A community for lazy dungeon masters
551 adventures found
Cover of In the Black Hours part 1
In the Black Hours part 1
Levels 6–9
8 pages

You are hired by a merchant to protect a rare item, a crystal crown, for one night against the attempts of the city's thieves guild. The arrogant guildmaster has informed the merchant that he will steal the crown and he cannot be stopped. Continues in Part 2 in Polyhedron #23 Pgs. 13-20

Cover of AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
Any Level
32 pages

The Shady Dragon Inn is a set of pre-generated characters for use with the Dungeons & Dragons game. This player's aid comes in two parts: each character appears first in a section devoted to his or her character class. They appear again in the second section as members of a party. As a DM or as a player, you may use either or both sections; over a hundred characters await you! Each character has a brief biography that will help you to create backgrounds for PCs or NPCs as needed. Also included is a rough physical description, and a list of items owned by each character. The Shady Dragon Inn also contains the D&D statistics for those special characters who are presented by figures in the D&D and AD&D toy line, and provides a tavern setting from which players may start adventures or gather party members. TSR 9100

Cover of The Jingling Mordo Circus
The Jingling Mordo Circus
Level 10
16 pages

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen... A carnival of laughs, thrills - and terror. "Sometimes an adventure comes along that tackles a particular idea or theme so well that it pretty much closes the door on other submissions of its kind. Such is the case with 'The Jingling Mordo Circus.' Owner and ringleader Max Mordo, an evil wizard, uses the circus as a front for his kidnapping schemes and his magic to turn his victims into sideshow monsters. It’s the first and only circus Dungeon has published." - Christopher Perkins Pgs. 48-63

Cover of The Plight of Cirria
The Plight of Cirria
Levels 8–12
14 pages

An Arch-Mage who can kidnap a dragon is one tough Arch-Mage. Definitely not for those who are afraid of heights. An evil archmage, Ezoran, has kidnapped a dragon in order to discover the means to seize control of a cloud giant's castle. The adventures are tasked with rescuing the dragon by the dragon's mate. The adventure revolves around tracking and navigating through dense jungle and working through a cloud giant's fortress. Pgs. 50-63

Cover of CM9 Legacy of Blood
CM9 Legacy of Blood
Levels 15–19
32 pages

Your cousin Rolph is dead - and while there is cause for sadness, there is also cause for celebration. As his heir, you were willed his dominion: Fenhold. Of course, the Deep Swamp is threatening to engulf all of your new holding. People are seeing ghosts and disappearing mysteriously. Animals die without reason, and crops are suddenly blighted. The farmers don't like the swampdwellers, the swampdwellers don't like the farmers, and no one likes the halflings. The entire civil service of the dominion seems to have either worked for the failure of the dominion or resigned due to actions of the others. It's going to be tough task to make all this ship-shape once again, but you're 15th level now. Isn't it about time you settled down? TSR 9210

Cover of Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 1
Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 1
Levels 4–10
23 pages

Part 1 of an Expert-level quest into a hostile wilderness. This adventure takes place in the Known World of the D&D game, as outlined throughout the D&D game rule books and modules. The DM may find it useful to consult the Companion and Masters Sets, as well as most of the X-series of Expert Set modules. D&D Expert Set module X9, The Savage Coast, would be especially helpful, as Tortles of the Purple Sage could easily serve and continue that module's direction and plot like, adding a previously undescribed area (the Great Northway) to the Known World. The DM may also place the areas and events of this adventure within an existing campaign setting, as long as the geographical areas of the campaign match those set forth here. Pgs. 40-62

Cover of Jammin'
Any Level
9 pages

From the magazine: "A rotting ship holds the secrets of all the universe, but its crew wants you only for the 'fuel' you carry." This scenario is useful for launching players into a Spelljammer campaign. The players are tasked with investigating a derelict ship that fell from the sky. The ship is captained by a spectre and crewed by a host of undead enemies. Clearing the ship gives the players the possibility of a Spelljammer ship as well as access to several wheel-lock pistols and ammunition (the biggest treasure from the adventure). The adventure takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting, though it may be easily altered to fit any other campaign world. Module LC1 Gateway to Ravens Bluff, The Living City, would be helpful, as the city of Ravens Bluff is suggested as the PCs' starting point for this adventure. Any other city can be substituted without difficulty. Pgs. 29-37

Cover of For a Lady's Honor
For a Lady's Honor
Levels 4–7
9 pages

When the Guildmaster speaks, everybody listens. When the going gets tough, the thieves get going. For 3-6 thieves. Pgs. 9-16 & 34

Cover of How the Mighty Are Fallen
How the Mighty Are Fallen
Levels 11–14
64 pages

As the floating cities of Netheril hover peacefully in the air, the winds of intrigue boil all around them. The phaerimm continue to plot the downfall of the Netherese even as Karsus prepares for the casting of his greatest spell. Undead walk the land, driving orcs and humans before them. And somewhere below the greatest nation of Faerûn, the Tarrasque awakens from a long slumber. How the Mighty Are Fallen, is an adventure designed for use with the Netheril: Empire of magic boxed campaign setting (which is required to play this adventure). Within these pages, the final heroes of Netheril can : Gather the spell components, that Karsus requires for casting his "most wondrous" spell, the only 12th level spell ever known. He just needs a few body parts from two creatures - A gold dragon and the Tarrasque. Reuinte lost lovers after they have been separated by death. Nopheu's wife was killed in a magical explosions, and now he's finally saved enough money for her to be resurrected. Certainly a dead body couldn't pose a threat to a band of stalwart heroes?! Follow the winds of fate to wherever Tyche delivers them. Numerous side adventures allow players to take their characters to a variety of different locations. Some heroes might want to follow the trail of the missing nether scrolls, while others might want to join the resistance and fight Karsus and the other archwizards. But only the bravest hearts can take the first step... TSR 9540

Cover of In the Dwarven King's Court
In the Dwarven King's Court
Levels 3–5
17 pages

The game is afoot in the royal palace. A thief prowls the dwarven palace, but even more goes on than meets the eye. Set in in a dwarven kingdom, a peace treaty with an aggressive rival kingdom is to be signed with ceremonial gifts exchanged to mark the occasion. However the treaty is put in jeopardy when the ceremonial sword that was gifted to the kingdom is stolen before the signing. The adventure begins when the characters receive a vision that directs them to help the kingdom. They must investigate the mystery of the missing sword, navigating a diverse cast of palace dwarves in order to preserve peace in the kingdom. A tale of intrigue, can the heroes find the sword before it is too late? Pgs. 16-32

Cover of FRC1 Ruins of Adventure
FRC1 Ruins of Adventure
Any Level
96 pages

A great evil force descended on the town of Phlan years ago. The townspeople were all either killed or driven away, and Phlan became (literally) a ghost town. Fifty years later, the survivors are ready to reclaim their town. But they need a band of strong and brave adventurers to lead the fight-they need you. Ruins of Adventure is a set of connected short adventures written by James Ward, David "Zeb" Cook, Steve Winter and Mike Breault-four names familiar to all AD&D game fans. It uses the same setting, locations and characters as the classic computer game Pool of Radiance by Strategic Simulations, Inc. In fact, many of the scenarios here in Ruins of Adventure will provide important clues to the successful completion of Pool of Radiance. TSR 9238

Cover of I11 Needle
I11 Needle
Levels 8–10
48 pages

The king's notice asked for adventurers to undertake a mission to a far land. It was marked with the rune for "high danger, high reward" so of course you volunteered. The king has heard of a great obelisk that towers over a ruined city in a far country. He wants to know more about the obelisk and its strange powers. Your job is to find the obelisk and bring back a report to the king. The mission seems absurdly easy...until you reach the jungle. Don't think the king is through with you if you get back to the capital city alive. You haven't seen the last of that jungle yet. Is a share in the spoils of an ancient civilization worth the risk? Don't forget to pack you bug repellent! TSR 9187

Cover of SJQ1 Heart of the Enemy
SJQ1 Heart of the Enemy
Levels 8–11
96 pages

A little information is a very frightening thing. Hundreds of years ago, the elves and the goblinkin fought for control of known space in the Unhuman War. Though the elves won that first campaign, they know the goblinkin are clamoring for a rematch. Recently the elves commissioned a few good adventurers to infiltrate the base of a new race of advanced orcs known as the scro. They were hoping to gain information on their enemies' numbers and plans. The news they found was far worse. The scro have discovered a weapon of awesome destruction, one that can lay waste to entire worlds. But the key to unlock its power lies lost and forgotten. Even now the scro are searching for it. When they find it, they will wreak destruction and revenge on the inhabited planets. The elves are looking for an adventuring team who can win this desperate race, and find the key first. Your PCs may be the only thing that stands between known space and doom. Heart of the Enemy is a 96-page adventure set in the Second Unhuman War. The second of a two-part series, it can either be linked with the previous Goblin's Return or it can be played as a stand-alone adventure. TSR 9347

Cover of M3 Twilight Calling
M3 Twilight Calling
Levels 30–35
32 pages

Through seven gates lie seven realms. In seven realms stand seven guardians. With seven guardians lie seven symbols. From seven symbols comes one key. Alpahaks the Dark desires that key, by which he plans to release death and chaos into the realms of man. Your party may be all that stands between life and death. Will you heed the lunatic ravings of a dying madman? Travel to the top of Guardian Mesa, and enter the Septahenge. Gather the mystic symbols, create they key, and defeat the Carnifex, before it's too late... TSR 9174

Cover of S2 White Plume Mountain
S2 White Plume Mountain
Levels 5–10
16 pages

A traditional "funhouse" dungeon, White Plume Mountain begins with the archmage Keraptis stealing three artifacts and leaving cryptic poems with their former owners. The players are hired to recover the items, and find a bizarre dungeon in the side of the eponymous volcano. TSR 9027

Cover of Reign of Triumph
Reign of Triumph
8 pages

Two head-strong sisters and a dying giant all have something in common: they need help only adventurers can give. It seems there's this little problem. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of The Rod of Seven Parts
The Rod of Seven Parts
Levels 10–12
208 pages

Stirrings of an ageless war between Law and Chaos are drawing you into an epic adventure! A Struggle More Savage than Good vs. Evil Imagine a time before the words Good and Evil had meaning, a day when the world was young. Discover an ancient conflict that predates the stars. It was in these days that Law and Chaos forged worlds out of nothingness; their war began while the cosmos was yet unfinished. The Rod of Seven Parts defines epic role-playing. The reappearance of the Rod has awakened the powers of Chaos, and their queen seeks to turn the whole world into a battleground. Bold heroes must undertake the enormous task of seeking out and assembling the pieces of the Rod, but even its power cannot stand alone. Ages ago, primal forces of Law stood fast against Chaos; now their champions must once more confront the Queen of Chaos and her foul spyder-fiends, lest the flame of civilization be extinguished. Follow the quest for the capricious Rod as it leads characters on a journey of high fantasy. The Rod of Seven Parts is designed for four to six heroes and heroines of levels 10 to 12. This boxed set includes: Initiation to Power, a 96-page book of grand adventure playable in any AD&D world, including original campaigns; The War Against Chaos, a 64-page book of world-crossing adventures pitting PCs toe to toe against the minions of Chaos; Might and Menace, a 32-page book detailing the mysterious powers of the Rod of Seven Parts: how it affects both its enemies and its friends; Monsters, a 16-page book of new villains, new monsters, and even a new race! 6 two-sided reference cards; 6 full-color poster maps portraying the key locations heroes can visit. Read about this ancient artifact in the epic novel The Rod of Seven Parts by best-selling author Douglas Niles! TSR 1145

Cover of M1 Blizzard Pass
M1 Blizzard Pass
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A SOLO adventure for thieves level 1-3 or Group play level 1-3 The storm sweeps off the mountaintops without warning, as if conjured by some supernatural power. Within minutes, huge drifts of snow have halted the caravan, and the snow falls so hard it is impossible to see more than five feet. You huddle next to the sledge, trying to shelter for you numb face from the icy winds. A dozen half-human forms march into view out of the raging blizzard. The little man-things carry wooden spears or long, unsheathed swords in bony, gnarled hands. Their blood-red eyes quickly fall upon your sledge and the ugly creatures turn toward your hiding place. Will you survive to uncover the secret of Blizzard Pass? This module contains all you need to solve the riddle of Blizzard Pass, including 14 maps, an invisible ink marking pen, a complete solo adventure, a pre-rolled character, and an outline for group play! TSR 9067

Cover of V2 The Dwarven Glory
V2 The Dwarven Glory
Levels 1–3
34 pages

Precis Intermedia brings back this follow-up to the first known commercially-published adventure (Palace of the Vampire Queen) for the original Roleplaying Game (First Edition/OD&D/0E). Originally released in 1977 by Wee Warriors, The Dwarven Glory provides 8* map sections that can be arranged as desired and containing pre-factored creatures and treasures (in other words, this is essentially a geomorphic stocked dungeon). While hit points are provided for the creatures, the First Edition RPG or an OSR equivalent (B/X recommended) is required for actual rules and their descriptions. At one time, the community of Dwarven Glory was a thriving and wealthy one. The community became easy prey for Mortoc and his Ten Orc Tribes. Although the Orcs conquered Dwarven Glory, they could not completely destroy it. There were parts of the caverns they did not even penetrate. Now the caverns echo in the misty gloom, offering refuge to the forgotten and promise to the adventurer. This piece of gaming history is a must for collectors and old school gamers. With the original on the extremely rare list, this classic reprint of The Dwarven Glory has been remastered for a clean print, and is readily available at a low cost. * The original printing included only 7 map sections, designated Sections B through H. The mythical Section A has been added as a bonus. Wee Warriors and The Dwarven Glory are trademarks of Precis Intermedia. All rights reserved.

Cover of The Pyramid of Jenkel
The Pyramid of Jenkel
Levels 8–10
14 pages

In this town, nothing goes like clockwork. A voice in the darkness offered him power, with only one string attached: first he had to find some adventurers. A fiend and minions of the plane of fire have set up shop beneath a small town, and have been attracting evil minions to their lair! In this town of Jenkel, the religious leader (named Broderick) is secretly under the influence of the demon and has been doing her will out of his own greed for power. A tilted pyramid appeared in the town years ago, and is actually the tip of a tower buried in the town. The tower leads to a dungeon and a shrine where the party can fight off the demon and rid the town of the evil influence. Pgs. 18-31