A community for lazy dungeon masters
330 adventures found
Cover of Escaping Thalamuss Lab
Escaping Thalamuss Lab
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
25 pages

Sometimes sneaking into the dungeon, avoiding traps and slaying monsters is the easy part. The hard part is getting back out alive. This is a dungeon crawl adventure with a twist, the adventure starts at the end of the dungeon with the party trying to find their way back to safety.

Cover of Visions of the Vault: One Page Dungeons: The Sewers Beneath the City
Visions of the Vault: One Page Dungeons: The Sewers Beneath the City
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
2 pages

Deep beneath the city streets lie the sprawling tunnels of a derelict sewer. Under the command of a vicious ringleader, a posse of thugs have claimed a forgotten undercroft as their own. In a shadowy mockery of the city’s grand markets above, they have set up their own trade, dealing in flesh to vile creatures and evil men. Published by Arcana Games

Cover of The Song of Aracos
The Song of Aracos
5th Edition
Level 6
28 pages

“Strahd isn’t a villain who remains out of sight until the final scene. He travels as he desires to any place in his realm, and the more often he encounters the characters, the better. The characters can and should meet him multiple times before the final encounter…” -- Curse of Strahd What secret lies hidden in the village of Aracos that draws the devil Strahd von Zarovich? It is ancient, reaching all the way back to the days before Strahd became a vampire, before Barovia was torn from the mortal realm and cast into the Demiplane of Dread. The Song of Aracos is an adventure for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e Roleplaying Game. The module is optimized for five characters of 6th-level and is intended to be used in conjunction with the Curse of Strahd hardcover adventure by Wizards of the Coast. In The Song of Aracos, your player’s characters come face-to-face with Strahd as the vampire struggles to understand the compulsion pulling him to the village of Aracos. Whether they choose to help, or stand in his way, depends on them, and the fates.

Cover of Saving Saxham
Saving Saxham
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
24 pages

The village of Saxham has been struck by a terrible curse! Or perhaps it’s being terrorized by demons, ghosts, and the undead? Or… was there a terrible storm? Maybe? No one seems to know exactly what happened here. But the villagers are terrified, bizarre monsters roam the forest, and strange lights strike the woods every night at midnight… ADVENTURE TYPE: Small Sandbox Mystery DESIGN NOTES: This adventure includes a small village, several wilderness areas, and a simple network of tunnels to explore. Each area contains various encounters and unique magical items. There are many opportunities for combat, but it is possible for players to explore every area and complete every interaction without any combat at all, depending on their choices. INCLUDES: Story hooks, dialogue prompts, original creature stat blocks, original treasure/items, area overview map, and illustrations. Produced by Dungeon Age Adventures

The Dreaming Heralds
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

A wandering farm boy falls foul of an ancient trap and is plunged into a death-like sleep. The cure lies in a temple hidden in the green gloom of Merthington Woods, but to find it, the adventurers must brave a set of terrible traps laid by a forgotten sect of priests...

Cover of Fabien’s Atelier
Fabien’s Atelier
Levels 2–4
20 pages

"The magic in his flying island sputters and fades. Brave adventurers will enter the wizard’s floating workshop, solve the puzzles and unravel its mysteries before catastrophic failure sends the island crashing down to earth." The sequel to Hideous Daylight (but can be run independently). This adventure focuses heavily on puzzle-solving and exploration 19 keyed locations Written for the Old-School Essentials (OSE) rule system

Cover of Temple of the First Fire
Temple of the First Fire
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
19 pages

The Temple of the First Fire is a 5e adventure in which a group of heroes must stop an ancient, evil witch known as the Raven Mocker from stealing the eternal flame that lights the sun. If the witch succeeds, it would plunge all humanity into endless darkness. It features a corrupted guardian, a temple suspended from the heavens by divine chains, and a series of unusual encounters, as well as four third-level pregenerated characters! Also available for Savage Worlds. Published by Sigil Entertainment Group.

Cover of SM12 The Trials of a Young Wizard
SM12 The Trials of a Young Wizard
Levels 1–2
48 pages

Fresh-faced and more than a little hung-over our newly graduated mage of the great Dunromin College of Magic and his friends step into the tea-room next to the Porter’s Lodge and ask for something for a headache. Within minutes they find themselves accosted by the smiling figure of Malcolm Darkstar, Bursar of the College and owner of the tea-rooms, keen to ask them a favour… This is an introductory level set of scenarios designed to take a starting-level party on their first exciting adventures; The Lost Son; The Return of the Cauldron of Millent and the Murder at the Red Barn

Cover of The Saint's Tomb
The Saint's Tomb
5th Edition
Level 1
30 pages

The Saint's Tomb is a single-player gamebook-style adventure that is playable in your browser. You make a 1st level character sheet, roll your own dice (though 2 of each are supplied in-browser), keep up with your inventory, spells, and HP, and click on options as you make decisions. It was written to help new players learn the game, but it should be fun for experienced players too. In the game, you'll investigate a mysterious figure who has a suspicious interest in the tomb of a dead priest. You'll battle the undead, figure out problems and roll the dice to save your city! The Saint's Tomb is free, though you can leave a tip if you're able by clicking "Support this Game". A Spanish translation is available as "La Cripta Sagrada"

Cover of Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge
Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge
Levels 4–6
72 pages

Many years ago a brutal bugbear chieftain united the goblinoid tribes of the Meirlara Forest and nearly wiped out all traces of the elves there within. A stroke of chance fate turned the tide and the dreaded bugbear warlord Spragnokk was defeated. His loyal kin hid his body away in a sealed chamber and then the world forgot about Spragnokk... until now. Now his bloodline continues, and they have plans to resurrect their fallen "great chieftain," to bring ruin and revenge upon the elves that handed them defeat decades past. The goblinoid tribes have once more been gathered, and their bloody revenge is imminent, except fate has yet once more placed new champions to stand in their way. They just don't realize it yet.

Cover of Dungeon Short- Secret Grove of the Forest Goddess
Dungeon Short- Secret Grove of the Forest Goddess
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
14 pages

In this small 14 page adventure module, help the small village of Bull's Creek and a druidic grove! When a powerful nature spirit gets sick and lashes out, heroes are needed. Can your players stand up to the sickness that seeks to kill not only the organism that is the forest but, everyone else around too? Secret Grove of the Forest Goddess- a 5e SRD adventure for levels 1, 3 or 5. In James Grammaticus' Dungeon Short series, James explores fantasy worlds and settings in short bite-sized one shot adventures that be used on their own, can spring off into a larger campaign, or can be used as a side-adventure in a campaign. Featuring an entire dungeon, town, and forest exploration, Secret Grove of the Forest Goddess has everything you need to give your players a great introduction to the game.

Cover of The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss
The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss
5th Edition
Levels 3–10
38 pages

Can you survive the Madhouse of Tasha’s Kiss? Or will you go mad trying? A small village, empty of villagers except for one boy found sitting and weeping next to a jester’s pageant wagon. The boy explains that the villagers, including his family, followed a jester into the wagon and never came out. A portal to a pocket dimension is found inside the wagon, leading to a brass door with the word Madhouse etched into it. What lays beyond the door? What madness could the adventurers face? Can they save the villagers, or will they go mad trying? Published by Jeff Stevens Games

Cover of The Jeweler’s Sanctum
The Jeweler’s Sanctum
Levels 1–3
12 pages

A level 1–3 dungeon adventure by Giuseppe Rotondo. The secret workshop of a long-dead jeweler-magician is now open, as his grandson wants the place finally cleared of all dangers. What treasures might remain within, and what might be watching over them? This adventure combines classic dungeon crawl elements with the intrigue of uncovering a magician’s legacy, making it a rich experience for both new and seasoned players. For Old-School Essentials (OSE) Included as one of four adventures in "Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1"

Cover of It's Bigger on the Inside
It's Bigger on the Inside
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
16 pages

“Come! Sit! Be my guests. You will find that dinner is up to the highest standards, and I’ve even provided a show.” When the adventurers entered the manor of the old mayor they did not expect to fall into another plane of existence. It seems Archmage Lonore was ready for their arrival, and had arranged the finest entertainment... for herself. Can the adventurers survive Lonore’s death trap and capture the mad mage once and for all? This one-shot adventure is designed for characters of 6th level, and contains plenty of traps, encounters and misdirection. Adventure Synopsis Chasing the bounty on a murderous archmage, the characters find themselves plunged into an arcane deathtrap. Their quarry was prepared for their arrival, and had devised entertaining challenges (for herself) in this magnificent mansion demiplane. The characters will fight through various arcane hazards on their path to the inner sanctum of Archmage Lonore. As they get deeper and near the sanctum, the characters will meet the mage and her mother, possibly learn a bit about the relationship between them. This encounter leads to the final showdown in the archmage’s sanctum, where the orb of reality is located. The adventure includes a map for every encounter! (Print & VTT versions) Published by Beyond the Screen

Cover of The Sunbathers
The Sunbathers
Level 3
16 pages

A level 3 temple incursion adventure by Brad Kerr. In a golden temple of healing on a sundrenched island, blissful amnesiac patients are held prisoner by monstrous caretakers. Intruding PCs will need their wits and their swords to unravel the temple’s secrets, snatch its treasures, and escape. For Old-School Essentials (OSE) Included as one of four adventures in "Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1"

Cover of Revenge of the Iron Lich
Revenge of the Iron Lich
4th Edition
Level 16
32 pages

In times ancient, an infamous paladin-artificer named Khaldun unearthed a cursed tome bound in the flesh of the first medusa. Driven to madness by its secrets, he used the necromantic magic contained within to call forth an army of dread warriors from the Netherworld. Though his assault was devastating, he was ultimately unsuccessful, and the mightiest crusaders of the realm banished Khaldun to the Netherworld, where he would rot for eternity at the bottom of the River Dis. Unfortunately, rather than perishing in that bleak plane, Khaldun escaped his silt grave and thrived, amassing a legion of undead followers and erecting a Tomb in which he could perfect his mechanical craft without interruption. It was not long before he shed his body and became a demilich. After several centuries of scheming, the undead warriors under the command of the ‘Iron Lich’ have burst free of the Netherworld, laying waste to not only the mortal kingdoms that exiled him, but also the exalted domains of the gods themselves. The crusaders’ quest is simple – stead the Tomb and destroy the Iron Lich. Published by Defy Danger and Save Versus Death

Cover of Kidnap the Archpriest
Kidnap the Archpriest
Levels 1–2
54 pages

The Archpriest, leader of the Church, has defied a summons to the Immortal Capital. You have been chosen to retrieve the recalcitrant pontiff. Kidnap the Archpriest is designed to be an implicit tutorial for diplomacy, stealth, theft, bluffing, and cunning. It is a system-less, setting-less heist module featuring: a city (with a map) a fortress (with interior and exterior maps) two hectic days and nights a guide to designing your own heists. glorious black and white art by Luka Rejec scheming cardinals, frantic servants, and secret plots By the author of the CoinsandScrolls blog and Tomb of the Serpent Kings.

Cover of The Terror of Haverford
The Terror of Haverford
5th Edition
Level 1
49 pages

This Adventure is based on the web comic series, Table Titans. It is set in the same village that part of the comic takes place in, however the path of the adventure does not follow the story line set in the comics. There are familiar elements that are a wink and a nod to fans of the comic, but it is a unique story. The adventure is set around the village of Haverford, currently beset by an unknown [i]Terror[/i] that has resulted in many many deaths in the surrounding forest. The adventures have arrived at this once peaceful hamlet and if they discover the source of the [i]Terror[/i] plaguing the region they will be handsomely rewarded. The Terror of Haverford is a starter adventure. Characters will advance from level 1 to 4 if completed. This adventure has both social and combat encounters, as well as combat encounters that can be solved socially. If characters aren't thorough in their investigations they will be taken by surprise by what lies ahead.

Cover of Greenwood of the Fey Sovereign
Greenwood of the Fey Sovereign
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Levels 0–1
20 pages

War is looming between Nanch and the Fey. Those on the border are caught between two dangerous dynasts. Pressed into duty for lord and country, the peasants and gong farmers of Nanch find themselves in a strange and unnerving forest full of denizens older than the practice of naming. In this new world, the rules of life and death are a game of whimsy practiced by fantastic forces, and bizarre ancient feuds re-ignite in the chaos of war. Those errant attendants of Nanch will be fortunate to survive the madness of either ruler! The adventure spans a series of strange and otherworldly encounters with the magical and surreal denizens of Greenwood—while under the incompetence, cowardice, and bullying of Pertrub (one of the King’s footmen). As the encounters continue, signs of the Earl’s fate are everywhere. The players must pick up clues and begin to grasp the realities behind them! The adventure features a number of visual puzzles with handouts to help the players solve them. This 20-page, stand-alone adventure includes a new class: the Wild Elf. The adventure is for low-level characters. It is not setting specific and can be placed near any ancient woodlands.

Cover of The Gnomes of Levnec
The Gnomes of Levnec
Low Level
20 pages

...There are older things in these forests too; the knights did not just battle the pagan kings of man but also the forest dwellers; the wodewose. Spend too long in any tavern or listen to a village alewife and you’ll hear stories of knights and wodewose duking it out in little patches of now cleared pastures. One of these little villages is the village of Levnec, a sad little town ruled by a self appointed lord banished from his seaside villa far to the south. His name is Lord Kristoph and he has been looking to hire some transient sell swords to solve his problem. Some of the townsfolk are (repeatedly) going missing and others are refusing to work, even after examples were beaten and hobbled by his men. Seeing as the townsfolk are blaming the local Gnomes, he would simply like these drifters to saunter in the wood, murder some Gnomes and bring them back to show the townsfolk there is nothing to fear (except him) and to get back to work.