The Great Trial is a 5e adventure for characters starting at 7th-level and ending at 10th-level. It's a dungeon consisting in the 3 levels, where the first level is the lowermost one and the last is the uppermost one: First level is composed by mean traps, puzzles and combat; Second level is a labyrinth with a construct Minotaur - the Minotal - and an iron wyvern, brand new creatures; The last and uppermost level is actually a jungle-like demi-place filled with dinosaurs in an open world format. Aenor Gleenwith, a powerful elf wizard, wants to make history alongisde Acererak for his Tomb of Horror and Halaster for his Undermountain. So he created his own dungeon. To test its efficiency, he captures adventurers and puts them in the lowermost level, where they need to work together to survive and leave the dangerous place. At the end, Aenor himself greets the group offering them apologies for the harm caused, to fix all damage caused and also rewarding them for the forced help. This module can be run in any setting, campaign, or as a one-shot. It should take around 10 to 14 hours to complete it since it contains 3 Chapters.
Tillius Morganstein aka the Mad Mage has selected your group to investigate an ancient temple hidden below the peaceful waters of Lake Springwood. The wizard is too old to investigate the area himself and has enlisted your help. While he has studied the ancient texts dedicated to "Bulu" he cannot define what dangers may lurk or what treasures may await those brave enough to delve into the submerged halls but surely the rewards will be great!
In Necromancer’s Last Stand, your high level party is placed into the middle of a several decades old conflict. A new plan has developed as the forces of good begin to make headway. Called to the general’s tent you and your associates are asked to accept a hazardous ‘end around’ move to attempt to take out the evil leader. The way will not be easy and a plethora of challenges lay between the general’s tent and victory. There will not be attack and retreat opportunities and you know you’ve only got one shot at ending the violent conflict.
For months, the dreams of the people of Emystrell have become dark and terrible. It seems their nightmares have come to life as in recent weeks, people have mysteriously gone missing, vanishing in the night without a trace! Everyone is too paralyzed by their own despair to do anything or venture far from the safety of their homes. Emystrell is on the brink of collapse. The baron is offering a handsome reward to anyone who can show proof of the end of whatever evil curse that has taken hold of their town. This adventure is designed for a party of 3-5 heroic characters from the 2nd to 3rd level. It has elements of mystery and investigation in the first section which can be detailed and highly involved for groups that enjoy the process of searching for clues and solving mysteries or just as easily glossed over for groups that are more tactics focused. The second section of the adventure features the dungeon: a labyrinthine complex of an ancient elven crypt which the thieves guild has used as a base of operations for a decade...until the serpent worshipping cult arrived. The third section of this book is the detailed map and notes on the town and surrounding area of Emystrell. Roleplaying notes are kept light to allow for room for your own interpretations and details to NPCs remain as free to do with as you choose unless I felt inspired and hoped to give you a cool idea. This adventure has hooks for Dungeon Masters interested in a larger campaign involving the sinister plots of the Yuan-Ti (snake people) as well as other interesting adventure hooks (such as the giants in the nearby mountains or the stolen gem: The Eye of the Dragon). These plot points are intentionally left vague for you to fill in the gaps based on what your players seem interested in. You are invited to use this as a launch point adventure to lead your heroes on a larger adventure that might someday set them against an Anathema Serpent demigod, or it may simply be the adventure that begins their journeys and the evil of Yargoth stops here at Emystrell. If your campaign is set in a pre-published setting, this town of Emystrell can be replaced or fit into any campaign with a few tweaks to local gods and names. If you are playing in Dragonlance, you could replace Yargoth the Dread Serpent with Tiamat, or Dendar in Fearun. The local goddess, Tyr, could be the Tyr from the Forgotten Realms or even Norse myth if that is your campaign setting.
'A Doven Investigation' is an adventure for 5e to take characters from level 1 to 3. Within the city of Doven a series of bizarre accidents have worried city authorities. They suspect the origin of these accidents come from a necromancer and so seek out a group of adventurers to hire. Their job is to find out what is causing these accidents and put a stop to it. This job though won't be as easy as it seems. The party will have to make sure to not accuse innocent people, work what the city authorities aren't telling them about these accidents and finally uncover the more infernal origin of what endangers Doven. This adventure serves as a sandbox mystery adventure presenting the party a variety of ways to uncover what truly is happening in Doven. It is a good way for a parties characters to meet up and explore the city of Doven together as they work out more and more about the city.
"All-Seeing Eye" is a oculo swarm and night scorpion lair for five 5th-level characters.
Igor's Challenge is a 3-4 hour, non-lethal, funhouse style dungeon. It is a self-contained adventure that should fit into any campaign or serve as a one-shot adventure for any group. The adventure can fit a party of any level and size with only minor adjustments. Igor is an eccentric gnome inventor and retired adventurer renowned around the world. He has sent out invitations to adventuring groups to come compete for his latest, greatest invention. The competition will take place a few days hence in the village of Penthill and consist of a race through his specially created challenge-dungeon. Igor's Challenge includes a unique magic item, a small village with locations and NPCs, an encounter and story with a legendary NPC (stat bloc provided), and a 33 room dungeon of traps, tricks, and puzzles.
Giants stalk the shifting sands as the lost city of Stylos awakens from its deathless slumber. The Fourth Age of Man is at hand! All that stands between the gigantic hordes of Stylos and their conquest of the world is your band of adventurers. Sinister traps, implacable foes, and the crushing tread of the dread Colossus all lurk within these pages, eager to test the courage and cunning of even the most accomplished adventurers.
The town of Canticle Bay has long been dependent on ocean fishing for its economy, and as demand has grown, the town has increased its efforts to supply the inland cities with the best seafood. Recently, however, the men who go out on the boats haven’t been coming back. A newly formed group of adventurers have been sent by the guild to investigate the missing men. Where are they? Those that are still alive can be found in the watery depths amongst the Sirens sworn to protect the ocean. Faced with the truth, whose side will the party take?
2023 ENNIE Awards Silver Winner in the Best Organised Play category! The Dai Meow-Ou is dead, you’re accused of murder, and you have until sunrise to clear your names. It’s time to put on your thinking cats and play detective, adventurers! Can you sniff out the real killers before your time runs out? A Pawsome Feywild Murder Mystery for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. From the 2019 ENNIE Award nominated author of the Neverdusk Trilogy and experiential horror mystery The Waystop comes a brand new roleplaying & puzzle-lite adventure lovingly crafted as an homage to the films and novels of Japan's golden age detective fiction and set in the Feywild domain of Roku-Nyan, where cats rule and dogs drool! This 4-hour module is designed to be played using Theater of the Mind, and depending on the characters and their decisions, multiple endings are possible. It debuted at Lion City Conclave 2022, a community convention in Singapore that supported Causes for Animals (Singapore). The v1.2 package (9 July Update) includes: - Enhanced copy for better clarity & Jason's Cheat Sheet for running a smoother game. - Art inserts by Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - A high quality digital map pack for key encounter locations, in Black & White (as befits the genre) by digital artist Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - High quality puzzle packs and resources designed by Jason Koh, with illustrations by Ryan Tan Chen Wayne (Ryzwayne). - Token pack featuring our assassins. - Bonus DLC Street Map.
After a restful time in Queen’s Point you begin to hear rumors of some “lost city” being discovered. After speaking with some of the locals and visiting the library you become intrigued. Apparently Harvick was abandoned during the plague years and its riches were never recovered. Along with the regular valuables one would find in an abandoned city, it is rumored that an ancient artifact or two may also be present. Sounds like it’s time to strap on the adventuring gear and take a look around.
The abandoned Tower of Ulvarum Orvernus stands atop an asteroid nearly a quarter mile in diameter, located roughly 5 million miles from the planet’s surface. The asteroid maintains Earth-like gravity and a breathable atmosphere, with habitable temperatures. This is all sustained through the harnessed power of a bound Air Elemental and Earth Elemental. If either of these Elementals are freed, the asteroid’s environment will quickly become inhospitable. The PCs may find themselves drawn to the asteroid through a forgotten portal, seeking a way to return home. Alternatively, they might be lured there by rumors of a powerful item or hidden knowledge within the tower’s extensive libraries. A multi-level tower filled with traps and strange encounters including animated armor, alien plant life, giant spiders, and a doppelganger.
Some weeks ago, a tiny sliver of shadow crept into Yarralanya Swamp. It fed on the worms, then on the fish and snakes, growing larger over time until it threatened the lives of the swamp folk, who took up their weapons and fought back, to no avail. In order to buy time for a second attempt, the swamp folk began to steal livestock from the nearby village to satiate the beast’s hunger. After all, who but those villagers could be responsible for unleashing this threat? Soon after, a band of adventurers visiting Rishel’s Hollow find themselves tasked with a simple mission: end the theft of cattle by whatever means necessary. This adventure should run for 3-5 hours, either as a standalone one-shot or as part of an existing campaign, especially one featuring creatures from the Shadowfell or the experiments of a mage. Encounters assume a party of 4-6 level 4 characters.
A medium sized city is situated between Challenge of the Minotaur and Hall of the Dwarf Lords and is centered on the edge of frontier near the Border Hills. The town is walled and populated my mostly Mountain Dwarves although most races are present and welcome. This area provides an excellent respite for those fresh off the trail of adventure!
"The Clockwork Tower" is an azza gremlin lair suitable for five 3rd level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session.
The town of Innisfall lives in the shadow of dragons, but has managed to broker a peace with them through the years and avoided outright destruction. Now, a dragon has been murdered and the visiting party of adventurers is accused of perpetrating the deed. Can our heroes prove their innocence and restore the uneasy truce the town has lived under for generations?…
Deep blue mists of the night swirl over the sands of Raurin, the incomparable Desert of Dust. As the cool night air drains the heat from the sand, you and your friends huddle around your campfire, glancing nervously at the giant pyramid in the distance. Gradually, the winds change direction, bearing a thin streak of white mist toward you from the pyramid. It swirls and takes shape as a faceless man dressed in ancient robes and an ornate head-piece; moonlight shining through his ghostly body and robes, he lifts his arms toward the pyramid and speaks. It was magic that conveyed you all to Bralizar, and an ancient map that guided you through the pass in The Dustwall. But it was, after all, the tales that finally brought you to this place - tales of endless wealth, of spirit-guarded pyramids, of crystalline obelisks, of gemstones with mysterious properties. Now, as the haunted voice of the spectre before you begins his tale, you wonder if the treasure and the quest are worth the price...perhaps your very lives. Are you really the heroes of the prophecies, those who will overcome the foretold tests, and those for whom the treasure awaits? It is time to search your hearts before you venture further into the Desert of Desolation. An epic adventure includes the revised Desert of Desolation series plus totally new adventures within Raurin, a desert wilderness set in the Fabulous Forgotten Realms TSR 9199
Adventurers who care where their next meal is coming from will enjoy sinking their teeth into this mystery. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - TSR 9202
First the bandits attacked then the Roc carried away the guide. Since then you have blindly followed the camels hoping that their instincts would lead you to water or help of some kind. You and your friends are lost in a sea of sand. Plodding along in the shadow of the camels and doing your best to stay alert. Ahead the heat shimmers take shape. This time it is a castle. Blinking away the dryness in your eyes you realize that the tower is not a mirage but it is broken.
The trade coster Commus is up to something big, and its rivals want to know what it is. The PCs must investigate the situation before things get too hot to handle. Where There's Smoke is a single session adventure for four to five 1st level characters. It is an urban adventure, taking place in a large town or small city. The adventure also includes 5th edition write-ups of two creatures from the 3rd edition Monster Manual II - the Ash Rat and the Grimalkin.