A community for lazy dungeon masters
551 adventures found
Cover of DQ1 The Shattered Statue
DQ1 The Shattered Statue
Levels 5–9
48 pages

"A mutual friend has praised your skills highly. If you seek rich reward and the opportunity to delve into mysteries ancient and lost, bring this bottle forthwith to my demesne in the village of Volkumburgh. Together we may seek to bring mankind the lost wonder of the awtawmatawn." A mysterious note, a disappearing 5-foot-long religious relic, and the ruins of two magical schools. What do these things have in common? How deeply are your party members involved in all this? "The Shattered Statue" is the first dual-game-system module of its kind. Players of both the AD&D game system and DRAGONQUEST game system can use this adventure. It is suitable for use with FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting. TSR 9221

Cover of The Baron
The Baron
Levels 5–8
30 pages

In this adventure, the heroes face the sinister Baron Metus, the vampire who took the life of Van Richten's son, Erasmus. Metus, with Daclaud Heinfroth, has been doing the bidding of the ghost of Madame Radanavich in her quest to destroy Rudolph van Richten. But Metus has his own reasons for seeing van Richten destroyed as well. Included in Bleak House: The Death of Rudolph van Richten TSR 1141

Cover of A Hitch in Time
A Hitch in Time
Levels 7–10
11 pages

A trap that perhaps works too well. No matter how much loot you take, you never took anything at all. Confused? Wait until you try this dungeon. The players are hired to investigate and clear a tomb of a time wizard. This tomb is heavily guarded both by creatures and traps, and some sages are concerned that the defenses are lasting longer than they were supposed to. Unknown to the sages, the wizard, Sur-in Am, bound a time elemental to guard the treasures of the tomb. This guardian's duty is to frustrate robbers by returning stolen items to their original place and also reset traps in the tomb. Pgs. 26-36

Cover of Incident at Strathern Point
Incident at Strathern Point
Levels 8–10
6 pages

From the magazine: "Before you know it, you've walked right into someone else's adventure." A villainous warden (after being banished to the Abyss in a duel) returns to the trading post of Strathern Point with a cadre of demonic soldiers. The players find this trading post abandoned save for several Abyssal hordlings. After clearing the hordlings, the warden reappears in the form of a bodak, and is set on vengeance upon the person who sent him to the Abyss.

Cover of A Bad Batch of Brownies
A Bad Batch of Brownies
Levels 1–3
10 pages

One bad apple. The brownies would have been fine, except for the addition of one unexpected ingredient. This is a starting adventure for one druid. They set off on a wacky adventure with teh help of their driud master. Pgs. 22-31

Cover of Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest
Levels 2–4
22 pages

The adventure starts with a prophetic dream and a plea for help. The heroes are asked to recover a cart-load of supplies stolen by a band of savage monsters that have recently moved into the area. A strange fire wiped out everything the villagers had, and the stolen cart contains seeds and tools with which they can replant their crop before the season passes. It is a mundane task for heroes, but it seems simple and the villagers offer a reasonable reward. Adventure II: Dark Harvest from Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands Pgs. 9-30 TSR 1124

Cover of Quelkin's Quandry
Quelkin's Quandry
Levels 3–5
11 pages

While visiting the small village of Carthington Cross, the PCs hear a tale about a wizard who unleashed an owlbear on Carthington Cross and its unsuspecting community. After a night of stories and gossip in the local inn, the heroes are approached in the morning by this same notorious wizard who needs their help. Includes an overland map and a map of Quelkin's manor.

Cover of I14 Swords of the Iron Legion
I14 Swords of the Iron Legion
Levels 1–15
64 pages

Ravening armies sweep across the land! Vast hordes of foul monsters lay siege to mighty cities! Tremendous battles are fought to decide the fate of entire lands - and you are in command! Swords of the Iron Legion is an anthology of adventures set in the FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting for large-scale battle using the BATTLESYSTEM rules for mass combat. The adventures, written by a group of talented designers, range from simple skirmishes to all-out wars! Flying creatures, war machines, fortifications, and plenty of other twists ensure that each scenario is more than a simple bash-'em-up. Some adventures also include role-playing oppurtunities for characters, who get a chance to perform individual heroics to lead their armies to victory! These adventures are suitable for one-time play, or they can be inserted with ease into an existing campaign. Complete descriptions of the armies, special characters, terrain, and other interesting features to guarantee you hours of fun on a grand scale are included in each adventure. TSR 9226

Cover of Reign of Triumph
Reign of Triumph
8 pages

Two head-strong sisters and a dying giant all have something in common: they need help only adventurers can give. It seems there's this little problem. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of Quest for the Silver Sword
Quest for the Silver Sword
Levels 2–3
16 pages

A group of beginning adventurers sets out to help the small town of Torlynn. This village has mysteriously fallen under a dreadful curse, a curse that has locked the area in a terrifying state of perpetual winter. The Burgomaster of Torlynn has discovered that the creature responsible is hiding in the ruins nearby, but he has been unable to do anything about it. Everyone he has sent to investigate has thus far failed to return. TSR #9342

Cover of Carcass Fracas!
Carcass Fracas!
Level 1
2 pages

It's only a flesh wound. This roadkill isn't as harmless as it looks. Reports abound of brigands and hobgoblins attacking travelers in the area. Though there were brigands, the attacks are the work of a Thoul (magical combination of a hobgoblin, ghoul, and troll). The Thoul is playing dead in the road to attract prey. It has been doing this successfully for a number of days now with the help of its mate, a second Thoul hiding nearby. The PCs must defeat the Thouls to keep the road safe for travelers between the local towns. Pgs. 26-27

Cover of The Defiler's Gambit
The Defiler's Gambit
Levels 7–12
5 pages

A short adventure to tie player characters into the events of the climax of the Prism of Pentad series. Terrible cataclysmic occurrences herald the end of one Athasian age and the beginning of another. As the Great Earthquake rattled the Tablelands huge storm of lightning and torrential rain appeared over the distant edge of the Sea of Silt, a powerful defiler named Malignor watched for a sign from his master, Tithian, King of Tyr... The relentless passage of time sweeps across the burning plains, and the world beneath the crimson sun changes in its wake... The Dragon of Tyr is gone, his evil scattered on the scalding winds. Torrential rains fall over the Sea of Silt, spinning off deadly storms that can strike anywhere in the Tablelands with only a moment's notice. Violent upheaval rocks the city-states of Raam, Draj, and Balic after the deaths of their sorceror-kings. A new age has dawned on Athas, but will it be an age of restoration - or of destruction?

Cover of Ravager part 2 Lord of Dust and Death
Ravager part 2 Lord of Dust and Death
Levels 7–9
11 pages

A bandit leader known only as "The Ravager" brings ruin to the Border Kingdoms. The characters must destroy the source of his power and defeat him before he can complete his evil plans. Pgs. 11-21

Cover of The Year of Priest's Defiance
The Year of Priest's Defiance
Levels 3–5
9 pages

In a world where water is more precious than gold, you've found an oasis - but you cannot drink a drop! The adventurers, crossing the desert, encounter a sandstorm that uncovers part of an ancient ruin of an unknown type. Green grass, an unusual and astonishing sight on Athas, magically sprouts around the ancient structure. An irresistible treasure lies inside, a source of pure water... Pgs. 26-34

Cover of Beauty Corrupt
Beauty Corrupt
Levels 4–5
12 pages

Silent alarm. Who put the dip in diplomat? A small costal town is being attacked by witch's and its up to the party to put a stop to them. Pgs. 58-69

Cover of Falcon's Peak
Falcon's Peak
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Lord Falcon’s nest holds a new brood of evil. Falcon’s Peak is an AD&D® game adventure for 5-8 characters of 1st-3rd level. The party should include a thief and at least one experienced cleric; a ranger would also be of help. The use of stealth and silvered or magical weapons is advised.

Cover of Nightshade
Levels 1–3
5 pages

A "simple errand" is never what it seems. It's a wizard's privilege - and curse - to change his mind. Pgs. 3-7

Cover of The Nightmare Lands
The Nightmare Lands
Level 2
176 pages

It's just a bad dream-a very bad dream.... Beware the night, for sleep provides another path to the Demiplane of Dread. In the unique domain called the Nightmare Lands, darkness offers not blissful slumber, but ultimate terror. Heroes enter this realm at the bidding of the night, drawn from their dreaming bodies and captured by an enigmatic figure known only as the Nightmare Man. Trapped in this region of psychological fear, heroes face their worst nightmares in strange surrealistic terrain. If they escape the treacherous clutches of dark slumber, they'll be safe-at last until the nest time sleep overtakes them... This box set Campaign Expansion contains 4 adventures: Dreams Within Dreams: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/dreams-within-dreams Dark Harvest: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/dark-harvest The Loathsome Deep: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-loathsome-deep The Rose of Midnight: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-rose-of-midnight TSR 1124

Cover of Wild in the Street
Wild in the Street
Levels 1–3
4 pages

Don't feed the animals. Be kind to animals or else. The party is shown a rare set of baby monsters that they must face. Pgs. 56-59

Cover of Nemesis
Levels 9–12
27 pages

A Planescape adventure for 4-7 PCs of levels 9-12 (about 60 total levels). While the module begins in the planar city of Sigil, most of the action takes place in Vudra, a layer of the Abyss. The PCs start in Sigil, tasked to find a vanished brother, and the trail leads to Vudra where the layers demonic ruler gathers magical blades for a terrible vengeance plot. Pgs. 32-58