A community for lazy dungeon masters
1066 adventures found
Cover of Heathen
4th Edition
Level 5
31 pages

The search for a missing paladin takes the PCs deep into the heart of a frontier torn apart by cult wars—and face to face with an ancient evil. The paladin Jaryd set out to find and destroy the Hand of Naarash. He was never heard from again. Now the PCs must retrace Jaryn’s steps across the harsh wilderness and determine what has become of the noble warrior. Pgs. 29-59

Cover of The Cradle of Fire
The Cradle of Fire
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
10 pages

An oasis exploration and lava-filled obsidian dungeon crawl for 4-5 players of 5th to 6th level. Battle elemental evils, save captured sandworms, claim unique elemental magic items. A malevolent and ancient elemental lies imprisoned within a lava-filled obsidian cavern. Explore the hidden passages before his shackles break and havoc is unleashed upon the nearby oasis! 10 pages of oasis exploration and lava-filled dungeon peril! Statblocks for the life-cycle of desert sandworms, plus three unique elemental magic items like "Summer's Bane" - an armlet of compacted ice that grants the wielder a magical bow, and the "Embershard" - a dagger made from the jawbone of a red dragon that imbues the wielder with elemental magics. Run the adventure your way - drop the PCs off at the dungeon entrance and explore the perlious cavern, or let them cavort in the oasis before uncovering the lingering threat. We hope you enjoy the desert oasis and obsidian-carved dungeon crawl from the Heart of Arcana.

Cover of Lawful Disorder: Frozen Victims Unit
Lawful Disorder: Frozen Victims Unit
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

A serial killer is stalking the unsavory citizens of Baldur's Gate and freezing them solid! Discover who or what is responsible for these chilling crimes and unravel the killer's twisted motivations in this adventure for Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus! This adventure includes: 1 New Neighborhood for any Urban Location, 1 New Creature, 3 New Magic Items, 5 New Shops & Taverns, and 12+ New NPCs!

Cover of The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale
The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale
5th Edition
Level 11
? pages

The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale is the script of a play written in Common. It is split up into three acts, telling the story of a heroic bard before he becomes corrupted by evil. A wizard named Ryllia Liadon donated the book to Candlekeep as an entrance gift. She didn't tell the Avowed that the book contains the secret to accessing Wisteria Vale, a magical demiplane created by the Harpers to imprison a bard named Arrant Quill until they could free him from the influence of an evil artifact. The book has been hidden in the Candlekeep archives for three years, but the Harpers have finally discovered a cure for Quill's corruption, and the time has come to visit Wisteria Vale once more.

Cover of Ashes of Athas
Ashes of Athas
4th Edition
Levels 3–9
? pages

You will take up the mantle of heroism in a grim world where simple survival cannot be taken for granted. These heroes will shape the world of Athas while they grow in power and prestige - or die trying. Your character has been asked to aid a secretive faction of the Veiled Alliance in the Free City of Tyr against an unknown assailant. Ashes of Athas is a 4e D&D campaign set in the world of the Dark Sun campaign setting.

Cover of The Eyeless in the Dark
The Eyeless in the Dark
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
11 pages

A cave-in at the dwarven mine exposed a passage into the eerie, alien world that lies deep below the surface. Monsters poured out of the darkness and killed many before the surviving miners made it back into the light. Now they seek brave adventurers to face the dangers down in the dark depths. As a one shot or the first adventure of a new campaign, The Eyeless in the Dark carries new and experienced players away from the light of the ordinary surface world and down into the fantastical dark depths where here there be monsters. Chock full of adventure, as well as design notes for Dungeon Masters that will help novice and veteran DMs provide their players with an exciting and memorable game night, and leave them eager for the next session. Use this adventure in combination with the Integrated Hill Encounters and/or the Forest and Grasslands to create an open world sandbox of adventures that can fill many sessions of a campaign.

Cover of The Dreadful at Wolfhill
The Dreadful at Wolfhill
5th Edition
Level 4
27 pages

A continuation of the mere of Dead Men Adventures started in the Brood of Uthtower, or a standa alone adventure in the Mere of Dead Men or other setting. Can be adapted for characters in tier I and II. This adventure located in the Mere of Dead Men has the adventurers combatting the new inhabitants of the Wilfhill House, which has been given form by some very ancient magic items given to them by an old and revenge driven group of Orcs who have partnered with an Ancient Black Dragon. The adventure comes complete with the following: - Full 18 page PDF adventure file. - 4 Parchment style maps (DM and Player versions) ready for VTT use. - 4 Printer Friendly style maps (DM and Player versions) ready for VTT use. - 1” diameter tokens ready to be cut out for use in person as well as files for use in a VTT - 5 new magic items - 11 stat blocks for the creatures used in the adventure

Cover of GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose
GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose
3.5 Edition
Level 1
32 pages

"A spiteful ghost haunts an abandoned courthouse in the metropolis of Absalom, and on the ten-year anniversary of a grave injustice it seeks its revenge. The heroes must unravel the mystery of the ghost’s demise before they too are given a guilty verdict and sent to the gallows." This adventure is different from many others in that it progress according to 1 hour increments, rather than according to the player's exploration. The party is trapped in an old courtroom, trying to solve a decade old murder. Though one of the villains is listed as a "revenant," this is primarily due to the thematic similarity. The actual undead antagonist is a unique type called a "croaker," which bears a similarity in that it is driven by vengeance.

Cover of Return to the Glory
Return to the Glory
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
38 pages

Your people once dominated everything south of the mountains; you had the greatest, most advanced underground stronghold ever known to orc-kind. Then the cataclysm happened. Centuries have passed, and only a few tribes have survived and assembled under the banner of one cause. Reclaim what was once yours! This adventure is designed for four to six orc characters, levels 6 to 8.

Cover of Vecna: Eve of Ruin: Phandelver Werewolves vs. Vampires
Vecna: Eve of Ruin: Phandelver Werewolves vs. Vampires
5th Edition
Levels 4–8
23 pages

This is the "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" + "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk" crossover you didn't know you've been waiting for. As dusk settles over the village of Phandalin, a palpable sense of unease grips the villagers. Rumors spread that a hilltop keep has inexplicably materialized on the outskirts of town, and worse yet, the sun fails to rise come morning. Unbeknownst to the townsfolk, a powerful cult of Vecna-worshipping vampires has arrived, and the only hope Phandalin has is a ragtag pack of werewolves and a few brave heroes ready to make their mark on the world. While this adventure can be run as a standalone module, it can also seamlessly serve as a prequel to "Vecna: Eve of Ruin" or as a side quest for "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk." This module can also serve as a sequel to "Phandalin Werewolves: Beasts of Her Moon" which is exclusively available over at the dmsguild. Designed for 4-6 players with an average party level ranging anywhere from 4 to 7, this adventure aims to create a backstory of bad blood between the cult of Vecna and the PCs. It includes a monster folio, tokens, as well as maps from the esteemed Tessa Create Maps, Dyson Logos, and Elven Tower.

Cover of Fane of Serpents
Fane of Serpents
5th Edition
Level 10
4 pages

Fane of Serpents is a titanoboa lair suitable for three to five 10th-level characters. A rocky butte covered with soaring ruins looms over the landscape. Legend describes it as a monument raised by an inhuman race that was wiped out centuries ago as retribution over foul practices. Locally, the spot is known as Titan’s Height. It rises starkly above the surrounding area, with four terraced plateaus. Each level is covered with the ruins of many-columned halls in an architectural style unlike anything else in the area. Their age and strangeness alone are enough to generate fearful legends. The stories grow worse when travelers or livestock disappear near Titan’s Height, which they sometimes do.

Greger's Grotto
5th Edition
Level 1
52 pages

Greger’s Grotto is a community of pirates and other criminals, hidden away on a desolate coastline. The players are slaves sold to the Grotto’s owning family and used for manual labour and bloodsport in the arena. In this adventure, the players will need to: * survive harsh prison conditions, including the rivalry between prisoner factions: human, orc, goblin and hobgoblin * fight in arena battles against prisoners and beasts, often with strange twists to entertain the crowd * explore small mini-dungeons attached to the prisoners’ caverns * ultimately escape; whether by force, alliance with fellow prisoners, stealth, cunning or any combination of these Features of this adventure: * Pay-what-you-want (even nothing). * Illustrated with art by Setvasai. * Designed to fit into most campaign worlds. * Simulationist or story-driven: includes information for both. Use random rolls to determine what happens when, or take inspiration from various story hooks. (Or do both.) * 11 unique NPCs, including members of the Grotto’s owning family and leader of the prisoner factions. * Full maps of the Grotto, its arena and prisoner caverns, totalling over 40 rooms.

Cover of CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
21 pages

Cargo ships are being dashed against the rocks west of Hulburg, lured off course by a mysterious light. Is this the work of ordinary thieves, or are more nefarious forces at work? Wreckers is a stand-alone adventure that premiered at Kumoricon in Portland, Oregon in October of 2017. Includes: Adventure .pdf in English and Spanish Magic Item Certificate .pdf All maps as high-res .jpg

Cover of They Came From the Deep
They Came From the Deep
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
44 pages

Taag'thrith, born a gith but transformed into an illithid by ceromorphosis, has been finally found purpose: the assimilation & understanding of all knowledge. Taag'thrith plans to unleash a 10th level spell that will grant him just that-at the cost of all sentient life on the Material Plane. Will the heroes be able to traverse the dangerous corpse of a dead God, find Taag'thrith's aqueous lair the Eternal Spirals, & pit their foes against one another in order to destroy the foul lich once and for all? Or will they fall prey to the threats trapped within the Eternal Spirals & sink beneath the surface forever? They Came from the Deep is the second installment in Pretty Little Liches: a trilogy of adventures centered around three unique liches and their lairs designed for high-level play. These three lairs and the surrounding regions can be run independently as individual adventures or tied together into a mini-campaign that centers on the destruction of the Green Hand, an organization of dangerous liches.

Cover of Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well!
Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well!
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

Wolpertinger, Wererat - Well! is a two-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters, designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with an urban theme, exploration, humor, and a small mystery to solve! Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, is brimming with exciting opportunities for adventurers - seemingly at every corner, backstabbing between rival guilds, intrigues among the noble houses, and treasures in forgotten places beckon. But today, a little girl is in trouble and needs the help of our heros in rescuing her pet "bunny"! This adventure is an unapologetically linear dungeon crawl – short, straight-forward, and to the point. It follows the three-pillar principle: combat, exploration, social interaction. The idea is to spice up the classic formula with varied challenges that result in a short, entertaining session. This makes this an excellent adventure for beginner players and DMs! Detailed support is provided for the DM in the form of roleplay advice for six completely fleshed out original NPCs, advice on the three pillars in each scene, and scenic sensory descriptions for every scene to make the adventure come to life. Included with this adventure are: + an original custom monster, the wolpertinger + six original fleshed out NPCs, including personality traits and roleplaying tips + 20 original (but mostly useless) magic items + six original diseases + one original trap + a complete original hand-drawn dungeon map covering the entire adventure

Cover of A Single, Small Cut
A Single, Small Cut
Level 3
11 pages

A short adventure of human greed meeting weird horror with a quite messy outcome. An encounter set in a church, with a Shoggoth like eldritch horror as the Boss.

Cover of Of Water, Tentacles, and Bones
Of Water, Tentacles, and Bones
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
18 pages

An ancient power has started to rise and threatens a small town. Venture into dark caves and put an end to the power creating the skeletons within. Intended for 6 characters level 5-10 Approximately 6 hours of play Featuring 7 new monsters A transforming boss encounter Easily set in your own world, Theros, or Ferun Can be run with the basic rules Full of unique art a map handout for your players and maps for your VTT You can lean into horror or you can keep it PG. Suitable for gamers young and old for one long session or three shorter sessions.

Cover of The Lamenting Lighthouse
The Lamenting Lighthouse
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
45 pages

The Lamenting Lighthouse is a four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters, designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with a nautical theme, heavy undead and horror elements, and mysteries to solve! One lonely lighthouse shines the way through the rocks and shoals that deny entry to the northern Moonshae Isles. But when the party’s transport approaches, a horrific gale at their backs - no light is in sight... The party must venture ahead of their vessel in a race against the storm to the restore the beacon before their ship is lost. What has befallen the keepers, and what dark secret does the lighthouse hold? Will the heroes prevail, or will they join the lighthouse's lament? This adventure can easily be inserted into a run-through of Ghosts of Saltmarsh. This one-shot can also serve as a nautical interlude in any on-going campaign where the characters have to take to the sea. Included with this adventure are: + 6 original custom creatures, the dread wraith, the dread wight, the swarm of seagulls, the captain, the rating, and the sailor + 12 player hand-outs with notes that shed light on the mystery of the lamenting lighthouse, with a randomization mechanic that ensures a degree of replayability + 9 original fleshed out NPCs, including personality traits and roleplaying tips + 2 original magical artifacts + 7 hand-drawn maps of important locations + a story reward and 2 story hooks for continuing the adventure (depending on how the adventure resolves)

Cover of Flowers in the Dead House
Flowers in the Dead House
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

"An ancient curse has fallen over the righteous Kelemvor's Dead House! Among the infested corpses, a mystery awaits to be solved." Flowers in the Dead House is a 3-4 hour urban adventure for 1st-4th level characters. Adventure features: - A mystery-centered urban adventure. - A setting-neutral proposal, with guidance to play it in Baldur’s Gate or Waterdeep - Scaling guidelines for Average Party Level (APL) - A new item (Kelemvor’s gas mask) - A new creature (Primordial vengeful spirit) - Digital maps for each area with a printer friendly version

Cover of DDAL06-03 Crypt of the Death Giants
DDAL06-03 Crypt of the Death Giants
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
30 pages

A magical storm builds over the Anauroch desert bringing portents of death and destruction to Faerûn. Giants imbued with the power of death itself threaten to permanently destroy the giant Ordning and small folk in their wake. Can you stop these unnatural giants and those that seek to control them? A 2 Hour Adventure for 17th-20th Level Characters. Optimized for five 18th-level characters.