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1446 adventures found
Cover of Tomb of Horrors (super-adventure)
Tomb of Horrors (super-adventure)
4th Edition
Levels 8–22
160 pages

In the aftermath of AD&D Second Edition's "Return to the Tomb of Horrors," the demilich Acererak was thought destroyed. In truth, his spirit lingered and now after eons he schemes once more to achieve divinity. The characters must travel to three extraplanar dungeons, in addition to the remains of the original Tomb, in order to stop this from coming to pass.

Cover of The Temple of Poseidon
The Temple of Poseidon
Levels 7–10
16 pages

For the past several days, dozens of strong earthquakes have rocked the coastal area surrounding the underground Temple of Poseidon. Since the first quake, there have been a growing number of reports of strange events and macabre occurrences throughout the area. Several families near the temple have abandoned their farms and refused to return. They claim to have been terrorized by inhuman specters who prowled about their farms late at night. One of the farmers says he found a farm animal crucified and eviscerated in a ritualistic fashion on his front porch. Following the first tremors, all communications with the Temple of Poseidon, seemingly the center of the troubled area, were cut off. Messengers dispatched to the temple to request guidance from the Holy Oracle located there have not returned. Now the darkness has spread to this town. Unnatural births have occurred. Strange cries can be heard in the night, and there is a cowl around the moon. Magical divining has proven useless in naming the dark forces that invade. Many of the townspeople have already abandoned their homes and those who remain have but one recourse left: They have sent out a cry for hardened adventurers, experienced in dispatching evil. They must travel to the temple to discover the fate of the men there, and, if possible, elicit their help in destroying the growing heinous power. Pgs. 31-46

Cover of I8 Ravager of Time
I8 Ravager of Time
Levels 8–10
24 pages

So this is the Ffenargh? Mile after mile of stinking bogs overlain by a swirling mist that clings to the skin and chills to the bone. Ahead, a decrepit causeway rises scant inches above the fetid waters and meanders its way through the twisted forms of stunted trees into the depths of this forsaken land. For years, these blighted fens have been ignored by the outside world, but now an urgent summons brings you into the Ffenargh, to the Court of the Lords Spiritual at Eylea. A foul murder has been committed. Geoffrey D'Arcy, Lord of Myrkfast, has been slain by his own son and you are called upon to find out why. Death has always hung heavy over this mire, but now an ancient evil has returned to haunt the mist - an evil whose icy fingers reach out to crush any who dare delve its secrets. You who have faced death a thousand times, meet it now in ts most terrible guise. Can you defeat it, or will you fall victim to the Ravager of Time? TSR 9169

Cover of FQ6 - Vortex at the Temple
FQ6 - Vortex at the Temple
Levels 4–6
31 pages

FQ6 – Vortex at the Temple continues the quest for the missing pages of the Codex of Gamber Dauch. This adventure takes the PCs to the ancient temple of Kabish Mo-Del a former druidic stronghold. Once there the party will have to battle creatures and puzzles to continue. If successful the party may just find themselves in a foreign land and have to find their way back home!

Cover of K1: Night at Fausen's Manor
K1: Night at Fausen's Manor
Level 3
22 pages

Up here in the mountains, the sun sets fast. The path has narrowed yet again as it diverts into this small slot valley. A gentle stream parallels the path; it’s pretty, but the smell of rotting vegetation dissuades from lingering long. In the lengthening shadows, birdsong seems oddly muted. As the forest clears a bit up ahead, a small manor upon a little pond comes into view. The birds have gone completely still. K1: Night at Fausen’s Manor is an investigative adventure designed for player characters around 3rd level. The players have been invited by the reclusive Lord Fausen to dine with him and discuss a job; Fausen is troubled by odd bumps and sounds in the night, something has been interfering with his mail, and recently his butler, Grimly, has disappeared. The players investigate during a night at the manor, where dark secrets lurk around every corner. Published by Coldlight Press

Cover of Glitterdust
4th Edition
Level 1
23 pages

A vast Feywild swamp slowly seethes into the mortal world, conjured by a malevolent hag. The Murkendraw's unstoppable progress widens Rotten Ethel's dominion by a few steps each day, and with it, the hag's ambition. When Rotten Ethel kidnaps the fairest pixie of all, the swamp's advance suddenly quickens. The fairy folk need brave heroes to turn back the tide and venture forth to rescue Glitterdust.

Cover of FQ12 - Nest of Nikkal
FQ12 - Nest of Nikkal
Level 8
13 pages

As the party relishes in the accolades of their achievements word of a Dragon nearby reaches their ears! Apparently a similar adventuring party stumbled upon the Wyrm by accident and was nearly wiped out. With the townspeople in fear, it is time again for the PCs to step up and perform heroic deeds! I wonder if there will be any pages from the mysterious Codex of Gamber Dauch will be around. With only one more adventure in the quest series the PCs must be getting close!

Cover of Ambush at the Boxcar Rocks
Ambush at the Boxcar Rocks
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
3 pages

"Ambush at Boxcar Rocks" is a two hour adventure for character level 1-3 (3-6 players) but is easily adapted to challenge higher level PCs by adjusting the spawn rate and the spawn limit. It features one hand-drawn, color map. It can be run as a brutal oneshot gauntlet or a quick side quest to pad the players purses. Deep within the labyrinth of massive, glacier deposited rocks there is a natural cave once used for interring the dead. Now the bones of the pit within stir because of a foolish neophyte. A listless, blood thirsty horde tramples toward daylight and nothing will remain in their wake...

Cover of Shadowbrook Manor
Shadowbrook Manor
Levels 1–3
13 pages

Once a powerful proponent of Law, the Archmage Tazimack the Red was eventually driven mad by a fear of mortality. As he slipped into insanity his retirement home began to reflect the chaotic bent of his mind. Long after Tazimack’s unnaturally animated body has disintegrated, his manor house remains as a shadow cast by a twisted intellect. Can the characters bring order to this chaos?

Cover of Doomkeep
Levels 7–10
14 pages

The three of you are a group of adventurous wanderers. You have journeyed to a far-off land in search of the fabled ROCK OF AGES, a mighty artifact which is rumored to confer everlasting youth, strength and health to its possessor. You have determined that it is somewhere in this vast land, but the legends place it in at least a dozen different places. The Second Official AD&D Masters Tournament. Pregenerated characters are referenced, but not provided. There are several original monster in here with bare-bones statics (AC, hp, Attacks, and Damage)

Cover of Asflag's Unintentional Emporium
Asflag's Unintentional Emporium
Levels 3–7
14 pages

When the wizard's gone, who minds his home? The wizard's gone, and his pets are home alone - but not for long! The wizard, Asflag, has met a horrible fate as a result of a sorcerous accident! Dangerous creatures have since been escaping from his home. The players are hired by the town to stop this danger. Pgs. 8-21

Cover of Treasure of Talon Pass
Treasure of Talon Pass
4th Edition
Levels 2–3
30 pages

In Treasure of Talon Pass, the player characters explore an ancient mountain garrison in search of a jade chalice reputed to be worth a small fortune. But the path to the jade chalice isn’t easy. A dragon and its kobold minions have taken up residence in the garrison, and some undead soldiers from long ago still haunt its halls as well. Nor are the PCs the only ones seeking the jade chalice. A band of orc mercenaries known as the Nightfists are after the chalice . . . and they arrived at the dungeon only minutes before the PCs

Cover of Alator's Tomb
Alator's Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
12 pages

A generic tomb exploration. Usable for a quick one off or random exploration discovery. Sometimes a DM needs a fill-in adventure for when their PC’s go off script. This is a single location low role play adventure that can be inserted anywhere needed.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #53: Sellswords of Punjar
Dungeon Crawl Classics #53: Sellswords of Punjar
4th Edition
Level 1
32 pages

Deep within the heart of the slums, in the rat-ridden city of Punjar, the Beggar-King weaves his plots. Unearthing rites best left forgotten and offering up sacrifices to the loathsome Lords of Shade, the Beggar-King’s ambitions threaten to unleash a horde of shadow-horrors upon Punjar’s huddled masses. You and your fellow companions must bring the reign of the Beggar-King to an end. Your quest will take you from the rooftops of Punjar to its filthiest alleys, and beneath the streets of Punjar to the fetid heart of the city, where even the bravest of sellswords will tremble before the fell secrets of the Beggar-King of Punjar. An introductory adventure designed specifically for first level characters, Sellswords of Punjar is an urban Dungeon Crawl Classic unlike any other. It includes a full-color double-sided battle map to allow your characters to fully experience the perils of Punjar! This stand-alone adventure can also be used to launch a campaign in the epic fantasy world of Áereth.

Cover of Against the Kraken
Against the Kraken
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
9 pages

This fast-paced action adventure is intended to be played by 4-6 level 1 characters, and it could be completed in a single session. The characters will begin chained to the oars of a pirate ship and as they free themselves and advance through the ship, they will be able to acquire equipment and ally or become enemies with different factions, to finally face the captain, and the Kraken. Content in english and spanish. Published by Victory RPG.

Cover of True Level Adventure 3 Monastery of the Lost
True Level Adventure 3 Monastery of the Lost
Level 3
6 pages

There is no particular overarching story here, just a prospect gate keep dungeon you can drop into your own sandbox and run as you see fit. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of River Crossing
River Crossing
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
9 pages

This module contain three handy encounters for the time your players have to face a mighty river. The encounters are varied and can be faced with violence or wits, wathever you players choose to. The encounters leads from one to the other so you can run the three in the same session if you are lucky or you can save some for another river. The encounters are adjusted for characters level 1, level 3 or level 6. "You reach the bank of the river but the bridge is not there, your calculations were a little of. The river runs strong and wildly. What do you do?" -------------------------------------------- Este módulo contiene tres útiles encuentros para cuando tus jugadores se encuentren con un poderoso río. Los encuentros son variados y pueden ser enfrentados con violencia o con ingenio, lo que tus jugadores prefieran. Los encuentros pueden encadenarse uno tras el otro así que puedes tener la posibilidad de utilizar lo tres en la misma sesión o guardar alguno para algún otro río. Los encuentros están ajustados para jugadores de niveles 1, nivel 3 o nivel 6. "Leegan a la rivera y el puente que estaban esperando encontrar no está allí. Sus calculos fueron erroneos. El rio corre rapido y salvaje. ¿Que hacen?"

Cover of Winter's Breath
Winter's Breath
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

Vengeance of the Winter Queen A small town has been attacked by an unknown entity in the midst of celebrating their Midwinter Festival and many of the citizens have been frozen solid. Discover who or what is responsible for the condition of the villagers by entering the frozen catacombs beneath the temple grounds! A 3-5 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for 5th - 10th level characters.

Cover of Appalling Morass
Appalling Morass
5th Edition
Level 8
9 pages

Elmwood village has had its fair share of corruption and destruction, and the villagers won’t take anymore, not even from fearful hags. Manipulation, lies, and greed are at the heart of their woes, but what if the rumors about hags are wrong? What if the most untrustworthy person is the one the villagers trust the most? Can the party sift the truth from this appalling morass and put an end to the threat?

Into the Forsaken Temple's Crypt - Episode One: Gather, Gloom
3rd Edition
Level 10
4 pages

Into the Forsaken Temple's Crypt is a short adventure for four 10th-level characters. The adventure takes place in a buried temple crypt, which has been sealed for centuries. Dungeon Masters can adjust it for higher-level characters by expanding the dead magic areas and increasing the number and power of constructs and undead that inhabit the complex. Some things are best left untouched, and some secrets are best left untold. One such secret is the location of the resting place of the traitor Ellowyn Blacktree. Her body has lain undisturbed for centuries, undead but immobile, in the prison the elves created for her. The elven histories tell that Ellowyn was a powerful wizard back in a time beyond human reckoning. While others worked diligently to learn magic, Ellowyn's arcane powers came to her quickly. In her youth, she called this a blessing from Corellon Larethian, and she worked diligently to serve him for the good of all elvenkind. In time, she became one of seven female elves entrusted with the care of a mythal, or elven place of power, devoted to preserving the balance of magic and nature. But Ellowyn, it is said, kept a terrible secret of her own: She had fallen in love with a drow whom history knows as Orith To'rellen. One dark winter night she betrayed her sisters, Corellon, and all of elvenkind by allowing Orith and the followers of Lolth to overrun and defile the mythal. Ellowyn herself was then betrayed by the drow, who abandoned her on the surface near a vampire's lair as they returned to their home in the Underdark, leaving her to face certain death and elven justice alone. In the depths of their grief and anger, the elves sentenced Ellowyn, perhaps unwisely, to dwell forever in the darkness that she had chosen, thus ensuring that she never followed the normal path of life and death that most elves take. Many elves died at her hands before they could restrain her. With terrible spells rarely seen even in that ancient time, they bound her in an underground crypt far away from any living thing. There, the legends say, she waits, nursing a terrible hatred against elves, drow, Corellon, Lolth, and especially Orith To'rellen.