A community for lazy dungeon masters
1432 adventures found
Cover of Temple Of Doresain
Temple Of Doresain
4th Edition
Level 25
8 pages

The entity known as Oreiax is a gruesome, stunted monstrosity born of ancient death. Rescued from an eternity of petrification by Doresain the Ghoul King, Oreiax immediately pledged itself to the Ghoul King's service, and thus indirectly, into Orcus's service. Oreiax, born of stone and death, seeks to glorify Doresain by petrifying the world. Pgs. 112-119

Cover of Villains & Lairs
Villains & Lairs
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
200 pages

Expand your game with this collection of 56 NPCs of various Challenge Ratings, thirteen of which include maps and details of their lairs. Add these NPCs as a side-quest, a main villain, a one-shot, a bounty for easy money, or however else you wish. Written by some of the best-selling authors on the Dungeon Masters Guild and outstanding podcasters, each NPC includes an image, a backstory, motives, flaws, and a stat block. Some even include new magic items!

Cover of The Shrine of Ilsidahur
The Shrine of Ilsidahur
Levels 3–6
6 pages

It's strange that a shrine to a vanished god should still be taking sacrifices. Not everyone forgets a forgotten god. The party explores an old shrine to a demon lord, kept up by a superstitious local.

Cover of The Clockwork Tower
The Clockwork Tower
5th Edition
Level 3
4 pages

"The Clockwork Tower" is an azza gremlin lair suitable for five 3rd level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session.

Cover of Against Tsathogga
Against Tsathogga
Level 16
15 pages

Deep in the heart of a forsaken and filthy mire, a great amphibious foe awaits. Led by an ancient evil from the world's history, can you stop thesummoning of the Demon Frog- God? If not, you may face the Devourer of Life! Also available as 5E and Swords & Wizardry.

Cover of The Wayward Daughter
The Wayward Daughter
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
4 pages

Mary Seagrain is looking for her daughter who went missing during the last big storm. She is distraught and losing hope

Cover of Threshold of Evil
Threshold of Evil
Levels 14–18
22 pages

On a storm-blasted mountain lives an immortal Arch-Mage with a foul temper. The townspeople want you to talk to him - and kill him, if necessary. Is immortality worth the price? An Arch-Mage's magics threaten a small village. To protect it the party must brave a dangerous climb, and survive the Mage's warded lair.

Cover of MHI - 13 Murder of the Doge
MHI - 13 Murder of the Doge
5th Edition
Level 7
14 pages

Who is ready for a murder mystery? This scenario is completely customizable for a variety of levels available. We won't kid you, this scenario is not something you just throw on the table and play as soon as it is downloaded. A spreadsheet for understanding clues vs. suspects will need to be studied for you (the DM) to understand how to run the mystery. That being said, everytime we (myself & playtesters) have run it, it has been a smash! Like all of our offerings, you SHOULD customize it to fit your needs.

Cover of Secrets of the Towers
Secrets of the Towers
Level 1
9 pages

Stepping through a door can mean a grand adventure - or a horrifying death. The shortest distance between two points is not always a straight line. A number of magic towers connected by failing teleportation magic. Abandoned in ages past, other creatures now make the towers their homes, and provide challenges to parties of varying levels.

Cover of Garadon Manor
Garadon Manor
3rd Edition
Levels 6–8
16 pages

Note: This is a sequel to Out of Body, Out of Mind. The legend of the realm of Tirna'cel is well known. Once remembered for its power-mongering warlords, homunculi-wielding sorcerers, and archfiends from the deepest pits of the Abyss, Tirna'cel has become a powerful and welcoming land over the last 600 years, due in no small part to the efforts of the warlord Tirna'gael, a member of the land's founding nobility. But your party knows the truth. You ventured into the tomb of Tirna'gael some six months ago, and therein discovered that the fallen warlord was actually little more than his brethren: a petty, avaricious power-monger. Possessed by a rival force which also desired the kingdom - a rare incorporeal demon called a nescent, which inhabited his body and augmented his already incredible power to unforeseen levels - Tirna'gael sought to overthrow the ancient warlords only to replace them. Through Tirna'gael's augmented body, the nescent overwhelmed and eliminated the other warlords, eventually dominating the realm along. But before it could consolidate its rule and throw Tirna'cel into an even darker age, the secret of its power was discovered by the paladins of Garadon, a virtuous cell of justice and light. The paladins lured Tirna'gael into the center of his own fortress and trapped him there within a powerful anti magic field. His body withered and died but the nescent remained dormant, waiting for its chance for revenge. During your visit to Tirna'gael's fortress-tomb six months ago, you accidentally released the nescent from its prison. That enemy has since been vanquished - at least for the time being - but the memory of your pitched battle against it still lingers as you approach the original chapter house of the Order of Garadon. You have been summoned.

Cover of Deadfalls on Nightwood Trail
Deadfalls on Nightwood Trail
Levels 3–4
3 pages

Enjoy your trip. The monsters certainly will. Your best foot forward could well be your last. This isn't so much an adventure as a short encounter in the woods. Pgs. 38-39 & 54

Cover of Deific Heart of Magma
Deific Heart of Magma
4th Edition
Level 30
6 pages

Numerous towns sit in the shadow of Rak’Sarn, a mountain of flames and death. Each day near sunset, the volcano lets loose a blast of molten rock and ash, and the ancient red dragon Dal’Sarnquin swoops down the mountainside. By the time dawn breaks, another settlement has been burned to the ground. The PCs must track the dragon to his lair and defeat him before more towns are destroyed. Pgs. 196-191

Cover of AS4 - Simian's Gate
AS4 - Simian's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
22 pages

This high level adventure returns the PCs to Helvana. A recent adventure has netted the party some Adamant, a rare ore in Filbar that is excellent for constructing weapons of amazing quality. As you arrive in Vorshmorgan to locate a smith you quickly discover there are problems in town. The scenario was designed to give upper level players a challenge and pits them against one of the most feared creatures in the land!

Cover of HOF3 - Grand Bazaar
HOF3 - Grand Bazaar
5th Edition
Levels 1–7
18 pages

Almost every larger city has one...a Grand Bazaar! This supplement spells out a large group of booths available at a standard open market. Three different sizes of marketplaces have also been included for various metropolitian areas. While this product isn't an adventure it doesn't mean that information FOR adventures can't be located here...This supplement was designed with role players in mind that enjoy the banter!

Cover of FO6 - Conquest of Ironrod Tower
FO6 - Conquest of Ironrod Tower
Levels 2–4
15 pages

The local nobles of the region have sent word to your group requesting a meeting. Later that day you find the Black Raven roadside tavern and are met at the door. After being escorted to a back room which has seen its share of shady dealings you are propositioned with an offer to investigate and depose a set of local nobles who are brothers. Rumor has it that the Ironrod brothers, who have been overtaxing the citizens, have now employed humanoids as guards. This is forbidden and if true, the brothers need to be brought to justice immediately!

Cover of Martin's Fortune
Martin's Fortune
5th Edition
Low Level
11 pages

Martin's Fortune is a short classic horror quest that can be easily put in any (low) fantasy setting. This adventure scenario features a dark and trilling backstory and several handouts for your players. The quest is very much in the horror element and there are advices on how to approach the horror scenes. Adventure Synopsis: Martin Wesley, decedent of a faithful servant of Lord Amren Stieber recruits the players to pillage the Lord's lost tomb. Searching for the tomb reveals that forgotten history leaves its traces to this very day. The forest around Amren's resting place is cursed and veiled in darkness. When the party finally arrives to the Lord's tomb, they discover that it is something more - a jailhouse. Their prize will have to be earned in blood. Even when they vanquish the undead fiend, they can't be too safe, for the Lord's madness has become immortal.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore
1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore
Level 7
32 pages

The adventure that is, quite frankly, too strong for the mere hobbyist gamer! A desert caravan ambushed! An incognito Queen elfnapped and taken to some sandy hideaway! A hero of epic proportions! Within these covers is the greatest adventure ever told. Will the dangerous renegade B'thuvian Demon Whore Alayshia have her way with our hero or will he have her to his way? Which way will the having be? Only you, playing the role of Krunk barbarian of the frozen wastes, will ever know...

Cover of Road to Danger - Classic Modules Today 5e Conversion
Road to Danger - Classic Modules Today 5e Conversion
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
30 pages

The road to adventure is fraught with danger. Travel swiftly, and guard yourselves well. Road to Danger is a collection of low-level adventures for the 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. Each adventure stands alone, but any or all of them can be inserted easily into an ongoing campaign designed to challenge low-level characters and prepare them for even greater dangers down the road. For a group of unsung heroes, the challenge begins with six adventures originally presented in Dungeon Adventures magazine: Grakhirt's Lair by John Nephew: The villain responsible for the bloody battle at Nolivari remains at large. Catch him before he attacks again. Trouble At Grag's by Grant and David Boucher: When a crime wave threatens the town of Dagger Rock, a half-ogre innkeeper calls upon brave heroes to find the culprits. The Stolen Power by Robert Kelk: The priests of Highland need help to catch a thief and recover a book of infinite spells from his wilderness retreat. The Matchmakers by Patricia Nead Elrod: A love affair torn by treachery threatens to plunge the city of Povero into civil war. Roarwater Caves by Willie Walsh: A xvart shaman needs brave heroes to attack his own lair, but are the perils worth the reward? The Inheritance by Paul Culotta: A keep on the edge of civilization has fallen to the ruthless Lostafinga tribe. Remove the threat, and claim the castle as your prize! Road to Danger is a collection of low-level adventures for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. Each adventure stands alone, but any or all of them can be inserted easily into an ongoing AD&D campaign designed to challenge low-level characters and prepare them for even greater dangers down the road! Product History "Road to Danger: From the Pages of Dungeon Magazine" (1998), edited by Christopher Perkins, is a collection of six low-level adventures. It was published in August 1998. This conversion guide allows DMs to run the original modules with 5th Edition rules. To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of Road to Danger, originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format on the DMs Guild. Visit Classicmodulestoday.com for instructions on creating your own classic module conversions and selling them on the DMs Guild.

Cover of F14 - Bog of Jelaneus
F14 - Bog of Jelaneus
Levels 8–12
38 pages

The world of Filbar was built upon the remnants of the Adurite Empire an ancient empire that extended among the continents. Centuries ago a curse befell the land and the empire causing its destruction. In the campaign the players were given the opportunity to discover a very difficult way to lift the curse. While this adventure can be used as individual fillers it also offers campaign players the opportunity to lift the centuries old curse. Can your players piece together what happened and solve the mystery?

Cover of The Whale
The Whale
Levels 1–3
3 pages

What would Greenpeace say about this problem? Last night the Vikings were your hosts. Now, you're in the middle of their feud. A beached whale is claimed by two Viking houses, and is necessary to the survival of both. Player characters are caught in the middle. Roleplaying, politics, negotiation. Set in generic Viking fantasy setting. Pgs. 36-38