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1432 adventures found
Cover of The House of Frex, the Forgetful Mage
The House of Frex, the Forgetful Mage
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
10 pages

Have you ever wanted to raid your neighbor’s garage for that tool they “borrowed” a year ago? Or dig through your friend’s closet because you know half your wardrobe is hiding in there? What if you had a band of adventurers to do it for you? The wizard Rastakeen needs a book returned that he lent his not-so-esteemed colleague, Frex, some time ago. Apprentices are for running errands you don’t want to do yourself, right?

Cover of Greenskin Diplomacy
Greenskin Diplomacy
5th Edition
Level 1
24 pages

When a band of orcs attacks the town of West Fork, will you and your party bravely defend the townsfolk, and strike back? This adventure is intended to be used in any campaign setting and at any party level (see ‘Instructions’). This particular adventure takes place in a medium-sized village or small town. Most of the NPCs within this adventure are human, but they can easily be substituted for other common races to best suit your campaign. Published by Nord Games

Cover of F5 - Liberation of Irongate
F5 - Liberation of Irongate
Levels 2–5
19 pages

Tragedy has struck the Dwarven Kingdom of the Hammerskin Clan. Recent quakes have opened the Dwarven mines to a humanoid invasion that have taken over the Stonegate and Irongate sections of the kingdom. On your last foray into the Dorgel Mountains you were tasked to deliver a plague cure for the town of Timel. On your way through the trade route you discovered the invasion and fought your way through to deliver the remedy. Now you must return to help the Dwarves secure their domain!

Cover of Barrow of the Elf King
Barrow of the Elf King
Level 1
16 pages

"Barrow of the Elf King" is an evocative and intricate adventure module, specifically tailored for a party of 3-4 level one adventurers using "The Vanilla Game" rule set. This adventure delves into the mystical and eerie depths of an ancient barrow deep within the Old Forest, a place shrouded in darkness and mystery. It offers an experience that combines puzzles, combat, moral choices, and exploration, all set within a hauntingly atmospheric setting. "Deep in the Old Forest, where the trees grow tall and thick, where the sun rarely pierces the canopy, is an earthen mound. No birds sing in this part of the forest, no wind blows. The leaves of the trees seem larger, the canopy thicker. Even at mid-day, it is almost too dark to see" The HTML web version is free.

Cover of Red Witch Doomsday
Red Witch Doomsday
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
11 pages

“...when the floor trembled and the whole town shook, the people knew Mario had been found a couple of minutes later the dust settled again on the buildings and streets. Silence. The people’s wait to see who came out of the sewers, who would emerge victoriously was agonizing. The fate of the town swung on the outcome of the battle…” Extracts from The Witch Doomsday in Master Bard Blue Barry’s Tales of Silver. This adventure is designed for four to six 2nd- to 3rd level characters and is optimized for five characters. Designed to be a one-shot to play between four and six hours. A band of deep goblins settled in the sewers of Red Witch Cove and took the towns as hostages. They take what they want when they want it without regard for the people around them and their acts are bringing the doom of the town that the merchants were holding back. The package contains: -Color version. -Black and White version. -Maps and battle maps.

Cover of Zassan the Slaver
Zassan the Slaver
5th Edition
Level 5
20 pages

Every year, the small town of Whitetree has to sacrifice a child as tribute to a fiery salamander slaver, Zassan. The players must pursue the slaver, attempting to stop him and retrieve his precious cargo before it’s too late!

Cover of Siege of Kratys Freehold
Siege of Kratys Freehold
Levels 1–4
13 pages

The orcs remember Tarran Kratys. Today he wishes they had not.

Cover of Find the Lady
Find the Lady
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Finding missing people is a job any adventurers for hire get used to. But when the missing person turns out to be the recently deceased wife of a prominent merchant's son, and when there is the small matter of a major jewelry theft to deal with as well, then you've got an adventure that is nothing other than normal.... Find the Lady is an adventure for the D&D and AD&D game systems. It is designed for a party of 1st - 3rd level characters, with secondary skills generated according to the article in this issue. This scenario was not designed with any set number of characters or mix of professions and levels in mind, and could equally well be run as a group or solo adventure. It can be played as a one-off adventure or as part of the Pelinore or Zhalindor campaigns, and notes are included on placing the adventure in either world. GM2 Find the Lady Pgs. 15-46

Cover of Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–5
11 pages

A rare breed of wolf has apparently been staging daring attacks on citizens of Rendrick. A group of hunters seek to claim bounty on the beast, but as the PCs quickly learn, the wolf isn't all it appears. Something sinister lurks in the woods near town, and the PCs must act quickly to save innocent lives. Pgs. 16-26

Cover of The Showdown in Skalintown
The Showdown in Skalintown
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
13 pages

The party makes their way into a small mining village by the name of Skalintown. They quickly realize that the people here are terrified, hiding behind closed doors and peering out through boarded up windows. A gang of criminals that call themselves The Calamity have promised to destroy the city and everyone in it if they don't receive a tribute of twenty thousand gold by the end of the week. This is a poor town and even with everyone's wealth combined, it doesn't come close to that value . . . but they are fighters. Perhaps all they need to hold back these invaders is some help. The deadline is four days away and the closest town that would be able to help is three days travel one-way. Skalintown tried to reach out for aid, but no one cared enough to risk their own lives to help them. Now they must rely on your players for help. The party will need to rally the townsfolk and strategically decide how to prepare for the assault. Do they dig trenches to trip up enemy wolves, do they train the townsfolk to use crossbows, or perhaps they create explosives to detonate when the bandits make it into the city? Each of the party's decisions affect the final battle and means that every group will have a unique experience in their fight against The Calamity. This adventure is heavily influenced by the traditional Wild West shootout. Try to capture that feeling for your players by playing music of that era, in the way the townsfolk act and speak, and the way the town itself is operated. There are thousands of different options for the fight and if your players play their cards right, they make quick work of the gang and earn a pretty penny while they do so.

Six Feet Under
Level 1
2 pages

The adventurer awakens buried in a coffin only to be inadvertently rescued by a goblin grave-robber. With no recollection of how they came to be buried alive, the adventurer is thrust into an encounter with the goblin and his party who have stolen a precious heirloom off their unconscious body. Before starting this adventure the GM and player should discuss what heirloom item the adventurer possesses. Though having immense sentimental value, the heirloom shouldn’t be magical, and it should be of minor monetary value. It should be a worn item that can easily be removed such as a ring, bracer or necklace.

Cover of Tomb of the Overseers
Tomb of the Overseers
3rd Edition
Levels 3–5
11 pages

Nearly 100 years ago, Lord Eriador wrested the lands from the hands of evil and began a reign of unsurpassed courage, wisdom, and might that lasted over three centuries. One day this great man of valor was called onward to continue his battle for freedom and goodness on a higher plane of existence. Leaving the responsibilities of rulership to his faithful overseer, he donned his magical shield, helm, and sword and traveled to the Holy Maountain of Anduin to meet his destiny. Eriador left the overseer with this solemn promise: if there ever arose a time of great need, he would answer a summons from the Mountain of Anduin to come back to vanquish any evil that dared to oppress his people. It is now the reign of the third overseer. For years now, an evil mage has been plaguing the land by sending forth hordes of evil humanoid minions to oppress the people. The overseer has been forced to pay tribute to the mage to protect his people. Life has become nearly unbearable for his subjects. It has been over five years since the mage desecrated the holy mountain by placing foul creatures in its depths to guard against the possibility of the people seeking help from their nearly forgotten champion. A fortnight ago, your party was gathered in a secret council chamber to meet with the overseer himself. You felt a spark of hope for the people of this land as the overseer told the legendary tale of Eriador. He gave you the equipment you need and charged your party with the task of venturing into the heart of the now monster-infested Mountain of Anduin to call back the people's great hero, Eriador the Paladin. Although the three parties sent before you had not returned, ridding the of the land of the mage seemed worth any risk, and you eagerly set out on your quest. Now, standing before the defiled mountain, you wonder if perhaps you were too hasty.

Cover of Bastion of Broken Souls
Bastion of Broken Souls
3rd Edition
Level 18
48 pages

The Blood of Ancient Battles Rises An eternal demonic war draws dangerously close to an end, threatening the balance of all existence. At the crux of this chaotic feud resides a legendary terror fixated upon immortality at any cost. Only the most powerful heroes can hope to defeat a force that lies beyond the influence of the gods. "Bastion of Broken Souls" is a stand-alone adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game. Designed to challenge 18th-level D&D heroes, it pits them against some of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. This adventure is the last element in a collection of adventures designed to take characters from beginner to advanced levels of play (although no previous adventure need be played to play this one). "Bastion of Broken Souls" features an additional 16 pages of content for the same price as most of the previous adventures in the series. WOTC 88167

Cover of Against the Giants 5e
Against the Giants 5e
5th Edition
Level 11
45 pages

Giants have been raiding civilized lands in bands, with giants of different sorts in these marauding group. Death and destruction have been laid heavily upon every place these monster have visited. This has caused great anger in high places, for life and property loss means failure of the vows of noble rulers to protect the life and goods of each and every subject--and possible lean times for the rulers as well as the ruled. Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers has been assembled and given the charge to punish the miscreant giants. Remake of the original series of AD&D adventure.

Cover of OP8 - Channel of Hagar
OP8 - Channel of Hagar
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
2 pages

You and your associates were planning on making it big as adventurers...you just didn't think it would happen so soon! This one page offering takes the players through the wilderness with an opportunity to swing by for some healing as well!

Into the Forsaken Temple's Crypt - Episode Five: Ellowyn Blacktree the Traitor
3rd Edition
Level 10
4 pages

Into the Forsaken Temple's Crypt is a short adventure for four 10th-level characters. The adventure takes place in a buried temple crypt, which has been sealed for centuries. Dungeon Masters can adjust it for higher-level characters by widening the dead magic areas and increasing the number and power of constructs and undead that inhabit the complex. The PCs have entered the Forsaken Temple's crypt and started exploring a bit. They had the opportunity to work with some drow to get past clay golems. Now they face a greater danger, but maybe they'll turn back before it's too late.

Cover of Glitterdoom
5th Edition
Level 3
16 pages

Centuries ago, the glitterdoom came to the dwarves of Steelhand Clan! This divine curse transformed the dwarves into hellish forms with an insatiable greed for gold. Now, a chance encounter breaks open long-sealed gates to unleash the glitterdoom again. Can your adventurers delve into the forgotten halls to confront the subterranean menace? Work together to clear the abandoned mine of it's undead hosts and retrieve what gold and treasures you can.

Cover of The Black Tar Rises
The Black Tar Rises
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
8 pages

This is an adventure for a party of level 4-6 designed to showcase a number of newly created Oozes in the Beyond the Black Pudding compendium. The party is brought in to help figure out what to do about a giant ooze that is threatening to engulf a small town. They discover that it is being called by a magical beacon somewhere nearby, and by following a small ooze they are able to find where the signal is coming from. It turns out to have been set off by The Visionary, an intelligent Vitreous Humor (a kind of ooze beholder) with dreams of power who discovered it in an ancient temple to Juiblex. Unfortunately, having turned it on, The Visionary had no idea how to turn it off again and is now barricaded in the depths of the temple, assaulted by oozes on all sides.

Cover of The Weeping Woman
The Weeping Woman
5th Edition
Level 2
7 pages

This is a reclamation of the classic Mexican horror story designed to keep young adventurers wary of their curfews, La Llorona. In this tale, adventurers will face perilous encounters with beings that lurk in the shadows, and uncover what might have happened to drive a woman long ago to transform into a nightmarish legend.

Cover of Tower Of Zoramadria
Tower Of Zoramadria
4th Edition
Level 23
8 pages

The Tower of Zoramadria is hidden away in the Feywild. The tower is an arcane academy under the tutelage of the lich Parthal. Parthal and his students lead serene lives of study and contemplation, except when they engage in a bout of bloody necromantic research that requires innocent souls as vital components. Parthal has a score to settle, and the Feywild itself might shudder and scream before the lich has had his revenge on those who killed his love. Pgs. 104-111