A community for lazy dungeon masters
576 adventures found
Cover of DDAL05-18 The Mysterious Isle
DDAL05-18 The Mysterious Isle
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
31 pages

Baron Rajiram’s forces have secured the Nelanther Isles and have scoured the Sword Coast for treasures. Now they have begun to explore a mysterious island that recently just popped into existence nearby. SEER seems to believe that an aboleth artifact is their goal. It is up to the adventurers, in competition with the baron, as well as aboleths, the Kraken Society, and the mysterious caretaker of the island, to locate the Eye of Xxiphu and avert catastrophic disaster.

Cover of CCC-UK-4 Bourne of Candles
CCC-UK-4 Bourne of Candles
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
15 pages

An ancient legend, a missing wife, and a broken heart that time won’t mend. Part 4 of the Evenflow Saga

Cover of DDAL06-02 The Redemption of Kelvan
DDAL06-02 The Redemption of Kelvan
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
25 pages

A strange, foreign wizard calling himself Kelvan has appeared at the same time a mountain materializes out of thin air. He asks you to recover the Gloomblade from a Netherese ruin in order to help him with his research into this strange new mountain. A Two-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters. Optimized for five 8th-level characters.

Cover of Attack the Shop
Attack the Shop
5th Edition
Level 4
28 pages

Attack the Shop! is a Dungeons and Dragons adventure optimized for four to five player characters. The adventure is designed to play in one session of approximately four to five hours. Five premade fourth level characters are included to facilitate getting into the action quickly. The adventure takes place in the city of Scornubel in the Forgotten Realms but can be placed in any city without trouble. The characters are mercenaries hired to take an overnight job that pays very well. The instructions from the employer, Malikhar, are simple. Keep the cargo safe in his shop for the night and get paid handsomely.

Cover of The Ballad of the Dark Maiden
The Ballad of the Dark Maiden
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
30 pages

Over a millennium ago, a clan of dark elves broke away from their evil kin and fled from the city of Menzoberranzan. Though many lives were lost in the initial exodus, the large numbers of the renegade band ensured that they were more successful than any could have hoped. And yet, the drow that finally arrived into the surface world found themselves shunned at every turn by those unable to see past their appearances. Just as their hope was beginning to wane, a song rang out through the night, beckoning the way to the sea and to a silver ship waiting amidst the dark waves. Many years have passed, and little knowledge remains of the strange island that the dark elves came to call their home, but the wicked Lolth forgets nothing. Evil magic converges upon El’tara and begins to steal away the light of hope. Whether through fate, mere coincidence or perhaps divine intervention, a band of adventurers find themselves standing at the shores of this land in the time of its greatest need. This adventure should run for approximately four to five hours and may be played either as a one-shot or as part of an ongoing campaign. It contains guidelines for running the adventure at any level from 1st to 8th and for a variety of group sizes.

Cover of DDAL07-06 Fester and Burn
DDAL07-06 Fester and Burn
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
10 pages

The denizens of the Old City have made some unusual sightings in the festering refuse pits on the outskirts of the city, and while such reports are seldom taken terribly seriously, the mysterious disappearance of a beloved figure in the poor part of Port Nyanzaru has folks on edge. Can you get to the bottom of this? Part One of The Rot from Within Trilogy.

Cover of Waterdeep: Tavern Defense
Waterdeep: Tavern Defense
5th Edition
Level 3
14 pages

One crazy night in Waterdeep. Start as tavern bouncers. End up on the Astral Plane. All in one crazy night in Waterdeep. The party has been hired for a simple mission: make sure the Slumbering Prince tavern doesn't get wrecked during the rowdy Midsummer Festival. And what better motivation than 200gp per person for a single night of work. Sound too good to be true? Well, here's the catch: all damages to the tavern are to be deducted from that amount. And there is no shortage of festival-goers looking to unwind by wrecking other people's stuff. Over the course of the festival, the party must deal with drunken wizards, vain bards, loud goliaths, incompetent parade goers, complaining neighbours, disruptive satyrs, aspiring cultists, and a full-on tavern brawl. As well as an unusual number of strange slugs crawling around. Slowly they become aware there is something off about the Slumbering Prince. And when a reckless noble disturbs the secrets beneath the tavern, our heroes must soon delve into the hidden dungeon themselves. Down below, they discover the terrible threat: a planar rift that can only be opened on Midsummer's Eve, and the slumbering demigod that awaits beyond, the great astral slug Cthumbra!

Cover of DDEX01-02 Secrets of Sokol Keep
DDEX01-02 Secrets of Sokol Keep
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
26 pages

Decades have passed since Sokol Keep was reclaimed, and a small garrison placed there along with a beacon to help guide ships. Now, that beacon has gone dark, and the garrison has disappeared. In Phlan, rumors circulate that something ancient was discovered in the grounds beneath the keep, dating to before the clerics of Tyr built the small fortress. Uncover the secrets of Sokol Keep! An adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

Cover of The Anvilton Assassins
The Anvilton Assassins
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
37 pages

While on a mission to act as Waterdeep's (or other city's) trade ambassadors to the Delimbiyr city of Anvilton, an assassination attempt is made on a local leader. Ironically, the evidence points to the adventurers, and they become criminals on the run. They must now try to clear their names and complete their diplomatic mission. Will they also learn who is behind the assassination? This multi-session adventure offers: a mystery that doesn't lead the players (they have lots of choice) a story line that mixes player wits, combat skills, choice, and role playing options lots of background information for the DM to use a well-developed small city with detailed maps; a small urban adventure a bit of magic from an earlier time new villians that can be

Cover of FRQ3 Doom of Daggerdale
FRQ3 Doom of Daggerdale
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Randal Morn certainly has his hands full! The temple of Lathander, which burned to the ground eight years ago, seems to be the source of a curse affecting the entire town. People are taking ill, animals are dying overnight, crops are failing. All this seems to have started after Eragyn, priestess of Cyric, disappeared from Daggerdale. Shortly before that, a forgotten mage-lord's crypt was discovered and opened, and things just haven't been the same since. Constable Tren is displeased with the situation, what with suspicion being cast in the Zhentarim's direction as well as toward Cyric's priesthood. He's undoubtedly making the Dalesfolk's lives more difficult than usual because of this upheaval. Randal has sent out the call for aid to all who are interested and able to help; his freedom riders have their hands full already. A missing evil priestess, a mage-lord's crypt-curse, a plague, and possible Zhentarim involvement: all the elements of a rousing adventure in one place! Where do your characters sign up? Step right this way, won't you? TSR 9391

Cover of DDAL08-09 Fangs and Frogs
DDAL08-09 Fangs and Frogs
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
30 pages

Your chase to wipe out the vampires of Undermountain leads to the Slitherswamp. The master vampire is close at hand! Part Three of the Vampire Hunt trilogy.

Cover of The Death Knight's Squire
The Death Knight's Squire
5th Edition
Level 2
100 pages

A5e Solo Gamebooks quest for 1 Level 2 PC, this adventure sees the brave adventurer enter Weathercote Wood in search of a noble's son. The local legends around this wood are full of terror... Dare you enter? This is written like the classic 80s gamebooks Lone Wolf and Fighting Fantasy... no DM required! Part of a series, the PC can then continue to Tyrant of Zhentil Keep, and Citadel of the Raven beyond that.

Cover of DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
30 pages

During a summer drought, Mulmaster is threatened by a series of arson attacks. As the populace riots, accusations fly blaming Thayans, residents of the ghettos, rowdy sailors, the refugees from Phlan and dozens of others. Can you solve the mystery before the city burns?

Cover of DDAL07-17 Cauldron of Sapphire
DDAL07-17 Cauldron of Sapphire
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
22 pages

Just off the northern coast of Chult churns the waters of the Cauldron, a single volcano with a terrible history. Legends from the jungle lands say that it vomits forth lava, stone, and monsters if the peninsula is threatened - and yet the recent events did not set if off. So why is it threatening to explode now? Part Three of the Broken Chains Series.

Cover of DDEX03-15 Szith Morcane Unbound
DDEX03-15 Szith Morcane Unbound
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
42 pages

With allies gained from denizens of the Underdark, the former drown enclave of Szith Morcane is on the precipice of being retaken. During the battle for Szith Morcane, secrets of the drow community are revealed. What will you do with this knowledge, and how will it affect the outcome of the conflict?

Cover of Pudding Faire
Pudding Faire
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

BREAK A CURSE THAT ECHOES THROUGH TIME! You awaken on the morning of the Pudding Faire: just as you did yesterday… and the day before that… and the day before that! To escape the loop, you must break a curse that strikes to the heart of halfling and gnome lore. Pudding Faire is a 3-4 hour Dungeons & Dragons module for character levels 1-4. It is part of a series of adventures that expands upon the material presented in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes™. It can be played on its own or as a part of any D&D campaign. This product is a DMs Guild Adepts adventure! The Dungeon Masters Guild Adept program brings highly talented individuals together for creative development. Guild Adept products are identified with the golden ampersand and logo. Pudding Faire is legal for play in the D&D Adventurers League and has the following code: DDHC-MORD-04

Cover of The Queen of Spades
The Queen of Spades
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
77 pages

Six murders in a single night! A major city in the Forgotten Realms is rocked by a series of gruesomely bizarre deaths of notable citizens. What mysterious murderer could have slain six people in different corners of the city? Why did the criminal leave a playing card at each scene? Could a high-stakes card game that happened ten years ago explain the goings-on? And, most importantly, is the goddess of misfortune personally involved?

Cover of Of Mistletoe & Monsters
Of Mistletoe & Monsters
5th Edition
Level 4
19 pages

Characters are asked by a local cleric to deliver gifts to a family whose homestead is in the harsh frontier. During the trek they encounter several “spirit forces” that they can overcome through combat, or they can decipher clues to use tropes that suggest some fun, holiday-themed alternatives to combat. Once they reach the homestead, they must plan to secretly deliver the gifts. All of this must be completed in one day’s time before the Winter Solstice ends. This adventure is an homage to the Christmas holiday time, but it is not a traditional “Santa Claus” story. The cast of monsters and NPCs are inspired by European folklore that have contributed to today’s Christmas celebrations. The legends have been mashed into a single, tier 1 D&D adventure, designed for four level 4 characters. Suggestions are given for scaling. Total play should not exceed 4 hours.

Cover of The Horror Under the Mountain
The Horror Under the Mountain
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
46 pages

On a nameless, featureless demi-plane the Tarrasque rages across an all-encompassing nothingness. Last seen on Faerun a century ago during the cataclysm of Odobaz, the battle mage order of the Eldritch Storm sacrificed itself to banish the mighty titan to its demi-plane prison. Now a foul power emerges in the High Ice and nightmare visions of the Tarrasque trampling cities wrack the minds of the living—can your adventurers defeat the Horror Under the Mountain?

Cover of DDEX02-09 Eye of the Tempest
DDEX02-09 Eye of the Tempest
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
68 pages

A storm of unparalleled fury has been ravaging the peaks of the Earthspur Mountains for a tenday, and the Monastery of the Yellow Rose sits in its eye for now. Some monks have fled the monastery to the safety of Mulmaster and beseech you to convince their more obstinate brothers to retreat to the city before the eye of the storm shifts, and the monastery is in terrible danger. Can you brave the elements and convince the monks to escape? An eight-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters.