This material was originally published as three separate adventures: G1 (STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF), G2 (THE GLACIAL RIFT OF THE FROST GIANT JARL), and G3 (HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING). Contained herein are referee notes, background information, maps, and exploration keys for three complete adventures using the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules. This module can be used alone or as the first in a series of adventures that includes Dungeon Modules D1-2 (DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH), D3 (VAULT OF THE DROW), and Q1 (QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB PITS). TSR 9058
Crippled, wingless, old and a thousand times more dangerous. Surely, a crippled dragon is less dangerous than a healthy one. Pgs. 35-45
A little village with a turtle-shelled problem. An unusual visitor who likes villagers - medium rare. The Kappa ofPachee Bridge is an AD&D® game Oriental Adventures module. Whether a group of religious pilgrims or a samurai with, bushi attendants, any strangers passing through Pachee are stopped by the frantic rice farmers, pleading for aid. This encounter is designed to fit into any Oriental campaign and draws upon Japanese folk legends about the nature of lake kappa, considered here to be a subspecies of common kappa (Oriental Adventures, page 124). The village of Pachee is a remote and usually quiet spot where travelers rarely pause, a collection of 35 rice farmers and their extended families, with fishermen, hunters, and herdsmen, a smith, two carpenters, and a potter. It is named for Pachee-ko, a deep, stream-fed lake west of the village. The waters of Pachee-ko irrigate all the rice paddies and yield the fish that feed the townspeople. Pgs. 28-32
Barbarian legends tell of five magical blades of measureless power. The more civilized cultures of warmer climes believe these tales to be nothing more than delirious dreams of frost-bitten brains. "Those frozen louts- they're trying to scare respect out of us!" At least that's what they want to believe. Three of the legendary blades of Corusk have been unearthed, and their powers have proven to be all that the tales claimed. You have been given these to use in the quest for the remaining two blades. However, word has spread to the peoples of the neighboring areas, and two groups are working against you to prevent your securing these swords. Beware the Hold of the Stonefist and the Rovers of the Barren! Only so much time remains for you to locate the last two Blades of Corusk ... and your enemies are on the horizon. Find the blades, and reclaim your birthright of honor and respect; fail, and be outcast from your tribes for life. The choice is yours. TSR 9337
The Sword of the Dales, an icon of the Dalelands symbolizing the unity and strength of the people, has reappeared! Created by Shraevyn the weapons-mage hundreds of years ago, the lost Sword had become nothing more than a fantastic children's tale - until now. A group of warriors led by Randal Morn, rightful ruler of Daggerdale, rushed to the Sword's resting place to recover it, but dark forces awaited them, and Randal and his men fell to an ambush. Only one man escaped, yet he brought with him the hope that Randal Morn yet lives. Resolved to rescue his leader, that lone survivor turned to the great Elminster of Shadowdale for aid. But Elminster is gone, off plane-hopping while the fate of Daggerbale hangs in the balance. Hence, it is up to Lhaeo, scribe to the old mage, to find a group of heroes who have mettle enough to face down the menace which claimed Randal Morn and his hearty followers... This is the first of three adventures that grant player characters the opportunity to determine the fate of Daggerdale. The saga continues with "The Secret of Spiderhaunt" and concludes with "The Return of Randal Morn." TSR 9484
Centuries ago, the despotic Alphaks, ruler of Alphatia, was banished to another world. From his own sphere of entropy he learned to manipulate men, and now seeks revenge against the human race. The volatile region of Norworld, a perennial battleground between Thyatis and Alphaita, draws Alphaks's attention. The already existing frictions, small-time political players, and petty vengeances are the sparks Alphaks will use to ignite a huge war that will destroy man-kind. This is an adventure of politics and diplomacy, of treachery and treason. Only courageous and bold actions can save Norworld from the horrors of war and liberate its people from oppression. The Vengeance of Alphaks may be played as a sequel to module M1, Into the Maelstrom, or separately. The D&D Master Set Rules are necessary for running this game. TSR 9148
This adventure is designed for use with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game and the AD&D Battlesystem Fantasy Combat supplement. It cannot be played without these games This is the first Battlesystem supermodule. The tiny village of bloodstone pass s menaced by an army of thousands of brigands - orcs, goblins, giants, and human renegades led by a powerful assassin. Outnumbered and helpless, the villagers must pay tribute in gold, food...slaves. Two villagers have traveled far to find aid for their people. They have turned to you, brave and powerful adventurers, as their only hope they cannot afford to pay more than a few silver pieces a day, but their need is great. You are invited to save the people of Bloodstone Pass. Can you organize a defense, train and equip the peasants, recruit allies, gather intelligence?and win the war? Bloodstone Pass is an exciting good aligned, high-level (15+) adventure that combines role-playing with the thrill of mass combat. TSR 9122
Lambs to the slaughter. A lonely cottage hides a dreadful secret. While searching for a place to make camp for the night, the party is drawn to a clearing by sound of bleating lambs and the smell of a wood fire. In the clearing is a rustic cottage and tethered around it are a dozen lambs, forming a ring around the house. The owner is a reclusive cleric who contracted lycanthropy about a year ago when his camp was attacked by a marauding werewolf. Though he recovered from his injuries, on the next full moon he transformed and attacked his companions. In the aftermath he resigned himself to a life of isolation, believing that his faith will cure the curse. This is a short adventure, just a single combat encounter where the werewolf attacks the party. If the werewolf isn't killed outright there is a roleplaying opportunity and the potential for the party to seek a cure. Although the adventure is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign, it can be readily adapted to any setting. Pgs. 66-69
A young black dragon and two hatchling dragons live in an excavated sandstone burrow in the swamp west of Knacker Knob. Connected to the dragon lair is a complex of sandstone tunnels and chambers inhabited by lizard men. Some sandstone tunnels and chambers are partially flooded, and others are filled with nasty things such as slimes, oozes and gelatinous cubes. The lizard men revere the dragons as magical spirit guardians. In small groups the lizard men are easily defeated, but if allowed to prepare a common defense, the lizard men tribe with its spellcasters may present serious threat to the player characters (PCs). Wild Dragon Den is the first dragon's lair to conquer. Part of TSR 1073 The Dragon's Den
The Lost Tombs, Volume 3 The Doomgrinder, a mysterious stone windmill many leagues east of the City of Greyhawk, has for centuries been a source of rumors, frustration and fear. The rumors say that vast treasures are stored inside-all cursed. The frustration belongs to hundreds of adventurers who over the years have attempted to enter the windmill and failed. The fear is felt by those who believe the world will end when the stone sails of the Doomgrinder turn again. In the City of Greyhawk, powerful spellcasters read bad omens for the future, and the Doomgrinder is part of them. Some see no future at all, good or bad. TSR 9581
A party of adventures has gone missing and the inhabitants of a local town have been acting strangely it is up to the party to figure out what is going on and stop what ever force are at work on the towns people
The island of Viledel, the mighty Sea King, was sacked by a pirate army 60 years ago. Its destruction was so complete that even the location of the island was lost and forgotten. Despite the rumors of immense treasures still hidden in the ruined stronghold, no one ever found the Sea King's island again. Until now. Through a cruel twist of fate, a small band of unwilling adventurers is washed ashore on a small, barren island, and discovers what remains of Viledel's settlement. But they aren't alone; marauding ores and goblins have found the island, too, and are frantically searching for the lost hoard. In this desperate treasure hunt, the real payoff may be survival. TSR 9185
A tribe of evil norkers led by a human illusionist threaten the town of Nolivari. The heroes must brave the wilderness, find Grakhirt's lair, and defeat him to ensure the safety of the local villagers. A straightforward dungeon crawl against lots of norkers! When do you get to see those guys in an adventure? Lots of monsters from the AD&D Monster Manual II as well. This adventure features a little bait-and-switch; the titular bad guy Grakhirt is assumed to be a norker, or gnoll, or some other monstrous humanoid, but is in fact a human illusionist/assassin! Note: The adventure doesn't feature caves AND a dungeon, but since the caves are treated like a dungeon with doors and numbered rooms, this is listed as a dungeon adventure as well. Pgs. 28-37
Precis Intermedia brings back this follow-up to the first known commercially-published adventure (Palace of the Vampire Queen) for the original Roleplaying Game (First Edition/OD&D/0E). Originally released in 1977 by Wee Warriors, The Dwarven Glory provides 8* map sections that can be arranged as desired and containing pre-factored creatures and treasures (in other words, this is essentially a geomorphic stocked dungeon). While hit points are provided for the creatures, the First Edition RPG or an OSR equivalent (B/X recommended) is required for actual rules and their descriptions. At one time, the community of Dwarven Glory was a thriving and wealthy one. The community became easy prey for Mortoc and his Ten Orc Tribes. Although the Orcs conquered Dwarven Glory, they could not completely destroy it. There were parts of the caverns they did not even penetrate. Now the caverns echo in the misty gloom, offering refuge to the forgotten and promise to the adventurer. This piece of gaming history is a must for collectors and old school gamers. With the original on the extremely rare list, this classic reprint of The Dwarven Glory has been remastered for a clean print, and is readily available at a low cost. * The original printing included only 7 map sections, designated Sections B through H. The mythical Section A has been added as a bonus. Wee Warriors and The Dwarven Glory are trademarks of Precis Intermedia. All rights reserved.
Step right up ... You too can be a contestant on … Adventuring Gladiators? A set of challenges meant to test the resolve of the party. Pgs. 32-45
Red dragons. Storm giants. Dragon rulers. Frost giants. They're all here, in this book, in complete, ready-to-play mini-adventures. No matter what level your characters are, there is something here for you (and them). Need a diversion? Want to spice up a long-running campaign? Want to play, but don't have more than an hour or so? This is the book for your gaming group. As DM, you have everything you'll need to play right at your fingertips. As players, you'll have challenges worthy of your characters. This book has something for everyone. This product includes a random spell generator for dragons, complete with instructions. Contains 14 adventures. TSR 9211
In a dark cell, Rollo Bargamnn, merchant of Thyatis, turns away in disgust from his evil, green-skinned prisoner; capturing this wretch cost a ship and sixty gallant men. Then his heart hardens once more, and he resumes the interrogation. Here, perhaps, he may find an answer to the question that haunts him. What new evil is casting its shadow over the storm-swept eastern reaches of the Sea of Dread? The trading routes are no longer safe. The attacks of the green-skinned "Orcs-of-the-Sea" and the mysterious "Ship-bane" now go unchecked. Once their raids were random, but the influence of some unseen master has made them into an organized menace. Soon the questioning will be over; Rollo will know enough to track the threat to its lair. Then he will need a band of hardy adventurers brave enough to take on the task. You perhaps? TSR 9127 (Graeme Morris's name is spelled 'Grame' on the cover of this module)
In the Outer Planes, a holy sword can be a fiend's best friend, especially when the owner wants it back? Sneaking into the second layer of foul Bagtor ain't easy, but with a little help from the right high-up men, it can be done. 'Course, exactly who the right high-up men are can give a basher pause, so it's often best not to ask. But there's a sword to be found, and bloods needed to find it. Truth is, those who don't end up lost are sure to find out that no good deed goes unpunished! Fires of Dis is a Planescape adventure for four to six characters of 5th to 9th levels. From Sigil, the City of Doors, the heroes plunge head-first into a dangerous journey across the Outer Planes. Their quest for a stolen sword leads them to the hostile gate-town or Ribcage, the treacherous plane of Baator, and the disciplined burg of Fortitiude - a gate-town teetering between two planes, just waiting for something to tip the scales. Your player characters need wits as keen as their steel to brave the fires of Dis and survive!
Your sleek cloudskate skims across the Skysea. It is midnight. All day long, the glass sea soaked up the scorching desert sunlight. Now, that heat lifts your ship a few inches off the glass and fills its sails. The only sound you hear is the soft swish of the diamond-edged rudder as it cuts a path across the Skysea. One thousand years ago, the wizard Martek knew that you would come to find his Sphere of Power. Now, one of his glowing Star Gems shows you the way. The starlight, reflected in the glass beneath you, flickers peacefully. Suddenly, the Skysea before you bursts up into a thousand shards of splintered glass, showering into the moonlight! A horrible creature is silhouetted against the moon. You strain against the rudder to keep your ship upright. Too late! Your cloudskate tips onto one runner, and then tumbles over, skidding to a stop on the glass. As your companions struggle to right the ship, you turn and face the monster. You must hold the creature back to give them time. Without the ship, none of you can get off the glass before the sun rises in the morning. Martek's prophecy spoke of heroes, tests, and dangers. Are you the heroes? What are the tests? What dangers and riches lie ahead? This adventure can be played by itself, or as the third and final part of the Desert of Desolation series. For character levels 7-9. TSR 9054
Some dozens of leagues to the north and west of the STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF (Module G1 of this series), amidst the tallest mountain peaks, is the stronghold of Grugnur, Lord of Frost Giants. As frost giants have been amongst those who have been in the reaving bands, the party is to deal with them as the hill giants have been dealt with. Death and destruction are to be meted out to the frost giants in the same measure they gave to the peoples below. This module contains background information, referee's notes, two level maps, and exploration matrix keys. It provides a complete module for play of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and it can be used alone or as the second of a three-part expedition adventure which also employs DUNGEON MODULE G1 (STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF) and DUNGEON MODULE G3 (HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING). TSR 9017