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3288 adventures found
Cover of Ire of the Storm
Ire of the Storm
Level 1
64 pages

Pridon's Hearth is Sargava’s newest colony, pushing the country’s borders further south than ever before and attracting treasure-hunters, fortune-seekers, and troubled souls hoping for a fresh start. But unnaturally powerful storms rock the tiny settlement just as the local lizardfolk tribe declares war on the colonists within. Are these threats somehow related? What became of the heretical cult of Gozreh that journeyed to the region a century ago, and do its corrupt teachings hold the key to calming the growing hurricane? Can the heroes protect the growing community from raging tempests and hostile monsters alike? And what role does the shadowy Aspis Consortium play in these recent dangers? These challenges and more await heroes willing to face down the Ire of the Storm! Designed for use with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, this adventure is packed with excitement and unique personalities! Written by rising star Thurston Hillman, Ire of the Storm is a deluxe adventure for 1st-level characters, and includes 64 action-packed pages of tropical dangers, jungle ruins, and two new monstrous foes, plus a gorgeous double-sided poster map featuring the Sargavan colony of Pridon's Hearth and an exploration map providing an overview of the entire surrounding region. Players can expect to reach 6th level upon completion of this adventure—or wind up food for all manner of scaly menaces!

Cover of FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
Levels 5–7
24 pages

With several adventures under your belts your party arrives at the small settlement of Goshen seeking a warm bed and full bellies. As you begin to satisfy both you hear rumors of some overdue mining Dwarves. These miners have been quite consistent about coming to town to move their gemstones to market and with recent sightings of humanoids the townspeople are concerned. Is your party ready for a well-being check?

Cover of DSR4 Valley of Dust and Fire
DSR4 Valley of Dust and Fire
96 pages

For thousands of years a great and terrible secret has lain hidden in the depths of the Sea of Silt. In the heart of this vast dust basin, an endless storm of ash and shrieking wind guards the deadliest concentration of evil and power found on the dying world of Athas - The Valley of Dust and Fire Valley of Dust and Fire more than doubles the known portions of the world of Athas. Intrepid explorers will discover new wonders and perils within the deadly Sea of Silt, from the beautiful island of Shault to the savage Mountains of the Sun. New rules for traveling the dust basin and surviving its many dangers are included. With luck and determination, a skillful and well-prepared party just might pass through the Great Ash Storm and enter the Valley of Silt and Fire. But this realm of shattered badlands and awful monsters is so deadly that only one man has ever reached the valley and returned to tell the tale. TSR 2413

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #13: The Prince of Augustana
Pathfinder Society Scenario #13: The Prince of Augustana
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–5
17 pages

When an old beggar shows up filthy and injured on the doorstep of the Augustana Pathfinder Lodge in Andoran and demands to be recognized as Andoran's one true Emperor, Venture-Captain Wallace is inclined to chase him off. But when the old beggar reveals a wayfinder and tells a tale of demons and portals to another world beneath the streets of Augustana, Wallace summons you from Absalom to investigate. Will you make it through sewers, swarms, and sanctuaries to uncover the truth or will the dangers of the Augustana underworld consume you forever?

Cover of Hex, Minotaur Lord
Hex, Minotaur Lord
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
33 pages

Minotaurs are fond of mazes, but rarely build them. Hex is an architect, engineer, and overlord all in one. A self-declared "Minotaur Lord", he is the only one of his kind known to exist. His lair is all he has, a gargantuan, ever-expanding labyrinth in which he keeps the spoils of his many conquests in youth. Now an ancient veteran, he works tirelessly to keep his hoard safe and to entice new adventurers to test themselves against his gauntlet of lethal traps. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. Hex is one of these villains, and his adventure takes up 33 pages (pg 110-143). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of Verdant Corruption
Verdant Corruption
5th Edition
Level 4
7 pages

A mysterious adventurer stumbles into an inn in the night, looking for an escort to the nearest temple. Before the night is over, he inexplicably disappears, leaving a trail of corruption leading into the nearby woods as packs of twisted forest creatures emerge to plague travellers. Pgs. 83-89

Cover of C17- 4- Temples of Darkness & Light
C17- 4- Temples of Darkness & Light
5th Edition
Level 6
47 pages

You have been sent to watch over the destruction of an ancient artifact by your liege, but arrive to find the temple sacked and the item missing. You and the other abassadors must take the famed Pick of Zander across the Kamula Wastelands. There you must track down the agents of evil and, if possible, destroy the artifact...time to earn your hero status!

Cover of DQ1.5 A Place and Time for Death
DQ1.5 A Place and Time for Death
Levels 1–3
8 pages

A Place and Time for Death is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio Digital Quarterly #1, (GK1 The Adventure Begins). Far out in the uncharted territories, the Enlightened still cling to life, but the ever encroaching presence of the xenophobic Samaya threatens the last of their hidden enclaves. Now, a bounty hunter has been dispatched to deal with the supposed Enlightened sympathizers in the border town of Hogan's Hooch, but there is more to the story than meets the eye. Unbeknownst to the citizens of the town and old relic of the Final War is the price the bounty hunter seeks. Can the party find a way to thwart the bounty hunter and deal with the relic before it falls into the hands of Samaya willing to use it to sway the balance of power in the world? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Knowledge is Power
3.5 Edition
Level 6
9 pages

A short adventure for the Midnight campaign setting from Fantasy Flight Games. Harried by pursuing Shadow forces, the adventurers take refuge in the fissures of a vast glacier. In these icy caverns they battle the risen remains of an orc tribe and make contact with a powerful potential ally.

Cover of The Leopard Men
The Leopard Men
Levels 8–10
15 pages

A deadly rumble in the jungle. The wicked Leopard Men might have loads of treasure - but no one has ever met one and lived to talk about it. The Leopard Men are a tribal cult in the jungle who worship the wicked leopard god. They stalk at night looking for suitable sacrifices to their god. A merchant asks the PCs to destroy the Leopard Men to improve his trade agreements with other jungle tribes. Their reward for doing so is all the accumulated wealth of this tribe. The party will investigate the cult by travelling through several tribal villages. The cult members are hidden in these villages, watching for future sacrifice victims. The adventure ends with a battle with the leader of the Leopard Men and a spirit of the leopard god that is summoned. Pgs. 13-27

Cover of Bitter Waters
Bitter Waters
3rd Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

Through acrid mists and bitter waters they march. They are quiet, making no sound as they leave the marshland. Spears held high, the warriors scan the fog for signs of the attacker. Every step took them further from their old lands. Every step brings them closer to the lands of their 'allies,' who had abandoned them when teh marsh turned black and foul. Every step churns up more of the poisoned water as it seeps between their scales and below the skin. So many had already died on this march, and after the attack, they had so few left... The mists part in the night. The village's light bathes them in a false welcome. The human guards are unsteady, either from poison or drink. The town celebrates the end of the trade season, but not a man raises a toast to the creatures that died for it. So many had died from the first attack of the beast and from the aftermath, but the humans would suffer for such treachery...

Cover of Waterdeep: Tavern Defense
Waterdeep: Tavern Defense
5th Edition
Level 3
14 pages

One crazy night in Waterdeep. Start as tavern bouncers. End up on the Astral Plane. All in one crazy night in Waterdeep. The party has been hired for a simple mission: make sure the Slumbering Prince tavern doesn't get wrecked during the rowdy Midsummer Festival. And what better motivation than 200gp per person for a single night of work. Sound too good to be true? Well, here's the catch: all damages to the tavern are to be deducted from that amount. And there is no shortage of festival-goers looking to unwind by wrecking other people's stuff. Over the course of the festival, the party must deal with drunken wizards, vain bards, loud goliaths, incompetent parade goers, complaining neighbours, disruptive satyrs, aspiring cultists, and a full-on tavern brawl. As well as an unusual number of strange slugs crawling around. Slowly they become aware there is something off about the Slumbering Prince. And when a reckless noble disturbs the secrets beneath the tavern, our heroes must soon delve into the hidden dungeon themselves. Down below, they discover the terrible threat: a planar rift that can only be opened on Midsummer's Eve, and the slumbering demigod that awaits beyond, the great astral slug Cthumbra!

Cover of Red Gold
Red Gold
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

On the world’s first offshore rig Captain Seaslick and his crew are drilling for dragon essence - a rare and valuable substance often called Red Gold. They’re about to be filthy rich, but not everyone’s happy for them. Dragon cultists have infiltrated the rig and are trying to steal a stash of the precious essence for their rites. In their eagerness they’ve magically sped the drill up to a perilous rate. With the rig rattling and falling apart around them, will Seaslick and his enterprising ex-pirates team up with nature worshipping tribes folk to defeat their shared enemy? And will they escape with their liquid hoard, or will the sea have her revenge for their greed?

Cover of ASE1: Anomalous Subsurface Environment
ASE1: Anomalous Subsurface Environment
Levels 1–2
87 pages

"Put those dark elves back in their box and get your gonzo on! Riches, glory, and super-science await the bold and the clever in the deep places under the ground. This module describes the dinosaur- and wizard-infested future of the Earth, the city of Denethix, and the first level of the megadungeon that beckons from below: the Anomalous Subsurface Environment." Set in a post-apocalyptic future where Earth's remains are explored through dungeons filled with ancient tech, magic, and bizarre ecosystems, inhabited by various factions with their own agendas. This setting blends sci-fi and fantasy with a touch of the absurd, offering a playground for imaginative gameplay and storytelling. The module includes a gatehouse and the first level of the Anomalous Subsurface Environment, each designed with multiple pathways. Unique twists on monsters and magic items. Written for Labyrinth Lord

Cover of Tourmaline Valley: Tritonia #1
Tourmaline Valley: Tritonia #1
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
25 pages

Get in the carriage, strike a power chord, and cast a fireball. Tritonia is the first of a three-part 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure where first level players assume the role of a touring band in a world controlled by the maligned artificer Lord Spootify. Combat rival bands and nasty monsters alike in this indie-rockified fantasy RPG module. Whether you’re in an actual touring band and looking for a game to play on the road, or just a group of D&D players looking for a fun and novel campaign -- Tritonia riffs on classic D&D adventuring and modern music culture for unique encounters and a sonically inspired quest like no other. It features: A band name generator for crafting the coolest stage moniker A band-building guide with 12 dynamic personalities. Play as unique archetypes like the Talent (the dude who shreds), De Facto Manager (who does all the work behind the scenes), and The Kid (who recently learned how to play the lyre and is just excited to be here) Background on the rich world of Tourmaline Valley. Learn about Lord Spootify, the mysterious Accelerators, and the creation of the Stream Stone 16 Rival Bands including Chaotic Neutral Milk Hotel and A Couple Two Three Directions Memorable NPCs and baddies like Hank & the Hecking Hecklers with engaging backstories and motivations Music inspired magic items including the Strings of Magic Missile Optional rules to enhance the band’s abilities and the game aesthetic Various callouts and references to modern indie music culture, bands, and the rock & roll lifestyle A good ol’ fashioned twist

Cover of Hrothgar's Resting Place
Hrothgar's Resting Place
Levels 4–7
6 pages

He wanted a scabbard - but got the shaft. If the book is to believed, there's a magical sword - completely unguarded! - ripe for the taking. This short adventure starts with the players finding a diary describing the final resting place of Hrothgar and his powerful intelligent sword. In a quest for the sword, the players investigate a small cavern system and find the sword in a gelatinous cube. Pgs. 32-37

Cover of The Loathsome Deep
The Loathsome Deep
Level 4
18 pages

In this adventure, the heroes dreamwalk into the nightmares plaguing Sylus Andropov, captain of the doomed sailing ship Wayfarer. It starts with the heroes arriving in Egertus, searching for the Clinic for the Mentally Distressed. Unfortunately, the members of the Nightmare Court don't want help to reach Dr. Illhousen. They throw a dangerous obstacle in the path of the heroes - a killer who terrorized Nova Vaasa a few years ago as the Kantora Strangler. Adventure III: The Loathsome Deep from Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands TSR 1124

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #25: The Bastards of Erebus (Council of Thieves 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #25: The Bastards of Erebus (Council of Thieves 1 of 6)
Levels 1–3
92 pages

The city of Westcrown is dying. Since being stripped of its station as the capital of Cheliax, the wealth and prestige of the city has gradually slipped away, leaving the desperate people to fend for themselves in a city beset by criminals, a corrupt nobility, and a shadowy curse. Can the PCs fight back against champions of both the law and the criminal world? This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Council of Thieves Adventure Path, and includes: - "The Bastards of Erebus," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by Sean K Reynolds - A gazetteer of Westcrown, the shadow-haunted City of Twilight, by Steven Schend - An investigation into the lives of tieflings, along with hundreds of fiendish variations, by Amber Scott - A deadly mystery of nobility and intrigue for Pathfinder Varian Jeggare and his tiefling bodyguard Radovan in a new series of the Pathfinder's Jounal, by Dave Gross - Six terrifying new monsters by Mike Ferguson, Sean K Reynolds, and F. Wesley Schneider

Cover of The Wizardarium of Calabraxis
The Wizardarium of Calabraxis
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Medium Level
17 pages

The Wizardarium of Calabraxis starts off with strangely behaving apemen, but players who start to explore the cave where they reside will soon discover there is a lot going on: ancient civilizations, the mad experiments of a forgotten wizard, and a couple unique magic items are guaranteed to provide a lot of bang for your buck to your players. This module has stats for the DCCRPG, but if one wants to work around the weird dice, this module is probably at home in just about any OSR rules system.

Cover of Goblin Heist
Goblin Heist
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
16 pages

Ever feel like you just want to snatch all the blankets and pillows you can find and hide in your own warm little nest? Goblin Heist is a chaotic Tier 1 adventure where 1-6 players take control of goblin characters on a mission to steal as many cozy things as they can from the sleepy winter village of Little Humbleton. But be wary... the town has hired an adventurer to stop you! Can you and your goblin gang survive the cold, sneak into houses, steal the cozies, and escape before daybreak all without being caught? Goblin Heist is highly replayable, and features: - A choice of four adventurers protecting the town, each adding their own difficulty and flavour to the game - Variable weather conditions - Pursuit mechanics - Randomly generated challenges - Cozies - Stuffing sweets in your face