The Night of the Rise is a unique adventure that offers the party an alternative to the "hack & slash" approach. The opportunity for role play is high and it is sure to tap into skills and abilities most of your characters never knew they possessed. Not only does it offer a new experience for your players, but hopefully it has them smiling several times during the night. A request to deal with a bandit captain named Giles Ne'Ville sends the adventuring party on a two-day journey. During this journey, they find an entertaining way to deal with this Giles Ne'Ville. Will they use this opportunity? Or will they take the typical 'hack & slash' approach to dealing with villans? This adventure is written in a non-specific location but is easily insertable into any campaign as a one-shot adventure. I feel that it would work great in Strom King's Thunder as an added traveling encounter.
You are a Dragon Wing captain aboard the Storm Chaser, a huge levitating Skycastle fueled by powerful arcane forces and electrical energy harnessed from storms. When a hostile castle appears from behind a large cloud bank, you are tasked to lead a team to infiltrate the enemy stronghold and take it down from the inside. The forces aboard the fast-approaching threat would overwhelm the combatants and defenses of the Storm Chaser; failure is not an option. Dragon Wing is a battle focused one-shot designed for 3-5 players of roughly 10th level. With beautifully designed maps and a fully guided sequence of rooms and areas, your players will infiltrate the giant stronghold, tackle intricate puzzles and tough combat scenarios with an array of monsters.
The Heroes are relaxing in an inn when they hear a scream, rushing outside they find that a local merchant has been kidnapped! The merchant's wife saw the assailants drag him into an alley, where the heroes give chase. Following the villains through a maze of natural fissures, tunnels, and ancient ruins they encounter a number of monsters, traps, and puzzles. Eventually they make their way to the kidnappers hideout, where they confront the kidnappers in a final climatic battle to rescue the merchant and uncover a criminal gang.
HSING bears foul news: SEER has been captured. While exploring the ruins of Ulcaster in search of knowledge pertaining to runes (or perhaps even how to create them), they were separated and now the pseudodragon fears the worst. Without SEER's guidance, the efforts of the assembled factions in these recent events may all be for naught.
"The broken outline of Cear Ferros emerged on the horizon. Its ancient walls stand silent and looming as you approach them, casting long and eerie shadows across the land." An adventure through a cursed castle crawling with undead in search of missing merchants. For Shadowdark Published as part of the Shots in the Dark collection.
The promises of glory and the chance of riches draws you to Blasingdell, a small village near the infamous Stone Tooth. Within the rocky mountain lay the dwarven stronghold Khundrukar and the fabled Forge of Fury, to which a chance encounter provides you with the location of a hither-to unknown entrance. Are you brave enough to explore this mystery? Will it lead you to wealth or to your doom?
There are many entrances to the Feywild, but none so grand as appearing before the throne of seelie fey, the Summer Court. The Summer Games, a bestselling mini-arc intended for 5th level characters, introduces a party to court intrigue in the Feywild, headed by Queen Titania with King Oberon at her side. In the tourney the party must navigate unknown dangers, asked by the Summer Queen "How will you win? With skill? With truth? With wit? With wager? Or without? These five tasks lie before you, and you must complete them all to continue." In the hunt your characters must quest for a magical, talking beast. But in the end, will they catch the White Hare, or will they wish they had? In the maze players must navigate a shifting labyrinth riddled with pit traps and Feywild nasties. At the feast the party is presented with their reward for their trials, the payment for being the entertainment at this courtly gathering… or perhaps they’re on the menu. This mini-arc references stat blocks presented in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and the Monster Manual. Also provided within the PDF: download links to VTT and tabletop compatible maps relevant to scenes presented in the Summer Games.
Bakinqa is not your typical devil. Influenced by human society at a young age he took it upon himself to learn as much as he could about the “pink skins”. When his first meeting with humans results in the death of his father, Bakinqa swears to find and kill the boy responsible. Ten years later Bakinqa has prepared his plans for revenge. He begins experimentation on human werewolves, turning them into slaves and using them to work his way into human society searching for the boy that killed his father, now a man. When local hunters begin to disappear the mayor takes notice and hires the PCs to investigate. The PCs search will take them into the dreaded Dark Wood where they battle werewolves and hybrid devil spawn in search of the manipulative devil Bakinqa.
The party seeks out Commodore Krux at the Happy Beholder. After speaking with the patrons, the party learns that Krux has disappeared and gets a lead to check out his ship, the Second Wind. At the ship, the party learns from Fel Ardra and Flinch that Krux is being held prisoner by the Amoebros in a cave on the underside of the Rock of Bral. The party infiltrates the Amoebros’ lair, gets past the guards, and learns of the animal experimentation performed by the gang. In a final climactic scene, the party rescues Krux from Ripples, the wicked boss of the plasmoid gang.
This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Harpers in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. The adventure sees the characters on a mission to Iniarv's Tower, sent to search for the artifact, Bowgentle's Spellbook, and rescue the fellow Harper member, Brodven.
Centuries ago in the Black Swamp, Castle Kraal was a well-respected keep. Its warriors defended the folk of Thunder Rift from the marauding bands of ogres and goblins who swarmed to attack from the Horned Hills. And then one day the keep and all of its warriors vanished, never to be seen again. Now, all these years later, historians are still trying to find the answers to the disappearance of Castle Kraal, answers which may be hidden in Kraal's ruins. The heroes are asked to investigate and to try and solve the mystery. Be Warned: Not every mystery wishes to be solved! Recommended for beginning players and DMs For use with the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Game Box. TSR 9434
The baron’s wife is dead. But she isn’t gone. Can the players lay her to rest and defeat the festering evil hidden away inside the Gilded Tower? Another thrilling tale of madness and mystery inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s writing! Following the events of Masque of the Worms, the story continues into the hauntingly beautiful forests of the Painted Valley… Valley of the Gilded Tower is a one-shot for four to six 2nd-level characters. It takes about 2-3 hours to complete and includes: Events inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's most ethereal writing: -A new monster that can take over the minds of its victims -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Gorgeous, hand-drawn maps by Jake from Beware the Wizard
"The trees bend, twist and rearrange themselves as the sun fades, replaced by a single massive moon hanging high in the sky. You find yourself somewhere altogether different with bigger more gnarled trees, everything more vibrant with color in the bright moonlight. The bold browns, purples and blues around you don't feel real, more like something from a beautiful painting. Yet here you stand..." This is a one-shot adventure through one of the twisted fairy tale baronies of Thelanis. In it, the players find themselves in a strange land seeking an item they know little about. They will encounter a village whose people have been turned to shrubs, be shrunk down to a 20th of their size in a garden of tiny trees, fight a tree which is also a beholder, and come face to face with the Lady in Shadow herself. The adventure is for four level 5 players (though adjusting for 3-6 players would be minimal effort) and is expected to take around five hours. It is a great introduction to the planes of Eberron for DMs and players alike. It includes: * An exciting mystery to unravel * Three vicious new monsters to fight: earth bear, topiary beast, and the treeholder * Simple rules for running a skill challenge * A series of detailed maps for each combat encounter and an image for the puzzle encounter
Auril's curse may be lifted, but something still has Good Mead in its icy grasp Good Mead is thriving again since Auril's curse on Icewind Dale has been lifted. Recently however, the town's secret protector has disappeared, replaced by a monstrous man that seems dead set to destroy the small town. Can you free the townsfolk from the fearsome and icy grip of this new evil? Unbearable Witchcraft includes: An adventure for 4-5 characters of 5th to 7th level set in Icewind Dale. 3 Frigid maps including a ruined keep on an icy river and an old temple dedicated to Auril. All necessary monster stat blocks, 6 all new including the Young Wight Dragon. Unnumbered maps usable in your favorite VTT.
The ruined manor now known as Kobold Hall was once a minor lord's proud holding, a walled keep overlooking the old King's Road. That was years ago, and the lord's name and glories he earned are long forgotten. Today, the place is called Kobold Hall after the malicious humanoids that invest the place. Pgs. 210-219
An atmospheric one-shot adventure set in a dark forest for one-on-one or parties of level 5 or 6. There are two new sidekick classes, NPCs, and leveling tables included with handouts for your player! In this adventure, the characters gather information in the small village of Redvale on the outskirts of the Blackwoods Forest. They go into the forest in search of Adelle, a druid whose other eleven Circle members have disappeared within the last year. Inside the forest, they discover several undead beings, including a wood woad, who guides them to Adelle. She and her Circle learned a year before of a sorceress’s plan to extend her power beyond the forest, a death sentence for the village of Redvale and the lands beyond. Adelle is the last one left. Adelle is suspicious of the party at first, but she might help them get to the center of the forest to investigate the dark sorceress and try to put a stop to her destructive plans. This adventure sets a mysterious woodland ambiance that lends itself to an immersive one-shot experience! This Adventure Includes: -Full one-shot adventure for levels 5 or 6 -Two sidekick characters (or DMPCs) with handouts for your player -Two new sidekick classes and unique leveling tables: the archer and the Circle of the Phoenix druid -Mechanics for running a sidekick -Beautiful art -Well-rounded NPCs -Two custom NPC stat blocks -A new custom creature and -Two custom magical items
When a galvanice weird goes berserk in an Izzet Laboratory and begins wreaking havoc on its way out, the evening’s events are brought to a halt. Someone needs to head into the lab, look for survivors, and try to find out what went wrong. This is an introductory adventure for use with Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica and is set in the Blistercoils neighborhood of Precinct Five in the Tenth District. While Off to a Weird Start is designed for a party of three to five characters of 1st or 2nd Level, the Dungeon Master can easily scale the adventure up by adding additional enemies or increasing the hit points and damage output of the listed antagonists. Off to a Weird Start includes: An easy to run introductory adventure for Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica A new creature: the Lightning Mephit Plot hooks for characters of all ten Guilds, as well as those who are unaligned Seeds for an ongoing campaign and teaser information about the upcoming adventure The Palace of Pain's Pleasures Start YOUR adventures in Ravnica TODAY!
A beloved priest has gone missing, and sinister trouble stirs beneath the Church of St. Terragnis. Can the heroes rescue the victims of an age-old evil before it claims more innocent lives?
Every priest in the city dreamed last night of a forgotten temple carved into the side of a nearby mountain. In the dream, a storm raged deep within the temple, and the dreamers knew instinctively that evil forces sought to unleash that storm upon the surrounding lands. Pgs. 120-125
What begins as a simple expedition to explore an ancient jungle temple sends adventurers headlong into a search for the Dragon's Eye, an artifact created ages ago by demons in order to gain power over dragons. But where exactly is this mysterious artifact, and why do the Cloudreavers and the Emerald Claw think the adventurers already have it? Only Lady Vol knows the truth. Her deadly cat-and-mouse game leads the characters from the wilderness of Q'barra to the wild coasts of the Lhazaar Principalities and the soaring peaks of Argonnessen. There, at last, they can learn the secret of the Dragon's Eye and foil the lich queen's plans... if they survive!