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575 adventures found
Cover of Be All My Sins Remember'd
Be All My Sins Remember'd
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
10 pages

The kuo-toa are a piscine race with a psychic affliction that makes them behave erratically and invent gods when feeling threatened. That same affliction gives them the power to bring those gods to life. Blibdoolpoolp is the most widely worshipped, and thus most powerful, of their gods. Blibdoolpoolp views the kuo-toa as her children despite having been born after them. Like all good mothers, she nurtures and protects. One of her chief concerns is understanding the kuo-toa’s psychic affliction, which causes them to undermine themselves whenever they strive for greatness. She discovers that a corrupted elder brain deep in the Underdark has a connection to the race; though the connection gives them psychic powers, it also turns them into powerless thralls, explaining their self destructive behaviors. Constrained by the same leash on her children, Blibdoolpoolp seeks adventurers to destroy the elder brain. Its death would free the kuo-toa, but potentially at great cost: if the kuo-toa lose their powers, will Blibdoolpoolp die?

Cover of The Slithering Brood
The Slithering Brood
5th Edition
Level 1
52 pages

When the PCs turn up in the village of Ditch Nettle, they are tasked with solving the mystery of various disappearances. Will they be able to uncover the culprit, a worshiper of the long-dead cult of Morloski, goddess of the Slithering Brood. Or will they get stymied by local politics?

Cover of Before Phandelver - A Tutorial Adventure
Before Phandelver - A Tutorial Adventure
5th Edition
Level 1
12 pages

A Tutorial and Alternate Start for Lost Mines of Phandelver Before Phandelver is a tutorial adventure designed to help new players and DMs be better introduced to Dungeons & Dragons. Crafted with best educational practices in mind and covering important details of preparation and mindset often overlooked, especially by new DMs, Before Phandelver will help the Lost Mines of Phandelver truly become the adventure worthy of inclusion in the Starter Set.

Cover of Valanche's Eye
Valanche's Eye
5th Edition
Level 4
16 pages

A gnomish settlement is plagued by inexplicable earthquakes, the wrath of an Earth Elemental. Can the heroes save the gnomes? Do the greedy gnomes deserve to be saved? "Valanche's Eye" was inspired by a desire to write an adventure which blurs the line of who the bad guy actually is, or indeed whether or not there's a really tangible villain. It takes the "patron hires adventurers to clear dungeon" trope and twists it – the patron turns out to be a pretty rotten bastard, and the monsters in the dungeon are just trying to live their lives. It starts when gnome gem-miners strike the mother lode of emeralds and sapphires, only to find themselves run off their claim. First they accidentally broke through to the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, and mephits burst out to annoy them. When they were just about done dealing with the mephits, they disturbed an earth elemental who just wants to be left alone, and emeralds are its favorite snack. The mine boss hires the adventurers to come kill all the elementals. But should they?

Cover of DDEX03-09 The Waydown
DDEX03-09 The Waydown
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
36 pages

The recent discovery of an entrance to the Underdark has set local leaders on edge. In a display of initiative, the First Lord of Hillsfar has ordered the construction of defensive structures surrounding what locals have begun to call "The Waydown." You have been charged with escorting an emissary back to his home in the Underdark without alerting the Red Plumes.

Cover of The Cult & The Tribe
The Cult & The Tribe
5th Edition
Level 7
29 pages

The Cult & the Tribe Lizards and Goblins and Demons, Oh My! DUNGEON MODULE T1: THE CULT & THE TRIBE Goblins weilding magical blue fire are attacking the peaceful lizardfolk in the swamps near Timbertown. They've come to the humans for help, and Baron Ferrand needs heroes to head into the swamp and find out what's happening. As if that wasn't enough, demons are roaming the countryside, summoned by cultists of the Fraternity of Tharos, one of whom is secretly an important person in the town. Can you help the lizardfolk and keep the town safe?

Cover of The Call of Atropus
The Call of Atropus
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
21 pages

As an ominous comet passes over Toril, a young researcher from Candlekeep goes missing. In darker corners of the Realms, eldritch horrors stir, answering the call of a dead god. Will the heroes be able to save the scholar before they succumb to an Elder Evil from beyond the reaches of sanity? This single session adventure is perfect if you are looking to introduce science-fiction themes into your game or just enjoy Lovecraftian horror. It has copious references to the Spelljammer setting and could be used as a springboard into that campaign setting. The Call of Atropus requires Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes to run effectively.

Cover of CCC-AETHER-01-01 The Heir of Orcus: Verse I
CCC-AETHER-01-01 The Heir of Orcus: Verse I
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
41 pages

An Adventurers League Con-Created Content Module. Tier 1, 2-4 Hours. (Compatible with Homebrew games too!) May I have the next 100 words to convince you to purchase this adventure? **PITCH BEGINS!** This module features three ways to play: join the Knights of Holy Judgment, the Cult of Zariel, or the forces of Chaos as you search for a lost Angel of Tyr, Ser Vindictus. Play like it is 1990 and experience the first Adventurer’s League module to use 16-bit art for maps, tokens, NPC portraits, and magic items! Each purchase includes the PDF, Fantasy Grounds module, four maps, 15 tokens, comic art for the backstory, and an imaginary high five from the author. Make a DC 92 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, reroll! On a failed save, buy this adventure! **PITCH ENDS!** Author’s note: This is part one of a two part Tier 1 series. I plan to make future Verses if these do well and people like them. Thanks for looking at my adventure and please leave an honest review! -Anthony Joyce (Twitter: @Thrawn589) All artwork was commissioned and commercially licensed for this module. Pixel Art by: Joaquin Reymundo "Dsurion" (Twitter: @Dsurion) Comic Art by: James Gifford (Twitter: @Mrjamesgifford) Fantasy Grounds Module by: Chris Jernigan

Cover of The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale
The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale
5th Edition
Level 11
? pages

The Curious Tale of Wisteria Vale is the script of a play written in Common. It is split up into three acts, telling the story of a heroic bard before he becomes corrupted by evil. A wizard named Ryllia Liadon donated the book to Candlekeep as an entrance gift. She didn't tell the Avowed that the book contains the secret to accessing Wisteria Vale, a magical demiplane created by the Harpers to imprison a bard named Arrant Quill until they could free him from the influence of an evil artifact. The book has been hidden in the Candlekeep archives for three years, but the Harpers have finally discovered a cure for Quill's corruption, and the time has come to visit Wisteria Vale once more.

Cover of Abominable Adventures - An Encounter Guidebook In The Frozen Tundra
Abominable Adventures - An Encounter Guidebook In The Frozen Tundra
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
38 pages

Abominable Adventures - An Encounter Guidebook In The Frozen Tundra is a collection of 12 unique Tier 1 side stories filled with danger, horror, & mystery for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. It can be easily integrated into your adventures set in the frozen lands of the North or during any Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. Featuring ❄12 unique pre-adjusted Tier 1 encounters ❄38 pages filled with amazing artworks by artists from all around the World ❄A handy and image-free print-friendly version ❄Coloured battle maps that can be printed or used in your VTT platforms ❄New frightening creatures!

Cover of DDAL07-05 Whispers in the Dark
DDAL07-05 Whispers in the Dark
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

The temple lay just ahead, and within the answers to a great many questions about the recent goings on in Port Nyanzaru. The journey here has been long and arduous and hopefully soon at an end. Leave your trepidations at the door; there’s exploring to be done! Part Three of The Jungle Has Fangs Trilogy.

Cover of It Walks the Jungle at Night
It Walks the Jungle at Night
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
16 pages

It stalks the jungles of Chult. On the path to the lost city lies an ancient danger, a creature that posseses the very jungle and destroys man, beast, and undead alike. Your party has seen the signs of its violence and destruction. Soon they, too, will be hunted by the entity known as Uluu Thalongh. It Walks the Jungle at Night is an adventure supplement for Tomb of Annihilation, designed for a party of 4 players of 5th-7th level. It is a sandbox-friendly adventure designed to fit within a broad adventuring area. The adventure includes strong DM guidelines to hasten or slow the adventure's buildup, allowing the Dungeon Master to control the adventure's pace and incoprorate its early phases into normal day-to-day travel. The adventure includes: -A wide series of random encounter options for the party to discover. They'll find victims of Uluu Thalongh who are relevant to the factions they've interacted with. -A magical item reward: Lash of the Jungle-Walker. -The full-page Myth of Uluu Thalongh, written to embrace Tomb of Annihilation's focus on legend and folklore. -The stat blocks for the Uluu Thalongh (with legendary actions!) and its possessed jungle. -An appendix for chase complications if or when the party flees from the dreadful entity.

Cover of The Anvilton Assassins
The Anvilton Assassins
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
37 pages

While on a mission to act as Waterdeep's (or other city's) trade ambassadors to the Delimbiyr city of Anvilton, an assassination attempt is made on a local leader. Ironically, the evidence points to the adventurers, and they become criminals on the run. They must now try to clear their names and complete their diplomatic mission. Will they also learn who is behind the assassination? This multi-session adventure offers: a mystery that doesn't lead the players (they have lots of choice) a story line that mixes player wits, combat skills, choice, and role playing options lots of background information for the DM to use a well-developed small city with detailed maps; a small urban adventure a bit of magic from an earlier time new villians that can be

Cover of CCC-NBDD01-02 Where Can She Be
CCC-NBDD01-02 Where Can She Be
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
33 pages

A master criminal has been making her way across the Moonsea, stealing priceless treasures at every stop. It's up to you to trace her steps, find her allies, and stop her before she can claim her final prize. A Two to Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.

Cover of Icicles & Brimstone
Icicles & Brimstone
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
15 pages

When a priceless relic goes missing from the archives of an ancient monastery, only one party of stalwart adventurers has the determination and strength of character to go forth and recover it from a dangerous underground fortress. That party is yours.

Cover of CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
35 pages

An injured young fisherman stumbles into Elventree with a brightly colored egg in his arms. He claims it fell from the sky and broke his rowboat. When he swam to the shore an elf with skin of ash attacked him and tried to take the egg. Will you help him keep it safe, Adventurers? The Module This module is 35 pages of adventurer's league fun centered around a mysterious egg that has fallen from the sky, a journey into the Feywild, and a meeting with an Archfey. It rewards exploration, social bravery, and the combats are well tuned for the tier with interesting enemies. Also Included! There are 15 map files included with this document that cover Dungeon Master, Player, gridded, gridless (for use with your Virtual Tabletop of choice!), and greyscale! In addition, there's a high resolution artwork of the Archfey present in the module.

Cover of DDAL05-09 Durlag's Tomb
DDAL05-09 Durlag's Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
41 pages

East of Beregost, nestled in the outskirts of the Wood of Sharp Teeth, Durlag’s Tower has intrigued and yet stymied adventurers for decades. Stuffed full of mechanical traps and arcane wards, and rumored to be inhabited by fiends, very few have managed to extract any REAL treasure from the former home of Durlag Trollkiller. However, a powerful item in the ancient fight against the giants is said to be housed there, and the cloud giant Baron Rajiram has committed significant resources toward recovering it. After a pleasant tea in her garden, Seer calls upon you to beat him there and put a stop to his efforts! Sequel to Durlag's Tower.

Cover of Waxing Moon
Waxing Moon
5th Edition
Level 5
20 pages

Somewhere in the region of Thesk, at the small village of Amaranth, a despicable night hag has taken residence in the farmstead of a native family. There, she devised a malicious magical disease called Lungsprout and intends to infect the unsuspecting villagers with it, using her deceptively aromatic candles. As if that wasn’t enough, she has created a powerful servant, a cross between a golem and a homunculus. She aims to slowly but steadily wipe out the entire village, and use the villagers as fuel for her hideous experiments. The players will have to rush against time and investigate the village, finding clues that will eventually lead them to the night hag herself. Will they be able to save the villagers and destroy the hag and her abominable creations?

Cover of Veratrem's Tribal Siege
Veratrem's Tribal Siege
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
33 pages

Fight off an ambitious young green dragon in this expansion for Storm King's Thunder! This adventure is designed for the Storm King's Thunder campaign and is intended to give your players extra content during Chapter 3. It will bring your party to Wealdham, a small town located in the Westwood. There, they will face off with Veratrem, a young green dragon that has taken control of a local kobold tribe. If the adventurers think they can easily take the weak creatures, they have a surprise coming to them... Veratrem's Tribal Siege is a 5-8 hour adventure for Tier 2 Characters (optimized for APL 6). It has enough material for 1-2 full sessions, depending on how thorough your party is. Alternatively, Veratrem's Tribal Siege works very well as a standalone adventure for players who are not familiar with Storm King's Thunder at all.

Cover of Bridge of Fallen Men
Bridge of Fallen Men
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
52 pages

Nightmares that kill, a mysterious thief that only steals knick-knacks, tales of a huge beast terrorising fisherfolk, an inn with disappearing guests, discoveries of hidden magic portals and rumours of an assassin at large: None of these things are enough to stop the ever-flowing tide of traders and travellers crossing the Bridge of Fallen Men, but its protectors - Cormyr's Purple Dragons - are short on time, and courage... ...will adventurers answer the call?