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3288 adventures found
Cover of GA1 The Murky Deep
GA1 The Murky Deep
Levels 5–8
32 pages

Stories of the ancint lost city of Carsail and its fabulous artifacts are legendary. Now, the clerics of a seaside town have proven that some unusual items are indeed from the long forgotten city, but two priests and a mysterious stranger are missing. Players must risk life and limb, breathing beneath the water, to find the lost cities of Carsail and Mylduscor, and unlock the mysteries of the murky deep! TSR 9422

Cover of Uzaglu of the Underdark
Uzaglu of the Underdark
Levels 5–10
4 pages

"The module takes place in a large cavern that is part of an extensive underground cave network. It can be used as a side-trek encounter in the Undermountain or Night Below campaign." -- from the adventure. Includes a small keyed map of the cavern.

Cover of Barrow of the Elf King
Barrow of the Elf King
Level 1
16 pages

"Barrow of the Elf King" is an evocative and intricate adventure module, specifically tailored for a party of 3-4 level one adventurers using "The Vanilla Game" rule set. This adventure delves into the mystical and eerie depths of an ancient barrow deep within the Old Forest, a place shrouded in darkness and mystery. It offers an experience that combines puzzles, combat, moral choices, and exploration, all set within a hauntingly atmospheric setting. "Deep in the Old Forest, where the trees grow tall and thick, where the sun rarely pierces the canopy, is an earthen mound. No birds sing in this part of the forest, no wind blows. The leaves of the trees seem larger, the canopy thicker. Even at mid-day, it is almost too dark to see" The HTML web version is free.

Cover of KN2 - Lion's Breath Prison
KN2 - Lion's Breath Prison
5th Edition
Low, Medium Level
27 pages

The Triad Series continues with Lion’s Breath Prison. After success against the Order of the Goat troops your next challenge awaits. The spiritual arm of The Triad is known as the Lion’s Breath. With some unfinished business in the form of Marquis Forten, the PCs continue to seek out their quarry. Can they locate the elusive traitor and bring him to justice? This adventure continues to send the party across the fields of Neville!

Cover of The Tiger's Song
The Tiger's Song
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
26 pages

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞! In the steaming jungles of the east, the Feathered City rises like a jewel from the lush forests. An important stop on many aerial trade routes, the skies above the city are filled with griffons, rocs, and airships from the far corners of the world. But your adventure takes you to the very belly of this exotic city. Forced into the service of a night hag, you must help her find and eliminate her enemy - a demon with no name, that rules from the shadows. This is a mystery adventure for characters level 5-10, and optimized for a party of 5 level 7 characters. It takes about 10 hours, or two sessions, to complete. 𝐁𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭! It contains horror elements that may be too graphic some players, and even worse - this adventure packs an old school punch. Teamwork and caution are needed to survive long enough to hear the Tiger's Song.

Cover of RM4 House of Strahd
RM4 House of Strahd
Levels 6–13
64 pages

Far above the village of Barovia sits Castle Ravenloft, the home and fortress of vampire lord Strahd Von Zarovich. Legends claim that Strahd flies with the bats and runs with the wolves to terrorize the countryside. Ancient tales also tell of dungeons and catacombs deep under the castle. Other stories recall the great halls, treasures, and glory of Ravenloft in centuries past. "House of Strahd" is a revision of the classic gothic horror tale I6: Ravenloft, one of the most popular adventures ever produced for the AD&D game. This version is updated for the AD&D 2nd Edition rules, and those from the Ravenloft campaign set. Count Strahd is now more powerful, and his castle is even more terrifying! TSR 9418

Cover of Tower of the Pale Lady
Tower of the Pale Lady
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

"A hundred-year curse caused by a group of adventurers slowly turned a tower and the hills around it into a region touched by the very finger of death, where life is incapable of thriving. As the curse grows in power and reach, on its way lie the town of Beregost, whose population now suffer, sicken and die every day under these nefarious powers. The government and local clerics infrutiferously attempt to remedy the situation, while desperately seeking any who could help them." Tower of the Pale Lady is a 4-hour adventure for a group of 1st-4th level characters. It is set in the town of Beregost, at the southern edge of the Sword Coast, in Faerûn, in Toril, in the Forgotten Realms. However, with little modifications, you can run this adventure in whatever world you wish. This adventure includes NPCs related to the story and to the Forgotten Realms, which might bring your players to other different plots as they play through. New ways of using old spells and items, presented as introduction to reinforce creative possibilities throughout play.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #27: Our Lady of Silver
Pathfinder Society Scenario #27: Our Lady of Silver
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
20 pages

You and your fellow Pathfinders are sent to Katheer, the shining capital of Qadira, to witness the wedding of Pathfinder Faireven to the wealthy and beautiful Lady of Silver and bring back a trove of relics given to the Society as part of the wedding dowry. When the wedding is disrupted by unscrupulous thieves, you soon find yourself dodging double-crosses, accusations of grave robbery, and worse. You must find the relics soon, or risk facing the eternal expulsion of the Society from the treasure-filled deserts of Qadira.

Cover of FQ5 - Journey to Oblivion
FQ5 - Journey to Oblivion
Levels 4–7
25 pages

FQ5 – Journey to Oblivion continues the Filbar Quest Series and begins in The Knolls with word that Baron Wizzel requests your assistance. A humanoid threat has been growing near the small town of Oblivion. The baron will speak with the party and offer them a large reward to perform a scouting mission. The baron and other nobles are attempting to gather their forces but would like an idea of what they are going to face. With the reputation of the PCs the baron feels that the group is more than capable of the mission.

Cover of Fangs of Oatali
Fangs of Oatali
5th Edition
Level 6
20 pages

An artifact belonging to an ancient couatl god has been stolen from his shrine. Can the characters recover the Fangs of Oatali before the god's wrath unleashes a devastating cataclysm upon the jungle? Fangs of Oatali is a pulp-action adventure set in the jungle and includes: -Stealthy raids, hidden enemies, and the clash of two primal gods -Angry pterodactyls, massive sinkholes, and earth-quaking magic -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Beautiful, hand-drawn maps by Beware the Wizard, as well as high-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of Trostani Discordant
Trostani Discordant
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
14 pages

In the aftermath of the Assault on Precinct Four, an Azorius precognitive mage has a terrible vision regarding the strange relic known as the felicity triskelion. To discover the truth behind this mysterious artifact, the party must travel to Precinct Three to seek an audience with the Selesnya Conclave. Are they ready to learn the truth?

Cover of Gorm the Obliterator
Gorm the Obliterator
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

Revenants are terrifying. They are powerful and undeterred by magical concealment; if they are slain, their tortured spirits merely seek out new bodies to continue the hunt for their killers. Their only weakness is a ticking timer: they have one year to exact their revenge before their spirits fade from this world. But not Gorm. Gorm has no time limit. Gorm will pursue its target to the ends of the earth, taking new bodies as it goes, in pursuit of its ultimate goal: the utter eradication of its killer’s entire bloodline. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. Hex is one of these villains, and his adventure takes up 15 pages (pg 94-109). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of The Last Gods
The Last Gods
3rd Edition
Levels 9–12
16 pages

The night air is chilly, but the crackling fire you've started warms your bones comfortably. Crickets chirp, and you smile up at the stars, glad for the quiet evening. There is a loud roar, and you are blinded momentarily as the campfire suddenly surges up into the air. The flames split down the middle, revealing an abyss that leeches the warmth from your soul. Out of this hellish place stumbles a black-cloaked figure clutching a scythe. Quickly, you reach for your weapons. The strange apparition staggers for a moment. Then, gathering its strength, it pulls back the hood on its cloak. Beneath is a bleached skull with stars for eyes. "I am Azrael, Lord of the Undead," it hisses. "Or rather, I will be Azrael, after time itself has died." Even as Azrael speaks, decay begins to eat away at its body, and the god shudders. Holding one arm up to watch as tiny fissures form in its bones, the deity sighs, "Ah, sweet Entropy, come to claim me at last." It's gaze sweeps back to you. "But no, not just yet. First, I must set events in motion." Weakness begins to overcome Azrael, and it sinks to one knee. "Long ago, I became the most powerful of all the gods, in spite of my enemies' efforts to stop me. Delirious with power, I destroyed the other gods and eventually fell to feasting upon the souls of their worshipers. After devouring every living creature, I consume the planets and, eventually, the stars themselves, until I was left alone, in darkness." The god struggles to finish its message as its bones turn to dust and blow away, "Unexpectedly, I felt remorse for what I had done. I grieved for the universe I had destroyed, but I lack the power to recreate it. So, I have come to you, to beg you to do what I cannot." Azrael reaches into its cloak and produces a leather sack. "Take these items and use them." As Azrael dissolves, it gasps out, "Kill me tonight, or tomorrow will never dawn." All that remains is a pile of dust and a leather bag.

Cover of Wells of Darkness
Wells of Darkness
3.5 Edition
Levels 18–19
33 pages

The Wells of Darkness is the seventy-third layer of the Infinite Planes of the Abyss, a prison used by demon lords and a graveyard for creatures the multiverse would rather forget. Imprisoned in one of these wells is Shami-Amourae, the Lady of Delights. This minor demon lord and former consort of Demogorgon is one of the few beings who knows the true secrets of Demogorgon's twin personalities and his plot to reconcile them, thereby growing immeasurably in power. "Wells of Darkness" is the tenth chapter in the Savage Tides Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures appearing in Dungeon magazine. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon magazine's "Savage Tidings" articles, a series that helps players and DMs prepare for and expand on the campaign. Issue #357 of Dragon magazine features rules for three new binder vestiges connected to the imprisoned demons within the Wells of Darkness. The Prince of Demons hides a secret, one that could well be the key to stopping the savage tide. Yet the only one who knows this secret is imprisoned on one of the most notorious realms in the Abyss. Will the price for rescuing her be too high? Pgs. 52-84

Cover of Beneath The Black Rose
Beneath The Black Rose
5th Edition
Level 6
18 pages

The Black Rose Inn has a spectral resident prowling its halls and a cultish secret under its floorboards. Can the characters delve beneath the Black Rose and bring closure to a decades-old tragedy? Beneath The Black Rose is a haunting horror adventure for 6th-level characters. It's a one-shot that takes about 3-5 hours to complete and includes: -A ghostly mystery and a murderous cult -Two new monsters to bedevil your players -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of The Purple Worm Graveyard
The Purple Worm Graveyard
Levels 1–2
16 pages

It is said that when the largest and most ancient of purple worms know that the time of their death is near, they make their way through rock, earth, and water to the legendary Purple Worm Graveyard. Canny adventurers can return from this quest with a fortune in purple ivory. Foolish ones will die. The Purple Worm Graveyard is a short dungeon crawl adventure that’s best for levels 1-4. The adventure has 15 entries and is designed to provide a variety of challenges for a new adventuring party or one-shot game. The adventure is designed to provide interesting monsters, traps, tricks, and treasures.

Cover of It Walks the Jungle at Night
It Walks the Jungle at Night
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
16 pages

It stalks the jungles of Chult. On the path to the lost city lies an ancient danger, a creature that posseses the very jungle and destroys man, beast, and undead alike. Your party has seen the signs of its violence and destruction. Soon they, too, will be hunted by the entity known as Uluu Thalongh. It Walks the Jungle at Night is an adventure supplement for Tomb of Annihilation, designed for a party of 4 players of 5th-7th level. It is a sandbox-friendly adventure designed to fit within a broad adventuring area. The adventure includes strong DM guidelines to hasten or slow the adventure's buildup, allowing the Dungeon Master to control the adventure's pace and incoprorate its early phases into normal day-to-day travel. The adventure includes: -A wide series of random encounter options for the party to discover. They'll find victims of Uluu Thalongh who are relevant to the factions they've interacted with. -A magical item reward: Lash of the Jungle-Walker. -The full-page Myth of Uluu Thalongh, written to embrace Tomb of Annihilation's focus on legend and folklore. -The stat blocks for the Uluu Thalongh (with legendary actions!) and its possessed jungle. -An appendix for chase complications if or when the party flees from the dreadful entity.

Cover of The Catacombs of Koptila
The Catacombs of Koptila
4th Edition
Level 7
6 pages

Long ago, before the arrival of civilized humanoids, a large colony of ogres thrived in the local area. When a great invasion from another dimension threatened this colony, their king, Koptila, prayed for his people to be spared. The gods heard these pleas, but commanded Koptila to sacrifice himself. The leader did so, and the clan disappeared—whisked away by the gods and lost to time. Over the years, a city grew up above the former subterranean home of the ogres, and no aspect of Koptila’s ancient bargain was preserved or remembered. Even so, the stars are aligned for the return of Koptila and his people. These powerful repatriates are unlikely to appreciate the changes in their old home. A sage has found dusty documents prophesying this return, and he asks the PCs to investigate the catacombs to defeat the potential threat to the city. The PCs travel down through city sewers and subterranean passages before finding the catacombs that the ogre colony once called home. Pgs. 48-53

Cover of Ruins of the Yuan-Ti
Ruins of the Yuan-Ti
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
4 pages

Off in the forest is an ancient Yuan-ti Temple that many believe to be abandoned. Of course, a temple makes for fine real estate, but wealthy lords don't do the dirty work of clearing out such a place - that is what they pay adventurers to do. Fight through the halls of this ancient temple against all kinds of Yuan-ti enemies, eventually destroying the false god that has taken refuge within its crumbling walls.

Cover of The Howling Caverns
The Howling Caverns
5th Edition
Level 1
58 pages

A horror fantasy adventure for 3-5 1st level characters The hunched beast prowls the forest, sniffing at the still air. The roiling sky flashes and thunder breaks the silence. The time is near and the beast senses it. The monstrous form bounds toward the darkened village, a demonic howl in its throat... Shipwrecked on a perilous shore, a group of adventurers stumble into a blighted land and come face to face with a great black beast with a terrible curse. Can they unravel the mystery and solve the Barghest's curse before it’s too late? - 58 pages, 10 locations, 10 dungeon rooms - 2 new spells and 5 new monsters - Over 20 original illustrations - Inspired by English folklore - Emphasis on exploration, interaction, and usability