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552 adventures found
Cover of Them Apples
Them Apples
Levels 1–3
12 pages

The village of Wistil is known for only two things: amiable halflings and tasty red apples. Someone has spoiled this year's crops and the halflings are scrambling to figure out how to respond. A band of stout folk set out from the town searching for answers; but, they have gone missing. The heroes are called in to investigate. Includes a random encounter sidebar, an overland map, and a map of the hill giant's hovel.

Cover of Deadfalls on Nightwood Trail
Deadfalls on Nightwood Trail
Levels 3–4
3 pages

Enjoy your trip. The monsters certainly will. Your best foot forward could well be your last. This isn't so much an adventure as a short encounter in the woods. Pgs. 38-39 & 54

Cover of X3 Curse of Xanathon
X3 Curse of Xanathon
Levels 5–7
32 pages

Something is rotten in Rhoona... When the grotesque god, Cretia, casts his ugly shadow over the town, strange things start happening. First, Duke Stephen vanishes. Then bizarre proclamations begin coming out of the Ducal Palace... Dwarves are outlawed... taxes must be paid in beer... horses must be ridden backwards. Soon the entire town is in an uproar and a Dwarven army is marching on Rhoona. This is the situation when you and your part of valiant adventurers arrive in the suffering town. There you find... A ragged beggar who prowls the streets offering cryptic advice. A mysterious black-garbed cleric planning treachery. A trusted soldier plotting his master's overthrow. A sinister jewel casting its evil emanations over the town. You and your party are Rhoona's only hope. Only YOU can unravel the dark mystery that plagues the town and save Rhoona from...the Curse of Xanathon. TSR 9056

Cover of The Stolen Power
The Stolen Power
Levels 1–3
9 pages

An evil cult with a trick up its sleeve. A missing tome, a trail of clues and an unusual cult. Lawful-good characters, especially paladins are recommended for this adventure. Clerics of Aphrodite, Hanali Celanil, Hera, and lshtar have a special interest in despoiling the cult of Shami-Amourae. [Note: Adventure contains statistics for the Demigod Succubus, Shami-Amourae] Pgs. 19-27

Cover of OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior
OA3 Ochimo The Spirit Warrior
Levels 5–7
48 pages

Your family and those of your friends are deeply indebted to the Ko family, a clan of merchants from distant and alien Shou Lung. The Ko have been instructed by their emperor to develop an island possession to extend the Glorious Empire of Shou Lung. The colony there is failing because of fell spirits and dire hauntings. The Ko family is calling in old favors to discover who is responsible for these evil sendlings. And if the Ko have a problem, you have a prolem.... So you and your companions are bound for the island of Akari, a small pebble in the Celestial Sea. There you will find a land rich in ancient lore and guarded by the sword of a spectral samurai - Ochimo, the spirit warrior. Yet this is only the first taste of the adventures that await you. Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior is an adventure for characters of levels 5-7 and uses the AD&D Oriental Adventures rule book. The module includes descriptions of Akari Island, as well as much information on the lifestyles, attitudes, and history of the most civilized nation in the world: Shou Lung. TSR 9195

Cover of The Pit
The Pit
Levels 3–5
12 pages

What's waiting for you at the bottom? Adventurers are more than welcome - they're nourishment! Pgs. 4-15

Cover of B7 Rahasia
B7 Rahasia
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Gray Mountain lies deep in the lush elven forest. The temple there was a haven of meditation and learning - until taken over by an evil cleric known as the Rahib. Far under the mountain, he paces before the temple's great altar. A brown-robed servant rushes in and falls to his knees, trembling at the sight of the Rahib's black panther. "Rahib, adventurers came to the village as the sun rose - the strangers now protect Rahasia." A scowl crosses the Rahib's face. "I must have Rahasia! Attack again tonight." As the servant scurries away, a deep growl rises from the giant cat. Gripping the panther's leash, the Rahib paces again, speaking out loud. "We must dispose of these strangers quickly; the secret beneath the temple will not wait much longer." Note: the setting is unspecified, but certain tie-ins, like the wines, prefigure Ravenloft. See: https://twitter.com/chrisperkinsdnd/status/703751906703749120 TSR #9115

Cover of The Circus of Gandolfo
The Circus of Gandolfo
Levels 6–9
9 pages

A walk in the woods, a trip to the zoo, a day at the circus - harmless enough, right? Wrong, as players will discover when things are not as they appear to be. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of X7 The War Rafts of Kron
X7 The War Rafts of Kron
Levels 9–12
32 pages

The lerendi princess, Corinna, has disappeared. She set sail aboard a ship of the Minrothad Guilds - the guilds whose ships have been pirated and plundered for many weeks. Trade is horribly disrupted as many ships leave, never to be seen again. The guild masters now call for adventurers of great skill and renown. They offer small fortunes to any who can help them discover who is pirating their ships. But most importantly, to any who can rescue the princess. Can you and your party of adventurers defeat the dangers that lurk in the dark depths of a terrifying sea? Or will you find a watery grave within the cold confines of a murky sea floor? This game adventure contains special rules for underwater adventuring. TSR 9079

Cover of The Rotting Willow
The Rotting Willow
Levels 7–9
7 pages

Tree houses are not just for kids. This roadside stop could well be your very last. These characters may be of any class, race, or alignment, although characters of good alignment have added incentive to rid the world of the evil depicted herein. The characters should possess only a low to moderate amount of magic, as too much will throw off the balance of the scenario. The Dungeon Master should pay particular attention to the viewpoint of the antagonists: three braggarts. This Scenario is designed to be used as the player PCs travel from one adventure to another, along the fringe of a swamp. The players should be given no introduction for the scenario. Treated it as an extended random encounter. The adventure takes place in the village of Rotting Willow and the nearby swamp. The village lies at the intersection of two trade routes. One route follows the edge of the Great Cypress Swamp and is well traveled because it is shorter (although not safer) than larger trade routes. A smaller route runs east and west, ending abruptly where it meets the swamp route. Pgs. 4-10

Cover of B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (green)
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (green)
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The valley of Haven was a peaceful land. Its crops were abundant, its citizens prosperous. Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Humans lived together in harmony. Hidden away in the heart of the Thunder Mountains, Haven was a safe place to live. The rivers were sweet and pure; the weather was pleasant and warm. Something terrible has come to pass in Haven - terrified refugees speak of a fabulous ruby uncovered in the mountains and a catastrophe that befell the palace. Whatever the cause, Haven now lies in chaos. Raiding bands of orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins terrorize the countryside. The disaster happened so suddenly that the citizens are confused and helpless. Without their leaders, who are trapped in the palace, they have no courage to fight back. The situation has become desperate. TSR 9044

Cover of HWA3 Nightstorm
HWA3 Nightstorm
Levels 8–10
64 pages

To Find the Immortals! The all-powerful Immortals have vanished! The quest to locate them has led across the Atlass Ocean and the land of Shahjapur, where moguls hunt tigers, un-touchables respectfully avoid higher castes, and holy fakirs perch immobile for years on end. In this land of shrines and elephants and shapeshifting assassins, resolution may lie at the end of the mysterious "Emerald River." But no one knows the location of this river and no map shows its bed. Does the answer lie within the Temple of Eight Sweet Winds? Hopefully so, for time grows short. The Immortals themselves must be found and enlisted - to stave off the approaching cataclysm called: NIGHTSTORM! Nightstorm is the third adventure for the D&D Hollow World Campaign Set. The Hollow World boxed set is required to play. This 65-page adventure fits easily into your existing campaign, either as a stand-alone adventure or part of the history-spanning Blood Brethren trilogy. These three lined modules can be played in any order - but the adventure ends here! This adventure is designed for four to six characters of levels 8 to 10. Easily Adaptable to the AD&D Game! TSR 9311

Cover of A Wizard's Fate
A Wizard's Fate
Levels 1–3
9 pages

If love overcomes evil, remember to get rid of the imp! It took only the love of one good woman - and the hatred of one evil familiar. After leading a life a villainy, the wizard Elzid Natholin gradually left his wicked ways, transformed by the true love of a young maiden. His imp familiar was not pleased with this benign transformation and tricked his master into detonating himself and his tower. The players will investigate the tower to determine the nature of the explosion. The imp still guards the treasure in the dungeon, and is waiting for a legion of infernal soldiers to come claim the treasure for their devil lords. Pgs. 20-28

Cover of Thunder Under Needlespire
Thunder Under Needlespire
Levels 8–12
23 pages

From the magazine: "The monster you're sent out after is so dangerous that even mind flayers fear it. And the illithids want your help!" Earthquakes hit the area around Needlespire mountain, affecting both dwarven and deep gnome villages, and the local mining industry. Deep gnome expeditions discover an illithid outpost! This adventure includes roleplaying encounters with both deep gnomes and illithid in their quest for the true cause of the earthquakes. The creature causing the earthquakes is a draknor which has sent its huge tentacles into the earth seeking magma to fuel its growth. Pgs. 38-60

Cover of To Save A Forest
To Save A Forest
Levels 4–6
16 pages

Only You can prevent forest curses! The population of a small town have been disappearing and its up to the party to save them and the town from a looming disaster.

Cover of The Jingling Mordo Circus
The Jingling Mordo Circus
Level 10
16 pages

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen... A carnival of laughs, thrills - and terror. "Sometimes an adventure comes along that tackles a particular idea or theme so well that it pretty much closes the door on other submissions of its kind. Such is the case with 'The Jingling Mordo Circus.' Owner and ringleader Max Mordo, an evil wizard, uses the circus as a front for his kidnapping schemes and his magic to turn his victims into sideshow monsters. It’s the first and only circus Dungeon has published." - Christopher Perkins Pgs. 48-63

Cover of Secrets of the Towers
Secrets of the Towers
Level 1
9 pages

Stepping through a door can mean a grand adventure - or a horrifying death. The shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line. A number of magic towers connected by failing teleportation magic. Abandoned in ages past, other creatures now make the towers their homes, and provide challenges to parties of varying levels.

Cover of Beauty Corrupt
Beauty Corrupt
Levels 4–5
12 pages

Silent alarm. Who put the dip in diplomat? A small costal town is being attacked by witch's and its up to the party to put a stop to them. Pgs. 58-69

Cover of WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
Levels 5–10
32 pages

A combination wilderness/dungeon module, first searching for then exploring the temple of Tharizdun. Tharizdun is long gone from the place, so there's no epic final fight. Rather, a mysterious Black Cyst waits at the bottom of the dungeon. The encounter with it is almost scripted, having no hazard except for careless/foolish players. Contains several monsters from the Fiend Folio. Loosely follows Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. TSR 9065

Cover of B5 Horror on the Hill
B5 Horror on the Hill
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The end of the road. A lonely fort stands on the banks of a mighty river. It is here the hardy bands of adventurers gather to plan their conquests of The Hill, the hulking mass that looms over this tiny settlement. The Hill is filled with monsters, they say, and an evil witch makes her home there. Still, no visitor to The Hill has ever returned to prove the rumors are true or false. The thrill of discovery is too great to pass up, and only the river stands in the way. The adventurer's boat is waiting! This module is designed for use with the D&D Basic Rules. A trip through the wilderness begins a unique challenge for the novice player and Dungeon Master. TSR 9078