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1440 adventures found
Cover of The Dark Forest (BoL)
The Dark Forest (BoL)
5th Edition
Level 8
4 pages

"The Dark Forest" is an elder shadow drake lair suitable for four 8th-level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session. A hidden grove within a dark forest has been home to a tribe of alseids for generations. The tribe's most recent leader and spiritual heart was an alseid shaman called Riatha the Raven. Within the grove lies an ancient ring of standing stones atop a burial mount. Here, Riatha conducted sacred nature rites to honor and bless the forest and the tribe. During one of these ceremonies, the ground rumbled and a column of dense black energy shot straight up from the burial mound and into the night sky. Thick darkness enveloped the area, and the suddenly blinded alseids heard terrible roars. An instant later, the darkness dissipated to reveal a mysterious pool ringed with skulls among the standing stones. Two large, dragon-like creatures with black scales and burning red eyes glared at the confused alseids. One the ground lay the body of Riatha, deathly still. Terror and chaos followed as the creatures brought swift and sudden death, killing most of the alseid tribe members with razor-sharp teeth and deadly, black breath. The alseids that survived the inital, bloody attack fled into the forest. They counterattacked a few hours later, desperate to reclaim their grove and recover the body of their beloved leader, but the attempt was a fiasco and they were quickly driven off. Now, the few remaining alseids hide in the forest, frightened and unsure of what to do next.

Cover of The Silver Knight
The Silver Knight
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

Even bad guys have heroes they look up to. The Silver Knight is a champion among the orcs, a title that is passed from orc to orc. As one falls in battle another rises, and the lineage continues. Forged of an ancient compact between deities of fate and heroism, the secret to the Silver Knight’s immortality lies in the signet ring worn by every Silver Knight. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. The Silver Knight is one of these villains, and their adventure takes up 17 pages (pg 180-197). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
16 pages

As you begin your path to adventuring fame, fate brings you a gift. The military is attacking a humanoid army not too far away but their powerful force has splintered the insurgents. Different groups of aggressive humanoids are now off on their own and the military is overwhelmed trying to track them down. Word has it that one such group is headed to the revered Oracle at Nyo! Your time has come and fame is within reach!

Cover of Against the Giants 5e
Against the Giants 5e
5th Edition
Level 11
45 pages

Giants have been raiding civilized lands in bands, with giants of different sorts in these marauding group. Death and destruction have been laid heavily upon every place these monster have visited. This has caused great anger in high places, for life and property loss means failure of the vows of noble rulers to protect the life and goods of each and every subject--and possible lean times for the rulers as well as the ruled. Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers has been assembled and given the charge to punish the miscreant giants. Remake of the original series of AD&D adventure.

Cover of A Simple Story - adventure for beginners (Hebrew)
A Simple Story - adventure for beginners (Hebrew)
5th Edition
Level 1
17 pages

It's a simple story. A boy is missing in the woods. His father is heartbroken. Can you save him? Will this simple story have a happy ending? A simple introductory adventure for D&D 5th edition, for 3-4 beginner characters of level 1. Important Note: the adventure is entirely in Hebrew. This adventure includes material that was already published in the adventure Tower of Tragedy, which is in English.

Cover of Wedding Bells
Wedding Bells
5th Edition
Level 3
10 pages

A political wedding is threatening a major source of income for the Thieves Guild Ebonclad. Ebonclad would like to see the affair disrupted and the couple never wed. Such a job may be risky, and its outcome could very well start a war if done poorly or without subtlety. That’s why a team of promising agents has been assigned to handle it. The mission’s goal is to disrupt the upcoming wedding of Camilla Swain and Le’Nal Beshiin, to ensure Ebonclad keeps a revenue stream open that their marriage would surely close. The caveat is, neither the bride nor the groom are to be harmed. This will mean the party will have to come up with a method to disrupt the wedding as it’s happening, while avoiding suspicion. As a bonus, the party members can rob wealthy guests or steal wedding presents. The mission is open-ended, giving the players full reign to decide how they will work towards a successful outcome. It lets you work to guide player decisions based on the information presented here, or improvise results based on the players’ actions.

Cover of Vault of the Dracolich
Vault of the Dracolich
5th Edition
Level 4
39 pages

*THIS IS A D&D NEXT/5E PLAYTEST ADVENTURE* Imani, a Turmishan wizard and former adventurer, seeks the aid of heroes to infiltrate Dretchroyaster’s lair and recover the Diamond Staff of Chomylla—the key to powerful magic and wisdom locked away for thousands of years. In addition to his own sagely interest in the lore of lost Uvaeren, Imani recognizes the dangers of such powerful magic falling into evil hands. The dracolich has secured the staff in his lair’s cen- tral chamber, using ancient wards of protection that can be bypassed only by four artifact-idols once belong- ing to a cult of Bhaal. Each group of adventurers enters the dungeon through a different section of the dun- geon—a forgotten temple of Bhaal, a vast underground lake, a troglodyte village, or Dretchroyaster’s vaults. Dretchroyaster’s lair is no simple set of caverns and ancient ruins. It sits atop a source of great power and energy, which the dracolich and his Cult of the Dragon allies hope to use to unlock the secrets of the staff. Only by undertaking a unified assault against Dretchroyas- ter’s lair can the adventurers hope to recover the Diamond Staff and survive the dracolich’s fury. The adventurers must make their way through the lair and recover the Bhaalite idols that will help unlock the Diamond Staff, all the while dealing with the lair’s creatures and avoiding the dracolich as he pur- sues intruders. Entering the Chamber of the Diamond Staff, the heroes must overcome its magical wards and claim the staff before being slain by the dracolich and his servants.

Cover of The Sunless Citadel 5e
The Sunless Citadel 5e
5th Edition
Level 1
21 pages
12  2

This adventure concerns a once-proud fortress that fell into the earth in an age long past. Now known as the Sunless Citadel, its echoing, broken halls house malign creatures. Evil has taken root at the citadel's core, which is deep within a subterranean garden of blighted foliage. Here a terrible tree and its dark shepherd plot in darkness.

Cover of The Dragon and the Spell book
The Dragon and the Spell book
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

A print friendly 2-4hr adventure PDF for 3-4 level 1 players. Designed with new Dungeon Masters in mind. In a far away village, an anxious priest sends out ravens, requesting aid from anyone willing to help the gaurdian of his village. The reward, well not much, the village is poor but can offer what little gold it has. More importantly though, is the promise of a bards tale and the first step on the road to becoming a famous adventurer. Compatable with the starter set and the WOTC free official basic rules (links provided) Pre Gens provided via link. Hook provided for adventure to be ran as a prequel to the Lost mines of Phandelver Includes 3 colour tactical maps

Cover of The Black Heart of Ulom
The Black Heart of Ulom
Levels 5–8
10 pages

The druids gave the forest a mind of its own; that their creation would turn evil was not part of the plan. Remember: Only you can prevent dire forests. The party must purify the sentient Black Oak at the heart of an evil forest.

Cover of Lost Gods
Lost Gods
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
7 pages

The town of Medeira was once a thriving and bountiful place. Over the last six months, what once appeared to be alive, is now slowly withering away into nothing. Crops are failing. Disease plagues the townsfolk. Nearby water sources are drying up. And everything traces back to the goddess that the town worships, a creature that most adventurers will recognize as… Medusa. Only she can return the town to its former glory. Or perhaps she’s destined to bring ruin. If only someone could get to her and find out.

Cover of Gate of the Lens Wizards
Gate of the Lens Wizards
5th Edition
Level 15
28 pages

A world unseen lies beyond a twisted, metal gate in a remote field of the Dhalpurna Mountains. Will the characters brave the alien monstrosities, technologies, and magic inside to learn the secrets that have been brooding in this strange place for millennia? Gate of the Lens Wizard is a science-fantasy exploration adventure and includes: -A gate that leads to the tunnels beneath a distant jungle moon -Intelligent spiders at war with glass-skulled astronomy wizards -An unfathomable artifact that can rewrite time itself -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of Treaty of the Tiger King
Treaty of the Tiger King
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

A lone king arrives at the city's bustling harbor with hopes of negotiating peace for his people in a distant land. But an assassination attempt puts his mission in danger and reveals the king's hidden enemies. Can the characters protect King Rami and help him gain the political influence needed to achieve a lasting peace treaty? Treaty of the Tiger King is a diplomacy-focused, urban one-shot for 1st-3rd level characters. It take about 3-4 hours to complete and includes: -Social events, intrigue, and hidden assassins -Respect-earning mechanics that influence a treaty negotiation -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High quality digital maps for use with virtual tabletops

Cover of Orc Stronghold
Orc Stronghold
4th Edition
Level 3
6 pages

A force of orcs has taken over a small hilltop keep. The PCs are engaged by the local lord to rid his home of the intruders. Fortunately for the PCs, the keep’s main doors are still damaged from when the orcs took possession, and entry is relatively easy. Unfortunately, the orcs are determined to stay. Pgs. 24-29

Cover of The Chasm Bridge
The Chasm Bridge
Levels 4–6
8 pages

To travel further into the Underdark the party must cross a bridge spanning a deep chasm. But to cross, they must pay the toll, or risk another route.

Cover of WBW-DC-FEN-02 Tiddy Mun and the Burrow of Bandits
WBW-DC-FEN-02 Tiddy Mun and the Burrow of Bandits
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

The Stranger Stone, a rock that is to be used in a ritual to save the town of Berribury, has been stolen. The characters must track down the thieves and retrieve the Stone. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3

Cover of Penance For Sin
Penance For Sin
5th Edition
Any Level
11 pages

This horror mystery adventure scenario takes the players to a small village just behind the fog. In a last month, three people went missing from Dormay village and they still haven't been found. The concerned villagers want the players to find the missing folk or at least shed some light on their disappearance. Through investigative work the players will discover that the village has a 100 year old secret, a secret which punishes the wicked. While the villain died over a century ago, he left behind a dreadful design that torments the people to this day. Players' heart and soul will be put to the test as they are ultimately faced with the creature born of sin. Penance for Sin features a short horror mystery adventure scenario. It introduces a new fiendish monster. The adventure favors invastigation and roleplay over combat encounters. "The horror element" section in the adventure gives advice how to make your gaming sessions more frightening.

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher
1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher
Levels 9–11
20 pages

Something is amiss in the remote mountain town of Zuria. The head priest has not filed a report in months, and traders following the winding road into the high-altitude valley do not find their way back home. The Church of Palnor, benefactor and watchers of the Tomb of Kings, are greatly concerned. Can the PC discover what has happened in this isolated mountain town before events turn disastrous?

Cover of The Mother's Curse
The Mother's Curse
Levels 3–5
18 pages

Wednesday's child... It's a blessed event only if you can end the curse in time. People have been disappearing form the town of Monetenapoleone and a swamp has appeared blocking the towns trade route. It is up to the players to find what is causing all of these strange events and to stop it. Pgs. 32-49

Cover of AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
Any Level
32 pages

The Shady Dragon Inn is a set of pre-generated characters for use with the Dungeons & Dragons game. This player's aid comes in two parts: each character appears first in a section devoted to his or her character class. They appear again in the second section as members of a party. As a DM or as a player, you may use either or both sections; over a hundred characters await you! Each character has a brief biography that will help you to create backgrounds for PCs or NPCs as needed. Also included is a rough physical description, and a list of items owned by each character. The Shady Dragon Inn also contains the D&D statistics for those special characters who are presented by figures in the D&D and AD&D toy line, and provides a tavern setting from which players may start adventures or gather party members. TSR 9100