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775 adventures found
Cover of DDAL09-03 Hungry Shadows
DDAL09-03 Hungry Shadows
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
26 pages

Bodies continue pile up, and the Flaming Fist still has nothing but a name. Thankfully, the perpetrator of the murders has slipped up and the Flaming Fist has captured one of their underlings, in turn, has revealed the presence of a cult hideout in the sewers beneath the city. The Flaming Fist has asked that you investigate. Are you up for the task? Part Two of the Betrayal is in the Blood series of adventures. A Two-to-Four-Hour Adventure for 1st through 4th Level Characters (APL 3).

Cover of Luck be Malady
Luck be Malady
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
20 pages

Dice roll and cards fly at the Dove House of Luck in Waterdeep... but it's not all fun and games, as your party must stake out the casino and determine whether a crooked card dealer is stealing from the house, and what she's up to. Gamble and be merry... but even games of chance have a habit of leading back to the mysterious forces of quarrelsome Gods. Lucky be Malady is a D&D 5e urban adventure module set in Waterdeep, suitable for Tier 1 (level 1-3) parties. Schmooze with other gamblers, chase down crooked dealers, uncover plots orchestrated by the gods of fortune themselves. Think you're lucky? 2-4 hours of gameplay in any urban setting New rules for 4 games of chance 1 new curse 3 NPC stat blocks Beautiful hand-drawn maps and art assets An ally with a heart of gold... or copper? Introduction for adventures focusing on self-determination vs. fate This module is set in Waterdeep but can be modified to fit any urban setting. It gives resources for parties in need of an NPC healer, and also introduces players to powerful curses that cannot be rested off without help. It can slot into any adventure where your party has entered a large city and offers questions and dilemmas that can be brought forward into future modules to challenge your players. Also, who doesn't want to spend down-time gambling with all that monster loot? Module written by, and interior art assets by TL Massey: https://twitter.com/t31im4s Cover art by Kat Brechtel: http://kbrechtel.com/ Written through the RPG Writer Workshop FW19: https://www.rpgwriterworkshop.com I'd be really grateful for feedback! Comment/review below, or reach me @t31m4s

Cover of Forgotten on the Isle of Mnemos
Forgotten on the Isle of Mnemos
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
98 pages

A band of shipwrecked adventurers awake to twilight on an uncharted jungle island to the Northwest of the Nalanthars with amnesia, little do they know the amnesia is recurrent at the completion of each long rest until an ancient curse powered by an incomplete Mythallar is lifted.

The Oreskan Lamia
5th Edition
Level 3
5 pages

People have been going missing in Oreskos. Merchants never finish their rounds, and leonin disappear during their hunts. At the center of this conspiracy sits a lone tower, and on its throne a vicious lamia seeking to claim the grasslands as her kingdom. The Oreskan Lamia is a 3rd level Greek mythology inspired 5e adventure, for use with the Mythic Odysseys of Theros setting book.

The Coming Plague
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
6 pages

When a vile and mysterious plague strikes the city of H'vari, the Satrap orders a quarantine until the disease is cured. The PCs become trapped in a city in the throes of an epidemic.The players must venture into seedy tenements, walk among the dead and dying, uncover the unique symptoms and find a cure. Will the players solve the mystery behind the pestilence or will they themselves succumb to the coming plague... "The Coming Plague" is a four-hour adventure for 3-6 players. It is written for characters of 4th-7th level. The PCs are trapped in a plague-ridden city until they discover the source of the disease, a vile Otyugh. This module includes a two hand rendered maps and a new goddess to add to any pantheon. ...the vile Otyugh busts from the water and lashes out with it's disgusting, ropy tentacles! It's howls and bleeps are like nails on a chalkboard. It seems happy that a fresher meal has come along...

Cover of Greenhouse of Nightmares
Greenhouse of Nightmares
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
32 pages

The natural world is dying and Thymia Scarletscale has had enough. It's time to destroy civilization and pluck the humanoid parasites from the face of this world. And honestly, is she wrong? Will the players succeed in infiltrating Thymia's lair The Verdant Phronstistery and bring an end to her schemes? Or will Thymia & her team of yuan-ti research assistants create an army of monstrous insects to wipe humanoids from the face of the world? Greenhouse of Nightmares is the first installment in Pretty Little Liches: a trilogy of adventures centered around three unique liches and their lairs designed for high-level play. These three lairs and the surrounding regions can be run independently as individual adventures or tied together into a mini-campaign that centers on the destruction of the Green Hand, an organization of dangerous liches. A 3-5 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for Tier 4 (level 17-20) characters. This adventure includes: 6 Random Encounters for a Deadly Swamp, Battle Tactics for a 3-Stage Boss Fight, a CR 26 Medusa Lich with New Legendary Actions, 7 New Monsters, & 2 New Magic Items!

Cover of The Nightshine Mausoleum
The Nightshine Mausoleum
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
11 pages

Attacks by the undead are on the rise in and near the swamp. Rumr has it that the swamp was once an elvish settlement, lost long ago to ruin and sunken into the marsh. But one structure, at least, has yet to be consumed by the swamp. And a long dead cultist of Orcus, buried in that forgotten mausoleum, has returned from the dead. Includes A short adventure for 4-5 characters of 3rd to 4th level A map of the Nightshine Mausoleum Stat blocks for all monsters Unnumbered map suitable for use in your favorite VTT.

Cover of The Five Temples of the Earthmother Part 1: Life and Moon
The Five Temples of the Earthmother Part 1: Life and Moon
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
22 pages

Summoned by the ruler of the Moonshae Isles, the adventurers are asked to seek out the five lost Temples of the Earthmother. A 12 hour adventure for 5 players of 1st-3rd level characters.

Cover of Icewind Curses: Hunger
Icewind Curses: Hunger
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

When a harsh winter turns uneasy neighbors into bitter rivals, or worse, Granny Grimsicle sees an opportunity to spread her unique brand of horror in Hrokstead. Short on food themselves and exhausted from their adventures, our heroes arrive in the frontier settlement to find that something is very wrong. Can they get to the bottom of the threat, and make it out alive? This title stands as a one-shot, but also plants seeds for the ongoing Hags of Hoarfrost anthology. It works great as a supplement to Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, or placed into your own homebrew setting, or run as a standalone adventure. This module includes a detailed battle map and a monster token for use on Virtual Tabletops, and player handouts presented as standalone images for easy distribution to your online players.

Cover of Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood
Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
67 pages

Eberron Gothic: Curse of the Thornwood is an intricate, character-driven mystery set against the sins of the past. On a journey to Arythawn Keep at the edge of the Mournland, the adventurers stop for the evening in the Thranish village of Brightdawn where they discover that there are dark secrets hidden in the wilds nearby. . .

Cover of The Goblins Below
The Goblins Below
5th Edition
Level 2
11 pages

Below the streets of Waterdeep a new gang of goblins have moved in and have started stealing anything and everything. It now has become incumbent on the characters to go into their lair and deal with this rogue band of goblins.

Cover of Wizard in a Bottle
Wizard in a Bottle
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
11 pages

A retired adventurer approaches our heroes with a mission - help find a former comrade, a talented young wizard who went missing twenty years ago. The quest takes them into a magical underground lair, where every room reveals something as remarkable as it is deadly. But they soon realise that finding the wizard was the easy part...

Cover of Trouble in Wealdham
Trouble in Wealdham
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
24 pages

Save an unwitting hamlet from an undead threat! Wealdham is a sleepy, quiet town located in the Westwood. Nothing ever happens in Wealdham, until Waterdeep necromancer Faurius Besk decides to test his latest invention near the town... Trouble in Wealdham is a 4 hour adventure for Tier 1 Characters (optimized for APL 3). It can be run as a one-shot, as part of an existing campaign, or even to launch a new campaign to defeat Faurius. Chapter 5 includes a section on how to weave this adventure into a new or existing campaign. In addition to the full-color 24-page adventure you will also receive: * A printer-friendly version * High-Res Wealdham town map * High-Res Dungeon map * A PDF with pre-generated characters that fit perfectly into the adventure

Cover of Strike Back
Strike Back
5th Edition
Level 4
24 pages

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚. An orcish emissary is travelling the lands south of the dwarven stronghold of Nirzumbil, attempting to keep the tribes in line and focused upon harassing the dwarves. If the PCs can defeat the emissary before he can complete his rounds, they might be able to splinter a part of the orcish alliance. A sandbox-style adventure for a party of 4th level player characters. Includes 5th edition writeups of the giant stag beetle and the krenshar.

Cover of The Temple of Tesh-Yatra; or, The Modern Funhouse Dungeon
The Temple of Tesh-Yatra; or, The Modern Funhouse Dungeon
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
14 pages

The Temple of Tesh-Yatra is a setting-neutral dungeon delve for a party of 6th level adventurers, inspired by the classic funhouse dungeons of yesteryear. The dungeon takes 6-10 hours to fully explore. It features a high proportion of non-combat encounters: puzzles, exploration, and the occasional deadly centrifuge. The ungodly fusion of a mad scientist’s lab and a planar temple, the dungeon includes an encounter that can launch your players into the Nine Hells – for a price... The Temple of Tesh-Yatra includes two new constructs to use in your game: the sinister Maimers, and the enigmatic Skorverra; as well as a new magic item: the Amulet of Tesh-Yatra, an artisan’s dream! The Temple of Tesh-Yatra also comes with a VTT battlemap (transparent PNG format). The Temple of Tesh-Yatra was originally set in the Outlands, as an extraplanar dungeon. But given its self-contained nature and the Temple's age, it is well-suited to any wildnerness, and would work equally well seeding a hex crawl.

Cover of Deicide
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
296 pages

Deicide is a campaign designed to begin with a party of four to six 1st-level characters, who should advance to 20th level by its conclusion. The Gods have abandoned Faerûn. Bringing loved ones back from the dead hasn’t been done in centuries, and communion with the deities is a spiritual exercise only. Holy warriors and messengers have lost their powers and have all but completely disappeared. In this bleak world, wars are frequent, crime runs rampant, and hope has faded. Rumours are abound of a mysterious crime lord taking control of the underworld. Monsters roam the lands and every road is increasingly more dangerous. Without guidance, the many civilizations of this world are plagued by greed and corruption. The only way forward is to bring the Gods back, or to take their place in the heavens. Deicide takes place across two islands, Aurora and Limdorkal. These landmasses are the westernmost islands of the Moonshae Isles, an archipelago located roughly 400 miles west of the region of Amn and to the southwest of the Sword Coast. Surrounding the Sea of Moonshae, these islands feature a wide array of cities, civilizations, climates, terrains, and monsters. Limdorkal is famously a harsher environment, home to exotic races, whereas Aurora is almost entirely dominated by the human kingdom. Elminster Aumar, the famous Old Mage of Faerûn, once visited these islands and claimed it surprising how such diverse environmental systems erupted here, and how varied were the people inhabiting them. While the Sword Coast is part of Faerûn, a continent of Toril in the Forgotten Realms, feel free to adapt these islands to any setting of your choice, such as Ravenloft, Eberron, Ravnica, or even on your homebrew world. The story told here happens some hundreds of years after the beginning of 5th Edition, and the Overgod Ao is trapped inside an artifact, which limits the workings of gods around Toril. The characters will be able to learn more about the missing Gods, about a mythical folklore artifact known as the Wand of Wonders, which carries the powers of the Gods, and about the crime lord Kaiser Soze. Through their adventures, they will be able to visit other realms, planes, and dimensions, as well as come into contact with different races and civilizations. In the end, it is up to them whether to ally with the Crime Lord, and whether to release the Gods or keep their power for themselves. This campaign can work as a loose set of modular adventures, which can be easily picked separately and played as one-shots of different levels. Even their locations on the map might be moved, and events happening in particular towns can happen on others. The adventures include dungeon crawls, murder mysteries, sandbox urban quests, exploration on land and in the seas, inter-planar travelling, among others.

Cover of First Adventure
First Adventure
5th Edition
Low Level
32 pages

Six kids, one heartfelt promise, one incredible exploration! First Adventure is a one-shot designed to be played as a long session of five hours or two shorter sessions of 2-3 hours each. Keep the promise you made to your dying mother! Journey to an old, abandoned mine to search for the gateway to the Faerie Realm! Fail in your first attempt and regroup again 17 years later to keep the promise! A well balanced mix of exploration, role-playing, riddles, combat and tons of fun suited for both DnD newbies and veterans!

Cover of CCC-SCAR01-02 Glister By Light
CCC-SCAR01-02 Glister By Light
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The mining town of Glister has a problem. The latest caravan only arrived with a part of its supplies. Orcs waylaid them, took much needed goods, and are now making demands that the town return an artifact that is theirs, but the town is unfamiliar with. Help track down information about this artifact and possibly defend the city from an orc invasion! A 4-hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters Part 2 of Kossuth's Kiss

Cover of Rescue at Brightwell
Rescue at Brightwell
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
18 pages

With the discovery of an enormous diamond deposit nestled on their borders, the kingdoms of Peldadrin and Belford both claim the repository of indispensable gemstones as their own. After years of negotiations fail to bring a peaceful resolution, the two nations (further incited by sentiments of national pride that have risen over the years of negotiations) determine the diamonds will be claimed only through war. In the early days of the war, Private Geth Heston, a Belford scout with rich Peldadrin ancestry, was dispatched into enemy territory to uncover Peldadrin unit formations, patrol routes, and any other information he could find. It’s been two weeks since Geth sent his latest report, putting Belford command in a state of unease. The information Geth alluded to in his last message could change the course of the war, if proven true.

Cover of The Stoneheart Ruin
The Stoneheart Ruin
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
16 pages

What elder evils lurk in the depths of the freezing mountain ruins? Find out in The Stoneheart Ruin! The adventure features: An adventure set in a desolate, wintry mountain landscape. 16 pages full of intrigue and mystery, containing full color maps, plus 2 unique monster stat blocks. Provides a great introduction to Mind Flayer lore and mythos for Tier 1 players. Can easily be set in the Spine of the World for use in Rime of the Frostmaiden. Let your characters test their mettle as they climb and face the ancient dangers lurking in the cracks of The Stoneheart Ruin! “I have no explanation for any of these finds. We heard disturbing noises coming from further within the mountain; thunderous and growling.” Excerpt from a pamphlet, signed: “Koralia Meadring, Anthropologist Extraordinaire” Koralia needs you to investigate her most recent discovery: a ruined cavern deep in the mountains. Her small team of academics did a cursory walk-through and think they've found a big breakthrough! However, they left in a hurry after being frightened by the horrors they heard coming from deeper in the mountain. They escaped and found one of their team was missing - a goliath named Marek. You must climb the mountains and locate the ruin, make certain that it is safe for study by Koralia’s team, and if possible, find and rescue Marek, whose fate is uncertain. Made during the November 2020 RPG Writer's Workshop.