Attacks by the undead are on the rise in and near the swamp. Rumr has it that the swamp was once an elvish settlement, lost long ago to ruin and sunken into the marsh. But one structure, at least, has yet to be consumed by the swamp. And a long dead cultist of Orcus, buried in that forgotten mausoleum, has returned from the dead. Includes A short adventure for 4-5 characters of 3rd to 4th level A map of the Nightshine Mausoleum Stat blocks for all monsters Unnumbered map suitable for use in your favorite VTT.
Welcome to Cirria’s Gambit, a four- to six-hour adventure for 2nd-4th level characters, designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition! This adventure invites you and your players to a fiendishly fun party with revengeful devils, a succubus who just wants to go back to hell, snobbish nobles, intoxicated socialites and one really irritated banshee! Cirria wants to go to hell! There is only one tiny problem: her mistress Glasya, archdevil of the sixth layer, has banished her for insubordination. So, what’s a succubus to do in Cirria’s place? Take over a local noble family and organize a grand feast like this boring plane has never seen before to channel the emotional energy of her guests into a ritual to open a portal, of course! Isn’t it obvious? Cirria’s plan only had one tiny unaccounted for issue: Lady Kaera, matron of the noble house Cirria targeted, is a banshee. Cirria found a momentary solution – but that will only hold so long as no intrepid group of adventurers disrupts it… This adventure can be run as a one-shot or inserted into an on-going campaign. The theme fits Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus particularly well!
The heroes’ journey is finally at its climax. The evil god Tunkorl has just been freed from his prison and only the strongest and bravest mortals of the realm can defeat him before he regains full strength and throws the world in another dark age. However, the ultimate final fight will not be as straightforward as it seems when the party becomes trapped in a time dilated cross section of Carceri, struggling to get back to the real world and finish the job. Escape the Labyrinth is D&D 5e mini adventure for 3-7 characters of 20th level. This adventure is designed for a single 3-hour session which can be part of a special event, the end, or beginning of a campaign. The heroes go between fighting the big bad evil god (round by round) and trying to escape the mutliple layers of the Labyrinth of Futility a space-time dilated cross section of Carceri.
Urban Uprising and Oldschool Dungeon Crawling. A hobgoblin horde has subjugated the city for Freystand, searching for a relic of their god. Will the heroes save the town from the tyrannical hobgoblins? Will they discover the true purpose of the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet? Work with the rebels of Freystand to sabotage the hobgoblin's by completing objectives in the city. Crawl the warrens to find and destroy the Bloodthrone of Maglubiyet. Discover the true purpose of the throne and cosmic horror that threatens the world. Designed like an old-school dungeon crawl but with modern sensibilites.
A nearly-penniless merchant wants heroes to secure and return priceless heirlooms. But can they do it with goblins all around, raiding and pillaging? Can the heroes reach a peaceful settlement with the raiders, or will they wreak mayhem and slaughter? Find out in Eastbarrow! This package (adventure, maps, and handouts within) forms a complete module for use with DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® 5TH EDITION RULES. It is especially designed for Dungeon Masters to initiate play with a minimum of preparation. Also includes full-sized maps for the VTT of your choice! Old School Look and Feel!
This quest is for a party whose members all perished in the same encounter. The loss of an entire party is hard to recover from and often spells the end of an adventure. However, with the assistance of the enigmatic Raven Queen, the party’s tale might not be over just yet. The characters must wander through the Fortress of Memories; confront their pasts, present selves, and possible futures to return to life. Includes a quest-related NPC that a player can control if they're waiting for their character to be resurrected.
Riches beyond imagination await! Buried decades ago, the great treasure of the notorious Captain Jadescale is waiting at the Mistcliff. Though the exact location of the treasure is unknown, it’s said that the owner of the Shore of Dreams has clues about the location, although nothing is ever that straightforward when it comes to treasure. Can you unearth the secrets of the treasure of Captain Jadescale or will you be undone by its mystery? This 3 - 6 hours adventure features: • 18 pages full with social encounters, dungeon crawling, puzzles and a hint of mystery • custom art and handouts for your players • custom map with a DM and a player version • custom TashMob paper miniatures • new monsters, npcs & magic items A Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of level 5 to 7.
How’d you get here? Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Rescued a retired hero's hapless nephew from goblins at some ruins on a hill Found out that there aren’t any goblins, but spider creatures called chitine instead Uncovered a chitine plot to start a war between the surface world and the drow Got convinced to try to stop that war Got trapped in the caves under the ruins Chased the chitine’s leader, a choldrith, further down into the cave system Nearly got crushed in a cave-in Fought your way through an undead infested mine Nearly got eaten by a colony of chitinous reptiles Picked up the choldrith’s trail and followed it deeper into the earth And now you stand at the entrance to a massive cavern filled with all manner of aggresive creatures. Yep, that about sums it up! And now, here you are, in this giant cavern thousands of feet beneath the surface. All you have to do is pick up that choldrith’s trail again, and manage to navigate the many factions vying for control of this little section of the Underdark. Good luck! And have fun storming the Hollows! This Gazetteer contains: Descriptions of the factions that live in The Shadowed Hollows, a massive cave complex far below the surface The underground city of Naakrasad and the important NPCs that live there Three quests leading to brief adventures within the Hollows for characters of level 4 to 6 7 custom maps of the Shadowed Hollows, Naakrasad, and the quest destinations All necessary monster stat blocks Everything needed to set the scene for the upcoming second chapter of the Into the Underdark Adventure Series
Myriad, a city originally devoted to magical research, has been hidden and isolated for nearly a thousand years. Now, it has rejoined the world and an unseen struggle is taking place within its walls. A party of adventurers has been invited to enter the city and assist in its reintegration. Myriad's secrets, however, run deep and dangerous.
On a nameless, featureless demi-plane the Tarrasque rages across an all-encompassing nothingness. Last seen on Faerun a century ago during the cataclysm of Odobaz, the battle mage order of the Eldritch Storm sacrificed itself to banish the mighty titan to its demi-plane prison. Now a foul power emerges in the High Ice and nightmare visions of the Tarrasque trampling cities wrack the minds of the living—can your adventurers defeat the Horror Under the Mountain?
While travelling the open road, the party encounters two good-hearted thieves with a potentially lucrative proposition: The despotic baroness Ytrix hoards a large treasure nearby, locked within her army’s fort. Wouldn’t it be exactly what she deserves to have that treasure stolen and given to the needy that she’s so long ignored and oppressed? That’s what the party’s new companions think anyway, and they certainly have no ulterior motive for the job... The treasure is protected by high walls, a legion of soldiers, a fanatical wizard, and plenty of other surprises to keep would-be thieves on their toes. The party will choose how to approach the fort, case the joint, make their plan, and execute their heist. When they're done—and if they're successful—they'll leave with a small fortune and even a few unique magic items. A 6-8 hour adventure for 3rd or 4th level characters.
A mind flayer has called for a massive conference of monsters in the Underdark beneath Hillsfar. Trolls, umber hulks, demons, and more have answered the illithid's call. To infiltrate this gruesome menagerie, you must embrace the monster within yourself.
Can you navigate fairy-tale intrigues among fey and living nightmares without getting trapped in the tale? Fight your dreams in the twelfth adventure of the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path with this adventure for 7th level characters. Written for use with either Eberron: Rising from the Last War or the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron by Keith Baker. Adventure Summary: Using his recently acquired Aethervane, Provost Faurious locates the only connection between the material plane and Dal Quor, a feyspire called Taer Lian Doresh that exists simultaneously in both planes. The player characters are sent to retrieve a powerful artifact, the Mind’s Eye, the petrified eye of a kalaraq quori. As the party enters the feyspire and negotiates with its eladrin lord, what are they willing to give up in return? Negotiations unveil a far deeper story, centered around the machinations of the Inspired of Riedra and the kalashtar they persecute. Can the characters navigate the shifting stories of nightmares and dream-touched fey for possession of the Mind’s Eye?
We get it. Factions are an integral part of D&D, but it's not always clear how to use them in your campaigns. Luckily, Factions of Sigil has you covered for each of the twelve main factions found across Sigil and the Outlands! This supplement goes over the various rules and lore around the primary factions found in Sigil and the Outlands, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate the factions more into the core stories being told, and making them feel more useful for the players that choose to join. Rumors of a means to access the Plane of Mirrors has spurred the Society of Sensations to request the characters enter the demi-plane and record the sensations and experiences within.
A Halfling girl battling a rare disease that no magic can cure. A fruit, which has the power to heal and the power to corrupt, now guarded by mad siblings. A journey through a hostile forest, a trapped tower, and a dungeon to retrieve the fruit to heal the young girl. Will your heroes be triumphant, or will they perish while attempting to retrieve the mysterious fruit?
The Cave on Foggy Hook is the first of three connected adventures in the village of Hookholm and is aimed at busy or first time Dungeon Masters. This adventure is designed for 3-5 1st level characters and can be played in a single 3-5 hour session excluding character creation. In this adventure the party will find themselves in Hookholm, a small coastal village rebuilding after a devastating storm almost wiped it off the map. The village is located on the inner curve of the Foggy Hook, a spit of marshy land jutting into the Grey Sea. Beset by the sort of calamities that new adventurers will be able to sink their teeth into and will offer opportunities for roleplaying, puzzle solving, exploration and combat. Includes 5 maps in a number of variations, a brand new monster in the vicious Kuo-toa Feral, and a new chase complications table for chases through swamps or marshes.
Player characters attacking the lair of monsters that have been menacing the local village is a common D&D trope. This adventure turns the trope on its head. In Goblin Defense, the players create goblin PCs, and have to fight off repeated attacks by adventurers who are stronger and better equipped than they are. Starting at level 1 and running until level 7, this module encompasses 16 battles against unique and typically themed groups of adventurers built using player character classes and rules. The module is designed for 3 players, each of whom takes on an individual role within the tribe, granting unique bonuses or options for actions outside of combat. Goblin Defense can also be played with 4 players, but is not recommended for 5 or more players without substantial revision. The players aren't alone. Each commands a squad of goblin minions who can help in combat... but goblins are fragile, and adventurers hit hard. Life as a goblin is often brief and violent. Many will die, but as long as some survive, the tribe will carry on. A simple ruleset is provided for managing actions during the downtime between each attack. During this time, players can work to train their minions to use better gear, hunt for food for their tribe, recruit replacement warriors, brew potions, and - most importantly - improve their lair and its defenses by adding walls, traps, tunnels, doors, alarms, and anything else their creative minds can come up with. As the exact layout and placement of defensive features is critical, this is designed to be played on a grid. A PDF is included with the map scaled to print on 24"x36" (Arch D) size paper, available at most print shops. DMs may enjoy the chance to briefly try out many different character class and subclass combinations as they attack and eventually fall to the goblin pests they're trying to eliminate. Page count: Information for the DM only 6 Information for the players 4 Adventurer statblocks 37
So you want to be a Mage of High Sorcery? To join the esteemed organization, you must travel to the Tower of Wayreth and undertake the most important event in your life—the harrowing Test of High Sorcery! If you can survive where so many aspiring mages have failed, you will forever bind your soul to the Gods of Magic and gain access to untold arcane secrets. The Test of High Sorcery is the perfect adventure for new and veteran players looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It is a solo adventure, where your choices have meaningful consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master. This 154-page tome features: - A sprawling adventure that fits perfectly as an expansion to any Dragonlance campaign, Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, or as a stand-alone replayable experience - A tale full of sorcerous intrigue, featuring many new characters alongside iconic favorites like Fistandantilus, Takhisis, Fizban the Fabulous, and the Gods of Magic - Innovative Destiny and Trait mechanics make your choices really matter—and ensure every mage’s Test of High Sorcery is a unique experience - Over 60 possible outcomes to determine which Order of High Sorcery you join and provide compelling new plot hooks for your character during future adventures - Dozens of unique locations with rich stories and sorcerous challenges that Dungeon Masters can use to create their own version of the Test of High Sorcery - New magic items and stat blocks, with mechanics that support clever use of enemies’ weaknesses and the environment against them - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story - A detailed primer on the history of Krynn and how it relates to the Mages of High Sorcery - A community survey when you finish to let you see how you compare to other mages taking their Tests of High Sorcery
Attack the Shop! is a Dungeons and Dragons adventure optimized for four to five player characters. The adventure is designed to play in one session of approximately four to five hours. Five premade fourth level characters are included to facilitate getting into the action quickly. The adventure takes place in the city of Scornubel in the Forgotten Realms but can be placed in any city without trouble. The characters are mercenaries hired to take an overnight job that pays very well. The instructions from the employer, Malikhar, are simple. Keep the cargo safe in his shop for the night and get paid handsomely.
A gnome tinker summons the heroes to his workshop, but before he can explain his request a vengeful fey creature arrives and disrupts the meeting. Estimated play time - 1 hour. This product contains a combat encounter designed for 4th level PCs, an extensive backstory, detailed NPC descriptions, new monsters and new magic items. Easily adaptable to almost any campaign setting. This side trek encounter is the first of a three-part Fey's Bargain encounter series.