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377 adventures found
Cover of Pathfinder Module D4: Hungry Are the Dead
Pathfinder Module D4: Hungry Are the Dead
Levels 6–7
36 pages

The logging town of Falcon’s Hollow has been through rough times—first a kobold tribe abducted the town’s children for an evil ritual, then an unknown force reanimated the defeated kobolds to attack the town. Now a horde of zombies approaches and a mysterious evil gathers power in the north, tainting wildlife and the buried dead, its presence hinting at ancient evils better left undisturbed.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #25: The Bastards of Erebus (Council of Thieves 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #25: The Bastards of Erebus (Council of Thieves 1 of 6)
Levels 1–3
92 pages

The city of Westcrown is dying. Since being stripped of its station as the capital of Cheliax, the wealth and prestige of the city has gradually slipped away, leaving the desperate people to fend for themselves in a city beset by criminals, a corrupt nobility, and a shadowy curse. Can the PCs fight back against champions of both the law and the criminal world? This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Council of Thieves Adventure Path, and includes: - "The Bastards of Erebus," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by Sean K Reynolds - A gazetteer of Westcrown, the shadow-haunted City of Twilight, by Steven Schend - An investigation into the lives of tieflings, along with hundreds of fiendish variations, by Amber Scott - A deadly mystery of nobility and intrigue for Pathfinder Varian Jeggare and his tiefling bodyguard Radovan in a new series of the Pathfinder's Jounal, by Dave Gross - Six terrifying new monsters by Mike Ferguson, Sean K Reynolds, and F. Wesley Schneider

Cover of RC7 - Bulwark of Adolphus The Rogue
RC7 - Bulwark of Adolphus The Rogue
Levels 6–8
23 pages

The final installment of the three-part Rock Con ’17 convention is here! Can the heroes enter the stronghold of the brazen thief and recover the final tome? The challenge is high but the stakes are much higher for failure!

Cover of CM2 Death's Ride
CM2 Death's Ride
Levels 15–20
32 pages

This adventure includes large-scale battles, war-planning and the potential challenge of PCs claiming and holding dominion over territory. A King's Commission leads to danger! All communication with the barony of Twolakes Vale has ceased. King Ericall, worried about the security of his border and angered at the loss of tax revenues, has commissioned you, a delegation of powerful adventurers, to investigate. This is not a petty problem to by solved by the armies of local nobility. Indeed, the king's forces are desperately needed elsewhere. Twolakes Vale is, after all, only a small barony on the far frontier of Ericall's domain. And yet? The cloud is there, its nature and cause unknown. None have returned for the barony for weeks. Furthermore, the cloud is spreading, and vague reports of unrest and mysterious disappearances are starting to trickle in from nearby baronies. Can you discover the secret of Two Lakes Vale? TSR 9118

Cover of First Adventure
First Adventure
5th Edition
Low Level
32 pages

Six kids, one heartfelt promise, one incredible exploration! First Adventure is a one-shot designed to be played as a long session of five hours or two shorter sessions of 2-3 hours each. Keep the promise you made to your dying mother! Journey to an old, abandoned mine to search for the gateway to the Faerie Realm! Fail in your first attempt and regroup again 17 years later to keep the promise! A well balanced mix of exploration, role-playing, riddles, combat and tons of fun suited for both DnD newbies and veterans!

Cover of Icegate Keep
Icegate Keep
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
32 pages

Jarl Aelfric Whitehand of Jotunspine, one of the Moonshae Isles, is not happy. His ward, Cordin Wainthrower, has disappeared. Clues imply that Cordin has headed for a ruined keep deep in the Giantspine Mountains. The characters are tasked by the jarl to track down Cordin and bring him back to safety – the Giantspines are filled with many dangers including the legendary Winter King, a fey of great power. Will the characters force Cordin to return to the keep or help him in his quest to restore a family heirloom? If they help him, they must face the chilling depths of the crypt of Icegate Keep. Icegate Keep is an adventure for the first tier, levels 1 to 4. The adventure includes full scaling recommendations for each level, as well as four pre-generated PCs at each of the four levels. The adventure is designed to be tough for the pre-gen PCs, who have little magic to brave the icy mountains. It is estimated to take 4-6 hours to play. The adventure has several new monsters including Ice Wights, Ice Zombies, Frostsnakes, and the infamous Winter King. New magic items are also included such as the greatsword Frostreaver, the ancient Snowbane dagger, the Horn of the Howling Wolf, and the Throne of the Winter King. There is a player handout outlining the legend of the Winter King and three battlemaps showing separate levels of the small keep.

Cover of L2 The Assassin's Knot
L2 The Assassin's Knot
Levels 2–5
32 pages

The Assassin's Knot is a sequel to The Secret of Bone Hill, picking up on themes from that module and shifts them to a new locale. The player characters must solve the mystery of who killed the Baron of Restenford, with evidence pointing to somebody from the town of Garrotten. The scenario describes the town and its castle. The Assassin's Knot module is different from most of its contemporaries in that it contained no dungeon or dungeon-like area. The longer the players take to find the murderer, the more unfortunate events occur in the village. The village, Garrotten, is reputed to be the place to go to have someone killed. The entire village shuts down when the Baron of Restenford is found dead, mutilated beyond the possibility of magical restoration. Three small clues are all the player characters have to unravel the mystery. TSR 9057

Cover of Star Crossed Curses
Star Crossed Curses
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
25 pages

A D&D 5e adventure set inside Shakespeares’ Romeo& Juliette. Enter Verona and Investigate what caused the Capulet mansion to sink underground and become a cursed hellscape Play as your characters or use the pre-generated characters (including Mercutio the tiefling warlock, Rosalind the elven wizard, Balthasar the halfling rogue, and more). You don’t need to know Shakespeares’ Romeo and Juliette to enjoy this dungeon dive but it helps :-) This product includes: The Adventure Printer-friendly character sheets A high Res map for VTT

Cover of O1 The Gem and the Staff
O1 The Gem and the Staff
Level 8
32 pages

A One-on-One Competition Module for Thieves Level 8 Your peaceful evening has been interrupted by an unusual request. As a thief, your skills are unmatched, but can you rise to the challenge of thieving for a powerful and frightening wizard? Do you have a choice? The Gem and the Staff is a special One-on-One competition module designed for one player and on Dungeon Master. The Module contains two separate scenarios, so you can switch roles with the other player after the first adventure. Scoring sheets and encounter summaries are provided for each adventure to make running competitions quick and simple. Character figures and a map book are also provided to help visualize the adventures. The player's maps are designed so you can see the rooms as they would appear. Complete DM's Maps are included. TSR 9050

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #36: Sound of a Thousand Screams (Kingmaker 6 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #36: Sound of a Thousand Screams (Kingmaker 6 of 6)
Level 15
96 pages

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 15th-level characters, this volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path is part 6 of 6 of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, in which the heroes win and defend a small kingdom from threats foreign and domestic. PCs should advance to 17th level by the end of this adventure. This adventure begins after the War of the River Kings has ended—the PCs, be they the war’s victors or losers, are faced with the task of rebuilding their kingdom or perhaps helping to rebuild Pitax. Yet soon after the war is over, a new peril strikes the region as strange monsters and violent bursts of rapid vegetation growth and bizarre weather plagues the Stolen Lands. At the same time, the PCs learn that one of the treasures discovered in Pitax’s House is a nascent vorpal sword, a weapon of immense power, and as the strange weather and blooms of life and monstrous incursions increase, so does this sword’s intelligence and power. The PCs soon learn that their kingdom faces an invasion, but this time not from the physical world. Some fell force from the legendary First World is attempting to expand into this world, and when the PCs begin to fight back against these verdant blooms, they discover that it’s possible to step from this world into the First World realm of Thousandbreaths. There, the PCs face powerful new threats unlike anything they’ve seen before, and learn that the dangers facing their kingdom are even greater than they feared, for the fey ruler of Thousandbreaths is about to absorb the Stolen Lands into a bauble for her own purposes, an act that would scour clean the region and leave behind nothing but a wasteland.If the PCs hope to save their new kingdom from this threat, they must combat the nymph queen Nyrissa both by stopping the various blooms in their kingdom and by traveling into Thousandbreaths itself to confront the dangerously insane nymph.

Cover of The King's Evil
The King's Evil
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

Delbert's friend Thordyn has been wrongfully arrested and placed in quarantine inside the Lazar's Walls, where all those who have contracted King's Evil are banished to. It is your missing to infiltrate the settlement, and free Thordyn. The task will not be simple, as a crime syndicate rules the Lazar's Walls with an iron fist.

Cover of HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon
HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon
Level 1
248 pages

A new megadungeon from Three Castles Award Winner (2018) and Barrowmaze author Dr. Greg Gillespie! HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon is a 246-page classic megadungeon for use with any old school fantasy role-playing games/clone. The pages of HighFell are crammed full with new material, maps, and art, including a colour cover by Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus (that matches Barrowmaze Complete and The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia as sister-books). HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon will keep your players on their toes and your campaign going strong for years. HighFell is brought to you by the Old School Renaissance (so don’t forget your 10’ pole).

Cover of The Fighters' Academy
The Fighters' Academy
Levels 3–5
16 pages

Devastated in a war with a nearby wizards' school, the Fighters' Academy has since been surrounded by a foul and dank swamp - the Gloomfens. Since the climatctic battle between the wizards and fighters, the tower has decayed. The spirit of the head of the academy haunts the building, eternally plotting his revenge on the wizards who killed him. his loyal sutdents remain faithful to him even in death. Other foul undead have made their home in the rotting, spacious academy. From their lair, they make forays into farmsteads near the swamp in search of victims to feed their unspeakable appetites. The Problem of these terrible attacks by the savage undead will not stop until the evil that has found a home at the tower is burned from the face of the land forever. Will your party heed the call and help the town of Melinir? Will they be able to clear the former Academy of its undead? The Fighters' Academy is the first in a three part adventure, The Haunted Tower. Or, it can be ran as a stand alone adventure. The choice is up to you. Part of TSR 1081 The Haunted Tower

Cover of N3 Destiny of Kings
N3 Destiny of Kings
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The kingdom of Dunador is in trouble. Since the king, Halfred of Dunthrane, was killed in a hunting accident, the land has hovered on the brink of civil war. Crown Prince Edmund, at 18 only half-trained and quite unprepared to assume the throne, has yet to be crowned. Currently he is on a pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Nevron in the province of Andevar. While the uncrowned king is far from home, anarchy reigns in Dunador. Throughout the realm, plots are brewing and evil hands are eagerly clutching at the sword of treason. Inevitably the focus of these intrigues is in the troubled province of Andevar to the north. For it is here that the young Prince has journeyed and here that he must be crowned. In this dark hour Dunador has but one faithful servant: Hollend, chief advisor to the old king. Painfully aware of all that is at stake, Hollend has sought the aid of a brave party of adventurers in a desperate bid to tip the scales in favor of truth and justice. But, even as the party secretly enters Andevar, the forces of evil strike with blinding speed and ruthless determination. TSR 9163

Cover of WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure
WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure
Levels 8–14
32 pages

Four great and powerful heroes travel in search of adventure. Led by Mordenkainen, wizard without peer, they have come to mysterious Maure Castle, a forlorn and foreboding place, source of wonderment and awesome adventure, following a strange and terrible story. For, somewhere deep beneath Maure Castle, from whence no person has returned alive, there stands two massive iron doors - doors without latch, lock, or handle - the Unopenable Doors. And if the doors are opened, what then? Such potent evil, such terror lies beyond, that even the bravest adventurers may quail before the ultimate test! Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure is a challenging adventure for high-level play. Four original characters from Gary Gygax' famous Greyhawk campaign are included for your use. Can you meet the challenge? Can you survive what lies beyond... the Unopenable Doors? TSR 9112

Cover of Breaker Of Chains
Breaker Of Chains
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
26 pages

The shrine on the edge of town has been little more than a landmark for generations – but now eerie runes have begun pulsing across its surface, and rumour has it a dark force is growing. Now the party must investigate the threat, and destroy whatever lurks inside the Hall of Lament once and for all. The Legend of Zelda meets Hellraiser in the latest adventure from Chris Bissette, creator of Bulette Storm! Breaker of Chains is a 4 hour old school adventure, featuring tricks, traps, exploration, traps, and ritual sacrifice. Never again will your players waltz into a dungeon convinced that you aren’t willing to kill them in new and horrible ways! Published by Loot The Room

Cover of TC1: Into the Haunted Forest
TC1: Into the Haunted Forest
Level 1
20 pages

A barroom brawl at a country inn causes the destruction of a priceless relic and the heroes are responsible. Now they must chase down a host of ancient artifacts, lost in a haunted wood, to repay their debt. While the heroes search for the items to clear their name, another group of scoundrels plots their downfall from the depths of the mysterious forest. Only one group will emerge victorious. The Forest King is long dead and no one has seen his priceless regalia in many years, lost as it is to the depths of his haunted domain. Now the objects must be found if justice is to be served, but an eternal guardian stands watch, ready to deal with all intruders.

Cover of DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
Levels 1–3
16 pages

Adventure Lies Ahead, Deep in the Heart of the Dymrak Forest Are you ready to meet the Lord Forester's challenge: to put an end to needless death and destruction by doing away with the goblin war chieftain, Kosivikh, and his evil band of raiders? Eager to prove yourselves as new adventurers and to collect a sizable bounty, you travel to the goblins' dungeon in the Dymrak Forest - a place that has captivated your interest for years, a place where few have dared to venture. Only you and your fellow adventurers can put an end to the rampant bloodshed and return peace to the territory. This module is recommended especially for beginner Dungeon Masters and players who are interested in dungeon exploration. Can be used as a follow-up to the DDA3, Eye of Traldar module or it can stand alone Features easy-to-follow rules on dungeon adventuring in the heart of the Dymrak Forest. TSR 9272

Cover of Regrowing Pains
Regrowing Pains
5th Edition
Levels 9–12
6 pages

This quest is for a party looking to resurrect a character whose corpse is missing body parts necessary for survival. Lower-level resurrection spells don’t work on a creature that is missing a head, heart, or other vital organ. To resurrect the body, the characters turn to Vaprak, patron deity of trolls, and attempt to earn the god’s assistance. However, a band of frost giant hunters intend to destroy Vaprak's temple along with everyone inside it. Includes a quest-related NPC that a player can control if they're waiting for their character to be resurrected.

Cover of Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
Level 5
16 pages

The coastal city of Magnimar is no stranger to crime, yet recently, a series of murders has sent a chill through the early morning streets. Someone—or something—is stalking and killing worshipers of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun. The city guard is prepared to ambush the murderer, but they need help—help of the kind that adventurers are so good at providing. What is the sinister truth behind these violent acts?