With your last adventure complete you head to town to sell off loot, replenish supplies and to find a bard to tell your tale to so that your fame can increase. As the group goes their separate ways you are wandering through the muddy streets when a shriek is heard. You see a man stab a merchant and attempt to escape. With no time to gather your associates you call for your mount (or borrow one) and give pursuit! This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats.
Questing through the forest, you will be tested. Which side will you take between a wizard and the Keepers of the Veil? Will you be able to find the materials necessary to help cure your friend of the ancient evil that assails him? And when it comes down to it, what are you willing to sacrifice for your beliefs? Third Time’s the Charm picks up where Second Glance left off and invites the PC to find a wizard who can help heal the Crystalline Curse slowly paralyzing the PC’s friend and protector. As the party grows closer on this adventure, learning to depend on one another, they must also navigate the Veiled Wood’s changing landscape, deciding who they can trust and who they will help as much lies in the balance. Though this was written as the third installment in the Crystalline Curse Trilogy, this adventure can be inserted into any campaign setting and scaled accordingly. Third Time’s the Charm is part of our mission to bring you high-quality, ready-to-play material that supports adventuring parties of 1 Player and 1 DM. This adventure is written for a third-level character in a one-on-one 5th edition D&D campaign. Everything you need for your own two-person game is inside! This product includes: -A 3rd or 4th-level adventure adaptable to any setting -Stat blocks for one new creature and two NPCs -A region map, two sitemaps, and a hand-drawn dungeon map to aid the PC’s investigations -A fully realized forest region with fleshed-out NPCs and places to explore -Detailed backstory for the ancient warrior sheltered inside the PC’s treasured amulet -Four custom magical items And helpful tips for DMing a one-on-one game This adventure is perfect for those looking to begin or continue their duet campaign. Published by D&D Duet.
Penchant for Adventure – 5 takes a single PC and DM back to a popular ‘haunt’. With the normal group taking a little time off your PC hears of a gambling tourney in Penchant which coincides with the annual Reaping Festival. Give your player a chance to “howl at the moon” in this quick but dangerous adventure! Remember, Penchant is not for the faint of heart…but have no fear, the adventure is free so no risk in that regard.
No Loose Ends is a mini-adventure that has a single encounter, based on a group of orcs (or ogres based on level) setting up an ambush for the players by setting up a fake bridge that they attempt to collapse under the players before attacking. The cloak of elvenkind is optional, it is included only in the higher level adjustments. Pgs. 17-18
"A great cat sits upon the northern grasslands, my friend, waiting to pounce on adventurers just like you." As you part the tall grass with your sword, the words of the tavernkeeper echo in your head. "He was the mightiest wizard we'd ever known, and that Lion Castle was his home." Your friends' voices mingle with the tavernkeeper's. "He's but a ghost now, haunting those halls, and waiting for an heir." The ground rises slightly. A strong wind rushes through the field. Suddenly, the grasses part, and Lion Castle rises majestically before you! "Magical riches await those who enter!" "Beware of man-beasts!" Voices flood your head again. Will you brave the haunted castle? Can you afford not to? It's all up to you in this D&D Solo Adventure. Ghost of Lion Castle is for one player only, but that one player makes all of the choices and enjoys all of the rewards. An entire castle and courtyard await your exploration. The adventure also includes a complete solo combat system. TSR 9097
SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE! The Tabernacle of Ka-Sik-Fal is a 2 in 1 adventure including a TRUE SOLO adventure. This double adventure is actually the same adventure in two formats, one DM & PC, and the other a true do it yourself adventure. This adventure is for a PC of 1-3 level . It follows the Filbar Campaign setting but can be placed in any campaign setting. This adventure takes a single PC into a deserted shrine to discover the whereabouts of missing villagers. At 35 pages this adventure will keep your PC busy. Did I mention a true 1 person solo adventure?
A moderate sized town perfect for adventurers to relax in and pick up extra supplies and lift a pint or two. This particuliar town is a focal point in several adventures in Filbar including FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu and F3 - Adventure in Skull Pass. A larger settlement than Xer, Feastelburg offers a variety of different shops for the well-heeled and 'healed' adventurer. As the Mayor of Feastelburg says "Oy, pull out a stool and drop a coin or two for something that suits your fancy"
This collection of eleven 1 on 1 Adventures is now available in 1 tome-now powered by Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! 1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest 1 on 1 Adventures #2: The Star of Olindor 1 on 1 Adventures #3: The Forbidden Hills 1 on 1 Adventures #4: The Sixth Cavalier 1 on 1 Adventures #5: Vale of the Sepulcher 1 on 1 Adventures #6: The Shroud of Olindor 1 on 1 Adventures #6.66: The Pleasure Prison of the B'thuvian Demon Whore 1 on 1 Adventures #7: Eyes of the Dragon 1 on 1 Adventures #8: Blood Brothers 1 on 1 Adventures #9: Legacy of Darkness 1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor
From Exalted Funeral: The snows are alive. A soft, cold spirit courses through them. Her lace threads the world; watching, drinking, listening, stroking, soothing, killing. Her touch is soft and icy. She is Winterwhite, the daughter of the Waterdrinker and the Northwind, and she is a terrible god. An avatar of ice and hunger, of visions and death. Dooms and devastations to visit upon a cosy roleplaying setting. Longwinter is the RPG sandbox of a realm that has broken its vows to Winterwhite and will now pay the cold price. This book contains secret knowledge and mechanics for the referee. The setting is profoundly close to that of Witchburner (by the same author and artist). This sandbox includes: ~110 pages of content. some colour illustrations. 3 variations of the Brezim map to represent changes as Winterwhite's curse bites harder. faction trackers for the 5 key factions and over 40 events to represent different groups growing or waning in strength depending on player actions. detailed weather and event tables to simulate a living setting. detailed encounter tables for night and day, which grow harsher as Winterwhite's curse grows stronger. several more tables to generate corpses, caches, vaults, and memories of summer. optional playing card-based escape mechanic with 54 different locations, challenges and characters encountered in each location. alternatively, the escape section serves as a resource to mine for winter locations, challenges, and characters. Be aware: This is a book of factions and winter encounters for the full-fledged mini-setting detailed in the Longwinter: Visitor's Book. The content is mostly system-neutral. It references some 5E or d20-style conventions, but should work with most low-power systems easily. Many of the encounters, and particularly the escape, will not work with characters resistant to cold, capable of flight, or otherwise able to avoid the environmental challenges. Finally, thank you for considering running Longwinter for your players. It is a bit of a tribute to the mountains and myths I've walked and heard over many years, and I hope you will find fuel for many adventures and good memories herein. It has also been a challenging project to prepare. Many people helped make it as good as it is. The fault for all errors and typos is my own. —Luka, December 2020
The heroes are sent to find what happened to a local druid, but discover his mind has been driven to madness and he is attacking the local villages. The heroes track down the druid's grove and find he was enchanted by a hag, and the heroes have to find a way to destroy the chimes she uses to enchant the druid.
The plague-stricken Copper District of Waterdeep's Southern Ward needs your help. What is causing the plague? Can it be stopped? Are you the right person for the job? Published by Arcana Games.
Two days ago while in the Village of Balis you heard a rumor of an abandoned monastery. With such a deserted location already so close at hand one could not refuse the temptation of checking on its possible gains-whether it is treasure or knowledge that is to say. Yet the gains must surely be worthy of someone as adventurous and brave as yourself. Through further investigation of the rumors of the townspeople you have discovered that the old monastery is said to be haunted with the dead walking the grounds. Directions were located and after a final day’s praying you set out to locate the Monastery of the White Rose.
The adventure text was written by a neural network (Talk to Transformer) and compiled by a human editor. It is surprisingly usable. The adventure is centered upon the dangerous and thoroughly weird Tomb of the Daughter, the burial place and temple of an ancient Goddess. Explore several rooms connected by teleport systems, fight strange creatures, and perhaps thwart a demon summoning.
Starting an adventuring career can be exciting, but it can also be deadly. As you have completed your training, you are offered an "easy" job from an alchemist. Several ingredients are required for a special project and the only source is a Druid a few miles away. Get the items, return them, and get paid a whopping 20gp...not a bad start for a newbie!
Kidnapped! The cursed Baron von Hendriks has kidnapped your betrothed. Now the madman wants as a ransom your Alandah's weight in unrefined gold! How are you going to pay? The baron himself has been kind enough to provide you with that answer: streams of raw gold gush from a burning mountain somewhere in the Sea of Dread. All you have to do is find this mysterious mountain. Unfurl the sails! The open sea awaits you and your crew as you sail from the city harbor. But beware! The Sea of Dread has more than earned its title over the centuries. Can you survive the perils of the sea? Will your crew mutiny before you reach the Burning Mountain? Or will you have to throw crew-members overboard just to make room for the gold? Solo adventure. "Lathan's Gold" is a real innovation in solo adventure design, considerably more complex than any of the gamebooks then being produced. Though the adventures uses the typical trope of numbered paragraphs, its paragraphs are divided into six types: "S"pecularum, "U"rban", Island "E"xploration", "C"oastal", "T"rade Routes, and "V"oyages. Players can jump between the sections, then return, in slightly freeform ways. Players are also required to keep track of hit points, money, and treasure (which were typical for the more advanced gamebooks), and rations, days remaining, and hull points (which were not). Another freeform element, quite unusual for gamebooks, is the "wandering monsters" table, which introduces semi-random encounters. TSR 9082
You've enhanced your experience and with that comes training. You found a suitable teacher and have been quite studious and are ready to move on. As the instructor gives you leave, bad new strikes in the form of his sickened wife. You quickly learn that a rare herb known as Unicorn's Mane is required. As repayment, you set out to gather the item to save your friend's spouse. This adventure setting was designed for 5th Edition AD&D for the Filbar Campaign, but is easily adaptable to most any game and system. This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for notices and updates as well.
Starvation looms for the people of the Wolf tribe! The elk have all but disappeared and the risky move of the tribe near the Bear clan territory has proved fruitless. An emergency council of the elders has declared that a single hearty warrior must make the dangerous journey deeper into Bear territory to find a source of food. The council has chosen you for this mission of great importance. It is your task to find out where the elk have gone and bring back food for the winter or at least enact Wolf people retribution against the source of the oncoming famine! Into The Forbidden Hills you must travel, heart full of hope and anger…
Almost every larger city has one...a Grand Bazaar! This supplement spells out a large group of booths available at a standard open market. Three different sizes of marketplaces have also been included for various metropolitian areas. While this product isn't an adventure it doesn't mean that information FOR adventures can't be located here...This supplement was designed with role players in mind that enjoy the banter!
Centuries ago, a beholder named Yeryl fled from the place of his birth and wandered the countryside in search for a place to call home. After many sleepless nights spent carving out a safe nook for himself in the wilderness, he at last slipped into slumber. In his dreams, he found an ideal place for his lair: long-abandoned ruins hidden amidst a dull and barren valley. Yeryl spent years transforming the place to suit his paranoid designs. Visitors were rare enough, and the few that made it to Yeryl’s lair were quickly destroyed or forced into the beholder’s service, building the lair ever deeper and more magnificent. As time went on, Yeryl finally completed his task. Safe at last, but with nothing to occupy his mind, Yeryl was struck by melancholy; was this lonely and empty life truly what he had chosen for himself? On that day, Yeryl made a decision: next time an adventurer came to his lair, he would welcome them in. With this resolution in mind, Yeryl began to dismantle his traps and replace them with ones he considered to be more fun. Unfortunately, for all his good intents, Yeryl has not yet realised that killing people is a bad way of getting them to like him. Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon is a highly obnoxious and mildly ridiculous collection of traps, combat and puzzles designed to test your players' wits and patience. It is optimised for a group of four to five 3rd level players, but the text also contains a guide for level adjustments for different sized groups.
You are aromantic, and your best friend is aromantic. There’s only one thing to do: go and fight a dragon. Two Aromantics Spend an Entire Day Doing Everything Except Experiencing Romantic Attraction is an unapologetically no-romo single-player adventure for a level 4 character. It should run for approximately 3-5 hours. This adventure requires at least some knowledge as to what it means to be aromantic. There are many useful resources available online for those unfamiliar with this term.