A community for lazy dungeon masters
575 adventures found
Cover of DDAL-CGB Cloud Giant's Bargain
DDAL-CGB Cloud Giant's Bargain
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
33 pages

The renowned adventuring company Acquisitions Inc. hires you to infiltrate a castle--but not just any castle. This is a flying fortress built by the cloud giant Count Stratovan, who is currently preparing to destroy the Sword Coast. Your mission is to meet with his son, who claims to want to prevent the war and establish peace between the giants and the small folk. If you can learn whether the son can be trusted, discover the secrets of the castle, and ... well, survive, you too can earn acclaim with Acquisitions Inc.! Released as a Fathom Events exclusive at movie theaters streaming the PAX 2016 Ac. Inc. game. Legal for AL play.

Cover of Factions of Phandalin - Barrhindlun
Factions of Phandalin - Barrhindlun
5th Edition
Level 5
35 pages

This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Zhentarim in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. The adventure, Barrhindlun sees the adventurers working for the Zhentarim and traveling to the town of Leilon and finding their way beneath to the muddy lost city of Barrhindlun, where bandits of the Xanathar Guild have been sent to reclaim a Crystal Orb.

Cover of CCC-AETHER-01-01 The Heir of Orcus: Verse I
CCC-AETHER-01-01 The Heir of Orcus: Verse I
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
41 pages

An Adventurers League Con-Created Content Module. Tier 1, 2-4 Hours. (Compatible with Homebrew games too!) May I have the next 100 words to convince you to purchase this adventure? **PITCH BEGINS!** This module features three ways to play: join the Knights of Holy Judgment, the Cult of Zariel, or the forces of Chaos as you search for a lost Angel of Tyr, Ser Vindictus. Play like it is 1990 and experience the first Adventurer’s League module to use 16-bit art for maps, tokens, NPC portraits, and magic items! Each purchase includes the PDF, Fantasy Grounds module, four maps, 15 tokens, comic art for the backstory, and an imaginary high five from the author. Make a DC 92 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, reroll! On a failed save, buy this adventure! **PITCH ENDS!** Author’s note: This is part one of a two part Tier 1 series. I plan to make future Verses if these do well and people like them. Thanks for looking at my adventure and please leave an honest review! -Anthony Joyce (Twitter: @Thrawn589) All artwork was commissioned and commercially licensed for this module. Pixel Art by: Joaquin Reymundo "Dsurion" (Twitter: @Dsurion) Comic Art by: James Gifford (Twitter: @Mrjamesgifford) Fantasy Grounds Module by: Chris Jernigan

Cover of The Eye of the Storm
The Eye of the Storm
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
28 pages

The Eye of the Storm is a tower storming adventure for parties of 3 to 7 adventurers from 8th to 12th level. It takes around 6 hours to play and is designed to fit into any campaign that needs a wizard in tower. In this adventure the party are tasked with stopping the storm obsessed wizard, Atonitus, from completing his ritual to become a living storm. Atonitus' ritual is causing dangerous elemental storms in the area surrounding his tower, causing death and destruction in nearby settlements. A pair of Cyclopes, Pameen and Mezrah, have been tricked into doing his bidding too. The siblings have been raiding passing caravans, local settlements, and travellers for all the metal they can carry. Featuring a maze of interconnected rooms, puzzles, a rather annoyed Yugoloth, and the new Ice Para-Elemental monster, this adventure is perfect if you want a dungeon crawl or something a little more social.

Cover of A Fey Mystery of Glen Dourn
A Fey Mystery of Glen Dourn
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
23 pages

A haunted house, a missing person, and a hint of wild fey magic. In the kingdom of Norland in the Moonshae Isles, King Keethan rules by the will of Torm the True, though in Glen Dourn folk still hold true to the old ways—a dense and layered folklore of monsters and tales to frighten children. It is to this remote valley that Keethan bids you make haste to seek out signs of his beloved cousin, Lady Sorcha Hannigard. Sorcha vanished on her wedding day three years ago, sending her groom and neighbours alike into mourning. But where can she have gone? The only remaining clues to this mystery lie in her abandoned mansion home, where powers less wholesome have now taken up residence. The Dread Coven will not give up what they know so easily, although they will strike a bargain if you’re willing to pay the price in pain.

Cover of Escape from the Forge of Dumathoin
Escape from the Forge of Dumathoin
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
21 pages

This 4 hour adventure for 3rd level characters begins in a prison cell where the adventurers must figure out a way to escape, acquire weapons and armor to defend themselves more effectively, and most importantly, escape a repurposed dwarven forge that has been appropriated by a fire giant who uses slave labor and even a captured red dragon wyrmling to smelt ore and forge an arsenal under the volcano Mt. Hotenow.

Cover of Gates of Neverdeath
Gates of Neverdeath
4th Edition
Level 1
14 pages

The task seems easy enough: accompany a mysterious traveler and her equally mysterious package from Waterdeep to Neverwinter. In the Jewel of the North, tasks are seldom easy, though. News travels fast and the Red Wizards of Thay have learned of the traveler and the object she carries. Now a Necromancer readies an ambush for the adventurers and their ward, intent on stealing the item for his own sinister purpose. A prelude to the Lost Crown of Neverwinter Encounters season and connected to the release of the Neverwinter Campaign Setting.

Cover of CCC-PDXAGE-02-01 The Dark Hunt
CCC-PDXAGE-02-01 The Dark Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

The village near Oreclasp Keep has been reporting brutal owlbear attacks that have left people missing or dismembered. Lord Oreclasp has placed a bounty for every owlbear beak brought to Oreclasp Keep. The villagers don’t suspect the deeper problems brewing in the land.

Cover of DC-POA-JL01 Horror Beneath the Frost
DC-POA-JL01 Horror Beneath the Frost
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
25 pages

Avalanches are hardly news in Icewind Dale. The frequency to which it is occurring, however, defies logic. What is the cause of this strange phenomenon? What horrors could have unleashed such force of nature with such reckless abandon? Horror Beneath the Frost is a slasher horror adventure set in Icewind Dale, deep within the Reghed Glacier. It features yetis, mind flayers and a boneclaw! The adventure is designed to be easily dropped into: • Any homebrew campaign where avalanches occur. • Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. • Plague of Ancients Seasonal Campaign for the Adventurers League (AL) organized play program. Inside you will find: • A slasher horror adventure optimized for five characters with an average party level (APL) of 8. • Scaling advice for three to seven 5th to 10th level characters. • A printer-friendly version of the adventure. • 4 digital maps importable to Roll20, Foundry VTT and your VTT of choice. Includes gridded, grid-less and printer friendly versions of the maps. • D&D Adventurers League compatible adventure (Dungeon Seed: This Seems Familiar | DC-POA-JL01)

Cover of DDEX01-04 Dues for the Dead
DDEX01-04 Dues for the Dead
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
25 pages

For years, the Most Solemn Order of the Silent Shroud has tended the dead at Valinghen graveyard, providing them a peaceful eternal rest. Now, that rest has been disturbed by a necromancer seeking out a key to re-activate the Pool of Radiance.

Cover of BMILL 01-02 Finding Kat
BMILL 01-02 Finding Kat
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
24 pages

The characters are introduced to the coup occurring in Whitehorn and are tasked with warning a friend, whose family is involved, about it. (characters can choose one instrument as a reward)

Cover of Undermountain: The Lost Level
Undermountain: The Lost Level
Levels 7–9
32 pages

"Far be it from me to impugn the mettle of adventurers such as yourselves, but daring the depths of Undermountain merely for fortune's sake is more absurd than kicking a sleeping dragon in the nose for sport. Even so, you've returned for another trip to the Underhalls, so be prepared. You stand to enter the Lost Level this time: Gird yourselves for diplomacy as well as destruction. You'll find the last stronghold of an extinct dwarven clan: Do be good enough to extend the greetings of the Blackstaff to Bandaerl. There's also a dark vampiress who enjoys a good hunt, and be sure to mind the beholders: They're trained to keep you from escaping. "Enjoy, and don't say Khelben didn't warn thee." TSR 9519

Cover of CCC-SCAR01-02 Glister By Light
CCC-SCAR01-02 Glister By Light
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The mining town of Glister has a problem. The latest caravan only arrived with a part of its supplies. Orcs waylaid them, took much needed goods, and are now making demands that the town return an artifact that is theirs, but the town is unfamiliar with. Help track down information about this artifact and possibly defend the city from an orc invasion! A 4-hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters Part 2 of Kossuth's Kiss

Cover of DDEX03-08 The Malady of Elventree
DDEX03-08 The Malady of Elventree
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
34 pages

An escaped duergar slave stumbles into the village of Elventree. With her she brings a malady that grips the small settlement in a bout of madness that seems unshakable. Can you find the source of the madness and save yourself and the village’s inhabitants? A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters.

Cover of Grimjaws
Levels 5–7
4 pages

Stuffed animals. The Vast Swamp is a most unnatural habitat. A crocodile has been attacking a poor druid and its up to the party to help the druid retake his swamp. Pgs. 34-37

Cover of The Price of Freedom
The Price of Freedom
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
13 pages

A powerful new narcotic is making its way through the Spine of the World. Behind it is a secret that could change everything! Explore a lost city and discover the secrets hidden by the gods themselves. (TW: some drug use and the possibility for players to use drugs)

Cover of CCC-NBDD01-02 Where Can She Be
CCC-NBDD01-02 Where Can She Be
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
33 pages

A master criminal has been making her way across the Moonsea, stealing priceless treasures at every stop. It's up to you to trace her steps, find her allies, and stop her before she can claim her final prize. A Two to Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

Cover of The Menace of Merric
The Menace of Merric
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
53 pages

This module is the first of a series of High Forest adventures. It includes a description of the village of Merric, including detailed NPC's. Merric has always been at risk of raids by the local Gnolls, but now word has come that the Orcs of the Greypeak mountains are massing to invade High Forest. The elders of Merric have decided to hire and groom an adventuring group to ensure they have a balancing force against the invasion. Soon it becomes clear that there is something far more dangerous than Orcs threatening High Forest and if the children of Merric will ever be safe again, someone needs to stand between them and the evils that lurk in the dark.

Cover of CCC-SALT-01-03 Broken Halls of Goldahroud
CCC-SALT-01-03 Broken Halls of Goldahroud
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

Beneath the moorlands of Thar, hidden from all for centuries, lies the Broken Halls of Goldahroud. It seems to have been inhabited until recently as the blood marks on the walls are only a few weeks old. What mysteries lie beyond the doorway from the Tomb of Kered? Fear of the markings have forced the SALT Consortium to turn again to hiring adventurers to face what horrors await them in the Broken Halls of Goldahroud.

Cover of DDEX03-11 The Quest for Sporedome
DDEX03-11 The Quest for Sporedome
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
26 pages

In the search for allies in the Underdark, you are called upon to travel through the recently opened Waydown sinkhole to find the lost myconid colony of Sporedome. It is said that they once cultivated a strain of mushrooms that could protect one from falling into madness. Can this be the cure for the rapidly spreading onslaught of insanity?