A community for lazy dungeon masters
3356 adventures found
Cover of The Night of the Rise
The Night of the Rise
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
19 pages

The Night of the Rise is a unique adventure that offers the party an alternative to the "hack & slash" approach. The opportunity for role play is high and it is sure to tap into skills and abilities most of your characters never knew they possessed. Not only does it offer a new experience for your players, but hopefully it has them smiling several times during the night. A request to deal with a bandit captain named Giles Ne'Ville sends the adventuring party on a two-day journey. During this journey, they find an entertaining way to deal with this Giles Ne'Ville. Will they use this opportunity? Or will they take the typical 'hack & slash' approach to dealing with villans? This adventure is written in a non-specific location but is easily insertable into any campaign as a one-shot adventure. I feel that it would work great in Strom King's Thunder as an added traveling encounter.

Cover of DDAL05-19 Eye of Xxiphu
DDAL05-19 Eye of Xxiphu
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
34 pages

Baron Rajiram’s forces have secured the Nelanther Isles and have scoured the Sword Coast for treasures. Now they have begun to explore a mysterious island that recently just popped into existence nearby. SEER seems to believe that an aboleth artifact is their goal. It is up to the adventurers, in competition with the baron, as well as aboleths, the Kraken Society, and the mysterious caretaker of the island, to locate the Eye of Xxiphu and avert catastrophic disaster. A Four-Hour Adventure for 17th-20th Level Characters. Optimized for five 17th-level characters.

Cover of Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?
Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
14 pages

TENTACLES. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE TENTACLES? A colony of deep gnomes have had their main water source taken over by a group of kuo-toa, but are the fishy folk really the ones to blame for leaving the gem-loving svirfneblin thirsty?… This adventure was originally made for a West Marches campaign, but is designed to easily fit into any standard fantasy setting. There are many areas to insert plot hooks for your own world or campaign. A 4-hour adventure for 5th-7th level characters by ALAN TUCKER

Cover of ALQ2 Assassin Mountain
ALQ2 Assassin Mountain
Levels 5–8
64 pages

Players encounter the Everlasting, murderous assassins who destroy the mighty from the shadows. Infiltrate their mountain fortress and destroy the grandfather of Assassins before the Grand Caliph falls prey to their knives. TSR 9431

Cover of Mellorn Hospitality
Mellorn Hospitality
3.5 Edition
Level 7
22 pages

Every seven years, the elven village of Mellorell hosts the Festival of Life, an opportunity to trade, shop, and celebrate with the folk of nearby lands. But a dark secret that could cost the life of fairgoers draws the heroes into a plot that leads all the way to Hades. The core of the adventure is a short thirteen room lair with grimlock guards, a basilisk pet and Malifustal the Night Hag, who guards a portal to Hades. Pgs. 12-33

Cover of The Deadly Sea
The Deadly Sea
Levels 4–7
13 pages

A desperate rescue beneath the waves. The Deadly Sea is an oceanic quest for 4-8 characters of 4th-7th level in the AD&D® game. The use of magical items or spells which aid undersea combat, movement, and breathing is strongly advised. The ability to open locks is also helpful, as are mariner skills and knowledge. See additional notes in the section ‘‘For the Dungeon Master.” The adventure begins at a seaport which the Dungeon Master should name and develop as desired, to fit the circumstances of his campaign. The names of other areas may be changed to fit the campaign as well. This module requires some detailing and planning prior to use.

Cover of Kalzok's Hideout
Kalzok's Hideout
5th Edition
Medium Level
15 pages

Kalzok the Minotaur pirate discovered an old smuggler's hold on a tiny island in the Nelanther Isles, not far from Nemessor. The island sits amid a dangerous archipelago encircled with scores of hidden shoals that is avoided by all but the most daring or foolish navigators. The area's waters are notorious for claiming the ships of unwary sea captains who tried to steer through the gauntlet of hidden reefs. This offering includes an overview of Kalzok's island along with the details of Kalzok's hidden lair.

Cover of DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit
Levels 7–10
121 pages

The palace of the Forest Queen contains treasures unimaginable. To the sons and daughters of Athas's harsher climes, Gulg and the Crescent Forest seem almost perversely lush, a jumble of green and growing things hording precious water for the benefit of the few. But while basking in the glow of Lalali-Puy6's gratitude, your characters have the richness of the forest at your beck and call. Of course, the Oba's sensibilities are easily bruised, and her nature is notoriously unforgiving. Gulg's dank dungeons are only a staging area to a deadly ceremony, where the young nobles of the city chase prisoners through the forest to earn their places as lords of their city - the Red Moon Hunt. Play this as a stand-alone adventure or as the sequel to Freedom, Road to Urik, and Arcane Shadows. TSR 2412

Cover of The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy
5th Edition
Level 1
44 pages

Listen up! You're in my dungeon now, Morty! On Earth C-141, I'm a LEGENDARY D&D adventure writer! When people think of impossibly difficult dungeons or winding, labyrinthine maps, those things ain't Gygaxian - they're SANCHEZIAN! I do whatever I want over there, and they eat it up! I'm a celebrity Dungeon Master there, too! My livestreamed show, Cynical Troll, gets a billion views a day! It seemed a little selfish to contain all that GREATNESS to a single dimension, so I lifted one of the all-time favorite Sanchezian adventures and snuck it back here to dimension C-132. (Usually that kind of s**t is frowned upon, but it's just a D&D adventure. We're not exactly violating the Prime Directive or whatever.) This is a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl for a party of 1st-level adventurers, whose character sheets in this box should also contain. They'll probably reach 3rd level by the end of it. So here it is. This adventure brought peace to a warring galaxy. What did you ever do? Oh, you picked up this adventure? Good start. And awaaaay we go!

Cover of FQ3 - Outpost of the Humanoids
FQ3 - Outpost of the Humanoids
Levels 2–4
23 pages

FQ3- Outpost of the Humanoids is the third adventure for the Filbar Quest Series. As you make your way to a meeting with the Baron of the Knolls you come across a roadside inn and a pair of old adventurers that have a small task for you near some old abandoned ruins. Sounds easy enough right? For some reason it never is easy, especially in Filbar!

Cover of NQ6 - Hanseatic League
NQ6 - Hanseatic League
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
16 pages

Hanging out in the city of Acre has gotten mundane and the old adventuring itch is flaring up. Your fruitless search for jobs quickly changes as a farmer locates you. He indicates that he has a minor farming problem with a land shark that the party can deal with. Once this job is completed, the party is approached by more opportunities!

Cover of NC6 - Uncharted Territory
NC6 - Uncharted Territory
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
21 pages

Your time on the mainland of Calentria has come to an end and with an appropriated ship you find yourself approaching a collection of island in the middle of the ocean. Some of the sailors that have ventured into this area before report there may be a language barrier. As you approach a large land mass a dark shape in the sky seems to take notice of you…

Cover of The Sun Temple
The Sun Temple
5th Edition
Level 4
6 pages

This exploration adventure is planned to be played by 4-5 level 4 characters. They will venture into the temple of Amaunator to cleanse it of corruption, give rest to its inhabitants and recover a precious lost artifact English and Spanish

Cover of FD3 - Crisis at Marstan
FD3 - Crisis at Marstan
Levels 2–5
19 pages

After the last adventure you are now on a quest to find a warm bed and good food. Passing travelers have pointed out that you are quite close to the Thorp of Marstan, a small settlement in the area under the control of the Earl of Sakov. His troops are well known for their horsemanship skills and after all your walking perhaps you may find proper mounts! What the party will find is a community fearful from recent humanoid attacks but with the passing of a guard unit they have hope….except the guard unit hasn’t been heard from since.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier
1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier
Levels 9–11
30 pages

Hubrimort is a small, respectable town whose only claim to fame is a local governmental position bestowed by five of the king’s chosen officials, known as the Cavaliers. The position is given to the head of one of four noble families once each decade. While competition for the mysterious position is always fierce, this year there are rumors of underhanded deals with criminals, rigged tournaments, and a nasty case of blackmail. Which of the ancient families deserves ten years of power and privilege? Only the Sixth Cavalier can help the five officials make the right choice!

Cover of Hags of Red Rocks
Hags of Red Rocks
5th Edition
Levels 4–9
8 pages

A short adventure meant to be inserted into Storm Kings Thunder set on the small island group known as Red Rocks along the Sword Coast. The adventure faces the players of against a coven of hag sisters who have been threatening the region for some time. Hags of the Red Rocks is a encounter and mini-dungeon meant to be dropped into the D&D Adventures League Season 5 - Storm King's Thunder, but can easily be an evenings play for any group travelling along a treacherous coastline.

Cover of GF16 - Currents of Adventure
GF16 - Currents of Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
31 pages

A group of young islanders have been snubbed by the village elders as they move off to protect their island. Their dispair doesn't last long as they quickly find themselves facing foes of their own! After boarding a small fishing boat the group quickly finds themselves sucked into the swirling currents where adventure finds them! The original PCs are included!

Invasion of House Tor
5th Edition
Level 1
6 pages

The party has been contracted by House Tor to provide 'extra security' during a ball. Unbeknownst to the players or House Tor, a spy from another house of an attending noble is going to try to sabotage the night in an attempt to ruin the evening. Can the party stop the spy? Will the nobles finally snap?

Cover of WS1.6 Tomb at the Dragon's Spine
WS1.6 Tomb at the Dragon's Spine
Levels 1–3
9 pages

Tomb at the Dragon's Spine is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding during the middle sections of Folio #14 (WS1 Isle of Jade). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure during the Isle of Jade. Many centuries ago, in an age forgotten, the last of the great sea dwarf masons died on the Isle of Jade after helping construct some of the final Corsair structures the world will ever see. Now, his tomb rests on the heights of the Dragon's Back, and evil has crept into the tomb. Only the brave few might now pass the threshold for the treasures that certainly lay within. While crossing the deadly 'Dragon's Spine' of the island's interior, the party encounters a darkness at the heights. Within the ancient stones the tomb of one of the last sea dwarf master masons rests. Has the corruption of the island reached the tomb? Only exploration will reveal the truth, and the treasure. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of Dragon in a Toy Shop
Dragon in a Toy Shop
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
13 pages

Can you save Timsgiving (not Christmas) when Tim (not Santa) goes missing just days before the holiday? With only a few days until the annual winter gift-giving festival of Timsgiving, Tim the toy maker has gone missing without a word. Something mischievious is afoot. Can the party save the town of Spining from missing a holiday? Dragon in a Toy Shop is a 3-6 hour adventure for a 4th to 5th level party. It is set near the town of Spining, which can be dropped into any campaign setting, but can also be run alongside another settlement or even in the middle of the wilderness!