and the villagers are growing desperate. And why are the bandits stealing eyes from the bodies of their victims? A single guard survived the most recent ambush with one eye intact, and his testimony may just be enough to lead a brave band of adventurers to the bandit lair, and to the sinister cult they serve.

Cover of DDEX01-08 Tales Trees Tell
DDEX01-08 Tales Trees Tell
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

Despite the shaky alliance that exists with the elves of the Quivering Forest, they do not suffer trespass in their realm lightly, especially from common folk from nearby Phlan. A woodworker's recent blunder into the forest might set off a diplomatic incident. Can you help find him and mollify the aggravated elves?

Cover of The Mazes
The Mazes
Levels 2–4
8 pages

In which the Many seek the One, and the Heroes must retrieve a Sword lost amid myriad Threats to the Flesh. Chapter II of the "Well of Worlds" adventure anthology.

Cover of The Priest, the Witch, and the Lost Temple
The Priest, the Witch, and the Lost Temple
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
40 pages

The town of Whitehaven is beset with undead. The townsfolk are quick to blame the Witch of Whitehaven, who lives nearby with her partner in the Surbrin Hills. Yet a more insidious evil lurks in the midst of town, cloaked in a holy man’s robes. And far underground, an ancient evil artifact stirs. The town is in need of heroes. Will you answer the call?

Cover of Nemesis
Levels 9–12
27 pages

A Planescape adventure for 4-7 PCs of levels 9-12 (about 60 total levels). While the module begins in the planar city of Sigil, most of the action takes place in Vudra, a layer of the Abyss. The PCs start in Sigil, tasked to find a vanished brother, and the trail leads to Vudra where the layers demonic ruler gathers magical blades for a terrible vengeance plot. Pgs. 32-58

The Golem Master's Workshop
Levels 1–3
1 pages

The Golem Master, creator of pricey artificial servants, hasn’t been seen around for some time. His house stands dark and silent. Dare you enter?

Cover of Never Say Die
Never Say Die
4th Edition
Levels 4–6
13 pages

"Gnolls have captured the heroes! After stripping the characters of all equipment except their armor and clothing, the gnolls drag them to an expansive briar maze known as the Twisted Thickets and set them loose. Then, armed to the teeth, the gnolls hunt down their prey. The characters must survive the hunt and outwit their pursuers. After dealing with the gnoll hunters, the heroes can try to reclaim their lost equipment and exact revenge on the tribe, which lairs in the caves beneath Dead Gnoll’s Eye Socket."

Cover of Visions of Death
Visions of Death
5th Edition
Levels 1–16
45 pages

This 4 to 6 hour module goes from Saltmarsh to Baldur's Gate in a race against time. A dark vision warns of a terribly cataclysmic event in Baldur's Gate and the characters are hired to deliver supplies before its too late. This adventure can be adjusted for any Tier 1, 2, or 3 party. It is intended to help usher characters from the Saltmarsh area to Baldur's Gate, just in time for Descent into Avernus. A challenging voyage they should give them a wild ride with new challenges at sea.