"Bloodwood of the Cruor Circle" is an alseid and blood hag lair suitable for four or five 10th-level characters. This adventure can be completed in a single session. The Cruor Circle, a coven of dark druids led by a blood hag, has taken over control of the local alseid herd with the power of the blood. Within the forest, those who do not make proper sacrifices are stalked by the alseids and taken to the Bloodwood. Within the Bloodwood, captives become blood sacrifices, empowering the creation of sap demons, blood ponds, and other twisted products of the dark druids.
Beginning in the prison of the Castellan of Whitecliff, this campaign arc takes the players from level one to four, presented as a sandbox area in a lonely and gritty peninsula full of villains and opportunities for the players to explore. Much like Stonehell, but for regional play. Published by Coldlight Press
A lone king arrives at the city's bustling harbor with hopes of negotiating peace for his people in a distant land. But an assassination attempt puts his mission in danger and reveals the king's hidden enemies. Can the characters protect King Rami and help him gain the political influence needed to achieve a lasting peace treaty? Treaty of the Tiger King is a diplomacy-focused, urban one-shot for 1st-3rd level characters. It take about 3-4 hours to complete and includes: -Social events, intrigue, and hidden assassins -Respect-earning mechanics that influence a treaty negotiation -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High quality digital maps for use with virtual tabletops
Sometimes things are not what they seem. While the PCs are sailing through pirate-infested waters, a crewman spots the floating wreckage of a sailing ship. Two survivors are standing on the deck waving frantically. The survivors — an eccentric old man, and a noble woman, claim to be merchants from Waterdeep, but are in fact pirates. During an attack on a merchant vessel, the old man, a mage, had missed with a fireball and hit their own ship causing serious damage and killing several crew mates. As punishment, the pirate leader left them marooned on the wreckage, taking the ship they had attacked. This is a short module focused on roleplay. Combat is unlikely as the pirates have no reason to attack or threaten their rescuers. The female survivor seeks a hidden treasure, which could provide a hook for ongoing adventure. While the module isn't explicitly written for solo play, it could be easily adapted for any group size provided the power balance between rescuer and pirate is maintained. Pgs. 24-25
The Temple of Pure Ice lies beneath dozens of feet of thick ice which is often covered in even more feet of snow. The only ones who find it are those who already know where it is, which is an exceptionally short list. After working through the issue of finding the entrance, the challenges have just begun. Adventurers that make their way into this temple will endure battle while leaping across chunks of frozen ice, cross vast chasms with ancient arbalests, slide down twisted frozen pathways, and even be attacked by frozen raptors! But adventurers know that glory doesn't come easy.
Local farmers have been coming into Feastelburg recently recounting harrowing stories of a growing number of attacks upon the land. Farmers and travelers have decidedly noted that the creatures causing the problems are troglodytes. The creatures seem to be becoming bolder in their attacks as initially they were at night under cover of darkness. The last several attacks have occurred during daylight and the recent reports have included chasing down and murdering farmers and pilgrims alike. Several farms have been put to the torch and it has the town on edge.
Almost every larger city has one...a Grand Bazaar! This supplement spells out a large group of booths available at a standard open market. Three different sizes of marketplaces have also been included for various metropolitian areas. While this product isn't an adventure it doesn't mean that information FOR adventures can't be located here...This supplement was designed with role players in mind that enjoy the banter!
A city deep in the woods is plagued by a series of beheadings of the leadership. A twisted bargain and a dark secret are threatening to destroy this town forever. Your adventuring party finds themselves brought in to help stop the Dullahan who has been summoned against her will to enact political revenge.
A ghostly bird stalks a fishing village, killing its inhabitants. Solve its mystery and end the threat before it kills again! The Blight of Brineborough is a quest optimized for 2nd-level characters. It features a terrifying monster, two new magic items, and a sea shanty.
Awash in a sea of phlogiston, three wizards battle for mastery of reality! But with each new day all gains are lost and the game begins anew. It is up to the adventurers to upset this ancient balance, winning free of the shrinking demi-plane before all is reduced to the roiling stuff of raw Chaos! Will you strike a bargain, swearing fealty to one of the fell masters? Or will you attempt to master your own fate, pitting your luck and skill against arcane foes? Whatever you decide, you must act quickly, for gray worms press in from all sides and time grows short! An exploration-based adventure for 2nd level PCs, Fate's Fell Hand challenges new and old players alike. Only the most cunning of PCs can hope to thwart the machinations of three dire wizards and escape Fate's Fell Hand!
Captured! While trekking across a trackless wasteland, your stalwart band has fallen into the clutches of a nefarious gang of desert raiders. Imprisoned in a subterranean chamber, you are bereft of all of your equipment and magic items, save for a few tattered loincloths. But as chance would have it, an opportunity to escape the cell presents itself. To escape, you must head deeper into an ancient sealed tomb, armed with nothing but your wits and anything you can find along the way. Getting to the surface is just one of many challenges, as you still need to recover your precious equipment, and flee the Lost Oasis, which is surrounded by an inhospitable sea of solid glass!
Tyger, tyger... A search for a small child in the woods outside of the town of Launise, a case of mistaken intentions, and the despoiled ruins of a forgotten goddess of magic. Cursed is the beast that stalks the Black Forest in... Orange and Black! Pgs. 66-71
This Adventure is based on the web comic series, Table Titans. It is set in the same village that part of the comic takes place in, however the path of the adventure does not follow the story line set in the comics. There are familiar elements that are a wink and a nod to fans of the comic, but it is a unique story. The adventure is set around the village of Haverford, currently beset by an unknown [i]Terror[/i] that has resulted in many many deaths in the surrounding forest. The adventures have arrived at this once peaceful hamlet and if they discover the source of the [i]Terror[/i] plaguing the region they will be handsomely rewarded. The Terror of Haverford is a starter adventure. Characters will advance from level 1 to 4 if completed. This adventure has both social and combat encounters, as well as combat encounters that can be solved socially. If characters aren't thorough in their investigations they will be taken by surprise by what lies ahead.
Mystery, intrigue, infiltration. The inner politics of an active thieves Guild. The Thieves Guild Fence, Tessa, knows the head of her Guild is trying to kill her. But there is more at stake than their lives, the very soul of the Guild is in peril. Tessa turns to a party of adventurers to find evidence of the Guild Master's betrayal, uncover his shadowy benefactor, and support her in an All-Masks meeting to determine the fate of the Misbegot Thieves. As well as an adventure, this book can also be used to give you the framework of a Thieves Guild in an agnostic setting and offer quest seeds for follow up quests working to get the Misbegot Thieves Guild back on track. Sharpen your knives and prepare for war.
A nest of vampires has claimed a dark forest and the surrounding human towns as its domain. Some of the local residents revere the vampires and serve as daylight guardians and spies. However, most of the townsfolk live in a state of dread. Those townsfolk have finally scavenged enough valuables to hire a band of adventurers to destroy the nest. Pgs. 66-71
After escaping the oppressive rule of the hobgoblin empire, a tribe of goblins stumbles across a long-abandoned iron mine that would make the perfect home for them, if only it wasn’t already full of dangers. What lurks in the mine is however a secondary problem for the goblins, as they know that hobgoblin scouts will be hot on their heels. Looking to gain a valuable ally, they turn to the local town of Cathric for help. Under orders from the Marquess of Cathric, your band of adventurers is tasked with ensuring that the mine can provide a steady source of iron. Of course, this will mean helping the goblin tribe to get the mine working and defending them from their old masters. Your players will have to face off against the monsters in the mine, a hobgoblin scouting party and some over enthusiastic mining equipment, all while trying to put on a brave face in front of three trainee goblin fighters. Content warnings: spiders, enclosed spaces, displaced populations, authoritarian regimes. It is also implied that a monstrous creature is wounded by another monstrous creature.
The Plains series wraps up with 150th Filbar offering Dominion of Sophicles the Virulent! This adventure starts with the PCs hearing of a town in trouble. After learning of trouble in the Village of Ardeth the PCs arrive via boat and quickly discover the community has been attacked by humanoid forces. A successful track will lead the party to one of the toughest adversaries in the land….Sophicles, the Green Dragon!
Into the Forsaken Temple's Crypt is a short adventure for four 10th-level characters. The adventure takes place in a buried temple crypt, which has been sealed for centuries. Dungeon Masters can adjust it for higher-level characters by widening the dead magic areas and increasing the number and power of constructs and undead that inhabit the complex. The PCs have entered the Forsaken Temple's crypt and started exploring a bit. They had the opportunity to work with some drow to get past clay golems. Now they face a greater danger, but maybe they'll turn back before it's too late.
The Demesne of Rangers is at war with the Horde of the Black Blood – an alliance of rampaging tribes of goblinkin. It is the heart of winter and the forest sleeps uneasily under a white veil. This is a time to huddle before the fire, not be out in the cold fighting a war but the heroes have no choice but to infiltrate the occupied territory in order to find and destroy the dreaded Goatskull Helm. Hope for victory hinges on the success of this quest and the call goes out for heroes to gather. The Goatskull Helm is an adventure module compatible with the Fifth Edition. This 35-page adventure is designed for a party of 1st level characters and will see them through to the 3rd level. This adventure is set in a fantasy medieval world with the mythological flavour of Ancient Greece. However, it can be easily adapted to any other medieval fantasy setting. This adventure includes entries for familiar monsters that are modified to better fit the setting as well as five new monsters and new equipment and magical items.
Picking up where the adventures left off in Sordack Valley, the PCs gain information on areas with potential treasure. Several ruins are just within reach and at least one may be the burial site known as the Ossuary of the Bear! A magical crozier was said to be buried there and has never been found. Are your players ready to make themselves legends?